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16 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.6.4 Use of Specialised Machinery(A) Scanned copy of proof of ownership of (a) MODERN DRUM MIXPLANT conforming to Clause No. 501.3.4 of M.O.R.T.& H Specifications ( 4 thRevision, August 2001 edition and as directed by Engineer-in-charge). (b)MECHANICAL SPRAYER (c) MECHANICAL PAVER FINISHER OR PAVERFINISHER with electronic sensing device as per Clause No. 503.3.5 ofM.O.R.T.& H Specifications ( 4 th Revision, August 2001 edition) (d)VIBRATORY ROLLER AND POWER ROLLER of 8 to 10 Tones capacitymentioned in Proforma “ 2A” attached herewith, shall be enclosed.ORIn case the tenderer intends to hire the machinery which is required for thiswork, Scanned copy of Legal Agreement in the format attached herewith underthe Heading “Articles of Agreement” executed on appropriate stamp paper forprocuring (a) MODERN DRUM MIX PLANT (b) MECHANICAL SPRAYER (c)MECHANICAL PAVER FINISHER OR PAVER FINISHER with electronicsensing device (d) VIBRATORY ROLLER AND POWER ROLLER of 8 to 10Tones capacity conforming to Clause No. 501.3.4 of M.O.R.T.& HSpecifications ( 4 th Revision, August 2001 edition) on hire from another agency,who owns this machinery if the contractor does not own himself this machinery.(Scanned copy of proof of ownership i.e. invoices, shall have to be attachedalong with the legal agreement for hiring.)OR( B ) In case of Contractor intends to carry out BT work with Hot Mix PlantBatch Type, in lieu own drum mix plant (other machineries remaining thesame).a) <strong>Tender</strong>er shall furnish details of Ownership in proforma 2 A.OR(b) If hot mix plant (Batch Type) is not owned by contractor at the time oftendering then conditions for installing Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control( minimum 80 TPH capacity Batch Mix Type )(I)(II)Contractor shall install Batch type Hot Mix Plant with ElectronicControl of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity within 75 days fromthe date of issue of work order.If the contractor wants to procure / purchase/hire, Hot Mix Plant withElectronic Control of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity Batch MixType as mentioned above, he should submit necessary firm purchaseorder placed on manufacturer of repute/ Legal Agreement in theformat attached herewith under the Heading “Articles of Agreement”executed on appropriate stamp paper for hiring Hot Mix Plant BatchType in envelope number one.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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