View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering View Tender Document - e-Tendering
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22 Dy.Ex.Engr.within stipulated time then his earnest money deposit will be forfeited and histender will not be considered for acceptance.This additional security deposit shall be extendable up to expiry of validextensions if any and it shall be refunded along with the final bill, aftersatisfactory completion of work.7.00 DOWLOADING OF TENDER DOCUMENTInformation regarding contract as well as blank tender forms can bedownloaded from the e-tendering website upon providing the details of thepayment of cost as detailed in the N.I.T.8.0 The tenders who do not fulfill the condition of the notification and the generalrules and directions for the guidance of contractor in the agreement form or areincomplete in any respect are likely to be rejected without assigning any reasontherefore.9.0 (a) The Tenderers shall be presumed to have carefully examined thedrawings, conditions and specifications of the work and have fully acquaintedthemselves with all details of the site, the conditions of rock and its joints,pattern, river, weather characteristics, labour conditions and in general with allthe necessary information and data pertaining to the work, prior to tendering forthe work.9.1 (b) The data whatsoever supplied by the Department along with the tenderdocuments are meant to serve only as guide for the tenderers while tenderingand the Department accepts no responsibility whatsoever either for theaccuracy of data or for their comprehensiveness.10.0 The quarries for extraction of metal, murum etc. provided in the sanctionedestimate are as per survey conducted by the Department. The Contractorshould however examine these quarries and see whether full quantity ofmaterials required for execution of the work strictly as per specification areavailable in these source before quoting the rates. In case the materials are notavailable due to reasons whatsoever, the contractor will have to bring thematerials from any other source with no extra cost to Government. The ratesquoted, should therefore be for all leads and lifts from wherever the materialsare brought at site of work and inclusive of royalty to be paid to the RevenueDepartment by the Contractor.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

23 Dy.Ex.Engr.11.0 POWER OF ATTORNEY:If the tenderers are a firm or company, they should in their forwarding lettermention the names of all the partners together with the name of the person whoholds the power of Attorney, authorizing him to conduct all transactions onbehalf of the body, along with the tender.12.0 The contractor or the firms tendering for the work shall inform the Department ifthey appoint their authorized Agent on the work.13.0 No foreign exchange will be released by the Department for the purchase ofplants and machinery for the work by the Contractor.14.0 Any dues arising out of contract will be recovered from the contractor as arrearsof Land Revenue, if not paid amicably. Moreover, recovery of Governmentdues from the Contractors will be affected from the payment due to theContractor from any other Government works under execution with them.15.0 All pages of tender documents, conditions, specifications, correction slips etc.shall be initialled by the tenderer. The tender should bear full signature of thetenderer, or his authorized power of Attorney holder in case of a firm.16.0 The Income Tax at 2.00 % including surcharge or percentage in force from timeto time or at the rate as intimated by the competent Income Tax authority shallbe deducted from bill amount whether measured bill, advance payment orsecured advance.17.0 The successful tenderer will be required to produce, to the satisfaction of thespecified concerned authority a valid concurrent license issued in his favourunder the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act1970 for starting the work. On failure to do so, the acceptance of the tendershall be liable to be withdrawn and also liable for forfeiture of the earnestmoney.18.0 The tenderer shall submit the list of apprentices engaged by the Contractorunder Apprentice Act.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

22 Dy.Ex.Engr.within stipulated time then his earnest money deposit will be forfeited and histender will not be considered for acceptance.This additional security deposit shall be extendable up to expiry of validextensions if any and it shall be refunded along with the final bill, aftersatisfactory completion of work.7.00 DOWLOADING OF TENDER DOCUMENTInformation regarding contract as well as blank tender forms can bedownloaded from the e-tendering website upon providing the details of thepayment of cost as detailed in the N.I.T.8.0 The tenders who do not fulfill the condition of the notification and the generalrules and directions for the guidance of contractor in the agreement form or areincomplete in any respect are likely to be rejected without assigning any reasontherefore.9.0 (a) The <strong>Tender</strong>ers shall be presumed to have carefully examined thedrawings, conditions and specifications of the work and have fully acquaintedthemselves with all details of the site, the conditions of rock and its joints,pattern, river, weather characteristics, labour conditions and in general with allthe necessary information and data pertaining to the work, prior to tendering forthe work.9.1 (b) The data whatsoever supplied by the Department along with the tenderdocuments are meant to serve only as guide for the tenderers while tenderingand the Department accepts no responsibility whatsoever either for theaccuracy of data or for their comprehensiveness.10.0 The quarries for extraction of metal, murum etc. provided in the sanctionedestimate are as per survey conducted by the Department. The Contractorshould however examine these quarries and see whether full quantity ofmaterials required for execution of the work strictly as per specification areavailable in these source before quoting the rates. In case the materials are notavailable due to reasons whatsoever, the contractor will have to bring thematerials from any other source with no extra cost to Government. The ratesquoted, should therefore be for all leads and lifts from wherever the materialsare brought at site of work and inclusive of royalty to be paid to the RevenueDepartment by the Contractor.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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