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46Dy.Ex.Engr.GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORKNAME OF WORK : IMPROVEMENTS (WINDENING) TO PAUDKOLWAN FAGNE DAM ROAD (MDR-26) KM. 3/500 TO 16/400 ( KM.12/500 TO 16/400), TALUKA MULSHI, DIST. PUNE.………Introduction :- As per 2001-2021 Road Development plan of Govt. of Maharashtra PaudKolwan Fagne Dam road is classified as MDR-26. Total length of this road in Pune District is41.200 Km. This road is very important which connects to Lonawala City, Pawana Dam andPune Mumbai ExpresswayThe work is proposed in Km. 12/500 to 15/700. Average formation width is6.50 metre and existing carriageway width is 3.75 metre in proposed length. Intensity oftraffic on this road is10694 Metric Tonne per day and Annual rainfall in this area is about 4000mm to 5000 mm.Pune.The work situated near Kolwan, Taluka Mulshi which is about 40 Km. fromScope of Work :-1.Earthwork:- Excavation for Gutters. Widening of formation width from 6.50 metre to 7.50metre in Km. 12/500 to 15/700.2.WBM:- 15 centimetre thick Granular Sub-base and 15 c.m. thick Grade II and 7.5 centimetrethick Grade III for widening of carriageway from 3.75 metre to 5.50 metre in Km. 12/500 to15/700.3 Black Topping- 75 millimetre thick Built up Spray Grout and 20 millimetre thick opengraded carpet with liquid seal coat for carriageway width 5.50 metre.4. Filling of Hard murum for preparing side shoulders.5. C.D works:- 900 milimetre diameter R.C.C. Pipe with head wall in cement concrete M 10Grade at required location6. Miscellaneous.The material required for this work is available within reasonable lead. Thewater required for this work is available within vicinity. However the contractor shall confirmthese facts before quoting his offer.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

47THE METHOD AND SEQUENCE OF EXECUTION( GENERAL GUIDELINES )Dy.Ex.Engr.1) On award of contract, the contractor shall take levels jointly with Engineer'srepresentative for existing cross sections and L sections of the road. The crosssections shall be taken at 10.00 m. interval at other and 5.00 m. interval on curves andin Ghat Section along the length of the road. Bench mark pillars shall be erected at500 m. interval before starting leveling work.2) After taking line out , contractor must excavate the gutter as per sectionattached with the tender. Minimum longitudinal slope towards natural drain shall be1:40.3) The formation widening shall be executed simultaneously as per necessity.4) After completion of gutter excavation, contractor shall take the work of C.D.Work in the excavation for head wall of C.D. work shall be completed after passing offoundation for head walls. Contractor shall construct masonry work upto sill level ofpipe and then pipe shall be laid in line and level and complete head wall constructionalongwtih catch pit.5) Work of collection for W.B.M. shall be taken in hand only after completion ofgutter and C.D. work with catch pit and completion of earth work.6) W.B.M. and B.B.M. shall be completed with 3% camber and super elevation ifrequired as per specification with schedule. B.M. shall be completed after B.B.M.7) Open graded premix carpet with liquid seal coat , road side furniture shall beexecuted as per schedule.8) The contractor will not be paid for W.B.M. gutter, C.D. works and B.T. Items ifhe has not excavated Gutters.9) The work of filling watering and compacting side shoulder as specified withavailable murum shall be done simultaneously with laying of W.B.M., B.B.M. andcarpet layers. The side shoulders shall be compacted with side slope of 5% fromcarriageway edge towards to the gutter.10) Traffic plying at design speed should not feel bump or jerk on any stretches.Contractor shall plan for all such locations well before taking up work in such stretchesand difficulties in doing so, if any, be brought to the notice of the Engineer and onlyafter his permission work proceed further.11) If there is traffic plying on the existing road, the tenderer should get him selfaccustomed with the traffic conditions before quoting for the work. Once the work isstarted sufficient care shall be taken to see that obstruction / inconvenience to traffic iskept to the bearest minimum. Sufficient number of boards as required, approved byExecutive Engineer in charge shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost atsuch a location which give sufficient warning of work in progress, special care shall beSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

47THE METHOD AND SEQUENCE OF EXECUTION( GENERAL GUIDELINES )Dy.Ex.Engr.1) On award of contract, the contractor shall take levels jointly with Engineer'srepresentative for existing cross sections and L sections of the road. The crosssections shall be taken at 10.00 m. interval at other and 5.00 m. interval on curves andin Ghat Section along the length of the road. Bench mark pillars shall be erected at500 m. interval before starting leveling work.2) After taking line out , contractor must excavate the gutter as per sectionattached with the tender. Minimum longitudinal slope towards natural drain shall be1:40.3) The formation widening shall be executed simultaneously as per necessity.4) After completion of gutter excavation, contractor shall take the work of C.D.Work in the excavation for head wall of C.D. work shall be completed after passing offoundation for head walls. Contractor shall construct masonry work upto sill level ofpipe and then pipe shall be laid in line and level and complete head wall constructionalongwtih catch pit.5) Work of collection for W.B.M. shall be taken in hand only after completion ofgutter and C.D. work with catch pit and completion of earth work.6) W.B.M. and B.B.M. shall be completed with 3% camber and super elevation ifrequired as per specification with schedule. B.M. shall be completed after B.B.M.7) Open graded premix carpet with liquid seal coat , road side furniture shall beexecuted as per schedule.8) The contractor will not be paid for W.B.M. gutter, C.D. works and B.T. Items ifhe has not excavated Gutters.9) The work of filling watering and compacting side shoulder as specified withavailable murum shall be done simultaneously with laying of W.B.M., B.B.M. andcarpet layers. The side shoulders shall be compacted with side slope of 5% fromcarriageway edge towards to the gutter.10) Traffic plying at design speed should not feel bump or jerk on any stretches.Contractor shall plan for all such locations well before taking up work in such stretchesand difficulties in doing so, if any, be brought to the notice of the Engineer and onlyafter his permission work proceed further.11) If there is traffic plying on the existing road, the tenderer should get him selfaccustomed with the traffic conditions before quoting for the work. Once the work isstarted sufficient care shall be taken to see that obstruction / inconvenience to traffic iskept to the bearest minimum. Sufficient number of boards as required, approved byExecutive Engineer in charge shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost atsuch a location which give sufficient warning of work in progress, special care shall beSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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