View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering View Tender Document - e-Tendering
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94Dy.Ex. Engr.ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSI N D E XSr.No. Description Page No.1. 2. 3. 4.1. General2. Contractor to study site conditions3. Declaration of Contractor4. Indemnity5. Definitions6. Errors , omissions and discrepancies7. Working methods and progress schedule8. Agent and work order book9. Setting out10. Leveling instrument11. Authority of representative of Engineer-in-charge12. Co-ordination13. Assistance in procuring priorities/ permits etc.14. Quarries15. Collection of materials16. Site office17. Treasure-Trove18. Patented Device19. Explosives20. Damages by flood for accident21. Police Protection22. Traffic regulations23. Inspection and supervision24. Initial measurements25. Samples and testing of materials26. Change in cement contents etc.27. Cement concrete / Form work for concrete28. Miscellaneous29. Medical and sanitary arrangement for labour30. Safety Code31. Scope of rates for different items of works32. Payments33. Handing over of work34. Claims35. Maintenance36. Submission of measurements & working drawing37. Technical Completion Report38. Quality assurance and maintenance39 PhotographsSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

95ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSDy.Ex. Engr.Note: - These are to apply as additional specifications and conditions unless alreadyprovided for contradictorily elsewhere in this contract.MORTH Specification for Road and Bridges Work latest edition with allamendments) :MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001) shall form part of the contractdocuments and the contractors shall be legally bound to the various provisions madetherein unless and otherwise specifically relaxed or waived wholly or partly by anyspecial clauses in the contract documents.1.0 CONTRACTOR TO INFORM HIMSELF FULLY:The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and siteconditions including labour, the general and the special conditions, specifications,schedules and drawings and shall be deemed to have visited the site of the work andto have fully informed himself regarding the local conditions and carried out his owninvestigation to arrive at rates quoted in the tender. In this regard, he will be givennecessary information to the best of knowledge of Department but without anyguarantee about it. If he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portions ofthese general conditions or the special conditions, or the scope of work or thespecifications and drawings or any other matter concerning the contract, he shall ingood time., before submitting his tender, set forth the particulars thereof and submitthem to the Executive Engineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune in writing inorder that such doubts may be clarified authoritatively before tendering. Once a tenderis submitted, the matter will be decided according to tender conditions in the absenceof such authentic pre-clarification.2. INDEMNITY:The contractor shall indemnify the Government against all actions, suits, claims anddemands brought or made against him in respect of anything done or committed to bedone by the contractor in execution of or in connection with the work of this contractand against any loss or damage to the Government in consequence of any action orsuit being brought against the Contractor for anything done or committed to be done inthe execution of the works of this contract.3. DEFINITIONS:Unless excluded by or repugnant to the context,(a) The expression" Government "as used in the tender papers shall mean thePublic Works, Irrigation and Housing Department of the Government of Maharashtra.(b) The expression "Chief Engineer" as used anywhere in the tender papers shallmean Chief Engineer or the Government of Maharashtra who is designated as such.(c) The expression "Superintending Engineer" as used in the tender papers shallmean an officer of Super intending Engineer's rank (by whatever designation he maySignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

95ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSDy.Ex. Engr.Note: - These are to apply as additional specifications and conditions unless alreadyprovided for contradictorily elsewhere in this contract.MORTH Specification for Road and Bridges Work latest edition with allamendments) :MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001) shall form part of the contractdocuments and the contractors shall be legally bound to the various provisions madetherein unless and otherwise specifically relaxed or waived wholly or partly by anyspecial clauses in the contract documents.1.0 CONTRACTOR TO INFORM HIMSELF FULLY:The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and siteconditions including labour, the general and the special conditions, specifications,schedules and drawings and shall be deemed to have visited the site of the work andto have fully informed himself regarding the local conditions and carried out his owninvestigation to arrive at rates quoted in the tender. In this regard, he will be givennecessary information to the best of knowledge of Department but without anyguarantee about it. If he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portions ofthese general conditions or the special conditions, or the scope of work or thespecifications and drawings or any other matter concerning the contract, he shall ingood time., before submitting his tender, set forth the particulars thereof and submitthem to the Executive Engineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune in writing inorder that such doubts may be clarified authoritatively before tendering. Once a tenderis submitted, the matter will be decided according to tender conditions in the absenceof such authentic pre-clarification.2. INDEMNITY:The contractor shall indemnify the Government against all actions, suits, claims anddemands brought or made against him in respect of anything done or committed to bedone by the contractor in execution of or in connection with the work of this contractand against any loss or damage to the Government in consequence of any action orsuit being brought against the Contractor for anything done or committed to be done inthe execution of the works of this contract.3. DEFINITIONS:Unless excluded by or repugnant to the context,(a) The expression" Government "as used in the tender papers shall mean thePublic Works, Irrigation and Housing Department of the Government of Maharashtra.(b) The expression "Chief Engineer" as used anywhere in the tender papers shallmean Chief Engineer or the Government of Maharashtra who is designated as such.(c) The expression "Superintending Engineer" as used in the tender papers shallmean an officer of Super intending Engineer's rank (by whatever designation he maySignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

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