View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering View Tender Document - e-Tendering
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74Dy.Ex.Engr.Employment offemale labourWork on SundayWork not to Sublet.Contract may berescinded andsecurity depositforfeited forsubletting itapproval or forbribing a publicofficer or ifcontractor becomesinsolvent.Sum Payable byway compensationto be considered asreasonablecompensationwithout reference toactual loss.Changes in theconstitution if firmto be notifiedDirection andcontrol of theSuperintendingEngineer.Clause 24- The employment of female labourers on worksin neighbour-hood of soldier’s barracks should be avoidedas far as possible. The contractor shall employ the labourwith the nearest employment exchange.Clause 25- No work shall be done on a Sunday without thesanction in writing of the Engineer-in-charge.Clause 26- The contract shall not be assigned or subletwithout the written approval of the Engineer- in- charge. Andif the Contractor shall assign or sublet his contract, or attemptto do so, or become insolvent or commence anyproceedings to get himself adjudicated and insolvent ormake any composition with his creditors, or attempt so to door if bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward oradvantage, pecuniary or otherwise shall either directly orindirectly be given, promised or offered by the Contractor orany of his servants or agents to any public officer of personin the employment of Government in any way relating to hisoffice or employment , or if any such officer or person shallbecome in any way directly or indirectly interested in thecontract, the Engineer – in- charge may thereupon by noticein writing rescind the contract, and the security deposit of thecontractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutelyat the disposal of Government, and the sameconsequences shall ensure as if the contract had beenrescinded under Clause 3thereof and in addition theContractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for anywork therefore actually performed under the contract.Clause 27- All sums payable by a Contractor by way ofcompensation under any of these conditions shall beconsidered as a reasonable compensation to be applied tothe use of Government without reference to the actual lossor damage sustained, and whether any damage has or hasnot been sustained.Clause 28 : In case of tender by partners , any change inthe constitution of a Firm shall be forthwith notified by theContractor to the Executive –in-charge for his information.Clause 29- All works to be executed under the contractshall be executed under the direction and subject to theapproval in all respects of the Superintending Engineer of theCircle, for the time being, who shall be entitled to direct atwhat point or points and in what manner they are to becommenced, and from time to time carried on.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

75Dy.Ex.Engr.Direction andcontrol of theSuperintendingEngineer.Clause 30 (1) – Except where otherwise specified in thecontract and subject to the powers delegated to him byGovernment under the code, rules then in the force, thedecision of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle forthe time being shall be final conclusive and binding on allparties of the contract upon all questions relating to themeaning of the specifications, designs, drawings andinstruction hereinbefore mentioned and as to the quality ofworkmanship, or materials used on the work, or as to anyother question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever, ifany way arising out of , or relating to the contract, designs,drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders, orthese conditions, or otherwise concerning the works, or theexecution, or failure to execute the same, whether arisingduring the progress of work, or after the completion orabandonment thereof.Clause 30 (2) - the Contractor may within thirty days ofreceipt by him of any order passed by the SuperintendingEngineer of the Circle as aforesaid appeal against it to theChief Engineer concerned, with the contract work or projectprovided that - (a) The accepted value of the contractexceeds Rs. 10 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs) (b) Amount ofclaim is not less than Rs.1.00 lakhs ( Rupees one lakh)Clause 30 (3) - If the Contractor is not satisfied with the orderpassed by the Chief Engineer as aforesaid, the Contractormay, within thirty days of receipt by him of any such orderappeal against it to the concerned Secretary , Public WorksDepartment/ Irrigation Department who . if convinced thatprima-facie the Contractor's claim rejected by theSuperintending Engineer/ Chief engineer is not frivolous andthat there is some substance in the claim of the Contractor aswould merit a detailed examination and decision by theStanding Committee shall put up to the Standing Committeeat Government level for suitable decision ( Vide PW CircularNo. CAT-1086-CR-110/Bldg.2, dated 7.5.1986).Stores of Europeanor Americanmanufacture to beobtained from theGovernment.Clause 31 - The Contractor shall obtain from Departmentalstores all stores and articles of European or Americanmanufacturer which may be required for the work. , or anypart thereof or in making up any articles required thereof or inconnection therewith unless he has obtained permission inwriting from the Engineer-in-charge to obtain such stores andarticles elsewhere. The value of such stores and articles asmay be supplied to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-chargewill be debited to the Contractor in his account at the ratesshown in the Schedule in Form 'A' attached to the contractSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

75Dy.Ex.Engr.Direction andcontrol of theSuperintendingEngineer.Clause 30 (1) – Except where otherwise specified in thecontract and subject to the powers delegated to him byGovernment under the code, rules then in the force, thedecision of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle forthe time being shall be final conclusive and binding on allparties of the contract upon all questions relating to themeaning of the specifications, designs, drawings andinstruction hereinbefore mentioned and as to the quality ofworkmanship, or materials used on the work, or as to anyother question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever, ifany way arising out of , or relating to the contract, designs,drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders, orthese conditions, or otherwise concerning the works, or theexecution, or failure to execute the same, whether arisingduring the progress of work, or after the completion orabandonment thereof.Clause 30 (2) - the Contractor may within thirty days ofreceipt by him of any order passed by the SuperintendingEngineer of the Circle as aforesaid appeal against it to theChief Engineer concerned, with the contract work or projectprovided that - (a) The accepted value of the contractexceeds Rs. 10 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs) (b) Amount ofclaim is not less than Rs.1.00 lakhs ( Rupees one lakh)Clause 30 (3) - If the Contractor is not satisfied with the orderpassed by the Chief Engineer as aforesaid, the Contractormay, within thirty days of receipt by him of any such orderappeal against it to the concerned Secretary , Public WorksDepartment/ Irrigation Department who . if convinced thatprima-facie the Contractor's claim rejected by theSuperintending Engineer/ Chief engineer is not frivolous andthat there is some substance in the claim of the Contractor aswould merit a detailed examination and decision by theStanding Committee shall put up to the Standing Committeeat Government level for suitable decision ( Vide PW CircularNo. CAT-1086-CR-110/Bldg.2, dated 7.5.1986).Stores of Europeanor Americanmanufacture to beobtained from theGovernment.Clause 31 - The Contractor shall obtain from Departmentalstores all stores and articles of European or Americanmanufacturer which may be required for the work. , or anypart thereof or in making up any articles required thereof or inconnection therewith unless he has obtained permission inwriting from the Engineer-in-charge to obtain such stores andarticles elsewhere. The value of such stores and articles asmay be supplied to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-chargewill be debited to the Contractor in his account at the ratesshown in the Schedule in Form 'A' attached to the contractSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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