View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering View Tender Document - e-Tendering
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28 Dy.Ex.Engr.STATEMENT NO. 2’A’QUESTIONAIRE ON MODERN MACHINERY (OWNED OR HIRED)Proforma for information regarding machinery required for this work.(A) (I) MODERN DRUM MIX PLANT with 4 bin feeder conforming to Clause 501.3.4of M.O.S.T. Specifications, 4 th Revision, August 2001 edition must be owned/ hired bythe tenderer. ( owned or on hired basis).(II)Other Modern Machinery required for the use on this work.Question –1 :1. MECHANICAL SPRAYER.2. PAVER FINISHER with electronic sensor device.3. VIBRATORY ROLLER AND STATIC ROLLER OF 8 TO 10 TONNE /SMOOTH WHEELED POWER ROLLERIs the above machinery at Sr.No. (I) and (II) is owned by you and available with youimmediate deployment on this work ?If ‘Yes’ give following information.Type ofMachineNumberof UnitsNames ofwork onwhichdeployed atpresentLocationOutput intonnes ofmix perdayQuantity intonnes ofHot Mixbalance forexecution onwork in handRemarksAttested copy of proof of ownership of Modern Drum Mix Plant conforming to the Clause No.501.3.4 of M.O.S.T. Specification of (4 th Revision, August 2001 edition) and other requiredmachinery and proof thereof must be enclosed in Envelope No. 1.Question –2 :If answer to Question 1 is ‘No’ then the Contractor shall have to procure the same onhire from another Agency /Contractor who owns it. Legal agreement on stamp paperexecuted for hire with the Agency / Contractor who owns this machinery and also theinformation mentioned in Question-1 above shall have to be attached along with thisstatement as well as their proof of ownership of machinery ( i.e. scanned copies of invoices)as well as the scanned copy of valid certificate issued by the Assistant Chief engineer (Mech.) of Public Works Department to the effect that these machineries are in “ EfficientWorking Condition” and in conformity with M.O.S. T. Specifications.III)Scanned copy of original Valid Certificate issued by the Assistant Chief Engineer(Mech.) of Public Works Department / Region, to the effect that specialised Machineryenlisted in Statement No. 2 ‘A’ attached herewith are in “Efficient” – “Working condition”Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

29 Dy.Ex.Engr.and in conformity with M.O.S.T. Specifications, must be enclosed in Envelope No.1. inabsence of this this Certificate, Envelope No.2 will not be opened.OR( B ) In case of Contractor intends to carry out BT work with Hot Mix Plant BatchType, in lieu own drum mix plant (other machineries remaining the same).(a) Tenderer shall furnish details of Ownership in proforma 2 A.(b)(i)(ii)(iii)ORIf hot mix plant (Batch Type) is not owned by contractor at the time of tendering thenconditions for installing Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control ( minimum 80 TPHcapacity Batch Mix Type )Contractor shall install Batch type Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control of minimum80 tones per hour capacity within 75 days from the date of issue of work order.If the contractor wants to procure / purchase/hire, Hot Mix Plant with ElectronicControl of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity Batch Mix Type as mentionedabove, he should submit necessary firm purchase order placed on manufacturer ofrepute/ Legal Agreement in the format attached herewith under the Heading“Articles of Agreement” executed on appropriate stamp paper for hiring Hot MixPlant Batch Type in envelope number one.He shall give trial run on or before 75th day from the date of issue of work order.(iv) In Envelope no.1 the bidder shall submit an additional Security, of Rs. 10,00,000.00( Rupees Ten Lakh Only ) in the form of FDR drawn in the name of ExecutiveEngineer, PW (South) Division, Pune payable at pune. If Contractor fails to givetrial run of this batch mix plant on or before 75th day, from the date of issue of thesaid Work Order, his above said additional Security shall be encashed without anynotice to the contractor without considering any force majure and shall be creditedto Government revenue by the Engineer Incharge immediately on 76 th day.(v)(vi)Encashment of additional Security deposit as mentioned above shall not absolvedthe Contractor from the responsibility of installing the Batch Mix Plant which isrequired for carrying out Hot Mix Work. At the same time the above amount Rs.10,00,000/- so encashed shall not be refunded.No extension of time limit shall be granted at any level for giving trial run after 75thday from the date of issue of work order.C) Once the option of Drum mix Hot Mix plant or Batch Type Hot Mix Plant isexercised at the time of submitting the bid, it shall be mandatory to carry out thework by the same type of Hot Mix Plant..Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

29 Dy.Ex.Engr.and in conformity with M.O.S.T. Specifications, must be enclosed in Envelope No.1. inabsence of this this Certificate, Envelope No.2 will not be opened.OR( B ) In case of Contractor intends to carry out BT work with Hot Mix Plant BatchType, in lieu own drum mix plant (other machineries remaining the same).(a) <strong>Tender</strong>er shall furnish details of Ownership in proforma 2 A.(b)(i)(ii)(iii)ORIf hot mix plant (Batch Type) is not owned by contractor at the time of tendering thenconditions for installing Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control ( minimum 80 TPHcapacity Batch Mix Type )Contractor shall install Batch type Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control of minimum80 tones per hour capacity within 75 days from the date of issue of work order.If the contractor wants to procure / purchase/hire, Hot Mix Plant with ElectronicControl of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity Batch Mix Type as mentionedabove, he should submit necessary firm purchase order placed on manufacturer ofrepute/ Legal Agreement in the format attached herewith under the Heading“Articles of Agreement” executed on appropriate stamp paper for hiring Hot MixPlant Batch Type in envelope number one.He shall give trial run on or before 75th day from the date of issue of work order.(iv) In Envelope no.1 the bidder shall submit an additional Security, of Rs. 10,00,000.00( Rupees Ten Lakh Only ) in the form of FDR drawn in the name of ExecutiveEngineer, PW (South) Division, Pune payable at pune. If Contractor fails to givetrial run of this batch mix plant on or before 75th day, from the date of issue of thesaid Work Order, his above said additional Security shall be encashed without anynotice to the contractor without considering any force majure and shall be creditedto Government revenue by the Engineer Incharge immediately on 76 th day.(v)(vi)Encashment of additional Security deposit as mentioned above shall not absolvedthe Contractor from the responsibility of installing the Batch Mix Plant which isrequired for carrying out Hot Mix Work. At the same time the above amount Rs.10,00,000/- so encashed shall not be refunded.No extension of time limit shall be granted at any level for giving trial run after 75thday from the date of issue of work order.C) Once the option of Drum mix Hot Mix plant or Batch Type Hot Mix Plant isexercised at the time of submitting the bid, it shall be mandatory to carry out thework by the same type of Hot Mix Plant..Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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