View Tender Document - e-Tendering

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18 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.6.10 Details of work of similar type carried out by the contractor. (in Form No. III )3.6.11 Details of list of works in hand and works tendered for.(Information to be given in Performa of Form No. I)3.6.12 Details of works carried out in the Interior, Backward and Hilly Area during thepreceding 5 years (in Form No. IV) . (if applicable).3.6.13 Details of Technical Personnel on the rolls of the tenderer.(Information to be given in Performa of Form No. V)3.6.14 Scanned copy of original Registered Partnership Deed, Memorandum ofArticles of Association, if the tenderer is a Partnership Firm , Joint StockCompany and Power of Attorney and Firm Registration Certificate if any.3.6.15 Numbering should be done for all papers contained in Envelope No. 1 andindexed.3.6.16 Scanned copy of Affidavit in respect of genuineness of documents contained inthe Envelope No. 1 in the prescribed proforma provided with Tender Set.3.6.17 The tenderer will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than thetotal estimated value of works for which he has offered his bid. The availablebid capacity will be calculated as under :Assessed Available Bid Capacity = (A*N*2) –BA = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed in any one yearduring the last three years ( updated to 2012-13 level )N = Number of years prescribed for completion of works for which bid areinvited.B =Value at 2012-13 price level, of existing commitments and on going workto be completed during the next 12 months.Note : The statement showing the value of existing commitments and ongoing worksas well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listedshould be countersigned by the Engineer-in-charge, not below the rank of anExecutive Engineer.3.6.17 To qualify for award of the contract, each Tenderer in his name should havein the last three years.a) Achieved a minimum annual financial turnover during last three years( in all Classes of civil engineering construction work only) of Rs. 140.16lakhs in any one year. In support of this, scanned copy of Annual AuditReport certified by the Chartered Accountant should be produced.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

19 Dy.Ex.Engr.b) Satisfactory completed ( from start to finish) during last three years as aprime contractor of at least one similar work value not less thanRs. 56.06 lakhs in not more than one contract of 2012-13 price level.Financial turnover and cost of completed works of previous years shallbe given weightage of 10% per year based on Rupee value to bringthem to 2012-13 price level. (In Form No. 7 )c) Executed in any one year (during last three years) the followingminimum quantities of work (In Form No. 8)( Approximately 30% of tendered quantity)i) WBM : 430.00 Cubic Metreii) B.U.S.G. (75 mm. thick) : 5680.00 Square Metreiii) 20 mm. open graded carpet : 5280.00 Square Metrewith liquid seal coat(Note : Quantity certificate should be signed by not below the rank ofExecutive Engineer. Scanned copy of Certificate should be attached.)3.7 ONLINE ENVELOPE No.2 TENDER (FINANCIAL BID)The second online envelope "Envelope No.2" shall contain only themain tender including the Common Set of Conditions / Deviation issued bythe Department after the pre-tender Conference. A tender submittedwithout this would be considered as invalid.The Tenderer should quote his offer duly signed in terms of percentageof estimated rates at the appropriate place of tender documents to besubmitted only in Envelope No.2 He should not quote his offer any wheredirectly or indirectly in Envelope No. 1. The contractor shall quote for thework as per details given in the main tender and also based on thedetailed set of conditions issued / Additional stipulations made by theDepartment as informed to him by a letter from Chief Engineer /Superintending Engineer after Pre-Tender Conference. His tender shallbe unconditional.3.8 SUBMISSION OF TENDER:-Refer to Section 'Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of ElectronicTendering System of Public Works Department' for “Improvements(Windening) to Paud Kolwan Fagne Dam Road (MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), Taluka Mulshi, Dist. Pune. ”Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

18 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.6.10 Details of work of similar type carried out by the contractor. (in Form No. III )3.6.11 Details of list of works in hand and works tendered for.(Information to be given in Performa of Form No. I)3.6.12 Details of works carried out in the Interior, Backward and Hilly Area during thepreceding 5 years (in Form No. IV) . (if applicable).3.6.13 Details of Technical Personnel on the rolls of the tenderer.(Information to be given in Performa of Form No. V)3.6.14 Scanned copy of original Registered Partnership Deed, Memorandum ofArticles of Association, if the tenderer is a Partnership Firm , Joint StockCompany and Power of Attorney and Firm Registration Certificate if any.3.6.15 Numbering should be done for all papers contained in Envelope No. 1 andindexed.3.6.16 Scanned copy of Affidavit in respect of genuineness of documents contained inthe Envelope No. 1 in the prescribed proforma provided with <strong>Tender</strong> Set.3.6.17 The tenderer will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than thetotal estimated value of works for which he has offered his bid. The availablebid capacity will be calculated as under :Assessed Available Bid Capacity = (A*N*2) –BA = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed in any one yearduring the last three years ( updated to 2012-13 level )N = Number of years prescribed for completion of works for which bid areinvited.B =Value at 2012-13 price level, of existing commitments and on going workto be completed during the next 12 months.Note : The statement showing the value of existing commitments and ongoing worksas well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listedshould be countersigned by the Engineer-in-charge, not below the rank of anExecutive Engineer.3.6.17 To qualify for award of the contract, each <strong>Tender</strong>er in his name should havein the last three years.a) Achieved a minimum annual financial turnover during last three years( in all Classes of civil engineering construction work only) of Rs. 140.16lakhs in any one year. In support of this, scanned copy of Annual AuditReport certified by the Chartered Accountant should be produced.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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