View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering View Tender Document - e-Tendering
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13029. PAYMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS :-Dy.Ex. Engr.29.1 PAYMENT:The contractor must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completedwork and include all costs due to labour, scaffolding, plant, machinery,supervision, power, Royalties, octroi, taxes etc. And should also include allexpenses to cover the cost of night work if and when required and no claim foradditional payment beyond the prices or rates quoted will be entertained.The mode of measurements has been indicated in the specification and in theschedule of payments, if there is any ambiguity or doubt in this respect thedecision of Superintending Engineer will be final.29.2 Two payments in a month will be granted by the Engineer-in-charge forconstruction of Bridge, if the progress is satisfactory, and shall be made as per,accepted payment schedule.29.3 Ground levels will be taken by the usual method and by Departmentalstaff in presence of contractor's representative. Required labour etc. for thisshall be supplied by the contractor, in case of slushy portion, the ground levelsshall be taken by erecting the leveling staff on wooden plank ( 0.5 x 0.5metre,2.5 cm. thick) without claiming extra for cost of plank or by any other mutuallyagreed method.29.4 Contractor can have copies of the measurements and of the bills paid tohim at his own cost and his own responsibility.30.0 MAINTENANCE (Roads)30 (i) The Contractor shall maintain the finished surface of the road for aperiod mentioned in Clause No. 20 after the completion of work without anyextra cost to Government irrespective of the designs, standards andspecifications and the actual traffic etc. The Contractor shall get the pot holesfilled up with asphalt mix materials and keep the road surface in good conditionthroughout the year. 5% amount of the total work done shall be recoveredfrom running account bills and shall be withheld for period mentioned in ClauseNo. 20 from the date of actual completion of work as maintenance charges ofmaintaining and keeping the road in good condition. This 5% amount withheldtowards maintenance charges shall be allowed to be replaced with bankguarantee or other recognised forms at intermediate stage, if so desired inwriting. This maintenance charges shall be in addition to security deposit.30 (ii) On completion of the work in all respects, necessary certificate will beissued by the concerned Executive Engineer and the defects liability period willbe counted from the date of issue of such certificates.30 (iii) It will be responsibility of the contracting Agency to maintain total roadlength under work portion of this contract Agreement in good condition from thedate of issue of work orders, till completion of defect liability period as perSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

131Dy.Ex. Engr.Clause 20 and this shall be treated as part of total scope of this contractAgreement. In case the contractor fails to maintain road length properlyincluding rectification of the defects pointed out by the department within aperiod of 7 days from the date of written notice by the Engineer-in-chargerectification / repairs to such defects will be carried out by the department atcontractor’s risk and cost. The expenditure incurred on such rectification workshall be recovered from the amount withheld as per Clause 30(i) / 30 (ii) forBuilding / Roads respectively.30 (iv) All damages during execution shall be made good by theContractor at his cost. He will be responsible for any damages to the roadsurface including B.T. surface in rainy seasons and during construction andguaranteed maintenance period and no separate payment will be made forrestoring such damages."Any defects noticed in finished black topped surface such as pot holes,damages etc. within a period mentioned in Clause 20, after completion of work( including Monsoon) will have to be repaired by the Contractor at his owncost."30 (v) Defective work is liable to be rejected at any stage. TheContractor on no account can refuse to rectify the defects merely on reasonsthat further work has been carried out. No extra payment shall be made forsuch rectification.31. FINAL BILL:31.1 The contractor should submit final bill within one month after completionof the work and the same will be paid within 5 months if it is in order. Disputeditems and claims, if any shall be excluded from the bill and settled separatelylater on.31.2 Bills for extra work or for any claim shall be paid separately apart fromthe interim bills for the main work. The payment of bills for the main work shallnot be withheld for want of decision on the extras or claims not covered in thestipulations of the contact.31.3 Claims for extra work shall be registered within 30 days of occurrence ofthe event. However, bills for these claims including supporting data, detailsmay be submitted subsequently at his own cost.32. PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS: -32.1 The Contractor if necessary construct temporary roads and maintainthese in proper condition till the completion of the work at his own cost. Ifnecessary, he shall also, at his own expenses make necessary arrangementsfor acquisition of land required by him in connection with the execution of thework.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

13029. PAYMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS :-Dy.Ex. Engr.29.1 PAYMENT:The contractor must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completedwork and include all costs due to labour, scaffolding, plant, machinery,supervision, power, Royalties, octroi, taxes etc. And should also include allexpenses to cover the cost of night work if and when required and no claim foradditional payment beyond the prices or rates quoted will be entertained.The mode of measurements has been indicated in the specification and in theschedule of payments, if there is any ambiguity or doubt in this respect thedecision of Superintending Engineer will be final.29.2 Two payments in a month will be granted by the Engineer-in-charge forconstruction of Bridge, if the progress is satisfactory, and shall be made as per,accepted payment schedule.29.3 Ground levels will be taken by the usual method and by Departmentalstaff in presence of contractor's representative. Required labour etc. for thisshall be supplied by the contractor, in case of slushy portion, the ground levelsshall be taken by erecting the leveling staff on wooden plank ( 0.5 x 0.5metre,2.5 cm. thick) without claiming extra for cost of plank or by any other mutuallyagreed method.29.4 Contractor can have copies of the measurements and of the bills paid tohim at his own cost and his own responsibility.30.0 MAINTENANCE (Roads)30 (i) The Contractor shall maintain the finished surface of the road for aperiod mentioned in Clause No. 20 after the completion of work without anyextra cost to Government irrespective of the designs, standards andspecifications and the actual traffic etc. The Contractor shall get the pot holesfilled up with asphalt mix materials and keep the road surface in good conditionthroughout the year. 5% amount of the total work done shall be recoveredfrom running account bills and shall be withheld for period mentioned in ClauseNo. 20 from the date of actual completion of work as maintenance charges ofmaintaining and keeping the road in good condition. This 5% amount withheldtowards maintenance charges shall be allowed to be replaced with bankguarantee or other recognised forms at intermediate stage, if so desired inwriting. This maintenance charges shall be in addition to security deposit.30 (ii) On completion of the work in all respects, necessary certificate will beissued by the concerned Executive Engineer and the defects liability period willbe counted from the date of issue of such certificates.30 (iii) It will be responsibility of the contracting Agency to maintain total roadlength under work portion of this contract Agreement in good condition from thedate of issue of work orders, till completion of defect liability period as perSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

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