View Tender Document - e-Tendering

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96be known) under whose control the work lies for the time being,Dy.Ex. Engr.(d) The expression "Engineer" or "Engineer-in-charge" as used in the tenderpapers shall mean the Executive Engineer in charge of the work for the time being.(e) The expression "Contractor" used in the tender papers shall mean thesuccessful tenderer whose tender has been accepted, and who has been authorizedto proceed with the work. The contractor shall / may be the individual or firm orcompany whether incorporated or not, undertaking the work and shall include legalrepresentatives of such an individual or person comprising such firm or company asthe case may be and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company.(f) The expression "Contract" as used in tender papers shall mean the deed ofcontract together with its original accompaniment and those later incorporated in it bymutual consent. The contract shall mean the notice offender the sealed quotation andthe tender documents including the tender and acceptance thereof together with thedocuments referred to therein and the accepted conditions, specifications, designs,drawings, priced schedule / bill of quantities and schedule of rates. All thesedocuments taken together shall be deemed to form one contract and shall becomplementary to one other.(g) The expression "Plant" as used in the tender papers shall mean everymachinery, necessary or considered necessary by the Engineer to execute, construct,complete and maintain the works and used in. altered, modified, substituted andadditional work ordered in the time and the manner herein provided and all temporarymaterials and special and other articles of appliances of every sort, kind anddescription whatsoever intended or used thereof.(h) "Drawing" shall mean the drawings referred to in the specifications and anymodifications of such drawings approved in writing by Engineer and such otherdrawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by theEngineer.(i) "Engineer's representative" shall mean an assistant of the Engineer notified inwriting to the contractor by the Engineer.(j) "Provision sum" or "Provisional lump-sum" shall mean a lump sum included byGovernment in tender documents and shall represent the estimated value of work forwhich details are not available at the time of issue of tender.(k) "Provisional items" shall mean items for which approximate quantities havebeen included in the tender documents.(I) The "Site" shall mean the Sands and / or other places, on, under, in or throughwhich the work is to be executed under the contract including any other lands orplaces which may be allotted by Government or used for the purpose of contract.(m)The "Work" shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with theSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

97Dy.Ex. Engr.Contract or part (s) thereof as the case may be and shall include all extra, additional,altered or substituted works as required for performance of the Contract.The "Contract Sum" shall mean the sum for which the tender is accepted.0) The "Accepting authority" shall mean the officer competent to accept thetender. The "Accepting Authority" shall mean the Superintending Engineer, PublicWorks Circle, Pune.P) The "Day" shall means a day of 24 hours from midnight to midnight irrespectiveof the number of hours worked in any day in that week.Q) "Temporary Works" shall means all temporary works of every kind required inor about the execution completion or maintenance of the work.R) "Urgent Works" shall means any measure which in the opinion of the Engineer-In-charge become necessary during the progress of the works to obviate any risk oraccident or failure or which become necessary for security of the work or the personsworking thereon.S) A "Week" shall means seven consecutive days without regards to the numberof hours worked on any day in that week.T) "Excepted Risks" are risks to riots (other wise than among contractorsemployees) and civil commotions (in so far as both these are uninsurable) war(whether declared or not) invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war,rebellion, revolution, insurrection, lightening and unprecedented floods over which thecontractor has no control and accepted as such by the accepting authority. Where thecontext so requires, words importing the singular number only also include the pluralnumber and vice-versa.Heading and Marginal notes if any to the general condition shall not be deemed toform par thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or constructionthereof the contract.Wherever, there is mention of "Schedule of Rates" of the division or simply D.S.R. ofschedule rates in this tender, it will be taken to mean as "The schedule of rate of theDivision in whose jurisdiction the work lies"4. ERRORS, OMISSION AND DISCREPANCIES:(a) In case of errors, omissions and / or disagreement between written andscaled dimensions on the drawing or between drawings and specifications etc. Thefollowing order of preference shall apply.i) Between actual scaled and written dimensions or descriptions on adrawing the latter shall be adopted.ii) Between the written or shown description of dimensions in the drawingand corresponding one in the specifications, the latter shall apply.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

96be known) under whose control the work lies for the time being,Dy.Ex. Engr.(d) The expression "Engineer" or "Engineer-in-charge" as used in the tenderpapers shall mean the Executive Engineer in charge of the work for the time being.(e) The expression "Contractor" used in the tender papers shall mean thesuccessful tenderer whose tender has been accepted, and who has been authorizedto proceed with the work. The contractor shall / may be the individual or firm orcompany whether incorporated or not, undertaking the work and shall include legalrepresentatives of such an individual or person comprising such firm or company asthe case may be and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company.(f) The expression "Contract" as used in tender papers shall mean the deed ofcontract together with its original accompaniment and those later incorporated in it bymutual consent. The contract shall mean the notice offender the sealed quotation andthe tender documents including the tender and acceptance thereof together with thedocuments referred to therein and the accepted conditions, specifications, designs,drawings, priced schedule / bill of quantities and schedule of rates. All thesedocuments taken together shall be deemed to form one contract and shall becomplementary to one other.(g) The expression "Plant" as used in the tender papers shall mean everymachinery, necessary or considered necessary by the Engineer to execute, construct,complete and maintain the works and used in. altered, modified, substituted andadditional work ordered in the time and the manner herein provided and all temporarymaterials and special and other articles of appliances of every sort, kind anddescription whatsoever intended or used thereof.(h) "Drawing" shall mean the drawings referred to in the specifications and anymodifications of such drawings approved in writing by Engineer and such otherdrawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by theEngineer.(i) "Engineer's representative" shall mean an assistant of the Engineer notified inwriting to the contractor by the Engineer.(j) "Provision sum" or "Provisional lump-sum" shall mean a lump sum included byGovernment in tender documents and shall represent the estimated value of work forwhich details are not available at the time of issue of tender.(k) "Provisional items" shall mean items for which approximate quantities havebeen included in the tender documents.(I) The "Site" shall mean the Sands and / or other places, on, under, in or throughwhich the work is to be executed under the contract including any other lands orplaces which may be allotted by Government or used for the purpose of contract.(m)The "Work" shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with theSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

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