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73Dy.Ex.Engr.i) In the case of a hoisting machine having avariable safe working load each safe workingload and the conditions under which it is applicableshall be clearly indicated.j) No part of any hoisting machine or any gearreferred to in regulation (g) above shall be loadedbeyond the safe working load except for thepurpose of testing.k) Motors, gearing, transmissions, electric wiring andother dangerous parts of hoisting appliances shall,be provided with efficient safeguards.l) Hoisting appliances shall be provided with suchmeans as will reduce to minimum and the risk ofthe accidental descent of the load.m) Adequate precaution shall be taken to reduce to aminimum the risk of any part of a suspended loadbecoming accidentally displaced.Measurement forprevention of fire.Clause 22- The Contractor shall not set fire to any standingjungle, trees, brushwood or grass without a writtenpermission from the Executive Engineer. When such permitis given, and also in the cases when destroying, cut or dugup trees, brushwood, grass etc. by fire, the Contractor shalltake necessary measures to prevent such fire spreading toor otherwise damaging surrounding property. TheContractor shall make his own arrangements for drinkingwater for the labour employed by him and provide sanitaryand other arrangement .Liability ofContractor for anydamage done in oroutside work area.Clause 23- Compensation for all damages done intentionallyor unintentionally by Contractor’s labour whether in orbeyond the limits of the Government property including anddamage caused by the spreading of fire mentioned inClause 22 shall be estimated by the Engineer-in-charge orsuch other officer as he may appoint and the estimate ofthe Engineer –in-charge subject to the decision of theSuperintending Engineer on appeal shall be final and theContractor shall be bound to pay the amount of theassessed compensation on demand, failing which the samewill be recovered from the Contractor as damage in theprescribed in Clause 1 or deducted by the Engineer-inchargefrom any sums that may be due or become due fromGovernment to Contractor under this contract or otherwise.The Contractor shall bear the expenses of defending anyaction or other legal proceedings that may be brought byany person for injury sustained by him owing to neglect ofprecautions to prevent the spread of fire and he shall payany damages and cost that may be awarded by the court inconsequence.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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