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136Dy.Ex. Engr.2. The contractor has to ensure that the temperature of hot mix materialand its ingredients is within the specified range as per MOST specification atthe time of before mixing, during mixing and laying.3 Clause No. 901 of Ministry's Specifications (4th Revision, 2001)a) The responsibility for the quality of the entire construction work is on theContractor. For this purpose he is required to have his own independent andadequate setup.b) The Engineer for satisfying himself about the quality of the material andwork will also have tests conducted by quality control units or by any otheragency, generally to the frequency set out in the specifications. For test to bedone by the Engineer, the Contractor is to render all necessary co-operationand assistance including the provision of labour assistance in packing anddispatching samples etc.c) For the work of embankment, sub-grade and pavement , construction ofsubsequent layer of the same or other material over the finished layer shall bedone only after obtaining approval from the Engineer.d) The Contractor shall be responsible for rectifying / replacing any workfalling short of quality requirements as directed by the Engineer.4. CLAUSES IN THE CONDITION OF CONTRACTa) All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective type describedin the contract and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and shall besubjected from time to time to such tests as the Engineer may direct at theplace of manufacture or fabrication, or on the site. All samples shall be suppliedby the Contractor.b) No work is to be covered up or put out of view without the approval ofthe Engineer for his examination and measurements.c) During the progress of the works, the engineer shall have the power toorder the removal from the site of any unsuitable material, substitution or propersuitable material and the removal and proper re-erection notwithstanding anyprevious test or interim payment therefore, and of any work which is in respectof materials or workmanship is not, in the opinion of the Engineer in accordancewith the contract.41 GUIDELINES ON QUALITY CONTROL OPERATIONS:The onus of achieving quality of work will be on the Contractor who will takeactions as stipulated in Section 900 of Ministry's Specifications for Road andSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

137Bridge Works, 4th Revision, August, 2001 edition.Dy.Ex. Engr.43. CONTRACTOR'S FACILITIESAccording to the contract ( see para1.3 above) , the Contractor is responsiblefor the quality of the entire construction work, and for this purpose he isrequired to have his own independent and adequate set up. To meet thisrequirement:-a) The Contractor shall set up his own laboratory at locations(s) approvedby the Engineer. The laboratory shall be equipped with modern and efficientequipment with sufficient standbys suitable to carry out the tests prescribed fordifferent materials and work according to the specifications. The list ofequipments to be procured and the facilities to be provided shall be gotapproved by the Engineer. The equipment shall be maintained in a workablecondition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.b) Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with relevantstandards of BIS (previously called lSI) or IRC. Frequency of testing shall be aslaid down in the Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge Work, 4thRevision, 2001. In the absence of relevant Indian Standards, sampling andtesting procedures shall be as approved by the Engineer.c) The laboratory should be manned by a qualified Materials Engineerassisted by Materials Inspector / Technicians, and the set up should be gotapproved by the Engineer.d) The Contractor should prepare printed proforma for according readingsand results of each type of test, after getting the formats of the performanceapproved from the Engineer. He should keep a daily record of all the testsconducted by him. Two copies of the test results should be submitted to theEngineer for his examination and approval, of which one copy will be returnedto the Contractor for being kept at site of work.e) The Material Engineer of the Contractor should keep close liaison withthe Quality Control Unit of the Engineer and keep the later informed of thesampling and testing programme so that the Engineer's representative could bepresent during this activity, if considered necessary.44. DAY-TO-DAY QUALITY CONTROL OPERATIONS:The day-to-day controls to be exercised by the Contractor and the Engineer areenumerated in the below paragraphs :-45. BITUMINOUS CONSTRUCTION - GENERAL:a) Manufacturer's test certificate for quality of bitumen will be acceptable tothe Engineer. However, where the quality is in doubt, the Engineer may call fortests to be conducted by the Contractor for verification.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

137Bridge Works, 4th Revision, August, 2001 edition.Dy.Ex. Engr.43. CONTRACTOR'S FACILITIESAccording to the contract ( see para1.3 above) , the Contractor is responsiblefor the quality of the entire construction work, and for this purpose he isrequired to have his own independent and adequate set up. To meet thisrequirement:-a) The Contractor shall set up his own laboratory at locations(s) approvedby the Engineer. The laboratory shall be equipped with modern and efficientequipment with sufficient standbys suitable to carry out the tests prescribed fordifferent materials and work according to the specifications. The list ofequipments to be procured and the facilities to be provided shall be gotapproved by the Engineer. The equipment shall be maintained in a workablecondition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.b) Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with relevantstandards of BIS (previously called lSI) or IRC. Frequency of testing shall be aslaid down in the Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge Work, 4thRevision, 2001. In the absence of relevant Indian Standards, sampling andtesting procedures shall be as approved by the Engineer.c) The laboratory should be manned by a qualified Materials Engineerassisted by Materials Inspector / Technicians, and the set up should be gotapproved by the Engineer.d) The Contractor should prepare printed proforma for according readingsand results of each type of test, after getting the formats of the performanceapproved from the Engineer. He should keep a daily record of all the testsconducted by him. Two copies of the test results should be submitted to theEngineer for his examination and approval, of which one copy will be returnedto the Contractor for being kept at site of work.e) The Material Engineer of the Contractor should keep close liaison withthe Quality Control Unit of the Engineer and keep the later informed of thesampling and testing programme so that the Engineer's representative could bepresent during this activity, if considered necessary.44. DAY-TO-DAY QUALITY CONTROL OPERATIONS:The day-to-day controls to be exercised by the Contractor and the Engineer areenumerated in the below paragraphs :-45. BITUMINOUS CONSTRUCTION - GENERAL:a) Manufacturer's test certificate for quality of bitumen will be acceptable tothe Engineer. However, where the quality is in doubt, the Engineer may call fortests to be conducted by the Contractor for verification.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

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