View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering


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PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTPUBLIC WORKS REGION, PUNEPUBLIC WORKS CIRCLE, PUNEPUBLIC WORKS (SOUTH) DIVISION, PUNEFOR THE WORK OFB-1 TENDER PAPERS(e-tender)IMPROVEMENTS (WINDENING) TO PAUD KOLWAN FAGNE DAMROAD (MDR-26) KM. 3/500 TO 16/400 ( KM. 12/500 TO 16/400),TALUKA MULSHI, DIST. PUNEEstimated Amount : Rs. 1,86,89,164/-Security Deposit : Rs. 7,47,600/-Earnest Money : Rs. 1,40,200/-<strong>Tender</strong> Notice No. 4/ 7 (e-tender)2013-2014

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GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRAPublic Works (South) Division, Pune - 411 001Phone No. 020/26121765E-TENDER NOTICE NO. 4 FOR 2013-2014.Sealed online B-1 tenders for the following work are invited by the Executive Engineer, PublicWorks(South) Division, Pune - 411 001 (Telephone No. 26121765) from the contractors Registered withGovernment of Maharashtra Public Work Department in appropriate class.NO. Name of Work EstimatedCost Rs.1 Construction of Singapur MohariApproach road (VR-34) Km 7/600to 10/00 Tal- Velhe, Dist- Pune2 S.R. to Mahad Madheghat VelheNasarapur road (SH-106) km 0/00to 2/00 , 8/300 to 10/300, 24/00 to28/00 and 45/00 to 47/00 Tal-Velhe, Dist- Pune3 S.R. to Mahad Madheghat VelheNasarapur road (SH-106) km4/500 to 7/500 and 12/500 to15/00 Tal- Velhe, Dist- Pune4 S.R. to Alandi Markal LonikandKesnand Theur road (S.H.-58)km 40/00 to 45/00 Tal- Haveli,Dist- Pune5 S.T.B.T. to Mahad Pandharpurroad (SH-15) km 25/00 to 30/00and km 70/500 to 72/860 Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune6 Improvements to Kalas LohgaonWagholi Road (S.H.68) Km.8/800to 10/00 and Km.12/00 to 14/00,Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune.7 Improvements (Widening) to PaudKolwan Fagane Dam road (MDR-26) km 3/500 to 16/400 (km12/500 to 16/400) Tal- Mulashi,Dist- Pune8 S.R. to Pune Paud Mulashi Koladroad (M.S.H.5) 38/00 to 39/00 ,43/500 to 45/00, 72/00 to 73/100,75/400 to 75/800, 76/800 to 77/00and 77/600 to 79/00 ( km 43/500to 45/00 & 76/800 to 77/200) Tal-Mulashi, Dist- Pune9 Improvements to MhalungeNande Chande Mulkhed Road(MDR-122) Tal- Mulashi, Dist-Pune10 Improvements to Khed ShivapurGarade Kodit road )MDR-36) km24/00 to 26/00 and 36/400 to37/900 and Construction ofslabdrain at km 37/400 Tal-Purandhar, dist- PuneEarnestMoney Rs.Time limitforCompletion15416485/- 115700/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)21969340/- 150000/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)13800246/- 103600/- 9 Months(IncludingMonsoon)14169773/- 106300/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)13507859/- 101400/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)16165687/- 121300/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)18689164/- 140200/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)12536680/- 100000/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)17279113/- 130000/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)11856251/- 100000/- 12 Months(IncludingMonsoon)Cost of e-tenderForm Fee Rs.5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)10000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)5000/-(Non- Refundable)(Only for DemandDraft)Class ofContra-ctorClass 3 andAboveClass 4 andAboveClass 4 andAboveClass 4 andAboveClass 4 andAboveClass 3 andAboveClass 3 andAboveClass 4 andAboveClass 3 andAboveClass 4 andAbove

e-tender time table1 Download Period of online <strong>Tender</strong> Dt. 15/07/2013 at 10.00 am. to2 Last date and time for online raising of technicalpoints for clarification (Pre-bid Meeting)Dt. 08/08/2013 at 17.30 p.m.Work Sr. No.1 to 9 Online or in the office of the ChiefEngineer, P.W. Region,Pune-1, Central Building, Puneon or before Dt. 01/08/2013 up to 11.00 p.m. Work Sr.No. 10 online or Superintending Engineer, P.W.Circle,Pune on or before Dt. 01/08/2013 up to 15.00 hrs3 Submit Hash to Create online <strong>Tender</strong> by Contractor Dt.12/08/2013 at 17.30 p.m.(Technical and financial Bid Last date and time)4 Period for online Super Hash generation Dt. 12/08/2013 at 17.31 to Dt.13/08/2013 Upto 17.30Hrs5 Period of online Decryption and Re-encryption fortender details by Contractor.Dt. 13/08/2013 at 17.31 pm. toDt. 16/08/2013 at 17.00 p.m.6 Date and place for submission of Earnest Money in Dt.17/08/2013at 17.30 p.m.in the office ofform of F.D.R. or attested Exemption Certificate Superintending Engineer, P.W. Circle, Centralcopy and D.D. of <strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee in original inSealed Envelope.Building, Pune. And in the office of E.E.P.W.(South)Division Pune-17 Place, Date and timing of opening Technical-bidand Financial bid.Dt. 19/08/2013 at 15.00 pm. to Dt. 23/08/2013 at18.00 p.m. in the office of Superintending Engineer,P.W. Circle, Pune. (If Possible)Note :-1. All eligible/interested contractors are download and mandated to get enrolled on e-tendering portal"http://maharashtra.etenders.in" and further need to empaneled online on sup portal"http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in" in the appropriate category applicable to them.2. The process of online tenders Quarries and Digital certificate contact mention below address :-Sify Technotigies Ltd. Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. On 020-25315555/ 25315556 (Pune)3. It is mandatory to submit all tender papers on line further the Earnest Money Deposit Receipt / EarnestMoney Exemption Certificate, demand draft for the purchase of blank tender paper , shall be physicallysubmitted ( Keeping his identity confidential ) to the address , date and within the stipulated time asspecified above.4. Other term and condition Displayed in online e-tender forms. Right to reject any or all online bid of workwithout assigning any reasons there of is reserved.5. Above <strong>Tender</strong> Notice is displayed on P.W.D. website “www.mahapwd.com”Executive Engineer,Public Work (South) Division,Pune 1.

I N D E XName Of Work :Improvements (Windening) to Paud Kolwan Fagne Dam Road(MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to 16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), TalukaMulshi, Dist. PuneSr.No. Description Page Nos.From TO1 Disclaimer 1 12 i) Brief / Detailed <strong>Tender</strong> Notice, Earnest Money etc. 2 73i) E- <strong>Tender</strong>ing Procedures 8 41ii) Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond 42 43iii) Declaration of Contractor 44 444 General Description and Scope of work 45 455 The Method and Sequence of execution 46 476 Printed 'B-1' Agreement Form 48 837 Schedule 'A' 84 848 Additional Conditions for Materials 85 889 Price Variation Clause 89 9210 i) Additional General Conditions and Specifications93 149ii)11 Schedule 'B'Additional Special Conditions For HotmixAsphaltic Works12 Detailed Itemwise Specifications13 Registers to be maintained150 162163 176177 17914 Drawings 180 184Issued to : ____________________________ Registered in Class :_____________________________ Valid upto :D.R. No. :On dated ______________________ Dated :Divisional Accounts Officer (Grade-I)

1 Dy.Ex.Engr.D I S C L A I M E R1. Detailed Time Table for the various activities to be performed in e-tenderingprocess by the <strong>Tender</strong>er for quoting their offer is given in this <strong>Tender</strong><strong>Document</strong> under “<strong>Tender</strong> Schedule”. Contractor should carefully note downthe cut-off dates for the carrying out each e-tendering process / activity.2. Every effort is being made to keep the Website upto date and running smoothly24 x 7 by the Government and the Service Provider. However, Governmenttakes no responsibility, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarilyunavailable due to any technical issue at any point of time.3. In that event Public Works Department will not be liable or responsible for anydamages or expenses arising from any difficulty, error, imperfection orinaccuracy with this Website. It includes all associated services, or due tosuch unavailability of the Website or any part thereof or any contents or anyassociated services.4. <strong>Tender</strong>ers must follow the time table of e-tendering process and get theiractivities of e-tendering processes done well in advance so as to avoid anyinconvenience due to unforeseen technical problem if any.5. Public Works Department will not be responsible for any incomplete activity ofe-tendering process of the tenderer due to technical error/ failure of websiteand it cannot be challenged by way of appeal, arbitration and in the Court ofLaw. Contractors must get done all the e-tendering activities well inadvance.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

2 Dy.Ex.Engr.GOVERNMENT OF MAHARSHTRAPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTOrigianl Agreement No. : B-1/Name of Work : Improvements (Windening) to Paud KolwanFagne Dam Road (MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), Taluka Mulshi,Dist. Pune.Name of Contractor :Number & Date of WorkOrder:Amount put to <strong>Tender</strong> : 1,86,89,164/-Percentage quotes :Amount of Contract :Date of Commencement :Time stipulated forcompletion of workDate of completion as perAgreement: 12 (Twelve) months including monsoon.:Actual date of completion :Reference to sanction of<strong>Tender</strong>.:Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

3 Dy.Ex.Engr.DETAILS OF WORKName of Work : Improvements (Windening) to Paud Kolwan Fagne Dam Road(MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to 16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), TalukaMulshi, Dist. Pune.Estimated cost of work : Rs. 1,86,89,164=00Earnest Money : Rs. 1,40,200/- ( Rs. One lakhforty thousand two hundred only).Term Deposit Receipt of Schedule Bank / Nationalised Bank / State Bank of IndiaChallan or Valid E.M.D. Exemption Certificate duly attested shall be uploaded at thetime of submission. Total Security Deposit 4% ( Four Percent).(i) Initial Security Deposit : Rs. 3,73,800/-(ii) and Further Security Deposit to bededucted from bills.: Rs. 3,73,800/-Total Security Deposit : Rs. 7,47,600/-Registration Class of Contractor : III and aboveValidity Period : 120 days from the date of opening.Time limit for completion of work : 12 months (including monsoon)Cost of Blank <strong>Tender</strong> Form : Rs. 5,000/-TENDER SCHEDULE1 Download Period of online <strong>Tender</strong> Dt. 15/07/2013 at 10.00 Hrs. toDt. 08/08/2013 at 17.30 Hrs.2 Last date and time for online raising oftechnical points for clarification (Pre-bidMeeting)Online or in the office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.Region,Pune-1, Central Building, Pune on or before Dt.01/08/2013 up to 11.00 Hrs.3 Submit Hash to Create online <strong>Tender</strong> byContractor (Technical and financial BidLast date and time)Dt.12/08/2013 at 17.30 Hrs.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

4 Dy.Ex.Engr.4 Period for online Super Hash generation Dt. 12/08/2013 at 17.31 to Dt.13/08/2013 Upto 17.30Hrs5 Period of online Decryption and Reencryptionfor tender details by Contractor.6 Date and place for submission of EarnestMoney in form of F.D.R. or attestedExemption Certificate copy and D.D. of<strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee in original in SealedEnvelope.7 Place, Date and timing of openingTechnical-bid and Financial bid.6. Date and place where physically andconfidentially Earnest money in the formof FDR or attested Exemption Certificateand D.D. of <strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee in Original inthe Sealed Envelope shall be submitted.Note-(1) Those Contactors who have submitted theirbids on- line shall submit-----a) D.D. of <strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee andb) Earnest Money Deposit in the form of FDR inoriginal or copy of Exemption Certificate.In the Office of Superintending Engineer, PublicWorks Circle, Pune OR ExecutiveEngineer Public Works (North) Division, Pune(2) Those contractors who have submitted theirbids on line but not submitted---a) D.D. of <strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee….andb) Earnest Money Deposit in the form of FDR inoriginal or copy of Exemption Certificate.In the Office of Superintending Engineer, PublicWorks Circle, Pune- OR ExecutiveEngineer Public Works (North) Division, PuneDt. 13/08/2013 at 17.31 pm. toDt. 16/08/2013 at 17.00 p.m.Dt.17/08/2013 at 17.30 p.m.in the office ofSuperintending Engineer, P.W. Circle, Central Building,Pune. And in the office of E.E.P.W.(South) DivisionPune-1Dt. 19/08/2013 at 15.00 pm. to Dt. 23/08/2013 at 18.00p.m. in the office of Superintending Engineer, P.W.Circle, Pune. (If Possible)Dt. 17/08/2013 at 17.30 Hrs. in the office ofSuperintending Engineer, Public Works Circle, Pune ORExecutive Engineer, Public Works (North) Division,Pune - 411 001In case for any reason the contractor could notsubmit the Earnest money in the form of FDR orattested Exemption Certificate and D.D. of <strong>Tender</strong> FormFee in Original in the Sealed Envelope as specifiedabove, the contractor or his authorizedrepresentative can submit in person the Earnestmoney in the form of FDR or attested ExemptionCertificate and D.D. of <strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee in Original inthe Sealed Envelope to the tender opening authorityduring the processes of opening of Envelope No.1of this work. Otherwise his tender will not beopened.Note - All amounts whatsoever which the contractoris liable to pay to the Government in connectionwith the online bids submitted or not submitted ofthe work including the amount payable in respect oftender form fee and Earnest Money Deposit, will berecovered from the contractor as per the procedurelaid down in the contract as well as all other rightsand remedies as a arrears of land revenue.(3) (a) Such non submission of Demand Draft of<strong>Tender</strong> form Fee mentioned at (2) above shall betreated as nonpayment of amount due from thecontractor and shall be recovered from thecontractor, and the recovery from the contractorshall proceed as per procedure mentioned inGovt .Circular No. CAT-1278/(58-II)-Desk-2 dated05.01.1979 and the tender i.e. opening ofenvelope No. 1 and 2 shall be carried out as ifthe contractor has paid the tender fee amount.(3) (b) The copy of EMD submitted online is asper the requirement of tender condition, and notSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

6 Dy.Ex.Engr.GOVERNMENT OF MAHARSHTRAPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTINVITATION FOR TENDERSDETAILED TENDER NOTICE TO CONTRACTORName of Work :Improvements (Windening) to Paud Kolwan Fagne DamRoad (MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to 16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to16/400), Taluka Mulshi, Dist. Pune.1.0 Online percentage rate tenders in 'B-1' Form are invited by the ExecutiveEngineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune. for the following work fromContractors registered in appropriate class of the Public Works Department ofMaharashtra State. The name of work, estimated cost, earnest money, securitydeposit, time limit for completion etc. are as under.Sr.No.Name of workEstimatedCost(Rupees)EarnestMoney(Rupees)SecurityDeposit(Rupees)Class ofContractorTime limitin <strong>Tender</strong>(Calendarmonths)1. Improvements(Windening) to PaudKolwan Fagne DamRoad (MDR-26) Km.3/500 to 16/400 ( Km.12/500 to 16/400),Taluka Mulshi, Dist.Pune1,86,89,164/- 1,40,200/- InitialRs. 3,73,800/-through BillsRs. 3,73,800/-TotalRs. 7,47,600 /-IIIandabove12(Twelve)CalenderMonthsincludingmonsoon.1.1 <strong>Tender</strong> form, conditions of contract, specifications and contract drawings canbe downloaded from the e-tendering portal of Public Works Department, Governmentof Maharashtra i.e. ‘http//:pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in ‘ to the registered Contractorsof appropriate category i.e. Class III & ABOVE after entering the details payment ofRs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only.) in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Orderof scheduled or Nationalised Bank in favour of Executive Engineer, Public Works(South) Division, Pune as per the <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule. Further information regardingthe work can be obtained from the above office.1.2 The <strong>Tender</strong> Fee in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order and Earnest MoneyDeposit in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt Drawn in the name of ExecutiveEngineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune / Attested Earnest Money DepositExemption certificate, Affidavit should be submitted by physically or RegisteredPost/Courier service in sealed covers addressed to the Superintending Engineer,Public Works Circle, Pune or Executive Engineer, P.W. (South) Division, Punewith the name of the work written at the top of the envelope. This will be received inthe office of the Superintending Engineer, Public Works Circle, Pune (Phone:020-26124278) or Executive Engineer, P.W. (South) Division, Pune as per the<strong>Tender</strong> Schedule. Bids will be opened as per the <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule, in the presence ofsuch intending <strong>Tender</strong>ers or his/ their authorized representatives who may be presentat that time.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

7 Dy.Ex.Engr.1.3 The offer of the Contractor shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimumperiod of 120 days from the date fixed for opening of Envelope No. 2 ( Main <strong>Tender</strong>)and thereafter until it is withdrawn by the Contractor by notice in writing dulyaddressed to the authority opening the tender and sent by Registered PostAcknowledgement Due.1.4 The tender notice shall form a part of the contract agreement.1.4 The tenders are invited on the Departmental design only1.5 The tenderer if firm or company shall in their forwarding letter mention thenames of all the partners of the firm or the company ( as the case may be) and thename of the partner who holds the power attorney if any, authorising him to conducttransaction on behalf of the Firm or Company.1.6. Right is reserved to revise or amend the contract documents fully or partthereof prior to the date notified for the receipt of tender. Such deviations/amendments if any, shall be communicated in the form of corrigendum or by a letteras may be considered suitable.1.7 The tenderer shall enter his percentage rates in words and figures " below /above" . In case there is difference between percentage written in figures andwords, the lower offer will be taken as final.1.8 No pages should be removed from, added in or replaced in the <strong>Tender</strong>.1.9 Right is reserved to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasonthereof.1.10. <strong>Tender</strong>s which do not fulfill all or any conditions or are incomplete in anyrespect are liable to summary rejection.1.11. The <strong>Tender</strong>er may, in the forwarding letter, mention any points he may wish tomake clear but right is reserved to reject the same on the whole of the tenders if thesame become conditional tender thereby.1.12 Asphalt should be brought from Government Refinery and in the name ofconcerned Contractor. Contractor should produce the original Challan to the site incharge.G E N E R A La) Time limit : The work is to be completed within time limit as specified in theNotice inviting tender which shall be reckoned from the date of written order ofcommencing the work and shall be inclusive of monsoon period.b) <strong>Tender</strong> Rate : No alteration in the form of tender and the schedule of tenderand no additions in the scope or special stipulation will be permitted. Rates quoted forthe tender shall be taken as applicable to all leads and lifts.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

8 Dy.Ex.Engr.c) <strong>Tender</strong> Units : The tenderers should particularly note the unit mentioned inthe Schedule "B" on which the rates are based . No change in the units shall beallowed. In the case of difference between rates written in figures and words , thecorrect rate will be the one, which is lower of the two.c) The Income Tax @ 2% or percentage in force from time to time or at the rateas intimated by the competent Income Tax authority shall be deducted from billamount whether measured bill, advance payment or secured advance.2.0 EARNEST MONEY :2.1 Earnest money of Rs. 1,40,200/- in words ( Rupees One lakh forty thousandtwo hundred only) along with the tender should be in the shape of scanned copy ofreceipted challan of Government Treasury / Sub-Treasury or term deposit receipt fora period of one year issued by Nationalised /Scheduled Bank in favour of ExecutiveEngineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune.2.2 Scanned copy of Valid earnest money exemption certificate will also beaccepted in lieu of earnest money deposit,. The tenderers who are exempted frompayment of earnest money deposit should attach attested copy of certificate fromGovernment of Maharashtra regarding exemption from the payment of earnestmoney.2.3 <strong>Tender</strong> of those who do not deposit earnest money in one of the aboveacceptable forms shall be summarily rejected. Earnest money in any other form ofcash or cheque will not be accepted.2.4 The amount of earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer ondeciding about the acceptance or otherwise of the tender or on expiry of the validityperiod whichever is earlier.In case of the successful tenderer, it will be refunded on his paying the initialsecurity deposit and completing the tender documents or will be transferred towards apart of security deposit to be paid after awarding of the work. If successful tendererdoes not pay the security deposit in the prescribed time limit and complete theagreement bond, his earnest money deposit will be forfeited to the Government.2.5 Earnest money of the un-successful tenderers will be refunded on theirapplication only after an intimation of rejection of their tender is sent to them or on theexpiry of the validity period whichever is earlier.3.0 TENDERING PROCEDURE3.1 Blank <strong>Tender</strong> Forms<strong>Tender</strong> Forms can be downloaded from the e<strong>Tender</strong>ing Portal of Public WorksDepartment, Government of Maharashtra i.e. http//:pwd.maharashtra.etenders.inafter entering the details of payment towards <strong>Tender</strong> Fees as per the <strong>Tender</strong>Schedule.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

10 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.2.8 <strong>Tender</strong>ers should install the Mandatory Components available on the HomePage of http://maharashtra.etenders.in under the section 'MandatoryComponents' and make the necessary Browser Settings provided undersection 'Internet Explorer Settings'3.3 Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing Systemof Public Works Department.All the contractors registered in appropriate class and willing to particpate ine-tendering process shall enroll their name/ Firm on the portalhttp://maharashtra.etenders.infor download of tender documents etc.3.4 Pre-requisites to participate in the <strong>Tender</strong>s processed by PWD:1. Enrolment and Empanelment of Contractors on Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System:The Contractors interested in participating in the <strong>Tender</strong>s of Public WorksDepartment -processed using the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System shall berequired to enrol on the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System to obtain User ID.After submission of application for enrolment on the System, the applicationinformation shall be verified by the Authorized Representative of the ServiceProvider. If the information is found to be complete, the enrolment submitted bythe Vendor shall be approved.For participating in Limited and Restricted tenders the registered vendors haveto apply for empanelment on the sub-portal of PWD in an appropriate class ofregistration. The empanelment will have to be approved by the respectiveofficer from the PWD. Only empanelled vendors will be allowed to participate insuch tenders.The Contractors may obtain the necessary information on the process ofenrolment and empanelment either from Helpdesk Support Team or may visitthe information published under the link Enroll under the section E-<strong>Tender</strong>ingToolkit for Bidders on the Home Page of the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System.2. Obtaining a Digital Certificate:The Bid Data that is prepared online is required to be encrypted and the hashvalue of the Bid Data is required to be signed electronically using a DigitalCertificate (Class - II or Class - III). This is required to maintain the security ofthe Bid Data and also to establish the identity of the Contractor transacting onthe System.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

11 Dy.Ex.Engr.The Digital Certificates are issued by an approved Certifying Authorityauthorized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities of Government of Indiathrough their Authorized Representatives upon receipt of documents required toobtain a Digital Certificate.Bid data / information for a particular <strong>Tender</strong> may be submitted only using theDigital Certificate which is used to encrypt the data / information and sign thehash value during the Bid Preparation and Hash Submission stage. In caseduring the process of preparing and submitting a Bid for a particular <strong>Tender</strong>, theContractor loses his/her Digital Signature Certificate (i.e. due to virus attack,hardware problem, operating system problem); he / she may not be able tosubmit the Bid online. Hence, the Users are advised to store his / her DigitalCertificate securely and if possible, keep a backup at safe place underadequate security to be used in case of need.In case of online tendering, if the Digital Certificate issued to an AuthorisedUser of a Partnership Firm is used for signing and submitting a bid, it will beconsidered equivalent to a no objection certificate / power of attorney to thatUser to submit the bid on behalf of the Partnership Firm. The Partnership Firmhas to authorize a specific individual via an authorization certificate signed by apartner of the firm (and in case the applicant is a partner, another partner in thesame form is required to authorise) to use the digital certificate as per IndianInformation Technology Act, 2000.Unless the Digital Certificate is revoked, it will be assumed to representadequate authority of the Authority User to bid on behalf of the Firm for the<strong>Tender</strong>s processed on the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong> Management System ofGovernment of Maharashtra as per Indian Information Technology Act, 2000.The Digital Signature of this Authorized User will be binding on the Firm. Itshall be the responsibility of Partners of the Firm to inform the CertifyingAuthority or Sub Certifying Authority, if the Authorized User changes, and applyfor a fresh Digital Signature Certificate. The procedure for application of aDigital Signature Certificate will remain the same for the new Authorised User.The same procedure holds true for the Authorized Users in a Private / PublicLimited Company. In this case, the Authorisation Certificate will have to besigned by the Director of the Company or the Reporting Authority of theApplicant.For information on the process of application for obtaining Digital Certificate,the Contractors may visit the section Digital Certificate on the Home Page ofthe Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System.3. Recommended Hardware and Internet Connectivity:To operate on the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System, the Contractors arerecommended to use Computer System with at least 1 GB of RAM andSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

12 Dy.Ex.Engr.broadband connectivity with minimum 512 kbps bandwidth.4. Set up of Computer System for executing the operations on theElectronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System:To operate on the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System of Government ofMaharashtra, the Computer System of the Contractors is required be set up.The Contractors are required to install Utilities available under the sectionMandatory Installation Components on the Home Page of the System.The Utilities are available for download freely from the above mentionedsection. The Contractors are requested to refer to the E-<strong>Tender</strong>ing Toolkit forBidders available online on the Home Page to understand the process ofsetting up the System, or alternatively, contact the Helpdesk Support Team oninformation / guidance on the process of setting up the System.5. Payment for Service Provider Fees:In addition to the <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong> Fees payable to PWD, the Contractors willhave to pay Service Providers Fees of Rs. 1,038/- through online paymentsgateway service available on Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System. For the list ofoptions for making online payments, the Contractors are advised to visit the linkE-Payment Options under the section ‘E-<strong>Tender</strong>ing Toolkit for Bidders’ on theHome Page of the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System.3.5 Steps to be followed by Contractors to participate in the e-<strong>Tender</strong>sprocessed by PWD1. Preparation of online Briefcase:All Contractors enrolled on the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System of Government ofMaharashtra are provided with dedicated briefcase facility to store documents /files in digital format. The Contractors can use the online briefcase to storetheir scanned copies of frequently used documents / files to be submitted as apart of their bid response. The Contractors are advised to store the relevantdocuments in the briefcase before starting the Bid Preparation and HashSubmission stage.In case, the Contractors have multiple documents under the same type (e.g.multiple Work Completion Certificates) as mentioned above, the Contractorsadvised to either create a single .pdf file of all the documents of same type orcompress the documents in a single compressed file in .zip or .rar formats andupload the same.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

13 Dy.Ex.Engr.It is mandatory to upload the documents using the briefcase facility. Therefore,the Contractors are advised to keep the documents ready in the briefcase toensure timely bid preparation.Note: Uploading of documents in the briefcase does not mean that thedocuments are available to PWD at the time of <strong>Tender</strong> Opening stage unlessthe documents are specifically attached to the bid during the online BidPreparation and Hash Submission stage as well as during Decryption and Reencryptionstage.2. Online viewing of Detailed Notice Inviting <strong>Tender</strong>s:The Contractors can view the Detailed <strong>Tender</strong> Notice along with the TimeSchedule (Key Dates) for all the Live <strong>Tender</strong>s released by PWD on the homepage of PWD e<strong>Tender</strong>ing Portal on http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in underthe section Recent Online <strong>Tender</strong>.3. Download of <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong>s:The Pre-qualification / Main Bidding <strong>Document</strong>s are available for freedownloading. However to participate in the online tender, the bidder mustpurchase the bidding documents online by filling up details of Demand Drafttowards the cost of <strong>Tender</strong> Form Fee.4. Online Bid Preparation and Submission of Bid Hash (Seal) of Bids:Submission of Bids will be preceded by online bid preparation and submissionof the digitally signed Bid Hashes (Seals) within the <strong>Tender</strong> Time Schedule(Key Dates) published in the Detailed Notice Inviting <strong>Tender</strong>. The Bid Data is tobe prepared in the templates provided by the <strong>Tender</strong>ing Authority of PWD. Thetemplates may be either form based, extensible tables and / or uploadabledocuments. In the form based type of templates and extensible table type oftemplates, the Contractors are required to enter the data and encrypt the datausing the Digital Certificate.In the uploadable document type of templates, the Contractors are required toselect the relevant document / compressed file (containing multiple documents)already uploaded in the briefcase.Notes:a. The Contractors upload a single document or a compressed file containingmultiple documents against each unloadable option.b. The Hashes are the thumbprint of electronic data and are based on one - wayalgorithm. The Hashes establish the unique identity of Bid Data.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

14 Dy.Ex.Engr.c. The bid hash values are digitally signed using valid Class - II or Class - III DigitalCertificate issued any Certifying Authority. The Contractors are required toobtain Digital Certificate in advance.d. After the hash value of bid data is generated, the Contractors cannot make anychange / addition in its bid data. The bidder may modify bids before thedeadline for Bid Preperation and Hash Submission as per Time Schedulementioned in the <strong>Tender</strong> documents.e. This stage will be applicable during both, Pre-bid / Pre-qualification andFinancial Bidding Processes.5. Close for Bidding (Generation of Super Hash Values):After the expiry of the cut - off time of Bid Preparation and Hash Submissionstage to be completed by the Contractors has lapsed, the <strong>Tender</strong> will be closedby the <strong>Tender</strong> Authority.The <strong>Tender</strong> Authority from PWD shall generate and digitally sign the SuperHash values (Seals).6. Decryption and Re-encryption of Bids (submitting the Bids online):After the time for generation of Super Hash values by the <strong>Tender</strong> Authorityfrom PWD has lapsed, the Contractors have to make the online payment ofRs. 1,038/- towards the fees of the Service Provider.After making online payment towards Fees of Service Provider, the Contractorsare required to decrypt their bid data using their Digital Certificate andimmediately reencrypt their bid data using the Public Key of the <strong>Tender</strong>ingAuthority. The Public Key of the <strong>Tender</strong>ing Authority is attached to the <strong>Tender</strong>during the Close for Bidding stage.Note: The details of the Processing Fees shall be verified and matched duringthe Technical Opening stage.At this time, the Contractors are also required to upload the files for which theygenerated the Hash values during the Bid Preparation and Hash Submissionstage.The Bid Data and <strong>Document</strong>s of only those Contractors who have submittedtheir Bid Hashes (Seals) within the stipulated time (as per the <strong>Tender</strong> TimeSchedule), will be available for decryption and re-encryption and to upload therelevant documents from Briefcase. A Contractor who has not submitted hisBid Preparation and Hash Submission stage within the stipulated time will notbe allowed to decrypt / reencrypt the Bid data / submit documents during thestage of Decryption and Reencryption of Bids (submitting the Bids online).Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

15 Dy.Ex.Engr.7. Shortlisting of Contractors for Financial Bidding Process:The <strong>Tender</strong>ing Authority will first open the Technical Bid documents of allContractors and after scrutinizing these documents will shortlist theContractors who are eligible for Financial Bidding Process. The shortlistedContractors will be intimated by email.8. Opening of the Financial Bids:The Contractors may remain present in the Office of the <strong>Tender</strong> OpeningAuthority at the time of opening of Financial Bids. However, the results of theFinancial Bids of all Contractors shall be available on the PWD e-<strong>Tender</strong>ingPortal immediately after the completion of opening process.9. <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule (Key Dates):The Contractors are strictly advised to follow the Dates and Times allocated toeach stage under the column "Contractor Stage" as indicated in the TimeSchedule in the Detailed <strong>Tender</strong> Notice for the <strong>Tender</strong>. All the online activitiesare time tracked and the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>ing System enforces time-locks thatensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the Start and EndDates and Time of the stage as defined in the <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule.At the sole discretion of the <strong>Tender</strong> Authority, the time schedule of the <strong>Tender</strong>stages may be extended3.6.1 ONLINE ENVELOPE NO. 1 : (<strong>Document</strong>s)The First Online envelope "Envelope No. 1" shall contain the followingdocuments: (Scanned copies of originals and not true or attested copies)3.6.2 Scanned copy of original Government treasury challan or Term DepositReceipt valid for a period of one year from any Nationalised /Schedule Bank forthe amount of earnest money, or valid certificate of exemption from payment ofearnest money of the value of Rs. 1,40,200/- if applicable.3.6.3 Scanned copy of original Valid certificate as a Registered Contractor with theGovernment of Maharashtra in Public Works Department in appropriate class .Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

16 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.6.4 Use of Specialised Machinery(A) Scanned copy of proof of ownership of (a) MODERN DRUM MIXPLANT conforming to Clause No. 501.3.4 of M.O.R.T.& H Specifications ( 4 thRevision, August 2001 edition and as directed by Engineer-in-charge). (b)MECHANICAL SPRAYER (c) MECHANICAL PAVER FINISHER OR PAVERFINISHER with electronic sensing device as per Clause No. 503.3.5 ofM.O.R.T.& H Specifications ( 4 th Revision, August 2001 edition) (d)VIBRATORY ROLLER AND POWER ROLLER of 8 to 10 Tones capacitymentioned in Proforma “ 2A” attached herewith, shall be enclosed.ORIn case the tenderer intends to hire the machinery which is required for thiswork, Scanned copy of Legal Agreement in the format attached herewith underthe Heading “Articles of Agreement” executed on appropriate stamp paper forprocuring (a) MODERN DRUM MIX PLANT (b) MECHANICAL SPRAYER (c)MECHANICAL PAVER FINISHER OR PAVER FINISHER with electronicsensing device (d) VIBRATORY ROLLER AND POWER ROLLER of 8 to 10Tones capacity conforming to Clause No. 501.3.4 of M.O.R.T.& HSpecifications ( 4 th Revision, August 2001 edition) on hire from another agency,who owns this machinery if the contractor does not own himself this machinery.(Scanned copy of proof of ownership i.e. invoices, shall have to be attachedalong with the legal agreement for hiring.)OR( B ) In case of Contractor intends to carry out BT work with Hot Mix PlantBatch Type, in lieu own drum mix plant (other machineries remaining thesame).a) <strong>Tender</strong>er shall furnish details of Ownership in proforma 2 A.OR(b) If hot mix plant (Batch Type) is not owned by contractor at the time oftendering then conditions for installing Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control( minimum 80 TPH capacity Batch Mix Type )(I)(II)Contractor shall install Batch type Hot Mix Plant with ElectronicControl of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity within 75 days fromthe date of issue of work order.If the contractor wants to procure / purchase/hire, Hot Mix Plant withElectronic Control of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity Batch MixType as mentioned above, he should submit necessary firm purchaseorder placed on manufacturer of repute/ Legal Agreement in theformat attached herewith under the Heading “Articles of Agreement”executed on appropriate stamp paper for hiring Hot Mix Plant BatchType in envelope number one.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

17 Dy.Ex.Engr.(III)(IV)(V)(VI)He shall give trial run on or before 75th day from the date of issue ofwork order.In Envelope no.1 the bidder shall submit an additional Security, ofRs. 10,00,000.00 ( Rupees Ten Lakh Only ) in the form of FDR drawnin the name of Executive Engineer, PW (South) Division, Punepayable at Pune. If Contractor fails to give trial run of this batch mixplant on or before 75th day, from the date of issue of the said WorkOrder, his above said additional Security shall be encashed withoutany notice to the contractor without considering any force majeureand shall be credited to Government revenue by the Engineer Inchargeimmediately on 76 th day.Encashment of additional Security deposit as mentioned above shallnot absolved the Contractor from the responsibility of installing theBatch Mix Plant which is required for carrying out Hot Mix Work. Atthe same time the above amount Rs. 10,00,000/- so encashedshall not be refunded.No extension of time limit shall be granted at any level for giving trialrun after 75th day from the date of issue of work order.C) Once the option of Drum mix Hot Mix plant or Batch Type Hot Mix Plant isexercised at the time of submitting the bid, it shall be mandatory to carryout the work by the same type of Hot Mix Plant.3.6.5 Details of Income Tax Circle or ward of the district in which the tenderer isassessed to Income Tax , <strong>Tender</strong>er’s PAN No. and complete postal addresswith Pin Code and telephone Numbers. Scanned copy of original Income TaxReturn for the immediate previous financial year.3.6.6 Scanned copy of original valid MVAT registration certificate from MaharashtraState Sale Tax Department. (Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2005)3.6.7 Scanned copy of a list of modern machinery and plants immediately availablewith the tenderer for use on this work and list of machinery proposed to beutilised on this work but not immediately available and manner in which it isproposed to be procured ( in Form No. 2 ,& 2A)3.6.8 Scanned copy original Professional Tax Registration Certificate in formPTR and PTE.3.6.9 Details of work done during last three years with the value of work unfinished.(Information to be given in Form No. VI)Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

18 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.6.10 Details of work of similar type carried out by the contractor. (in Form No. III )3.6.11 Details of list of works in hand and works tendered for.(Information to be given in Performa of Form No. I)3.6.12 Details of works carried out in the Interior, Backward and Hilly Area during thepreceding 5 years (in Form No. IV) . (if applicable).3.6.13 Details of Technical Personnel on the rolls of the tenderer.(Information to be given in Performa of Form No. V)3.6.14 Scanned copy of original Registered Partnership Deed, Memorandum ofArticles of Association, if the tenderer is a Partnership Firm , Joint StockCompany and Power of Attorney and Firm Registration Certificate if any.3.6.15 Numbering should be done for all papers contained in Envelope No. 1 andindexed.3.6.16 Scanned copy of Affidavit in respect of genuineness of documents contained inthe Envelope No. 1 in the prescribed proforma provided with <strong>Tender</strong> Set.3.6.17 The tenderer will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than thetotal estimated value of works for which he has offered his bid. The availablebid capacity will be calculated as under :Assessed Available Bid Capacity = (A*N*2) –BA = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works executed in any one yearduring the last three years ( updated to 2012-13 level )N = Number of years prescribed for completion of works for which bid areinvited.B =Value at 2012-13 price level, of existing commitments and on going workto be completed during the next 12 months.Note : The statement showing the value of existing commitments and ongoing worksas well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listedshould be countersigned by the Engineer-in-charge, not below the rank of anExecutive Engineer.3.6.17 To qualify for award of the contract, each <strong>Tender</strong>er in his name should havein the last three years.a) Achieved a minimum annual financial turnover during last three years( in all Classes of civil engineering construction work only) of Rs. 140.16lakhs in any one year. In support of this, scanned copy of Annual AuditReport certified by the Chartered Accountant should be produced.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

19 Dy.Ex.Engr.b) Satisfactory completed ( from start to finish) during last three years as aprime contractor of at least one similar work value not less thanRs. 56.06 lakhs in not more than one contract of 2012-13 price level.Financial turnover and cost of completed works of previous years shallbe given weightage of 10% per year based on Rupee value to bringthem to 2012-13 price level. (In Form No. 7 )c) Executed in any one year (during last three years) the followingminimum quantities of work (In Form No. 8)( Approximately 30% of tendered quantity)i) WBM : 430.00 Cubic Metreii) B.U.S.G. (75 mm. thick) : 5680.00 Square Metreiii) 20 mm. open graded carpet : 5280.00 Square Metrewith liquid seal coat(Note : Quantity certificate should be signed by not below the rank ofExecutive Engineer. Scanned copy of Certificate should be attached.)3.7 ONLINE ENVELOPE No.2 TENDER (FINANCIAL BID)The second online envelope "Envelope No.2" shall contain only themain tender including the Common Set of Conditions / Deviation issued bythe Department after the pre-tender Conference. A tender submittedwithout this would be considered as invalid.The <strong>Tender</strong>er should quote his offer duly signed in terms of percentageof estimated rates at the appropriate place of tender documents to besubmitted only in Envelope No.2 He should not quote his offer any wheredirectly or indirectly in Envelope No. 1. The contractor shall quote for thework as per details given in the main tender and also based on thedetailed set of conditions issued / Additional stipulations made by theDepartment as informed to him by a letter from Chief Engineer /Superintending Engineer after Pre-<strong>Tender</strong> Conference. His tender shallbe unconditional.3.8 SUBMISSION OF TENDER:-Refer to Section 'Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of Electronic<strong>Tender</strong>ing System of Public Works Department' for “Improvements(Windening) to Paud Kolwan Fagne Dam Road (MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), Taluka Mulshi, Dist. Pune. ”Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

20 Dy.Ex.Engr.3.9 OPENING OF TENDER :-On the date specified in the <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule following procedure will beadopted.(A)ENVELOPE No.1 :- ( <strong>Document</strong>s)First of all Envelope No.1 of the tender will be opened online to verify itscontents as per requirements. If the various documents contained in thisenvelope do not meet the requirements of the Department, a note will berecorded accordingly by the tender opening authority and the said tenderersEnvelope No. 2 will not be considered for further action and the same will berecorded.The decision of the tender opening authority in this regard will be final andbinding on the contractors.(B)ENVELOPE No.2: (Financial Bid)a) This envelope shall be opened online immediately after opening ofEnvelope No.1, only if contents of Envelope No.1 are found to be acceptable tothe Department. The tendered rates in Schedule 'B' or percentageabove/below the estimated rates shall then be read out. in the presence ofbidders who remain present at the time of opening of Envelope No.2.4.0 EARNEST MONEY:Earnest money will be accepted in the form of certificate of exemption frompayment of Earnest Money, or Term Deposit receipts valid for a period of oneyear (separately for each work) from the last date of submission of tenderforms, issued by Nationalised or scheduled Bank and endorsed in the name ofthe Executive Engineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune. The earnestmoney will be refunded in due course in case of tenderers whose tenders arenot accepted. In case of successful tenderer the Earnest money will berefunded after recovering initial security deposit and completion of contractdocuments by the <strong>Tender</strong>er. The amount of Earnest Money will be forfeited toGovernment in case the successful contractor does not pay the amount of initialsecurity deposit within specified time limit.5.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT:5.1 The successful tenderer shall have to pay 50% initial security deposit in cashor in shape of National Saving Certificate or Fixed Deposit Receipt or BankGuarantee payable at Pune pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, PublicSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

21 Dy.Ex.Engr.Works (South) Division, Pune or Bank Guarantees from a Nationalised /Scheduled Banks in the enclosed form and complete the contract documentsfailing which his earnest money will be forfeited to Government. The balance50% security deposit will be recovered from the R.A. bill at 4% of the billamount. Amount of total Security Deposit to be paid shall be 4% of the cost ofaccepted tender or estimated cost put to tender whichever is higher.Initial Security Deposit may be in Bank Guarantee Form in format oftender document for full period of completion of work and it should beextendable upto expiry of valid extension if any as directed by Engineer-incharge.5.2 All compensation or other sums payable by the Contractor under the terms ofthis contract or any other contract or on any account may be deducted from hisSecurity Deposit or from any sums which may be due to him or may becomedue to him by Government on any account and in the event of the securitybeing reduced by reason of any such above noted deductions, the Contractorshall within 10 days of receipt of notice of demand from the Engineer-in-chargemake good the deficit.5.3 There shall be no liability on the Department to pay any interest on the SecurityDeposited by or recovered from the Contractor.5.4 The Security Deposit shall be refunded after completion of defect liability periodprescribed for this contract in accordance with the provisions in Clause1 and20 of the contract.6.0 . Condition for payment of additional security deposit, if offer quoted bythe tenderer is more than 15% below the cost put to tender.The contractor shall deposit an additional security deposit along with thesecurity deposit as per Clause 1.0 within 10 days of acceptance of tender inthe form of Bank guarantee, when the below percentage quoted is more than15% of cost put to tender.The amount of security deposit shall be worked out as per followingformula.Additional Security Deposit = Rs.[% rate quoted by the contractor -15] x 50/100 x Cost put to tender (Rs. 1,86,89,164/-)If the contractor does not deposit this additional security deposit (if applicable)100Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

22 Dy.Ex.Engr.within stipulated time then his earnest money deposit will be forfeited and histender will not be considered for acceptance.This additional security deposit shall be extendable up to expiry of validextensions if any and it shall be refunded along with the final bill, aftersatisfactory completion of work.7.00 DOWLOADING OF TENDER DOCUMENTInformation regarding contract as well as blank tender forms can bedownloaded from the e-tendering website upon providing the details of thepayment of cost as detailed in the N.I.T.8.0 The tenders who do not fulfill the condition of the notification and the generalrules and directions for the guidance of contractor in the agreement form or areincomplete in any respect are likely to be rejected without assigning any reasontherefore.9.0 (a) The <strong>Tender</strong>ers shall be presumed to have carefully examined thedrawings, conditions and specifications of the work and have fully acquaintedthemselves with all details of the site, the conditions of rock and its joints,pattern, river, weather characteristics, labour conditions and in general with allthe necessary information and data pertaining to the work, prior to tendering forthe work.9.1 (b) The data whatsoever supplied by the Department along with the tenderdocuments are meant to serve only as guide for the tenderers while tenderingand the Department accepts no responsibility whatsoever either for theaccuracy of data or for their comprehensiveness.10.0 The quarries for extraction of metal, murum etc. provided in the sanctionedestimate are as per survey conducted by the Department. The Contractorshould however examine these quarries and see whether full quantity ofmaterials required for execution of the work strictly as per specification areavailable in these source before quoting the rates. In case the materials are notavailable due to reasons whatsoever, the contractor will have to bring thematerials from any other source with no extra cost to Government. The ratesquoted, should therefore be for all leads and lifts from wherever the materialsare brought at site of work and inclusive of royalty to be paid to the RevenueDepartment by the Contractor.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

23 Dy.Ex.Engr.11.0 POWER OF ATTORNEY:If the tenderers are a firm or company, they should in their forwarding lettermention the names of all the partners together with the name of the person whoholds the power of Attorney, authorizing him to conduct all transactions onbehalf of the body, along with the tender.12.0 The contractor or the firms tendering for the work shall inform the Department ifthey appoint their authorized Agent on the work.13.0 No foreign exchange will be released by the Department for the purchase ofplants and machinery for the work by the Contractor.14.0 Any dues arising out of contract will be recovered from the contractor as arrearsof Land Revenue, if not paid amicably. Moreover, recovery of Governmentdues from the Contractors will be affected from the payment due to theContractor from any other Government works under execution with them.15.0 All pages of tender documents, conditions, specifications, correction slips etc.shall be initialled by the tenderer. The tender should bear full signature of thetenderer, or his authorized power of Attorney holder in case of a firm.16.0 The Income Tax at 2.00 % including surcharge or percentage in force from timeto time or at the rate as intimated by the competent Income Tax authority shallbe deducted from bill amount whether measured bill, advance payment orsecured advance.17.0 The successful tenderer will be required to produce, to the satisfaction of thespecified concerned authority a valid concurrent license issued in his favourunder the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act1970 for starting the work. On failure to do so, the acceptance of the tendershall be liable to be withdrawn and also liable for forfeiture of the earnestmoney.18.0 The tenderer shall submit the list of apprentices engaged by the Contractorunder Apprentice Act.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

24 Dy.Ex.Engr.19.0 VALIDITY PERIODThe offer shall remain open for acceptance for minimum period of 120 daysfrom the Date of opening of Envelope No.2 (Financial Bid) and thereafter until itis withdrawn by the contractor by notice in writing duly addressed to theauthority opening the tender and sent by Registered Post Acknowledgmentdue.20.00 After completion of the e-tendering process, the successful bidder will have tosubmit the hard copy of downloaded tender document and drawings dulysigned on each page by the contractor or his authorised signatory. The tendershould bear full signature of the tenderer, or his authorized power of attorneyholder in case of Firm.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

25 Dy.Ex.Engr.100 Rs. BondºÉiªÉ|ÉÊiÉYÉÉ ±ÉäJÉ (Affidavit)¨ÉÒ_________________________________ ´ÉªÉ ´É¹ÉÇ ®úɽþhÉÉ®ú_________________________________ªÉÉ ºÉiªÉ|ÉÊiÉYÉÉ ±ÉäJÉÉuùÉ®äú ʱɽÚþxÉ näùiÉÉä EòÒ ¨ÉÒ/_________________________________ªÉÉ EÆò{ÉxÉÒSÉÉ/¡ò¨ÉÇSÉÉ |ÉÉä|ÉɪÉ]õ®ú/¦ÉÉMÉÒnùÉ®ú +ºÉÚxÉ“Improvements (Windening) to Paud Kolwan Fagne Dam Road (MDR-26) Km.3/500 to 16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), Taluka Mulshi, Dist. Pune. ”ªÉÉ EòɨÉɺÉÉ`öÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÉnù®ú Eäò±ÉÒ +ɽäþ. ÁÉ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnäùSªÉÉ Envelope No.1 ¨ÉvªÉä VÉÒ EòÉMÉnù{ÉjÉä ºÉÉnù®ú Eäò±ÉÒ+ɽäþiÉ iÉÒ JÉ®úÒ, ¤É®úÉä¤É®ú ´É {ÉÚhÉÇ +ɽäþiÉ. ÁɨÉvªÉä EòÉähÉiªÉɽþÒ jÉÖ]õÒ, SÉÖEòÉ xÉɽþÒiÉ +ºÉä É{ÉlÉ{ÉÚ´ÉÇEò ¨ÉÉxªÉ Eò®úÒiÉ+ɽäþ. ÁÉ EòÉMÉnù{ÉjÉÉƨÉvªÉä EòɽþÒ SÉÖEòÒSÉÒ ÊnùÉɦÉÚ±É Eò®úhÉÉ®úÒ, JÉÉä]õÒ iɺÉäSÉ +{ÉÚhÉÇ ¨ÉÉʽþiÉÒ +Éfø³ý±ªÉÉºÉ ¨ÉÒEòɪÉnäùÉÒ®ú EòɪÉÇ´ÉɽþÒºÉ {ÉÉjÉ +ɽäþ ´É ®úɽþÒxÉ.EÆòjÉÉ]õnùÉ®úÉSÉÒ ºÉ½þÒSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

26 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM – IList of works tendered for and in hand as on the date of submission of the tenderName of tenderer :Sr.No. Name ofworkPlaceandCountry<strong>Tender</strong>edCostWork in handCost ofRemaingWorkAnticipateddate ofcompletionEstimatedcostWork tendered forDate whendecision isexpectedStipulateddate ofperiod ofcompletionRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10SPECIMEN FORMThe statement should be supported by attested copies of certificates issued by Heads of offices not below the rank of ExecutiveEngineer.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

27 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM – IIName of tenderer :Details of plant and machinery immediately available with the tenderer for the work.Sr.No.Name of equipmentNo.of Kind and Make Age and Condition Present Location RemarksUnitsSPECIMEN FORMSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

28 Dy.Ex.Engr.STATEMENT NO. 2’A’QUESTIONAIRE ON MODERN MACHINERY (OWNED OR HIRED)Proforma for information regarding machinery required for this work.(A) (I) MODERN DRUM MIX PLANT with 4 bin feeder conforming to Clause 501.3.4of M.O.S.T. Specifications, 4 th Revision, August 2001 edition must be owned/ hired bythe tenderer. ( owned or on hired basis).(II)Other Modern Machinery required for the use on this work.Question –1 :1. MECHANICAL SPRAYER.2. PAVER FINISHER with electronic sensor device.3. VIBRATORY ROLLER AND STATIC ROLLER OF 8 TO 10 TONNE /SMOOTH WHEELED POWER ROLLERIs the above machinery at Sr.No. (I) and (II) is owned by you and available with youimmediate deployment on this work ?If ‘Yes’ give following information.Type ofMachineNumberof UnitsNames ofwork onwhichdeployed atpresentLocationOutput intonnes ofmix perdayQuantity intonnes ofHot Mixbalance forexecution onwork in handRemarksAttested copy of proof of ownership of Modern Drum Mix Plant conforming to the Clause No.501.3.4 of M.O.S.T. Specification of (4 th Revision, August 2001 edition) and other requiredmachinery and proof thereof must be enclosed in Envelope No. 1.Question –2 :If answer to Question 1 is ‘No’ then the Contractor shall have to procure the same onhire from another Agency /Contractor who owns it. Legal agreement on stamp paperexecuted for hire with the Agency / Contractor who owns this machinery and also theinformation mentioned in Question-1 above shall have to be attached along with thisstatement as well as their proof of ownership of machinery ( i.e. scanned copies of invoices)as well as the scanned copy of valid certificate issued by the Assistant Chief engineer (Mech.) of Public Works Department to the effect that these machineries are in “ EfficientWorking Condition” and in conformity with M.O.S. T. Specifications.III)Scanned copy of original Valid Certificate issued by the Assistant Chief Engineer(Mech.) of Public Works Department / Region, to the effect that specialised Machineryenlisted in Statement No. 2 ‘A’ attached herewith are in “Efficient” – “Working condition”Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

29 Dy.Ex.Engr.and in conformity with M.O.S.T. Specifications, must be enclosed in Envelope No.1. inabsence of this this Certificate, Envelope No.2 will not be opened.OR( B ) In case of Contractor intends to carry out BT work with Hot Mix Plant BatchType, in lieu own drum mix plant (other machineries remaining the same).(a) <strong>Tender</strong>er shall furnish details of Ownership in proforma 2 A.(b)(i)(ii)(iii)ORIf hot mix plant (Batch Type) is not owned by contractor at the time of tendering thenconditions for installing Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control ( minimum 80 TPHcapacity Batch Mix Type )Contractor shall install Batch type Hot Mix Plant with Electronic Control of minimum80 tones per hour capacity within 75 days from the date of issue of work order.If the contractor wants to procure / purchase/hire, Hot Mix Plant with ElectronicControl of minimum 80 tones per hour capacity Batch Mix Type as mentionedabove, he should submit necessary firm purchase order placed on manufacturer ofrepute/ Legal Agreement in the format attached herewith under the Heading“Articles of Agreement” executed on appropriate stamp paper for hiring Hot MixPlant Batch Type in envelope number one.He shall give trial run on or before 75th day from the date of issue of work order.(iv) In Envelope no.1 the bidder shall submit an additional Security, of Rs. 10,00,000.00( Rupees Ten Lakh Only ) in the form of FDR drawn in the name of ExecutiveEngineer, PW (South) Division, Pune payable at pune. If Contractor fails to givetrial run of this batch mix plant on or before 75th day, from the date of issue of thesaid Work Order, his above said additional Security shall be encashed without anynotice to the contractor without considering any force majure and shall be creditedto Government revenue by the Engineer Incharge immediately on 76 th day.(v)(vi)Encashment of additional Security deposit as mentioned above shall not absolvedthe Contractor from the responsibility of installing the Batch Mix Plant which isrequired for carrying out Hot Mix Work. At the same time the above amount Rs.10,00,000/- so encashed shall not be refunded.No extension of time limit shall be granted at any level for giving trial run after 75thday from the date of issue of work order.C) Once the option of Drum mix Hot Mix plant or Batch Type Hot Mix Plant isexercised at the time of submitting the bid, it shall be mandatory to carry out thework by the same type of Hot Mix Plant..Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

30 Dy.Ex.Engr.(Note : To be included in Envelope No. 1)STATEMENT NO. 2’B’STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF DRUM MIX PLANT AVAILABLE WITH THETENDERER FOR THIS WORK1. DRUM MIX PLANT CAPACITY TONNES / HR.a) Name of manufacturer :b) Date of purchase :c) Present location :d) Name of work on which deployed :e) Name and address of Engineer-in-charge :f) Anticipated date of completion of work onwhich deployed.:STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF PAVER FINISHER AVAILABLE WITH THETENDERER FOR THIS WORK2. PAVER FINISHERa) Name of manufacturer :b) Date of purchase :c) Present location :d) Name of work on which deployed :e) Name and address of Engineer-in-charge :f) Anticipated date of completion of work onwhich deployed.:STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF VIBRATORY ROLLER AVAILABLE WITH THETENDERER FOR THIS WORK3. VIBRATORY ROLLER STATIC WEIGHTa) Name of manufacturer :b) Date of purchase :c) Present location :d) Name of work on which deployed :e) Name and address of Engineer-in-charge :f) Anticipated date of completion of work onwhich deployed.:TECHNICAL DETAILSI) Static WeightSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

31 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM – IIIName of the tenderer :Details of works of similar type and magnitude carried out by the ContractorSr.No. Name of work Cost of work Date of Stipulated date of period Actual date of Remarksstarting of completion completionSPECIMEN FORMSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

32 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM – IVDetails of works executed in the interior , backward and hilly areas during the preceding 5 years( If applicable)Name of tenderer :Sr.No. Name of work Cost of work Date of Starting Stipulated date Actual date Remarksof completion of completionSPECIMEN FORMSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

33 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM – VDetails of Technical Personnel available with ContractorName of the <strong>Tender</strong>er :Sr.No.Name andDesignationQualificationWheter workingfield or officeExperience ofexecution ofsimilar worksPeriod for which thepersonis workingwith the tendererRemarksSPECIMEN FORMSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

FORM NO.VI34 Dy.Ex.Engr.STATEMENT SHOWING WORK DONE IN ALL CLASSES OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION WORKS DURINGLAST THREE YEARSNAME OF CONTRACTOR :-Sr. Amount Put Agreement Date of Amount of work done Amount of RemarksNo. to <strong>Tender</strong>/ No. Commencement during each of last work still<strong>Tender</strong>ed three years (Rs. in remaining toName of work cost lakhs) be executed2013-20142010- 2011- 2012-2011 2012 2013(Rs. In lakhs)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Grand Total :-Outward No. and Date of Certificate issuing authorityExecutive EngineerSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

35 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM – VIIMaximum value of Civil Engineer works in any one year during last 3 years.Name of tenderer :Sr.No. Name of work <strong>Tender</strong> Civil works executed during RemarksCost 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13In support of the detailsentered in this statement , thetenderer shall attach theattested copies of the worksdone certificates signed bythe authority not below therank of Executive Engineer.TotalMultiplying factor forupdatingGrand Total1.2 1.1 1(1) <strong>Tender</strong>er shall work out this Bid capacity on basis of highest amount "A" i.e. the total cost of work done in any one year out ofthe last three years and the amount "B" i.e. the total cost of works in hand as per Statement No. 1 and shall work out the BidCapacity as below.Bid Capacity = (A*N*2)-BSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

36 Dy.Ex.Engr.FORM - VIIIName of tenderer :Sr.No.ItemMinimum quantityrequired to beexecuted in one yearQuantity executed by the tendererin2010-11 2011-12 2012-13Remarks1 W.B.M.2 B.U.S.G. ( 75 mm. thick)430.00Cubic Metre5680.00Square MetreIn support of the detailsentered in this statement,the tenderer shall attachscanned copy of theoriginal quantityexecuted certificatessigned by the authoritynot below the rank ofExecutive Engineer.4.20 mm. open graded carpet withseal coat.5280.00Square MetreSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

37SAMPLE FORMDy.Ex.Engr.DECLARATION TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CONTRACTOR / FIRM(This document should be on Original Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- not on Xeroxcopy )( To be submitted in ENVELOPE NO.1 ) if applicable.Name of work :1. I /We , shall erect the Modern Drum Mix Plant confirming to Clause No.504.3.4. of M.O.S.T. Specifications, within 40 Kms. and also within one hourmotorable distance from the site of this work own/hire with the following conditions.2. I/We, shall abide by all these conditions stipulated. I /We, am/are fully awarethat ,i) The suitable land required for the establishment of Drum Mix Plant is to beobtained by me /us at my/our cost.ii) No rental charges are refundable to me/us and I/We shall not claim for anyrental charges for stacking of material on the land acquired by me /us as referred tosub-para (1) of condition (2).3. I/We , have the required machinery i.e. modern drum mix type hot mix plant,paver finisher and tippers etc. owned by me/us which can be spare for this workimmediately after awarding the work within a reasonable time. The documentaryevidence i.e. (i) copies of purchase bill and delivery challan in respect of hot mix plantand paver finisher in Envelope No.1ORI/We, intend to hire the required machinery modern drum mix plant, paver finisher andtipper etc. from _________________________________________________________________________________________________who has promised tospare the said machinery for this work immediately after awarding the work, within areasonable time and legal agreement or hire deed duly executed in front ofmagistrate / any other registration authority by Government of Maharashtra is given inEnvelope No.1.4. Any dispute arising with the owner of the land shall be amicably settled by me/us and it should not have any encumbrance on the work.5. I/We shall observe the local authorities rules as would be applicable to allactivities pertaining to the work.6. I/We shall be fully responsible to construct and maintain necessary approachroad upto the plant from the road and shall not claim any compensation whatsoeverfor this purpose.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

38Dy.Ex.Engr.7. I/We shall also maintain the required standard traffic regulation system, withoutany extra cost to Government.8. That the department does not take any responsibility to acquire, maintain andutilise the land for the above purpose.9. I/We am/are aware of the fact that I/We , myself/ ourselves shall have to makeall arrangements , without any extra cost to Government to obtain the facilities ifrequired such as Electric Connection, Water supply , Telephone etc. and such otheramenities as may be desired by the concerned authorities/ representatives of theother Department at any time without prior notice.10. I / We am / are aware that the erected Drum Mix Plant shall be freely availablefor inspection to any authorities of the other Department also.11. I / We am / are aware that the fact I / We have to establish fully equipped fieldlaboratory at the plant site for carrying out in situ tests such as gradation, extractionalso other routine tests and as per M.O.S.T. specification as may be directed byEngineer-in-charge. 100% tests shall be performed at plant site by Chemist of thecontractor.12. I / We am / are aware that I / We have to commence this Drum Mix Plantunder supervision of Engineer-in-charge or authorised / representative of Engineer-inchargewithin maximum period of 30 days from the date of issue of work order, failingwhich I/We shall be liable to the Security Deposit will be forfeited to Government.13. I / We have carefully gone through the conditions No. 1 to 12 enlisted on pageNo. .......... and I / We shall abide by the same. The above mentioned conditions arefully binding over me/ us , I / We am / are also aware that in case I / We shall notagree to these conditions , Envelope No.2 of my /our tender will not be opened and Ishall have no objection upon it.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

39ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTDy.Ex.Engr.( This document should be on Original Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- not on Xeroxcopy )(On Stamp Paper of worth Rs. 100/-)This Agreement of Hire of Machinery made and executed at _________ on this, the______________ day of the month of ___________ 200 .BETWEEN :1) Shri. / M/s ___________________________________________A Sole Trading concern Pvt. Ltd. Co. / Public Ltd. Co. / Partnership Firmregistered under the provisions of respective Acts in force and having his /their Officesituated.Who is a ,i) Sole Proprietor of the above mentioned concern.ii)iii)Partner of the above mentioned partnership firm.Holder of power attorney of the above mentioned firm, ExecutiveDirector or Manager of the above mentioned Company as approvedby the present Board of Director of the above mentioned Company.Hereinafter for the sake of brevity referred to as " The Owner " ( whichexpression shall, unless it be repugnant to the meaning of context thereof, mean andincluded the firm of all partners of the Firm, the company at material time and theirsuccessors).ANDParty of the First Part2) Shri. / M/s ___________________________________________A Sole Trading concern Pvt. Ltd. Co. / Public Ltd. Co. / Partnership Firmregistered under the provisions of respective Acts in force and registered Governmentcontractors registered in appropriate Class with Government of Maharashtra Havinghis / their office situated at _________________ and managed by Shri.____________________________________________Who is a ,i) Sole Proprietor of the above mentioned concern.ii)iii)Partner of the above mentioned partnership firm.Holder of power attorney of the above mentioned firm, ExecutiveDirector or Manager of the above mentioned Company.Hereinafter for the sake of brevity referred to as " The Hirer " ( whichexpression shall, unless it be repugnant to the meaning of context thereof, mean andSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

40Dy.Ex.Engr.included the firm of all partners of the Firm, the company at material time and theirsuccessors).Party of the Second PartWhere in the party of the first part herein is an absolute owner of the________________________________________________________________Name of Machine/sAnd substantiate or establish it the documentary evidence in token of voucherenclosed. Where as party of the second part herein is a registered GovernmentContractors as stated in appropriate Class with Government of Maharashtra.AND where as the party of the second part is or is likely to submit the tenderfor _______________________________________________________________Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer, ____________________________AND WHERE AS the party of the second part intends to use the machinery ofthe said work as is being stipulated by the Department and desirous of taking the one/s on the monthly hire charges basis.AND WHERE AS the party of the first part , is desirous of giving machinery onhire charges basis to the party of second part.AND WHERE AS to these presents are desirous of recording the terms and ofthe agreement , reduce the same to writing.Now therefore, this articles of agreement witnesseth as under :One /s to be hired.It is hereby agreed between the parties to these presents that ___________________________________________________________________________Name of Machine / sOf the second part has agreed to pay an amount of Rs. ________________ tothe party of the first part on account of monthly wages of the machine /s as detailedbelow at the end of each month.The party of Second part shall also pay an amount of Rs. _____________ asinterest deposit to the party of the first part at the time of intimation in writing. Thisdeposit _____________________________________________ shall either berefunded by the First Part to the party of the Second Part or shall be adjusted in thefinal of the hire charges of the machine /s .Name of MachineMonthly rate of hire charges.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

2) Date of Hire :41Dy.Ex.Engr.It is hereby expressly declared by the parties to the presents that the machine/s shall be hired on and from the date of commencement of the work being awarded orthat would be awarded by the Executive Engineer, ____________________________________ to the party of the second part herein.3. It is hereby agreed by and between the parties to these presents that instantagreement shall remain in force from the date of hire as specified in Clause -2 aboveto the date of either completion of the work in question or six months from the date ofhire whichever period expires later.4. Possession :The party of the first part has agreed to deliver the possession of the machine/s that would be hired as described in Clause one above in good working conditionalong with its operational crew and all the necessary accessories of the machine / sbeing hired to the party of the second part within eight days from the date of intimationin writing given by the party of the second part to the party of the first part.5. Mode of payment :Monthly hire charges of the machine /s as specified in Clause one above shallbe paid by the party of the second part as on the last day of each month by issuing acrossed Account Payee Cheque or Crossed Account Payee Demand Draft.6. Repairs and Maintenance :It is hereby agreed by the party of the first part that it shall bear all day to dayexpenses of the machine /s on account of fuel, oil and lubricants, operations,maintenance and repair charges during the currency of the period for which machine/slet out on hire charges to the party of the second part. It is further agreed that if theparty of the second part spends on the operations, repairs and maintenance for themachine /s hired by it, the party of the second part has every right to deduct the saidamount from the monthly hire charges payable to the party of the first part.7. The party of the first part shall always keep the machine /s in good workingconditions that are given on hire charges basis to the party of the second part. It isfurther agreed that the day spend on repairs and maintenance shall be excluded forthe purpose of calculating the monthly hire charges.8. The party of the second part shall have right to deduct the Income Tax atsource at the prescribed rate of the provisions of Income Tax Act as ordered by theGovernment of India, are applicable.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

42Dy.Ex.Engr.In Testimony where of the parties to these present have set and subscribedtheir respective signatures on the day, month and year herein above written.Party of the First PartParty of the Second PartSigned Executedand delivered for and onbehalf ofShri./ M/s________________________________________In presence of :1)________________________2)________________________Signed Executedand delivered for and onbehalf ofShri. /M/s ______________________________________________AFFIRMED AND EXECUTEDBEFORE MENOTARYSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

43FORM – IX(On Stamp Paper of worth Rs. 100/-)Dy.Ex.Engr.MODEL FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BONDIn consideration of the Governor of Maharshtra ( hereinafter referred to as “ TheGovernment”) having agreed to exempt ______________________( hereinafterreferred to as “ The Contractor”) from depositing with the Government in cash the sumof Rs. _______ (Rupess___________________________________________only)being the security deposit payable by the Contractor to the Government under theterms and conditions of the agreement dated the _______ day of_________________ and made between the Government of the one part and theContractor of the other part (hereinafter referred to as “the said agreement”) for_________________as security for the observance and performance by theContractor of the terms and conditions of the said agreement, on the contractorfurnishing to the Government a guarantee in the prescribed form of scheduled bank inIndia being in fact these present in the like sum of Rs. _________ ( Rupees_____________________________only). We _______________________ BANK /LIMITED registered in India under _________ Act and having one of our local HeadOffice at ____________________do hereby :1. Guarantee to the Government :a) Due performance and observance by the Contractor of the terms, covenantsand conditions on the part of the Contractor contained in the said agreement,ANDb) Due and punctual payment by the Contractor to the Government of all sums ofmoney, losses, damages, cost charges, penalties and expenses payable to theGovernment by the Contractor under or in respect to the said agreement2. Undertake to pay to the Government on demand and without demur andnotwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) in any suit orproceeding filed in any court of tribunal relating thereto the said sum of Rs. _______( Rupees __________________________________________ only) or such less summay be demanded by the Government from us our liability hereunder being absoluteand unequivocal and agree that .3.a) The guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during thesubsistence of the said agreement and that the same will continue to be enforceabletill all the dues of the Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have beenduly paid and its claims satisfied or discharged and till the Government certifies thatthe terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully , properly carried outby the Contractor.b) We shall not be discharged or released from the liability under this guaranteeby reasons ofi) any change in the constitution of the bank or the Contractor or ;Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

ii)44Dy.Ex.Engr.any arrangement entered into between the Government and the Contractorwith or without our consent ;iii) any forbearance of indulgence shown to the Contractor ;iv)any variation in the terms covenant or conditions contained in the saidagreement ;v) any time given to the Contractor or ;vi)any other conditions or circumstances under which, in law , a surety would bedischarged.c) Our liability hereunder shall be joint and several with that of the Contractor as ifwe were principal debtors in respect of the said sum of Rs. ____________( Rupees_______ ______________________only) andd) We shall not revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previousconsent in writing of the Government.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the common seal of ____________________ has beenhereunto affixed this ________day of _________20__. The common seal of___________________ was pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Directors of theCompany dated the _____________ day of __________ herein affixed in thepresence of1._______________________2._______________________Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

45Dy.Ex.Engr.NAME OF WORK : IMPROVEMENTS (WINDENING) TO PAUDKOLWAN FAGNE DAM ROAD (MDR-26) KM. 3/500 TO 16/400 ( KM.12/500 TO 16/400), TALUKA MULSHI, DIST. PUNE.DECLARATION OF THE CONTRACTORSI/We hereby declare that I/we have made myself /ourselves thoroughly conversantwith the sub-soil conditions, the local conditions regarding all materials ( such asstone, murum, sand , etc.) and labour of which I/we have based my/our rates for thiswork. The specifications, conditions, bore results and lead of materials on this workhave been carefully studied and understood by me/us before submitting this tender.I/We undertake to use only the best materials approved by the Executive Engineer,Public Works (South) Division, Pune. 411 001 or his duly authorised assistant,before starting the work and to abide by his decision.I/We hereby further declare that my/our tender is unconditional in every manner orwhatsoever in nature.I/We hereby undertake to pay the labourers engaged on the work as per MinimumWages Act, 1948 applicable to the zone concerned.TO BE FILLED BY THE CONTRACTORI/We have quoted my/our offer in percentage rate in words as well as in figures. I/Wefurther undertake to enter into contract in regular “B-1” form in Public WorksDepartment.Name and Signature of the Contractor(s) / Power of attorney holderwith complete address.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

46Dy.Ex.Engr.GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORKNAME OF WORK : IMPROVEMENTS (WINDENING) TO PAUDKOLWAN FAGNE DAM ROAD (MDR-26) KM. 3/500 TO 16/400 ( KM.12/500 TO 16/400), TALUKA MULSHI, DIST. PUNE.………Introduction :- As per 2001-2021 Road Development plan of Govt. of Maharashtra PaudKolwan Fagne Dam road is classified as MDR-26. Total length of this road in Pune District is41.200 Km. This road is very important which connects to Lonawala City, Pawana Dam andPune Mumbai ExpresswayThe work is proposed in Km. 12/500 to 15/700. Average formation width is6.50 metre and existing carriageway width is 3.75 metre in proposed length. Intensity oftraffic on this road is10694 Metric Tonne per day and Annual rainfall in this area is about 4000mm to 5000 mm.Pune.The work situated near Kolwan, Taluka Mulshi which is about 40 Km. fromScope of Work :-1.Earthwork:- Excavation for Gutters. Widening of formation width from 6.50 metre to 7.50metre in Km. 12/500 to 15/700.2.WBM:- 15 centimetre thick Granular Sub-base and 15 c.m. thick Grade II and 7.5 centimetrethick Grade III for widening of carriageway from 3.75 metre to 5.50 metre in Km. 12/500 to15/700.3 Black Topping- 75 millimetre thick Built up Spray Grout and 20 millimetre thick opengraded carpet with liquid seal coat for carriageway width 5.50 metre.4. Filling of Hard murum for preparing side shoulders.5. C.D works:- 900 milimetre diameter R.C.C. Pipe with head wall in cement concrete M 10Grade at required location6. Miscellaneous.The material required for this work is available within reasonable lead. Thewater required for this work is available within vicinity. However the contractor shall confirmthese facts before quoting his offer.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

47THE METHOD AND SEQUENCE OF EXECUTION( GENERAL GUIDELINES )Dy.Ex.Engr.1) On award of contract, the contractor shall take levels jointly with Engineer'srepresentative for existing cross sections and L sections of the road. The crosssections shall be taken at 10.00 m. interval at other and 5.00 m. interval on curves andin Ghat Section along the length of the road. Bench mark pillars shall be erected at500 m. interval before starting leveling work.2) After taking line out , contractor must excavate the gutter as per sectionattached with the tender. Minimum longitudinal slope towards natural drain shall be1:40.3) The formation widening shall be executed simultaneously as per necessity.4) After completion of gutter excavation, contractor shall take the work of C.D.Work in the excavation for head wall of C.D. work shall be completed after passing offoundation for head walls. Contractor shall construct masonry work upto sill level ofpipe and then pipe shall be laid in line and level and complete head wall constructionalongwtih catch pit.5) Work of collection for W.B.M. shall be taken in hand only after completion ofgutter and C.D. work with catch pit and completion of earth work.6) W.B.M. and B.B.M. shall be completed with 3% camber and super elevation ifrequired as per specification with schedule. B.M. shall be completed after B.B.M.7) Open graded premix carpet with liquid seal coat , road side furniture shall beexecuted as per schedule.8) The contractor will not be paid for W.B.M. gutter, C.D. works and B.T. Items ifhe has not excavated Gutters.9) The work of filling watering and compacting side shoulder as specified withavailable murum shall be done simultaneously with laying of W.B.M., B.B.M. andcarpet layers. The side shoulders shall be compacted with side slope of 5% fromcarriageway edge towards to the gutter.10) Traffic plying at design speed should not feel bump or jerk on any stretches.Contractor shall plan for all such locations well before taking up work in such stretchesand difficulties in doing so, if any, be brought to the notice of the Engineer and onlyafter his permission work proceed further.11) If there is traffic plying on the existing road, the tenderer should get him selfaccustomed with the traffic conditions before quoting for the work. Once the work isstarted sufficient care shall be taken to see that obstruction / inconvenience to traffic iskept to the bearest minimum. Sufficient number of boards as required, approved byExecutive Engineer in charge shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost atsuch a location which give sufficient warning of work in progress, special care shall beSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

48Dy.Ex.Engr.taken by the contractor during night hours. The Contractor shall maintain thediversion properly at his own cost as directed by the Engineer in charge till thecompletion of the work.12) Work of construction of road side furniture shall be completed before executionof premix carpet and seal coat.13) Contractor shall erect scheme board within fifteen days from the date of workorder.14) Testing of material shall be as per frequency.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

49FORM B-1Dy.Ex.Engr.---------------------------------------------------------------------------PERCENTAGE RATE TENDER AND CONTRACTFOR WORKS--------------------------------------------------------------DEPARTMENT : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTREGION : PUBLIC WORKS REGION, PUNECIRCLE : PUBLIC WORKS CIRCLE, PUNEDIVISION : PUBLIC WORKS (SOUTH) DIVISIONPUNENAME OF WORK : IMPROVEMENTS (WINDENING) TO PAUDKOLWAN FAGNE DAM ROAD (MDR-26)KM. 3/500 TO 16/400 ( KM. 12/500 TO16/400), TALUKA MULSHI, DIST. PUNE.General Rules and Directions for the Guidance of Contractors1. All works proposed to be executed by contract shall be notified in a form ofinvitation to tender passed on a board hung up in the office of the Executive Engineerand signed by the Executive Engineer, P.W. (South) Division, Pune. This form willstate the work to be carried out as well as the date for submitting and openingtenders, and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of earnestmoney to be deposited with the tender and the amount of security deposit to bedeposited by the successful tenderer, and the percentage, if any, to be deducted frombills. It will also state whether a refund of quarry fees, royalties, dues and groundrents will be granted. Copies of the specifications, designs and drawings , estimatedrates, scheduled rates and any other documents required in connection with the workshall be signed by the Executive Engineer for the purpose of identification and shallalso be open for inspection by contractors at the office of the Executive Engineer,P.W. (South) Division, Pune during office hours.Where the works are proposed to be executed according to the specificationsrecommended by a contractor and approved by a competent authority on behalf of theGovernor of Maharashtra such specifications with designs and drawings shall formpart of the accepted tender.2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed by eachpartner thereof, and in the event of the absence of any partner, it shall be signed onhis behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorising him to do so.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

50Dy.Ex.Engr.2(A) i) The contractor shall pay alongwith a tender the sum of Rs. 1,40,200/-(Rupees One lakh forty thousand two hundred only) as and by way of earnestmoney. The contractor may pay the said amount by forwarding along with the tender “Treasury Challan or short term deposit receipt “ for a period of one year of anyNationalised/ Scheduled Bank for the like amount in favour of the ExecutiveEngineer, P.W. (South) Division, Pune. The said amount of earnest money shallnot carry any interest what so ever. (Amended vide G.R. PW Department’sCorrigendum No. CAT-1073/16967-D-3, dated 14/5/1976.)ii) In the event of his tender being accepted, subject to the provisions ofSub-clause (iii) below, the said amount of earnest money shall be appropriatedtoward the amount of security deposit payable by him under conditions of GeneralConditions of Contract.iii) If, after submitting the tender, the Contractor withdraws his offer or modifies thesame, or if, after the acceptance of his tender the Contractors fails or neglects tofurnish the balance of security deposit without prejudice to any other rights andpowers of the Government, hereunder, or in law, Government shall be entitled toforfeit the full amount of the earnest money deposited by him.iv) In the event of his tender not being accepted, the amount of earnest moneydeposited by the contractor shall, unless it is prior thereto forfeited under theprovisions of Sub-clause (iii) above, be refunded to him on his passing receipttherefor. (Amended vide G.R., B &C Department’s No. CAT 1272/44277-C, dated3/3/1973.)3. Receipts for payments made on account of any work, when executed by a firm,should also be signed by all the partners except where the contractors are describedin their tender as firm, in which case the receipt shall be signed in the name of the firmby one of the partners, or by some other person having authority to give effectualreceipts for the firm.4. Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed form stating atwhat percentage below or above the rates specified in Schedule ‘B’ (Memorandumshowing items of work to be carried out ) he is willing to undertake the work. Only onerate or such percentage of all the estimated rates/scheduled rates shall be named.<strong>Tender</strong>s which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form ofinvitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which containany other conditions of any sort will be liable to rejection. No printed form of tendershall include a tender for more than one work, but if Contractor who wish to tender fortwo or more works shall submit a separate tender for each. <strong>Tender</strong> shall have thename and the number of work to which they refer written outside the envelope.5. The Superintending Engineer or his duly authorised assistant shall opentenders in the presence of the Contractors who have submitted their tender or theirrepresentatives who may be present at the time and he will enter the amounts of theseveral tenders in comparative statements in a suitable form. In the event of a tenderSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

51Dy.Ex.Engr.being accepted, the Contractor shall, for the purpose of identification, sign copies thespecifications and other documents mentioned in Rule1. In the event of tender beingrejected, the divisional officer shall authorise the Treasury Officer concerned to refundthe amount of Earnest Money deposited to the Contractor making the tender, on hisgiving a receipt for the refund of the money.6. The officer competent to dispose off the tenders shall have the right of rejectingall or any of the tenders.7. No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a Contractor inregard to any matter relating to this tender or the contract shall be valid and binding onthe Government unless it is signed by the Executive Engineer.8. The memorandum of work to be tendered for and the Schedule of materials tobe supplied by the Department and their rates shall be filled in and completed by theoffice of the Executive Engineer before the tender form is issued. If a form issued toan intending tenderer has not been so filled in and completed, he shall request thesaid office to have this done before he completes and delivers his tender.9. All works shall be measured net by standard measure and according to therules and customs of the Department and their rates shall be without reference to anylocal custom.10. Under no circumstances shall any Contractor be entitled to claim enhancedrates for items in this contract.11. Every registered Contractor should produce along with his tender certificate ofregistration as approved Contractor in the appropriate class and renewal of suchregistration with date of expiry.12. All corrections and additions or pasted slips should be initialed.13. The measurements of work will be taken according to the usual methods in usein the Department no proposals to adopt alternative methods will be accepted. TheExecutive Engineer’s decision as to what is “the usual method in use in theDepartment” will be final.14. A tendering Contractor shall furnish a declaration along with a tender showingall works for which he has already entered into contract, and the value of the workthat remains to be executed in each case on the date submitting the tender.15. Every tenderer shall furnish along with the tender, information regarding theIncome Tax Circle or Ward of the District in which he is assessed to Income Tax, thereference to the number of the assessment and the Assessment Year and a validIncome Tax Clearance Certificate or True Copy thereof duly attested by GazettedOfficer. Permanent Account Number (PAN) No. ____________________.16. In view of the difficult position regarding the availability of foreign exchange, noforeign exchange would be released by the Department for the purchase of plant andSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

52Dy.Ex.Engr.machinery required for the execution of the work contracted for(GCD/PWD/CFM/1058/62517 of 26.5.1959).17. The Contractor will have to construct shed for storing controlled and valuablematerials issued to him under Schedule ‘A ‘ of the agreement, at work site, havingdouble locking arrangement. The materials will be taken for use in the presence ofthe Department person. No materials will be allowed to be removed from the site ofworks.18. The Contractors shall also give a list of machinery in their possession andwhich they propose to use on the work in the form of Statement No. II.19. Every registered Contractor should furnish along with the tender a statementshowing previous experience and technical staff employed by him , in the Form No. V.20. Successful tenderer will have to produce to the satisfaction of the acceptingauthority a valid and current licence issued in his favour under the provisions ofContract Labour ( Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1973 before starting work failingwhich acceptance of the tender will be liable for withdrawal and earnest money will beforfeited to the Government. (Reference Government of Maharashtra, Irrigation &Power Department’s letter No. LAB 1076/1181/(666E-(17), dated 8/9/1976).21. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Apprentices Act, 1961 andthe rules and the orders issued thereunder from time to time. If he fails to do so, hisfailure will be breach of the contract and the Superintending Engineer, may in hisdiscretion cancel the contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniaryliability arising on account of any violation by him of the provisions of the Act.…………………….Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

53Dy.Ex.Engr.TENDER FOR WORKS* In figures as well asin words.(a) if several subworksare includedthey should bedetailed in a separatelist(c) The amount ofearnest money to bedeposited shall be inaccordance with theprovisions of paras206 and 207 of theM.P.W. Manual.(d) This deposit shallbe in accordancewith paras 213 and214 of the M.P.W.Manual.1. I/We hereby tender for the execution, for the Governor ofMaharashtra (hereinafter and hereinafter referred to as “Government “ of the work specified in the underwrittenmemorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at____________________ _________ ( percent below/above)the estimated rates entered in Schedule – B ( memorandumshowing items of works to be carried out ) and in accordance in allrespects with the specifications, design, drawings, andinstructions, in writing referred to in Rule-1 hereof and in Clause-12 of the annexed conditions of the contract and agree that whenmaterials for the works are provided by the Government suchmaterial the rates to be paid for them shall be as provided inSchedule “A” hereto.MEMORANDUM(a) General Description – Improvements (Windening) toPaud Kolwan Fagne Dam Road (MDR-26) Km. 3/500 to16/400 ( Km. 12/500 to 16/400), Taluka Mulshi, Dist. Pune.(b) Estimated Cost - Rs. 1,86,89,164=00(c) Earnest Money - Rs. 1,40,200=00(d) Security Depositi) Cash ( Not less than the - Rs. 3,73,800.00Amount of earnest money)ii) To be deducted from - Rs. 3,73,800.00the current bills._______________________Total Rs. 7,47,600.00_______________________(e) This percent whereno security deposit istaken, will vary from 5(e) Percentage, if any, to bededucted from bills so as toSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

54Dy.Ex. Engr.percent to 10 percentaccording to therequirement of thecase where securitydeposit is taken seenot 1 to clause 1 ofconditions ofcontract(f) Give Schedulewhere necessaryshowing dates bywhich the variousitems are to becompleted.make up the total amountrequired as security deposit 4%Percentby the time, half the work, asmeasured by the costs, is done.(f) Time allowed for the work fromthe date of written order to commence -12 Calendar Months.( Twelve CalendarMonths) .( Including Monsoon)2. I/We agree that the offer shall remain open for acceptancefor a minimum period of 120 days from the date fixed for openingthe same and thereafter until it is withdrawn by me/us by noticein writing duly addressed to the authority opening the tendersand sent by registered post A.D. or otherwise delivered at theoffice of such authority. Treasury/ Bank Challan No.__________________________ and date ________________ orTerm Deposit Receipt for a period of one year receipt no. and date______________ In respect to the sum ofRs._____________________________ ( in words -_________________________________________________________________________)representing the earnest money is herewith forwarded.The amount of earnest money shall not bear interest andshall be liable to be forfeited to the Government should I/We fail to(i) abide the stipulations to keep the offer open for the periodmentioned above or (ii) Sign and complete the contractdocuments as required by the Engineer and furnish the securitydeposit as specified in item (d) of the memorandum contained inparagraph (1) above within the time limit laid down in clause (1)of the annexed General Conditions of Contract. The amount ofearnest money may be adjusted towards the security deposit orrefunded to me/us if so desired by me/us in writing unless thesame or any part thereof has been forfeited as aforesaid.3. I/We have secured exemption from payment of earnestmoney after executing the necessary bond in favour of theGovernment, a true copy of which is enclosed herewith should anyoccasion for forfeiture of earnest money of this works arise due tofailure on my/ our part to (i) abide by the stipulations to keep theoffer open for the period mentioned above or (ii) sign andcomplete the contract documents and furnish the security depositas specified in item (d) of the memorandum contained inparagraph (a) above within the time limit laid down in clause (a) ofthe annexed General Conditions of Contracts, the amountpayable by me/us may, at the option of the Engineer, berecovered out of the amount deposited in lumpsum for securing.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

55Dy.Ex. Engr.exemption in so far as the same may extend in terms of the saidbond and in the event of the deficiency out of any other contractor transaction of any nature whatsoever or otherwise..4. Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree toabide by and fulfil all the terms and provisions of the conditions ofContract annexed hereto so far as applicable and in defaultthereof to forfeit and pay to the Government the sums of moneymentioned in the said conditions.*Amount to bespecified in wordsand figures.*Strike out (a) if nocash securitydeposit is to betaken.Receipt No._____________ Dated ____________from the Government Treasury or Sub- Treasury at____________ in respect of sum of Rs.*____________ /- ( Inwords______________________________________________________ ) Is herewithforwarded representing the earnest money (a0 the value of whichis to be absolutely forfeited to the Government should I/We notdeposit the full amount of security deposit specified in the abovememorandum in accordance with clause 1 (A) of the saidConditions of Contract otherwise the said Conditions of Contractotherwise the said amount of Rs _______________ /- ( In words________________________________________ ) shall berefunded.Contractor:#____________________AddressDated: __________________________________________: The_____ day of __ 200__# Signature ofContractor beforesubmission oftender.(Witness ) : $Address:____________________________________________(Occupation) : ______________________SignatureWitnesscontractor’ssignature.oftoThe above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf ofthe Governor of MaharashtraSignature of theofficer by whomaccepted.Dated___________ day of ________ 200*EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

56Dy.Ex.Engr.CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTSecurity DepositPWD Resolution No.CAT/1087/CR-94/Bldg.2 dt.14-6-89Security depositPWD Resolution No.CAT/1087/CR-94/Bldg2 dated 21-6-2004Clause -1 – The person/persons whose tender may beaccepted (hereinafter called the contractor, which expressionshall unless excluded by or repugnant to the Context includehis heirs, executors, administrators, assigns) shall (A) withinten days(which may be extended by the SuperintendingEngineer concerned upto 15 days if the SuperintendingEngineer thinks fit to do so ) of the receipt by him of thenotification of the acceptance of his tender deposit withexecutive Engineer in cash of Government securitiesendorsed to the Executive Engineer (if deposited for morethan 12 months) of the sum sufficient which will make up thefull security deposit specified in the tender or (B) ( permitGovernment at the time of making any payment of him forwork done under the contract to deduct such sum as willamount to ___ 4 ___ * percent of all moneys so payable suchdeductions to be held by Government by way of securitydeposit.) Provided always that in the event of the Contractordepositing a lumpsum by way of security deposit ascontemplated at (A) above, then and in such case, if the sumso deposited shall not amount to ___4____ percent of thetotal estimated payment to the contractor for work doneunder the contract to make up the full amount of ___4__percent by deducting sufficient sum from every suchpayment as last aforesaid until the full amount for thesecurity deposit is made u. All compensation or other sumsof money payable for the Contractor to Government underterms of his contract may be deducted from or paid by thesale of sufficient part of his security deposit or from theinterest arising therefrom, or from any sums which may bedue or may become due by Government to the Contractorunder any other contract or transaction of any nature on anyaccount whatsoever and in the event of his security depositbeing reduced by reason of any such deduction or sale asaforesaid, the Contractor shall within ten days thereaftermake good in cash or Government securities endorsed asaforesaid any sum or sums which may have been deductedfrom or referred to, when paid in cash may at the cost of thedepositor, be converted into interest bearing securitiesprovided that the depositor has expressly desired this inwriting.The security deposit will not be accepted in forms ofinsurance company bonds. As per Government orderscontained in no.CCM/PWD/CAT/4250 dated 27.12.1956. Ifthe amount of the security deposit to be paid in a lumpsumwithin the period Specified at (A) above is not paid thetender/contract already accepted shall be considered asSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

57Dy.Ex.Engr.cancelled and legal steps taken against the Contractor forrecovery of the amounts. The amount of security depositlodged by a Contractor shall be refunded along with thepayment of final bill, if the date upto which the Contractorhas agreed to maintain the work in good order is over, if suchdate is not over, only 50% amount of security deposit shall berefunded along with the payment of the final bill. The amountof the security deposit retained by the Government shall bereleased after expiry of period upto which the Contractor hasagreed to maintain the work in good order is over. In theevent of he Contractor failing or neglecting to completerectification work within the period upto which the Contractorhas agreed to maintain the work in good order, then subjectto provision of Clauses 17 and 20 hereto the amount ofsecurity deposit retained by Government shall be adjustedtowards the excess cost incurred by the Department onrectification work.________________________________________________* Note: This will be the same percentages as that in thetender at (e)Compensation forDelayClause 2 – The time allowed for carrying out the work asentered in the tender shall be strictly observed by theContractor and shall be Strictly observed by the Contractorand shall be reckoned from the date on which the order tocommence work is given to the Contractor. The work shallthroughout the stipulated period of the contract beproceeded with, with all due diligence (time being deemedto be the essence of the contract on the part of theContractor ) and the Contractor shall pay as compensationan amount equal to one percent of such smaller amount asthe Superintending Engineer (whose decision in writing shallbe final) may decide of the amount of the estimated cost ofthe whole work as shown by the tenderer for everyday thatthe work remains un-commenced or unfinished after theproper dates. And further to ensure good progress duringexecution of the work, the Contractor shall be bound, in allcases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds onemonth to complete.The Programme for completion of work is attached in form ofbar chart on page No.__________. The contractor issupposed to carryout the work and keep the progress as perbar chart on page No. _________. The contractor shouldcomplete the work as per phase period given below, which isarrived from the bar chart.1/4 th of the work in 1/4 th ** of the time½ of the work in ½ ** of the time3/4 th of the work in 3/4 th ** of the timeFull work to be completed in 12 Calendar months (includingmonsoon )Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

58Dy.Ex.Engr.** Note : The quantity of the work to be done within aparticular time to be specified shall be fixed and inserted inthe blank space kept for the purpose by the Officercompetent to accept the contracts after taking intoconsideration the circumstances of each case and abide bythe programme of details process laid down by theExecutive Engineer.The following proportion will usually be found suitable In ¼,½, ¾ of the time.Reasonable progress of earth work 1/6 , 1/2, 3/4 of the totalvalue of the work to be done.Reasonable progress of masonry 1/10 , 4/10, 8/10 of thetotal value of the work to be done.In the event of the Contractor failing to comply with theseconditions he shall be liable to pay as compensation anamount equal to one percent or such smaller amount as theSuperintending Engineer ( whose decision in writing shall befinal ) may decided of the said estimated cost of the wholework for every day that the due quantity of work remainsincomplete provided always that the total amount ofcompensation to be paid under the provisions of this clauseshall not exceed 10 percent of the estimated cost of the workas shown in the tender. Superintending Engineer should bethe final authority in this respect, irrespective of the fact thattender is accepted by Chief Engineer/ Additional ChiefEngineer/ Superintending Engineer/ Executive Engineer orAssistant Engineer/ Deputy Engineer.Action when wholeof security depositis forfeited.Clause 3 – In any case in which under any clause of thiscontract of the Contractor shall have rendered himself liableto pay compensation amounting to the whole of this securitydeposit whether paid in one sum or deducted by installmentsor in the case of abandonment of the work owing to seriousillness or death of the Contractor or any other causes, theExecutive Engineer, on behalf of the Governor ofMaharashtra shall have power to adopt any of the followingcourses, as he may deem best to the interest of Government.a) To rescind the contract (for which recession notice inwriting to the Contractor under the hand on ExecutiveEngineer shall be conclusive evidence ) and in that case thesecurity deposit of the Contractor shall stand forfeited andbe absolutely at the disposal of the Government.b) To carry out the work or any part of the workdepartmentally debiting the Contractor with the cost of thework, expenditure incurred on tools and plant, and charges ofadditional supervisory staff including the cost of work-Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

59Dy.Ex.Engr.charged establishment employed for getting unexecutedpart of the work completed and crediting him with the value ofthe work done departmentally in all respects in the samemanner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out bythe Contractor under the terms of his contract. The certificateof the Executive Engineer as to the costs and the other alliedexpenses so incurred and as to the value of the work sodone departmentally shall be final and conclusive againstthe Contractor.c) To order that the work of the Contractor be measured upand to take such part thereof as shall be unexecuted, out ofhis hands and to give it to another Contractor to complete, inwhich case all expenses incurred on advertisement for fixinga new contracting agency, additional supervisory staffincluding the cost of work-charged establishment and thecost of the work executed by the new contract agency will bedebited to the contractor and the value of he work done orexecuted through the new contractor shall be credited to thecontractor in all respects and in the same manner and at thesame rates as if it had been carried out by the Contractorunder the terms of his contract. The certificate of theExecutive of the Executive Engineer as to all the costs ofthe work and other expenses as aforesaid for or in getting theunexecuted work done by the new contractor and as to thevalue of the work so done shall be final and conclusiveagainst the Contractor.In case the contract shall be rescinded under clause ( a )above the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or bepaid, any sum for any work therefore actually performed byhim under this contract unless and until the ExecutiveEngineer shall have certified in writing the performance ofsuch work and the amount payable to him in respect thereofand he shall only be entitled to be paid the amount socertified. In the event of either of the courses referred to inClause (b) or (c) being adopted and the cost of workexecuted departmentally or through a new contractor andother allied expenses exceeding the value of such workcredited to the Contractor, the amount of excess shall bededucted from money due to the Contractor, byGovernment under the contract or otherwise howsoever orfrom his security deposit or the sale proceeds thereofprovided , however that the Contractor shall have no claimagainst Government even if the certified value of the workdone departmentally or through a new contractor exceedsthe certified cost of such work and allied expenses, providedalways that whichever of the three courses mentioned inclauses (a), (b) or (c) is adopted by the Executive Engineer,the Contractor shall have no claim to compensation for anySignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

60Dy.Ex.Engr.loss sustained by reason of his having purchased, orprocured any materials, or entered into any engagements ormade any advances on account of, or with a view to theexecution of the work or the performance of the contract.Action when theprogress of anyparticular portion ofthe work isunsatisfactory.Contractor remainsliable to paycompensation ifaction not takenunder Clauses 3 & 4Power to takepossession of orrequire removal ofor sale contractor’splant.Clause 4- If the progress of any particular portion of thework is unsatisfactory, the Executive Engineer shallnotwithstanding that the general progress of the work is inaccordance with the conditions mentioned in clause 2, beentitled to take action under clause 3(b) after given theContractor 10 days notice in writing. The contractor willhave no claim for compensation, for any loss sustained byhim owing to such action.Clause 5 – In any case in which any of the powers conferredupon the Executive Engineer by clause 3 and 4 hereof shallhave become exercisable and the same shall not beenexercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute awaiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shallnotwithstanding be excisable in the event of any future caseof default by the Contractor for which under any clauseshereof he is declared liable to pay compensation amountingto the whole of his security deposit and liability of theContractor for past and future compensation shall remainunaffected. In the event of the Executive Engineer takingaction under sub-clause (a) or (c) of clause 3, he may, if heso desires, take possession of all or any tools and plants,material and stores , in or upon the work or the site thereof orbelonging to the Contractor or procured by him and intendedto be used for the execution of the work or any part thereof,paying or allowing for the same in account at the contractrates, or in the case of contract rates being applicable atcurrent market rates, to be certified by the ExecutiveEngineer whose certificate thereof shall be final. In thealternative, the Executive Engineer may after giving notice inwriting to the Contractor or his clerk of the work, foreman orother authorized agent require him to remove such tools andplants material or stores, from the premises within a time tobe specified in such notice, and in the event of the Contractorfailing to comply with any such requisition, the ExecutiveEngineer may remove them at the Contractor’s expense orsale them by auction or private sale on account of theContractor and his risk in all respects, and the certificate ofthe Executive Engineer as to the expense of any suchremoval and the amount of the proceeds and expense of anysuch sale shall be final and conclusive against theContractor.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

61Dy.Ex.Engr.Extension of timeClause 6 – If the Contractor shall desire an extension of thetime for completion of work on the ground of his having beenunavoidably hindered in its execution or on any othergrounds, he shall apply in writing to the Executive Engineerbefore the expiration of the period stipulated in the tender orbefore the expiration of 30 days from the date on which hewas hindered as aforesaid or on which the cause for askingfor extension occurred, whichever is earlier and theExecutive Engineer or in the opinion of SuperintendingEngineering or Chief Engineer as the case may be if in hisopinion, there were reasonable grounds for granting anextension, grant such extension as he thinks necessary orproper, the decision of the Executive Engineer in this mattershall be final.Final certificate.Payment onintermediatecertificate to beregarded asadvanceClause 7 – On the completion of the work the Contractorshall be furnished with a certificate by the ExecutiveEngineer ( hereinafter called the Engineer – in – charge ) ofsuch completion, but no such certificate shall be given norshall the work be considered to be completed until thecontractor shall have removed from the premises on whichthe work shall have been executed, all scaffolding, surplusmaterials and rubbish and shall have cleaned off, the dirtfrom all wood work, doors, windows, walls, floor or otherparts of any building in or upon which the work has beenexecuted, or of which he may have had possession for thepurpose of executing the work nor until the work shall havebeen measured by the Engineer – in – charge or where themeasurements have been taken by his subordinates untilthey have received approval from the Engineer-in-charge thesaid measurements being binding and conclusive againstthe Contractor. If the Contractor shall fail to Comply with therequirements of this clause as to the removal of scaffolding,surplus materials and rubbish and the cleaning of dirt on orbefore the date fixed for the completion of the work theEngineer-in-charge may at the expense of the Contractor,remove such scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish anddispose off the same as the thinks fit and clean off such dirtas aforesaid and the Contractor shall forthwith pay theamount of all expenses so incurred, but shall have no claimin respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials asaforesaid except for any sum actually realized by the salethereof.Clause 8 – No payment shall be made for any workestimated to cost less than Rupees One Thousand till afterthe whole of work shall have been completed and acertificate of completion given. But in the case of worksSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

62Dy.Ex.Engr.estimated to cost more then Rupees One Thousand theContractor shall on submitting a monthly bill therefore, beentitled to receive payment proportionate to the part of thework then approved and passed by the Engineer-in-charge,whose certificate of such approval and passing of the sumso payable shall be final and conclusive against theContractor. All such intermediate payments shall beregarded as a payment by way of advance against the finalpayments only and not as payments for work actually doneand completed and shall not preclude the Engineer-in-chargefrom requiring any bad, unsound, imperfect or unskillful workto be removed or taken away and reconstructed or reerectednor shall any such payment be considered as anadmission of the due performance of the contract or any partthereof in any respect or the occurring of any claim nor shallit conclude, determine or affect in any other way the powersof the Engineer-in-charge as to the final settlement andadjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in any other wayvary or affect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted bythe Contractor within one month of the date fixed for thecompletion of the work, otherwise the Engineer–in-charge’scertificate of the measurements and of the total amountpayable for the work shall be final and binding on all theparties.Payment atreduced rates onaccount of items ofwork not acceptedas so completed, tobe at the discretionof the Engineer-incharge.Bills to be submittedmonthly.Clause 9- The rates for several items of works estimated tocost more than Rs.,1,000/- agreed to within shall be validonly when the items concerned is accepted as having beencompleted fully in accordance with the sanctionedspecifications. In cases where the items of work are notaccepted as so contemplated by the Engineer-in-charge hemay make payment on account of such items at suchreduced rates as he may consider reasonable in thepreparation of final or on account bills.Clause 10 - A bill shall be submitted by the contractor ineach month on or before the dated fixed by the Engineer-inchargefor all works executed in the previous month, andthe Engineer-in-charge shall take or cause to be taken therequisite measurements for the purpose of having the sameverified and the claim, so far as it is admissible shall beadjusted, if possible, within ten days from the presentation ofthe bill. If the Contractor does not submit the bill within thetime fixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge may depute asubordinate to measure up the said work in the presence ofthe Contractor or his duly authorized agent whose countersignature to the measurement list shall be sufficient warrant,and the Engineer-in-charge may prepare a bill from such listwhich shall be binding on the Contractor in all respects.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

63Dy.Ex.Engr.Bills to be printed onformsStores supplied byGovernmentClause 11 - The Contractor shall submit all bills on theprinted forms to be had on application at the office of theEngineer-in-charge. The charges to be made in the billsshall always be entered at the rates specified in the tender orin the case of any extra work ordered in pursuance of theseconditions and not mentioned or provided for in the tender, atthe rates hereinafter provided for such work.Clause 12- If the specification or estimate of the workprovides for the use of any special description of materials tobe supplied from the stores of the Department or if it isrequired that the Contractor shall use certain stores to beprovided by the Engineer-in-charge (such material andstores and the price to be charged therefore as hereinaftermentioned being so far as practicable for the convenience ofthe Contractor but not so as in any way to control themeaning or effect of this contract specified in the schedule ormemorandum hereto annexed ) the Contractor shall besupplied with such materials and stores, as may be requiredfrom time to time to be used by him for the purposes ofcontract only and the value of full quantity of the materialsand the stores so supplied shall be set off or deducted fromany sums then due, or thereafter to become due to theContractor under the contract, or otherwise or from thesecurity deposit , the same of a sufficient portion thereof shallin that case be sold for the purpose. All materials supplied tothe Contractor shall remain the absolute property of theGovernment and shall on no account be removed from thesite of the work, and shall at all times be open for inspectionby the Engineer – in- charge. Any such materials unused andin perfectly good condition at the time of completion ortermination of the contract shall be returned to theDepartmental stores if the Engineer-in-charge so requires bya notice in writing given under his hand, but the contractorshall not be entitled to return any such materials except withsuch consent of the Engineer-in-charge so requires by anotice in writing given under his hand, but the Contractorshall not be entitled to return any such material except withsuch consent of the Engineer-in-charge and he shall haveno claim for compensation on account of any such materialsupplied to him as aforesaid but remaining unused by him orfor any wastage in or damage to any such material.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

64Dy.Ex.Engr.Works to beexecuted inaccordance withspecifications,drawings, ordersetc.Clause 13- The Contractor shall execute the whole andevery part of in the most substantial and workmanlikemanner, and both as regards materials and every otherrespect in strict accordance with specifications. Thecontractor shall also confirm exactly, fully and faithfully to thedesigns , drawings and instructions in writing relating to thework signed by the Engineer- in – charge and lodged in hisoffice and to which the Contractor shall be entitled to haveaccess for the purpose of inspection at such office, or on thesite of the work during office hours. The contractor will beentitled to receive three sets, of contract drawing and workingdrawings as well as one certified copy of the accepted tenderalong with the work order free of cost. Further copies of thecontract drawings and working drawing if required by him,shall be supplied at the rates Rs. 300/- per set of contractdrawing and Rs.200/- per working drawing except whereotherwise specified.AlterationIn specification anddesigns not toinvalidate contracts.Rates for works notentered in estimateor schedule of rateof the district.Clause 14 – The Engineer-in-charge shall have power tomake any alterations in or additions to the originalspecifications, drawings, designs, and instructions that mayappear to him to be necessary or advisable during theprogress of the work, and the Contractor shall be bound tocarry out the work in accordance with any instructions in thisconnection which may be given to him in writing signed bythe Engineer-in-charge and such alteration shall notinvalidate the contract, and any additional work which theContractor may be directed to do in the manner abovespecified as part of the work shall be carried out by theContractor on the same conditions in all respects tender forthe main work. And if the additional and altered work includesany class of Work includes any class of work for which norate is specified in this contract, then such class of work shallbe carried out at the rates entered in the schedule of Rates ofthe Division or at the rates mutually agreed upon betweenthe Engineer-in-charge and the Contractor, whichever arelower. If the additional or altered work for which no rate isentered in the Schedule of Rates of the Division, is orderedto be carried out before the rates are agreed upon then theContractor shall within seven days of the date of receipt byhim of the order to carry out the work inform the Engineer-inchargeof the rate which it is his intention to charge for suchclass of work and if the Engineer-in-charge does not agreeto this rate, he shall by notice in writing be at liberty to cancelhis order to carry out such class of work, and arrange to carryit out in such manner as he may consider advisableprovided always that if the Contractor shall commence workSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

65Dy.Ex.Engr.or incur any expenditure in regard thereto before the ratesshall have been determined as lastly hereinbeforementioned, then in such case he shall only be entitled to bepaid in respect of the work carried out or expenditureincurred by him prior to the date of the determination of therate as aforesaid according to such rate or rates as shall befixed by the Engineer-in-charge. In the event of a dispute thedecision of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle will befinal. Where, however, the work is to be executed accordingto the designs, drawings and specifications recommended bythe Contractor and accepted by the Competent Authoritythe alterations above referred to shall be within the scope ofsuch designs, drawings and specifications appended to thetender.Extension of time inconsequence ofaddition oralterations.The time limit for the completion of the work shall beextended in the proportion that the increase in its costoccasioned by alterations or additions bears to the cost ofthe original contract work, and the certificate of theEngineer-in-charge as to such proportion shall beconclusive.No claim to anypaymentorcompensation foralteration in orrestriction of work.Clause 15- (1) If at any time after the execution of thecontract documents the Engineer-in-charge shall for anyreason whatsoever ( other than default on the pat of theContractor for which the Government is entitled to rescindedthe contract ) desire that the whole or any part of the workspecified in the tender should be suspended for any period orthat the whole or part of the work should not be carried outat all, he shall give to the Contractor a notice in writing ofsuch desire and upon the receipt of such notice theContractor shall forthwith suspend or stop the work wholly orin part as required, after having due regard to theappropriate stage at which the work should be stopped orsuspended so as not to cause any damage or injury to thework already done or endanger the safety thereof providedthat the decision of the Engineer as to the stage at which thework or any part of it could be or could have been safelystopped or suspended shall be final and conclusive againstthe Contractor. The Contractor shall have no claim to anypayment or compensation whatsoever by reason of or inpursuance of any notice as aforesaid, on account of anysuspension, stoppage or curtailment except to the extentspecified hereinafter.2. Where the total suspension of work ordered asaforesaid continued of a continuous period exceeding 90days the Contractor shall be at liberty to withdraw from thecontractual obligations under the contract so far as it pertainsSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

66Dy.Ex.Engr.to the unexecuted part of the work by giving a 10 days priornotice in writing to the Engineer, within 30 days of the expiryof the said period of 90 days, of such intention and requiringthe Engineer to record the final measurements of the workalready done and to pay final bill. Upon giving such noticethe Contractor shall be deemed to have been dischargedfrom his obligation to complete the remaining unexecutedwork under his contract. On receipt of such notice theEngineer shall proceed to complete the measurement andmake such payment as may be finally due to the Contractorwithin a period of 90 days from the receipt of such notice inrespect of the work already done by the Contractor. Suchpayment shall not in any manner prejudice the right of theContractor to any further compensation under the remainingprovisions of this clause.3. Where the Engineer required the Contractor tosuspend the work for a period in excess of 30 days at anytime or 60 days in the aggregate the Contractor shall beentitled to apply to the Engineer within 30 days of theresumption of work after such suspension for payment ofcompensation to the extent of pecuniary loss suffered byhim in respect of working machinery remained idle on thesite or on the account of his having had to pay the salary orwages of labour engaged by him during the said period ofsuspension, provided always that the Contractor shall not beentitled to any claim in respect of any such workingmachinery, salary or wages for the first 30 days whetherconsecutive or in the aggregate of such suspension or inrespect of any suspension whatsoever occasioned byunsatisfactory work or any other default on his part. Thedecision of the Engineer in this regard shall be final andconclusive against the Contractor.Noclaimcompensation onaccount of loss dueto delay in supply ofmaterial byGovernment4. In the event of -i) Any total stoppage of work on notice from theEngineer under sub-clause (1) in that behalf.ii) Withdrawal by the Contractor from the contractualobligation to complete the remaining unexecuted workunder sub-clause (2) on account of continuedsuspension of work a period exceeding 90 days.ORiii) Curtailment in the quantity of item or items originallytendered on account of any alteration, omission orsubstitution in the specifications, drawings, designs, orinstructions under clause 14 (1) where suchcurtailment exceeds 25% in quantity and the value ofthe quantity curtailed beyond 25% at the rates for theitem specified in the tender is more than Rs. 5,000/-Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

67Dy.Ex.Engr.It shall be open to the Contractor, within 90 days from theservice of (i) the notice of stoppage of work or (ii) the noticeof withdrawal from the contractual obligations under thecontact on account of the continued suspension of work or(iii) notice under clause 14(1) resulting in such curtailment,to produce to the Engineer satisfactory documentaryevidence that he had purchased or agreed to purchasematerial for use in the contracted work, before receipt by himof the notice of stoppage, suspension or curtailment andrequire the Government to take over on payment suchmaterial at the rates determined by the Engineer, provided,however, that such rates shall in no case exceed the rates atwhich the same was acquired by the Contract. TheGovernment shall thereafter take over the material sooffered, provided the quantities offered, are not in excess ofthe requirements of the unexecuted work as specified in theaccepted tender and are of quality and specificationsapproved by the Engineer.Noclaimcompensation onaccount of loss dueto delay in supply ofmaterial byGovernment.Time limit forunforeseen claims.Action andcompensationpayable in case ofbad work.Clause 15 (A) - The Contractor shall not be entitled toclaim any compensation from Government for the losssuffered by him on account of delay by Government in thesupply of materials entered in Schedule A where such delayis caused byi) Difficulties relating to the supply of railwaywagons.ii) Force majeure.iii)iv)Act of God.Act of enemies of the State or any otherreasonable cause beyond the control ofGovernment.In the case of such delay in the supply of materials,Government shall grant such extension of time for thecompletion of the works as shall appear to the ExecutiveEngineer to be reasonable in accordance with thecircumstances of the case. The decision of the ExecutiveEngineer as to the extension of time shall be accepted asfinal by the Contractor.Clause 16- Under no circumstances whatever shall thecontractor be entitled to any compensation from Governmenton any account unless the Contractors shall have submittedclaim in writing to the Engineer – in- charge within onemonth of the case of such claim occurring.Clause 17- If at any time before the security deposit or anypart thereof is refunded to the Contractor it shall appear tothe Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of thework that any work has been executed with unsound,imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with materials ofSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

68Dy.Ex. Engr.P.W.D. ResolutionNo. CAT-1087/CR-94/Bldg.-2 Dated14/6/89.Work to be open toinspectionContractorresponsibleto be present.oragentinferior quality, or that any materials or articles provided byhim for the execution of the work are unsound or of a qualityinferior to that contracted for, or are otherwise not inaccordance with the contract, it shall be lawful for theEngineer-in-charge to intimate this fact in writing to theContractor and then notwithstanding the fact that the work,materials or articles complained of my have beeninadvertently passed certified and paid for, the Contractorshall be bound forthwith to rectify, or remove andreconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part, as thecase may require or if so required shall remove the materialsor articles at his own charge and cost and in the event ofhis failing to do so within a period to be specified by theEngineer – in – charge in the written intimation aforesaid, theContractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate ofone percent on the amount of the estimate for everyday notexceeding 10 days during which the failure so continuesand in the case of any such failure the Engineer-in-chargemay rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove,and replace the materials or articles complained of as thecase may be at the risk and expense in all respects of theContractor. Should the Engineer –in-charge consider thatany such inferior work or materials as prescribed above maybe accepted or made use of, it shall be within his discretionto accept the same at such reduced rates as he may fixtherefor.Clause 18- All works under or in course of execution orexecuted in pursuance of the contract shall at all times beopen to inspection and supervision of the Engineer-inchargeand his subordinates, and the Contractor shall at alltimes during the usual working hours, and at all other timesat which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineerin-chargeand his subordinate to visit the works shall havebeen given to the Contractor, either himself be present toreceive orders and instructions, or have a responsible agentduly accredited in writing present for that purpose. Ordersgiven to the Contractors duly authorized agent shall beconsidered to have the same force and effect as if they hadbeen given to the Contractor himself..Notice to be givenbefore work iscovered upClause 19 - The contractor shall give not less than fiveday’s notice in writing to the Engineer-in –charge or hissubordinate in charge of the work before covering up orotherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement anywork in order that the same may be measured and correctdimensions thereof taken before the same is so covered upSignature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

69Dy.Ex. Engr.or placed beyond the reach of measurement any workwithout the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge orhis subordinate in charge of the work, and if any work shallbe covered up or place beyond the reach of measurement,without such notice having been given or consent obtainedthe same shall be uncovered at the Contractor’s expense,and in default thereof no payment or allowance shall bemade for such work or for the materials with which the samewas executed..Contractor liable fordamage done andfor imperfections.Clause 20- If during the period of 24 Months from the dateof completion as certified by the Engineer-in-chargepursuant to clause 7 of the contractor or 36 months (Thirtysix Months) after commissioning the work, whichever isearlier in the opinion of the Executive Engineer the said workis defective in any manner whatsoever the Contractor shallforthwith on receipt of notice in that behalf from the ExecutiveEngineer, duly commence execution in every respect all thework that may be necessary for rectifying and setting rightthe defects specified therein including dismantling andreconstruction of unsafe portions strictly in accordance withand in the manner prescribed and under the supervision ofthe Executive Engineer. In the event of the Contractor failingor neglecting to commence execution of the saidrectification work within the period prescribed therefore inthe said notice and/or to complete the same as aforesaid asrequired by the said notice, the Executive Engineer may getthe same executed and carried out departmentally or by anyother agency at the risk, on account and at the cost of theContractor. The Contractor shall forthwith on demand pay tothe Government the amount of such cost, charges andexpenses sustained or incurred by the Government of whichthe certificate of the Executive Engineer shall be final andbinding on the Contractor. Such costs, charges andexpenses shall be deemed to be arrears of land revenueand in the event of the Contractor failing or neglecting to paythe same on demand as aforesaid without prejudice to anyother rights and remedies of the Government the same maybe recovered from the Contractor as arrears of land revenue.The Government shall also be entitled to deduct the samefrom any amount which may then be payable or which maytherefore become payable by the Government to theContractor either in respect of the said work or any otherwork whatsoever or from the amount of security depositretained by Government.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

Contractor tosupply plant, ladder,scaffolding, etc.and is liable fordamages arisingfrom non provisionsof light, fencing etc.70Dy.Ex.Engr.Clause 21- The Contractor shall supply at his own cost allmaterial (except such special materials, if any, as may, inaccordance with the contract, be supplied from the P.W.D.stores ), plant, tools, appliances, implements, ladders,cordage, tackles, scaffolding and temporary works requisiteor proper for the proper execution of the work, whether inthe original, altered or substituted form, and whetherincluded in the specification or other documents forming partof the contract or referred to in these conditions or not andwhich may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying orcomplying With the requirements of the Engineer-in – chargeas to any matter as to which under these conditions he isentitled to be satisfied, or which he is entitled to requiretogether with the carriage therefor to and from the work.The Contractor shall also supply without charge therequisite number of persons with the means and materialsnecessary for the purpose of setting out works and counting ,weighing and assisting in the measurement or examinationat any time and from time to time of the work or the materials.Failing this the same may be provided by the Engineer-inchargeat the expense of the Contractor and expenses maybe deducted from any money due to the Contractor under thecontract or from his security deposit or the proceeds of salethereof, or a sufficient portion thereof. The contractor shallprovide all necessary fencing and lights required to protectthe public from accident, and shall also be bound to bear theexpenses of defense of every suit, action or other legalproceedings, at law that may be brought by any person forinjury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions,and to pay any damages and costs which may be awardedin any such suit action or proceedings to any such person, orwhich may with consent of the Contractor be paid forcompromising any claim by any such person.List of machinery in Contractor’s possession andwhich he proposes to use on the work should be submittedalong with the tender.Clause 21 (A)- The Contractor shall provide suitablescaffolds and working platforms gangways and stairwaysand shall comply with the following regulations in connectiontherewitha)Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmenfor all works that cannot be safely done from aladder or by other means.b) A scaffold shall not be constructed, taken downor substantially altered except:-i) Under the supervision of a competent andresponsible person, andSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

71Dy.Ex.Engr.ii) As far as possible by competent workerspossessing adequate experience in this kindof work.c) All scaffolds and appliances connectedtherewith and ladders shalli) be of sound material.ii)Be of adequate strength having regard toloads and strains to which they will besubjected, andiii) Be maintained in proper condition.d) Scaffolds shall be so constructed that no partthereof can be displaced in consequence ofnormal use.e) Scaffolds shall not be over-loaded and so far aspracticable the load shall be evenly distributed.f) Before installing lifting gear on scaffolds specialprecautions shall be taken to ensure thestrength and stability of the scaffolds.g) Scaffolds shall be periodically inspected by acompetent person.h) Before allowing a scaffold to be used by hisworkmen the Contractor shall, whether thescaffold to be used by his workmen or not, takesteps to ensure that it complies fully with theregulations herein specified.i) Working platform, gangway, stairways shalli) be so constructed that no part thereof can sagunduly or unequally.ii) be so constructed and maintained, having regard to theprevailing conditions as to reduce as far as practicable risksof persons tripping or slipping, andiii) be kept free from any unnecessary obstruction.j) In the case of working platform, gangways,working places and stairways at a heightexceeding 2 meters( to be specified ) .i) every working platform and every gangwayshall be closely boarded unless otheradequate measures are taken to ensuresafety:ii) every working platform and gangway shallhave adequate width; andiii) every working platform, gangway, workingplace and stairway shall be suitablyfenced.k) Every opening in the floor of a building or in aworking platform shall except for the time and tothe extent required to allow the excess of personsor the transport or shifting of material beprovided with suitable means to prevent the fallof persons or material.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

72Dy.Ex.Engr.l) When persons are employed on a rood wherethere is a danger of failing from a heightexceeding 2 meters ( to be specified ) suitableprecautions shall be taken to prevent the fall ofpersons or materials.m) Suitable precautions shall be taken to preventpersons being struck by articles which might fallfrom scaffolds or other working places.n) Safe means of access shall be provided to allworking platforms and other working places.o) The Contractor/(s) will have to make payments tolabourers as per Minimum Wages Act 1948.Clause 21- (B) – The Contractor shall comply with thefollowing regulations as regards the Hoisting Appliances tobe used by him:-a) Hoisting machines and tackles, including theirattachments, anchorages and supports shalli) be of good mechanical construction, soundmaterial and adequate strength and free frompatent defect,andii) be kept in good repair and in good working order.b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials oras a means of suspension shall be of suitablequality and adequate strength and free frompatent defect.c) Hoisting machines and tackles shall be examinedand adequately tested after erection on the siteand before use and be re-examined in position atintervals to be prescribed by the Government.d) Every chain, ring, hook, shackle, swivel and pulleyblock used in hoisting or lowering materials or asa means of suspension shall be periodicallyexaminede) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operatorshall be properly qualified.f) No person who is below the age of 21 years shallbe in control any hoisting machine, including anyscaffold which give signals to the operator.g) In case of every hoisting machine and of everychin, ring, hook, shackle, swivel and pulley blockused in hoisting or lowering or as a means ofsuspension, the safe working load shall beascertained by adequate means.h) Every hoisting j machine and all gear referred to inpreceding regulation shall be plainly marked withthe safe working load.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

73Dy.Ex.Engr.i) In the case of a hoisting machine having avariable safe working load each safe workingload and the conditions under which it is applicableshall be clearly indicated.j) No part of any hoisting machine or any gearreferred to in regulation (g) above shall be loadedbeyond the safe working load except for thepurpose of testing.k) Motors, gearing, transmissions, electric wiring andother dangerous parts of hoisting appliances shall,be provided with efficient safeguards.l) Hoisting appliances shall be provided with suchmeans as will reduce to minimum and the risk ofthe accidental descent of the load.m) Adequate precaution shall be taken to reduce to aminimum the risk of any part of a suspended loadbecoming accidentally displaced.Measurement forprevention of fire.Clause 22- The Contractor shall not set fire to any standingjungle, trees, brushwood or grass without a writtenpermission from the Executive Engineer. When such permitis given, and also in the cases when destroying, cut or dugup trees, brushwood, grass etc. by fire, the Contractor shalltake necessary measures to prevent such fire spreading toor otherwise damaging surrounding property. TheContractor shall make his own arrangements for drinkingwater for the labour employed by him and provide sanitaryand other arrangement .Liability ofContractor for anydamage done in oroutside work area.Clause 23- Compensation for all damages done intentionallyor unintentionally by Contractor’s labour whether in orbeyond the limits of the Government property including anddamage caused by the spreading of fire mentioned inClause 22 shall be estimated by the Engineer-in-charge orsuch other officer as he may appoint and the estimate ofthe Engineer –in-charge subject to the decision of theSuperintending Engineer on appeal shall be final and theContractor shall be bound to pay the amount of theassessed compensation on demand, failing which the samewill be recovered from the Contractor as damage in theprescribed in Clause 1 or deducted by the Engineer-inchargefrom any sums that may be due or become due fromGovernment to Contractor under this contract or otherwise.The Contractor shall bear the expenses of defending anyaction or other legal proceedings that may be brought byany person for injury sustained by him owing to neglect ofprecautions to prevent the spread of fire and he shall payany damages and cost that may be awarded by the court inconsequence.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

74Dy.Ex.Engr.Employment offemale labourWork on SundayWork not to Sublet.Contract may berescinded andsecurity depositforfeited forsubletting itapproval or forbribing a publicofficer or ifcontractor becomesinsolvent.Sum Payable byway compensationto be considered asreasonablecompensationwithout reference toactual loss.Changes in theconstitution if firmto be notifiedDirection andcontrol of theSuperintendingEngineer.Clause 24- The employment of female labourers on worksin neighbour-hood of soldier’s barracks should be avoidedas far as possible. The contractor shall employ the labourwith the nearest employment exchange.Clause 25- No work shall be done on a Sunday without thesanction in writing of the Engineer-in-charge.Clause 26- The contract shall not be assigned or subletwithout the written approval of the Engineer- in- charge. Andif the Contractor shall assign or sublet his contract, or attemptto do so, or become insolvent or commence anyproceedings to get himself adjudicated and insolvent ormake any composition with his creditors, or attempt so to door if bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward oradvantage, pecuniary or otherwise shall either directly orindirectly be given, promised or offered by the Contractor orany of his servants or agents to any public officer of personin the employment of Government in any way relating to hisoffice or employment , or if any such officer or person shallbecome in any way directly or indirectly interested in thecontract, the Engineer – in- charge may thereupon by noticein writing rescind the contract, and the security deposit of thecontractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutelyat the disposal of Government, and the sameconsequences shall ensure as if the contract had beenrescinded under Clause 3thereof and in addition theContractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for anywork therefore actually performed under the contract.Clause 27- All sums payable by a Contractor by way ofcompensation under any of these conditions shall beconsidered as a reasonable compensation to be applied tothe use of Government without reference to the actual lossor damage sustained, and whether any damage has or hasnot been sustained.Clause 28 : In case of tender by partners , any change inthe constitution of a Firm shall be forthwith notified by theContractor to the Executive –in-charge for his information.Clause 29- All works to be executed under the contractshall be executed under the direction and subject to theapproval in all respects of the Superintending Engineer of theCircle, for the time being, who shall be entitled to direct atwhat point or points and in what manner they are to becommenced, and from time to time carried on.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

75Dy.Ex.Engr.Direction andcontrol of theSuperintendingEngineer.Clause 30 (1) – Except where otherwise specified in thecontract and subject to the powers delegated to him byGovernment under the code, rules then in the force, thedecision of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle forthe time being shall be final conclusive and binding on allparties of the contract upon all questions relating to themeaning of the specifications, designs, drawings andinstruction hereinbefore mentioned and as to the quality ofworkmanship, or materials used on the work, or as to anyother question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever, ifany way arising out of , or relating to the contract, designs,drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders, orthese conditions, or otherwise concerning the works, or theexecution, or failure to execute the same, whether arisingduring the progress of work, or after the completion orabandonment thereof.Clause 30 (2) - the Contractor may within thirty days ofreceipt by him of any order passed by the SuperintendingEngineer of the Circle as aforesaid appeal against it to theChief Engineer concerned, with the contract work or projectprovided that - (a) The accepted value of the contractexceeds Rs. 10 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs) (b) Amount ofclaim is not less than Rs.1.00 lakhs ( Rupees one lakh)Clause 30 (3) - If the Contractor is not satisfied with the orderpassed by the Chief Engineer as aforesaid, the Contractormay, within thirty days of receipt by him of any such orderappeal against it to the concerned Secretary , Public WorksDepartment/ Irrigation Department who . if convinced thatprima-facie the Contractor's claim rejected by theSuperintending Engineer/ Chief engineer is not frivolous andthat there is some substance in the claim of the Contractor aswould merit a detailed examination and decision by theStanding Committee shall put up to the Standing Committeeat Government level for suitable decision ( Vide PW CircularNo. CAT-1086-CR-110/Bldg.2, dated 7.5.1986).Stores of Europeanor Americanmanufacture to beobtained from theGovernment.Clause 31 - The Contractor shall obtain from Departmentalstores all stores and articles of European or Americanmanufacturer which may be required for the work. , or anypart thereof or in making up any articles required thereof or inconnection therewith unless he has obtained permission inwriting from the Engineer-in-charge to obtain such stores andarticles elsewhere. The value of such stores and articles asmay be supplied to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-chargewill be debited to the Contractor in his account at the ratesshown in the Schedule in Form 'A' attached to the contractSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

76Dy.Ex.Engr.and if they are not entered in the said schedule, they shall bedebited to him at cost price which for the purpose of thiscontract shall include the cost of carriage and all otherexpenses whatsoever, which shall have been incurred inobtaining delivery of the same at the store aforesaid.Lumpsums inestimatesClause 32 - When the estimate on which a tender is madeincludes lumpsums in respect of parts of the work, theContractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the itemsof work involved or the part of the work in question at thesame rates as are payable under this contract for each items,or if the part of the work in question is not in the opinion ofthe Engineer-in-charge capable of measurement, theEngineer-in-charge may at his discretion pay the lumpsumamount entered in the estimate and the certificate in writingof the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusiveagainst the Contractor with regard to any sum or sumspayable to him under the provisions of this clause.Actions where nospecifications.Clause 33 - In the case of any class of work for which thereis no such specifications as is mentioned in Rule 1 of FormB-1 such work shall be carried out in accordance with theDivisional specifications, and in the event of there being noDivisional specification, then in such case the work shall becarried out in all respect in accordance with all instructionsand requirements of the Engineer-in-charge.Definition of workClause 34 - The expression " Work" or "Works" where usedin these conditions, shall unless there be something in thesubject or context repugnant to such construction , beconstruct to mean the work or works contracted to beexecuted under or in virtue of the contract , where temporaryor permanent an whether original, altered, substituted oradditional.Contractor'spercentage whetherapplied to net orgross amount of billClause 35 - The percentage referred to in the tender shallbe deducted from / added to the gross amount of the billbefore deducting the value of any stock issued.Payment of quarryfees and royaltiesG.R.No. Misc.02/05/(291)/Buildg.2,dated 11/9/2003Clause 36 - All quarry fees, royalties, octroi dues andground rent for stacking materials, if any, shall be paid by theContractor.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

Compensationunder Workmen'sCompensation Act.77Dy.Ex.Engr.Clause 37 - The Contractor shall be responsible for andshall pay any compensation to his workmen payable underthe Workmen's compensation Act, 1923 (VII of 1923) , (hereinafter called the said Act) for injuries caused to theworkmen. If such compensation is payable / pad by theGovernment as principal under sub-section (1) of Section 12the said Act on behalf of the Contractor, it shall berecoverable by the Government from the Contractor undersub-section (2) of the said section. Such Compensation shallbe recovered in the manner laid down in Clause 1 above.Clause 37 (A) - The Contractor shall be responsible for andshall pay the expenses of providing medical aid to anyworkman who may suffer a bodily injury as a result of anaccident. If such expenses are incurred by Government , thesame shall be recoverable from the Contractor forthwith andbe deducted without prejudice to any other remedy of theGovernment from any amount due or that may become dueto the Contractor.Clause 37 (B) - The Contractor shall provide all necessarypersonal safety equipment and first aid apparatus availablefor the use of the persons employed on the site and shallmaintain the same in condition suitable for immediate use atany time and shall comply with the following regulations inconnection therewith.a) The workers shall be required to use the equipments soprovided by the contractor and the Contractor shall takeadequate steps to ensure proper use of the equipmentby those concerned.b) when work is carried on in proximity to any place wherethere is a risk of drowning all necessary equipment shallbe provided and kept ready for use and all necessarysteps shall be taken for the prompt rescue of any personin danger.c) Adequate provision shall be made for prompt first aidtreatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during thecourse of the work.Govt. CircularNo.PWD/ID CAT-6076/3336/(400)/Bldg.2, dated16/08/1985.Clause 37 (C) - The Contractor shall duly comply with theprovisions of " the Apprentices Act, 1961" (III of 1961) , therules made thereunder and the orders that may be issuedfrom time to time under the said Act and the said Rules andon his failure or neglect to do so , he shall be subjected to allthe liabilities and penalties provided by the said Act and saidRules.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

78Dy.Ex.Engr.Claim for quantitiesentered in thetender or estimate.Clause 38 - 1. Quantities in respect of the several itemsshown in the tender are approximate and no revision in thetendered rate shall be permitted in respect of any of the itemsso long as, subject to any special provision contained in thespecifications prescribing a different percentage ofpermissible variation in the quantity of the item does notexceed the tender quantity by more than 25 percent and solong as the value of the excess quantity beyond this limit atthe rate of the item specified in the tender, is not more thanRs. 5,000/-2. The Contractor shall if ordered in writing by the Engineerso to do, also carry out any quantities in excess of the limitmentioned above in Sub-clause (i) hereof on the sameconditions as and in accordance with the specifications in thetender and at the rates (i) derived from the rates entered incurrent Schedule of Rates and in the absence of such rates(ii) at the rates prevailing in the market. The said rates beingincreased or decreased as the case may be by thepercentage which the total tendered amount bears to theestimated cost of the works as put to tender based upon theschedule of rates applicable to the year in which the tenderswere accepted. For the purpose of operation of this Clause,this cost shall be worked out from the prevailing DistrictSchedule of Rates at the time of acceptance of tender.3. Claims arising out of reduction in the tendered quantity ofany item beyond 25 percent will be governed by the provisionof Clause 15 only when the amount of such reduction beyond25 percent at the rate of the item specified in the tender ismore than Rs. 5,000/- ( the clause is not applicable to extraitems).4. This clause is not applicable to extra items.5. There is no change in the rate if the excess is more than25 percent of the tendered quantity. But the value of theexcess work at the tendered rates not exceed Rs. 5,000/-.6. The quantities to be paid at the tendered rates shallinclude :a) <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity plusb) 25% excess of tendered quantity or the excess quantityof the value of Rs. 5,000/- at tendered rate whichever ismore.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

79Dy.Ex.Engr.Employment offamine labour etc.Clause 39 - The Contractor shall employ any famine ,convict or other labour of a particular kind or class if orderedin writing to do so by the Engineer-in- Charge.Claim forcompensation fordelay in starting thework.Clause 40 - No compensation shall be allowed for anydelay caused in the starting of the work on account ofacquisition of land or, in the case of clearance works, onaccount of any delay in accordance to sanction of estimates.Claim forcompensation fordelay in executionof workClause 41 - No compensation shall be allowed for any delayin the execution of the work on account of water standing inborrow pits or compartments. The rates are inclusive forhard or cracked soil excavation, excavation in mud, sub-soil,water standing in borrow pits and no claim for an extra rateshall be entertained unless otherwise expressly specified.Enter upon orcommencing anyportion of work.Clause 42 - The Contractor shall not enter upon orcommence any portion of work except with written authorityand instructions of the Engineer-in- Charge or of hissubordinate in charge of the work. Failing such authority theContractor shall have no claim to ask for measurements of orpayment for work.Minimum age ofperson employed ,the employment ofdonkeys and/orother animals andthe payment of fairwages.Clause 43 - i) No Contractor shall employ any person whois under the age of 18 years.ii) No Contractor shall employ donkeys or other animalswith breaching of string or thin rope. The breaching must beat least three inches wide and should be of tape ( Newar).iii) No animal suffering from sores, lameness or emaciationor which is immature shall be employed on the work.iv) The Engineer-in- Charge or his agent is authorised toremove from the work, any person or animal found workingwhich does not satisfy these conditions and no responsibilityshall be accepted by the Government for any delay caused inthe completion of the work by such removal.v) The Contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages tothe workmen employed by him , in the contract undertakenby him. In the event of any dispute arising between theContractor and his workmen on the ground that the wagespaid are not fair and reasonable, the dispute shall be referredwithout delay to the Executive Engineer who shall decide thesame. The decision of the Executive Engineer shall beconclusive and binding on the Contractor but such decisionshall not in any way affect the conditions in the contractregarding the payment to be made by the Government at theSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

Method ofpaymentAcceptance ofconditionscompulsory beforetendering for work.Employment ofscarcity labour.80Dy.Ex.Engr.sanctioned tender rates.vi) Contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to theworkers. Similar amenities shall be provided to the workersengaged on large work in urban areas.vii) Contractor to take precautions against accidents whichtake place on account of labour using loose garments whileworking near machinery.viii) All facilities provided in the Contract Labour(Regulation and Abolition Act 1971), the MaharashtraContract Labour Regulation and Abolition Rule 1971 shouldbe provided.Clause 44 - Payment to Contractors shall be made bycheque drawn on any treasury within the division convenientto them, provided the amount exceeds Rs. 10/- . Amountsnot exceeding Rs. 10 will be paid in cash.Clause 45 - Any Contractor who does not accept theseconditions shall not be allowed to tender for work.Clause 46 - If Government declares a state of scarcity orfamine to exist in any village situated within 10 miles of work,the Contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work, asare suitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to himby the Executive Engineer, or by any person to whom theExecutive Engineer may have delegated this duty in writingto be in need of relief and shall be bound to pay to suchperson wages not below the minimum which Governmentmay have fixed in this behalf. Any disputes which may arisein connection with the implementation of this clause shall bedecided by the Executive Engineer whose decision shall befinal and binding on the Contractor.Clause 47 - The price quoted by the Contractors shall not inany case exceed the control price, if any, fixed byGovernment or reasonable price which it is permissible forhim to change a private purchaser for the same class anddescription, the control price or the price permissible underthe provisions of Hoarding and Profiteering PreventionOrdinance, 1948 as amended from time to time. If the pricequoted exceeds the controlled price or the price permissibleunder Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention Ordinance, theContractor will specifically mention this fact in his tenderalong with the reasons for quoting such higher prices. Thepurchaser at his discretion will in such case exercise the rightof revising the price at any stage so as to conform with thecontroller price as permissible under the Hoarding andProfiteering Prevention ordinance. This discretion will beexercised without prejudice to any other action that may betaken against the Contractor.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

81Dy.Ex.Engr.Maharashtra ValueAdded Tax Act,2005Govt. in P.W.Deptt.Circular No. BDG/2005 /CR-324/ Bdg.2dated 3/3/2006.Clause 47 (A) – “ The tender rates are inclusive of all taxes,rates , cesses and are also inclusive of the leviable tax inrespect of sale by transfer of properly in goods involved inthe execution of a work contract under provision of Rule 58 ofMaharashtra Value added Tax Act, 2005, for the purpose oflevy of Tax.”Clause 48 - The rates to be quoted by the Contractor mustbe inclusive of MVAT. No extra payment on this account willbe made to the Contractor.Clause 49 - In case of materials that may remain surpluswith the Contractor from those issued for the work contractedfor, the date of ascertainment of the materials being surpluswill be taken as the date of sale for the purpose of sales taxand the sales tax will be recovered on such sale.PWD GovernmentResolutionNo.CAT/1097/CR-478/Bldg-2,Mantralaya, dated23 rd March, 1998.Clause 50 - The contractor shall employ the unskilled labourto be employed by him on the said work only from locallyavailable labour and shall give preference to those personsenrolled under Maharashtra Government Employment andSelf Employment Department Scheme. Provided, however,that if the required unskilled labours are not available locally,the contractor shall in the first instance employ such numberof persons as is available and thereafter may with previouspermission, in writing of the Executive Engineer-in-charge ofthe said work, obtain the rest of requirement of unskilledlabour from the outside the above scheme.Clause 51 – Wages to be paid to the skilled and unskilledlabourers engaged by the Contractor.The Contractor shall pay the labourers – skilled andunskilled – according to the wages prescribed by MinimumWages Act , 1948 applicable to the area in which work of theContractor is in progress.The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of theApprentices Act, 1961 and the Rules and Orders issuedthereunder from time to time, if he fails to do so. , his failurewill be a breach of the Contract and the SuperintendingEngineer may in his discretion may cancel the contract. TheContractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liabilityarising on account of any violation by him of the provisions ofthe Act.The Contractor shall pay the labourers – skilled andunskilled – according to wages prescribed by MinimumWages Act, 1948 applicable to the area in which the work isin progress.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

82Dy.Ex.Engr.GovernmentCircular No. CAT1274/40364/Desk-2,Mantralaya,Mumbai.32 dated07/12/1976.Clause 52 - All amounts whatsoever which the Contractor isliable to pay to the Government in connection with theexecution of the work including the amount payable inrespect of (i) materials and /or stores supplied/issuedhereunder by the Government to the Contractor , (ii) hirecharges in respect of heavy plant, machinery and equipmentgiven on hire by the Government to the Contractor forexecution by him of the work and /or which advances havebeen given by the Government to the Contractor shall bedeemed to be arrears of land revenue and the Governmentmay without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of theGovernment recover the same from the Contractor as arrearsof land revenue.Government CircularNo. CAT1284/(120)/Building-2,Mantralaya,Mumbai.32 dated14/08/1985.Clause 53 - The Contractor shall duly comply with all theprovisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)Act, 1970 (37 of 1970) and the Maharashtra Contract Labour( Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1971 as amended fromtime to time and all other relevant statues and statutoryprovisions concerning payment of wages particularly toworkmen employed by the Contractor and working on the siteof work. In particular the Contractor shall pay wages to eachworker employed by him on the site of work at the ratesprescribed under Maharshtra Contract Labour ( Regulationand Abolition) Rules, 1971. If the Contractor fails or neglectsto pay wages at the said rates or makes short payment andthe Government makes such payment of wages in full or partthereof less paid by the Contractor, as the case may be, theamount so paid by the Government to such workers shall bedeemed to be arrears of land revenue and the Governmentshall be entitled to recover the same as such from theContractor or deduct the same from the amount payable bythe Government to the Contractor hereunder or from anyother amount(s) payable to him by the Government.Clause 54 - The Contractor shall engage apprentice such asbrick layer, carpenter, wiremen, plumber, as well asblacksmith by recommended by the State ApprenticeshipAdvisor , Director of Technical Education, Dhobi Talaw,Mumbai 400 001. In the construction work ( as perGovernment of Maharashtra , Education Department No.TSA/5170/T5689, dated 7.7.1972).Clause 55 - ( Government of Maharashtra , P.W.D.Resolution No. CAT-1086/CR 243/K/Bldg.2, Mantralaya,Mumbai dated 11/8/1987).Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

83Dy.Ex.Engr.CONDITIONS FOR MALARIA ERADICATION, ANTI-MALARIA AND OTHER HEALTH MEASURES.a) The anti-malaria and other health measures shall be asdirected by the Joint Director (Malaria and Filaria) of HealthServices, Puneb) The Contractor shall see that mosquitogenic conditionsare not created so as to keep vector population to minimumlevel.c) The Contractor shall carry out anti-malaria measures inthe area as per guidelines prescribed under National MalariaEradication Programme and as directed by the Joint Director(Malaria and Filaria) of Health Services, Puned) In case of default in carrying out prescribed anti-malariameasures resulting in increase in malaria incidence,Contractor shall be liable to pay to Government the amountspent by the Government on anti-malaria measures to controlsituation in addition to fine.e) RELATION WITH PUBLIC AUTHORITIES :The Contractor shall make sufficient arrangements fordraining away the sewage water as well as water comingfrom the bathing and washing places and shall dispose offthis water in such a way as not to cause any nuisance. Heshall also keep the premises clean by employing sufficientnumber of sweepers. The Contractor shall comply with rules,regulations, bye-laws and directions given from time to timeby any local or public authority in connection with this workand shall pay fees or charges which are leviable on himwithout any extra cost to Government. ( Government ofMaharashtra , P.W.D. Resolution No. CAT-1086/CR243/D/Bldg.2, Mantralya, Mumbai , dated 11/9/1987).Clause 56 – CONDITIONS RELATING TO INSURANCEOF CONTRACT WORK.The Contractor shall take out Insurance Policy /Policies (viz . Contractor's All Risks Insurance Policy,Erection All Risks Insurance Policy etc. as directed by theDirectorate of Insurance) so as to vide adequate insurancecover for execution of the awarded contract work for totalcontract value and complete contract periodCOMPULSORILY from the "Directorate of Insurance,Maharashtra State, Mumbai" only. Its postal address forcorrespondence is " 264, MHADA , First Floor, OppositeKalanagar, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051. "Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

84Dy.Ex.Engr.( Telephone No. 022 –26590403 / 26590690 and Fax No.is 022-26592461 /26590403). Similarly all workmen'sappointed to complete the contract work are required toinsure under workmen's compensation Insurance Policy.Insurance Policy/ Policies taken out from any other companywill not be accepted. If any contractor has not taken out theInsurance Policy from the Directorate of Insurance,Maharashtra State Mumbai or have effected insurance withany Insurance Company, the same will not be accepted andone percent (1%) of the tender amount or such amount ofpremium calculated by the Government Insurance Fund willbe recovered directly from the amount payable to theContractor for the executed contract work and paid to theDirectorate of Insurance Fund, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.The Director of Insurance reserves the right to distribute therisks of insurance among the other insurers.Government inP.W.Deptt. letter ( inMarathi) No. Misc./ 10/ 09 / Pra.Kra.277/Bldg.-2, Mantralaya,Mumbai.32 dated17/08/2010.Clause 57 - Building and Other Construction WorkersWelfare CessAs per Government of Maharashtra, Industry, Energy & LabourDeptt. G.R. No. BLA 2009/Pra.Kra.108/Kamgar-7A, dt. 17/6/2010& Public Works Department Circular No. BDG-2010/Pra.kra.277/Building-2, dated 28/09/2010, Building and Other ConstructionWorkers Welfare Cess at one percent or at the rates amendedfrom time to time as intimated by the competent authority underBuilding and Other Constructions Worker Welfare Act 1996 will bededucted from the Bill amount, whether measured Bill, advancepayment or Secured Advance.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

85Dy.Ex. Engr.SCHEDULE - 'A'.Schedule showing (approximately) the material to be supplied from the departmental stores for work contractedto be executed and preliminary and ancillary works and the rates at which they are to be charged forSr.No. Particulars Quantity UnitRates at which the materials willbe charged to the contractorIn Figure In WordsPlace ofdeliveryRemarks...............................Nil ..........................................Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

86ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FOR MATERIALSDy.Ex. Engr.( CEMENT, M.S. / H.Y.S.D./ T.M.T. BARS, ASPHALT, ETC. BROUGHT BY CONTRACTOR)1. All the materials such as Asphalt, Cement, steel etc. shall be procured by theContractor from approved Government Institutions or as directed by Engineer-inchargeonly. The material shall be brought at the site of work well in advance by theContractor. The gate pas of the Asphalt , Invoice of Cement, steel etc. shall beexamined by the authorised representative of the Engineer-in-charge.2. The Contractor shall submit periodically as well as on the completion of work,an account of all materials used by him on the work. In addition, a separate registershall be maintained on site for recording daily itemwise Asphalt, Cement, steelconsumption and also itemwise consumption of other materials. This shall be signeddaily by Contractor or his representative and authorised representative of theEngineer-in-charge.3. All the materials such Asphalt, Cement, steel etc. shall be procured by theContractor from approved Government Institutions or as directed by Engineer-inchargeonly. The materials from any other source in lieu of the approved Institutionsshall be allowed except under written permission from the Executive Engineer. Insuch case, Certificate for its quality shall be produced by the Contractor and samplesof materials shall be tested from any Government Laboratory by the Contractor at hiscost and the test results be supplied to the Department. The materials not conformingto the required standard shall be removed at once from the site of work by theContractor as his own cost. All the materials such as Asphalt, Cement etc. requiredfor use in the work shall be confirming to the concerned I.S. / M.O.R.T.& H.specifications. The Contractor shall get necessary tests carried out to the frequencyspecified for each material in the specification and submit the test results to theEngineer-in-charge or his authorised representative. These materials shall be usedon work by the Contractor, only if the test thereof are found satisfactory to the resultsEngineer-in-charge or his authorised representative. For the purpose of daily testingof material, such metal, sand, rubble, etc. , the Contractor shall make his ownarrangements to install a well equipped Laboratory at the site of work at his own cost.The Contractor shall employ qualified personnel at the site of work at his own cost.The responsibility of carrying out tests to the frequency specified for each materialshall rest with the Contractor. The extract of register shall be submitted to theExecutive Engineer with each bill. Copy of register for the entire period shall besubmitted along with the final bill.4. The Contractor shall construct at his own cost shed/ sheds as per direction ofthe Engineer-in-charge of the work for storing the materials and provide doublelocking arrangements. The Store shed such constructed shall be removed oncompletion of work. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to guard thematerials brought by him.5. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for the safe custody of thematerials brought by him on site of work.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

87Dy.Ex. Engr.6. The charges for conveying of materials from the place of purchase by theContractor to the site of work and the actual spot on work site shall be entirely borneby the Contractor. No claims on this account shall be entertained.7. Separate registers shall be maintained by the Contractor on the site forrecording detailed itemwise Asphalt, Cement and Steel consumption on the work.These registers shall be signed by Contractor or his authorised representative and gotsigned from the representative Engineer-in-charge.8. The material required only for this work shall be kept in the godown at site. Nomaterial shall be shifted outside of the godown except for the work for which thisarrangement is entered, without prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge.9. The Contractor shall produce sufficient documentary evidence i.e. bill for thepurchase, octroi receipts etc. for the purchase of material brought on the work site atonce if so requested by the Department.10. All these material i.e. cement, steel etc. shall be protected from any damages ,rains etc. by the contractor at his own cost.11. The Contractor will have to erect temporary shed of approved specificationsstoring of above materials at work site at contractors cost having double lockarrangements ( By Double lock - it is meant that godown shall always be locked bytwo locks, one lock being owned & operated by Contractor & other by Engineer-inchargeof his authorised representative & the door shall be openable only after bothlocks are opened.)12. If required, the wieghment of cement bags/ steel/ bulk asphalt bouzers etc.brought by the Contractor shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost.13. The contractor shall not use cement and other material for the item to beexecuted outside the scope of his contract except for such ancillary small item as areconnected and absolutely necessary for execution of this work as may be decided bythe Engineer-in-charge.14. The Government shall not be responsible for the loss in cement, steel, bulkasphalt etc. during transit to work site. The cement brought by the contractor at thework site store shall mean 50 Kg. equivalent to 0.0347 Cubic Meter per bag by weight.The rate quoted should correspond to this method of reckoning. In case ofordinary/controlled concrete, if cement is found short, the shortage/shortages will bemade good by the contractor at his cost.15. ANNEXURE FOR R.C.C. PIPE PROCUREMENT : The R.C.C. pipesrequired for the work shall be procured from the MISSIDC only. The paymenttowards providing and fixing NP 2 / NP 3 / NP 4 pipes will be released only after thecontractor submits the bill of MISSIDC to authenticate that the pipes have beenpurchased from the MISSIDC. No payment towards the item of providing and layingof the pipe will be released in absence of the submission of the requisite document.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

88Dy.Ex. Engr.After completion of these items in the particular kilometer the withheld payment will befinally released.16. INDEMNITY : The condition regarding indemnity as defined on Page ……. AtSr.No.4 will apply mutatis mutandis in case of material brought by contractor at thesite for the execution of the work being executed under this contract.17. In case the material brought by the Contractor become surplus owing to thechange in the design of the work, the material should be taken back by the Contractorat his own cost after prior permission of Engineer-in-charge.18. Empty asphalt drums shall be the properly of the Contractor and the same shallbe removed immediately after completion of work.19. All empty cement bags shall be returned by Contractor to Department and theExecutive Engineer shall preserve them for one year as token of proof of use ofcement in proper proportion in work.Arrangement of Materials1. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for supply of materialsincluding bitumen 60/70 grade, and 30/40 grade cement and steel , RCC pipes /Collars. The Contractor shall be responsible for all transportation and storage of thematerials at the site and shall bear all the related costs. The Engineer shall be entitledat any time, to inspect or examine all such materials. The Contractor shall providereasonable assistance for such inspection or examination as may be required.2. The Contractor shall keep as accurate record of use of materials like bitumen,cement and steel used in the works in a manner prescribed by the Engineer.3. After receiving the bitumen, the authorised challan / gate pass should beobtained from the refinery mentioned in the quality of bitumen, grade of bitumen, date,time of delivery etc. and it should be handed over to department for eachconsignment.4. While transportation of bouzer a through transport pass should be obtainedfrom the Corporation/ Municipality through which the bouzer is passed and sameshould be handed over the authorised person of the Department.5. If there is any doubt regarding the material received, the same should be gettested from the Government laboratory at the cost of the Contractor, and if the resultsare substandard, the material or the work executed with such material will be rejected.6. The day to day record of the receipt /utility/ balance of material should be keptby the Contractor at plant site / site of work / store and same will be checked by theEngineer-in-charge or authorised Engineer at any time.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

89Dy.Ex. Engr.7. The procurement of cement/ steel etc. should be from the authorisedmanufacturing company and the vouchers regarding purchase thereof shall besubmitted to Engineer-in-charge.8. The testing charges shall be entirely borne by the Contractor.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL ATTENTION OF CONTRACTOR FOR EXECUTIONProcurement of Material :Department will not supply any material for execution of work such as Cement,Tor Steel, Asphalt etc. The contractor has to arrange the same from his own source.The quality of the material brought to the site by the contractor should be verifiedthrough the various tests provided as per relevant Indian Standards at the cost of thecontractor.The adjustment for variation in cost prices of Mild steel and Tor steel bars,structural steel, cement ( all tested quality) shall be separately made corresponding tothe difference in the cost as per the basic price mentioned hereafter as per PriceVariation Clause.The contractor shall construct shed/sheds at his own cost and as per directionof Engineer-in-charge for storing the materials brought by him and provide doublelocking arrangements, one lock shall be in the charge of departmental person and thematerial shall be taken for use in presence of the departmental person only.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENSURING GRADE OF ASPHALT BROUGHT ON SITE BY THE CONTRACTORIt shall be mandatory on the part of the contractor to procure the asphalt fromGovernment owned Refinery only. The contractor shall communicate the schedule ofarrival of bouzer of asphalt to the Engineer- in-charge in advance. Apparatus andequipment for testing grade of asphalt shall be made available by the contractor atsite. If the grade of asphalt is found as per specification written permission will begiven for unloading the bouzer by the Engineer –in-charge , otherwise writteninstructions will be given for not using the same on site. ( Please refer GovernmentCircular ( Marathi) No. Misc 2005/CR-187/ N.H.2, dated 8/10/2007.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

90Dy.Ex. Engr.Accompaniments to Government ResolutionPublic Works Department No. CAT/06/04/148, dated 16/5/2005.PRICE VARIATION CLAUSEIf during the operative period of the contract as defined in condition (i) below ,there shall be any variation in the Consumer Price Index (New Series) for industrialworkers for Pune Centre as per the Labour Gazette published by the Commissionerof Labour, Government of Maharashtra and / or in the Wholesale Price Index for allcommodities prepared by the Office of Economic Advisor, Ministry of Industry,Government of India, or in the price of Petrol/ Oil and Lubricants and majorconstruction materials like Bitumen, Cement , Steel , various types of metal pipes etc.,then subject to other conditions mentioned below, price adjustment on account of 1)Labour Component 2) Material Component 3) Petrol , Oil and Lubricants Component4) Bitumen Component 5) HYSD and Mild Steel Component 6) Cement Component7) C.I. and D.I. Pipes Component, calculated as per the formulae hereinafterappearing shall be made. Apart from these , no other adjustments shall be made tothe contract price for any reasons whatsoever. Component percentage as givenbelow are as of the total cost of work put to tender. Total of Labour, material andPOL components shall be 100 and other components shall be as per actuals.1. Labour Component : K 1 06.00%2. Material Component : K 2 74.00%3. POL Component : K 3 20.00%100%4. Bitumen Component : Actual5. T.M.T./HYSD &Steel Component : Actual6. Cement Component : Actual7. C.I. and D.I. Pipe Component : ActualNote : If Cement, Steel, Bitumen, C.I. and D.I. Pipes are supplied on Schedule'A' , then respective component shall not be considered. Also if particularcomponent is not relevant same shall be deleted.(1) Formula for Labour ComponentsV 1 = 0.85 x P x { K 1 x ( L 1 - L 0 ) } where,100 L 0V 1 = Amount of price variation in Rupees to be allowed for labour component.P = Cost of work done during the quarter under consideration.Minus the cost of Cement, HYSD and Mild Steel, Bitumen, C.I. andD.I. Pipes calculated at the basic star rates as applicable for thetender, consumed during the quarter under consideration( These star rates shall be specified here )1. Bitumen (60/70) VG-30 Grade : Rs. Per M.T.2. Cement : Rs. Per M.T.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

91Dy.Ex. Engr.K 1 = Percentage of labour component as indicated above.L 0 = Basic Consumer price Index for Pune centre shall be average priceindex for the quarter preceding the month in which the last dateprescribed for receipt of tender, falls.L 1 = Average consumer price index for Pune centre for the quarter underconsideration.(2) Formula for Material ComponentV 2 = 0.85 x P x { K 2 x ( M 1 - M 0 ) } where,100 M 0V 2 = Amount of price variation in Rupees to be allowed for Materialscomponent.P = Same as worked out for labour component.K 2 = Percentage of material component as indicated above.M 0 = Basic wholesale price Index shall be average wholesale price index forthe quarter preceding the month in which to the last date prescribed forreceipt of tender, falls.M 1 = Average wholesale price index during the quarter under consideration.(3) Formula for Petrol , Oil, and Lubricant ComponentV 3 = 0.85 x P x { K 3 x ( P 1 - P 0 ) } where,100 P 0V 3 = Amount of price variation in Rupees to be allowed for POL component.P = Same as worked out for labour component.K 3 = Percentage of Petrol, Oil and Lubricant component.P 0 = Average Price of HSD at Mumbai during the quarter preceding themonth in which the last date prescribed for receipt of tender falls.P 1 = Average price of HSD at Mumbai during the quarter underconsideration.(4) Formula for Bitumen ComponentV 4 = QB x ( B 1 - B 0 )where,V 4 = Amount of price variation in Rupees to be allowed for Bitumencomponent.QB = Quantity of Bitumen (Grade) in metric tones used in the permanentworks and approved enabling works during the quarter underconsideration.B 1 = Current, average ex-refinery price per metric tonne of Bitumen (Grade)under consideration including taxes (octroi, excise, sales tax) during thequarter under consideration .B 0 = Basic rate of Bitumen in rupees per metric tonne as considered forworking out value of P or average ex-refinery price in rupees per metricton including taxes (octroi, excise, sales tax) of Bitumen underSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

92Dy.Ex. Engr.consideration for prevailing quarter preceding the month in which the lastdate prescribed for receipt of tender, falls which is higher.(5) Formula for TMT/ HYSD and Mild Steel ComponentV 5 = { S 0 ( SI 1 - SI 0 ) } x T where,SI 0V 5 = Amount of price variation in Rupees to be allowed for TMT/ HYSD/ MildSteel component.S 0 = Basic rate of TMT/ HYSD/ Mild Steel in rupees per metric tonne asconsidered for working out value of P.SI 1 = Average Steel Index as per RBI Bulletin during the quarter underconsideration..SI 0 = Average Steel index as per RBI Bulletin during the quarter preceding themonth in which the last date prescribed for receipt of tender, falls.T = Tonnage of Steel used in the permanent works for the quarter underconsideration.(6) Formula for Cement ComponentV 6 = { C 0 ( CI 1 - CI 0 ) } x T where,CI 0V 6 = Amount of price escalation in Rupees to be allowed for Cementcomponent.C 0 = Basic rate of Cement in rupees per metric tonne as considered forworking out value of P..CI 1 = Average Cement Index published in RBI Bulletin for the quarter underconsideration..CI 0 = Average Cement index published in RBI Bulletin for the quarterpreceding the month in which the last date prescribed for receipt oftender, falls.T = Tonnage of Cement used in the permanent works for the quarterunder Consideration.(7) Formula for C.I. / D.I. Pipe ComponentV 7 = Q 0 x ( D 1 - D 0 )where,V 7 = Amount of price escalation in Rupees to be allowed for C.I./D.I. Pipecomponent.D 0 = Pig iron basic price in rupees per metric tonne as considered for workingout value of P.D 1 = Average Pig Iron price in rupees per tonne during the quarter underconsideration ( Published by HSCO) .Q 0 = Tonnage of C.I./D.I. Pipes used in the permanent works for the quarterunder Consideration..Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

(III)93THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL PREVAILDy.Ex. Engr.(i) The operative period of the Contract shall mean the period commencingfrom the date of the work order issued to the Contractor and ending on the date onwhich the time allowed for the completion of the works specified in the Contract forwork expires, taking into consideration the extension of time, if any for completion ofthe work granted by Engineer under the relevant clause of the Conditions of Contractin cases other than those where such extension is necessitated on account of defaultof the Contractor. The decision of the Engineer as regards the operative period of theContract shall be final and binding of the Contractor. Where any compensation forliquidated damages is levied on the Contractor on account of delay in completion orinadequate progress under the relevant Contract provisions, the Price adjustmentamount for the balance work from the date of levy of such compensation shall beworked out by pegging the indices L 1 , M 1 , C 1 , P 1 , B 1 , SI 1 and CI 1 to the levelscorresponding to the date from which such compensation is levied.ii) This Price Variation Clause shall be applicable to all contracts in B-1 / B-2 andC forms but shall not apply for piece works. This price variation shall be determinedduring each quarter as per formula given above in this Clause.iii) This Price Variation under this Clause shall not be payable for the extraitems required to be executed during the completion of the work and also on theexcess quantities of items payable under the provisions of Clause 38/37 of thecontract from B-1/ B-2 respectively. Since the rates payable for extra items or theextra quantities under Clause 38/37 are to be fixed as per current DSR or as mutuallyagreed to yearly revision till completion of such work. In other words , when thecompletion/ execution of extra items as well as extra quantities under Clause 38/37 ofthe contract from B-1/B-2 extends beyond the operative date of DSR then ratespayable for the same beyond the date shall be revised with reference to the currentDSR prevalent at that time on year to year basis or revised in accordance with mutualagreement thereon, as provided for in the Contract, wherever is less.iv) This clause is operative both ways, i.e. , if the price variation as calculatedabove is one the plus side, payment on account of the price variation shall be allowedto the contractor and if it is on the negative side, the Government shall be entitled torecover the same from the contractor and the amount shall be deductible from anyamounts due and payable under the contract.v) To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to becontractor is not entirely covered by the provision of this or other clauses in thecontract, the unit rate and prices included in the contract shall be deemed to includeamounts to cover the contingency of such other actual rise or fall in costs.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

94Dy.Ex. Engr.ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSI N D E XSr.No. Description Page No.1. 2. 3. 4.1. General2. Contractor to study site conditions3. Declaration of Contractor4. Indemnity5. Definitions6. Errors , omissions and discrepancies7. Working methods and progress schedule8. Agent and work order book9. Setting out10. Leveling instrument11. Authority of representative of Engineer-in-charge12. Co-ordination13. Assistance in procuring priorities/ permits etc.14. Quarries15. Collection of materials16. Site office17. Treasure-Trove18. Patented Device19. Explosives20. Damages by flood for accident21. Police Protection22. Traffic regulations23. Inspection and supervision24. Initial measurements25. Samples and testing of materials26. Change in cement contents etc.27. Cement concrete / Form work for concrete28. Miscellaneous29. Medical and sanitary arrangement for labour30. Safety Code31. Scope of rates for different items of works32. Payments33. Handing over of work34. Claims35. Maintenance36. Submission of measurements & working drawing37. Technical Completion Report38. Quality assurance and maintenance39 PhotographsSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

95ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSDy.Ex. Engr.Note: - These are to apply as additional specifications and conditions unless alreadyprovided for contradictorily elsewhere in this contract.MORTH Specification for Road and Bridges Work latest edition with allamendments) :MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001) shall form part of the contractdocuments and the contractors shall be legally bound to the various provisions madetherein unless and otherwise specifically relaxed or waived wholly or partly by anyspecial clauses in the contract documents.1.0 CONTRACTOR TO INFORM HIMSELF FULLY:The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and siteconditions including labour, the general and the special conditions, specifications,schedules and drawings and shall be deemed to have visited the site of the work andto have fully informed himself regarding the local conditions and carried out his owninvestigation to arrive at rates quoted in the tender. In this regard, he will be givennecessary information to the best of knowledge of Department but without anyguarantee about it. If he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portions ofthese general conditions or the special conditions, or the scope of work or thespecifications and drawings or any other matter concerning the contract, he shall ingood time., before submitting his tender, set forth the particulars thereof and submitthem to the Executive Engineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune in writing inorder that such doubts may be clarified authoritatively before tendering. Once a tenderis submitted, the matter will be decided according to tender conditions in the absenceof such authentic pre-clarification.2. INDEMNITY:The contractor shall indemnify the Government against all actions, suits, claims anddemands brought or made against him in respect of anything done or committed to bedone by the contractor in execution of or in connection with the work of this contractand against any loss or damage to the Government in consequence of any action orsuit being brought against the Contractor for anything done or committed to be done inthe execution of the works of this contract.3. DEFINITIONS:Unless excluded by or repugnant to the context,(a) The expression" Government "as used in the tender papers shall mean thePublic Works, Irrigation and Housing Department of the Government of Maharashtra.(b) The expression "Chief Engineer" as used anywhere in the tender papers shallmean Chief Engineer or the Government of Maharashtra who is designated as such.(c) The expression "Superintending Engineer" as used in the tender papers shallmean an officer of Super intending Engineer's rank (by whatever designation he maySignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

96be known) under whose control the work lies for the time being,Dy.Ex. Engr.(d) The expression "Engineer" or "Engineer-in-charge" as used in the tenderpapers shall mean the Executive Engineer in charge of the work for the time being.(e) The expression "Contractor" used in the tender papers shall mean thesuccessful tenderer whose tender has been accepted, and who has been authorizedto proceed with the work. The contractor shall / may be the individual or firm orcompany whether incorporated or not, undertaking the work and shall include legalrepresentatives of such an individual or person comprising such firm or company asthe case may be and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company.(f) The expression "Contract" as used in tender papers shall mean the deed ofcontract together with its original accompaniment and those later incorporated in it bymutual consent. The contract shall mean the notice offender the sealed quotation andthe tender documents including the tender and acceptance thereof together with thedocuments referred to therein and the accepted conditions, specifications, designs,drawings, priced schedule / bill of quantities and schedule of rates. All thesedocuments taken together shall be deemed to form one contract and shall becomplementary to one other.(g) The expression "Plant" as used in the tender papers shall mean everymachinery, necessary or considered necessary by the Engineer to execute, construct,complete and maintain the works and used in. altered, modified, substituted andadditional work ordered in the time and the manner herein provided and all temporarymaterials and special and other articles of appliances of every sort, kind anddescription whatsoever intended or used thereof.(h) "Drawing" shall mean the drawings referred to in the specifications and anymodifications of such drawings approved in writing by Engineer and such otherdrawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by theEngineer.(i) "Engineer's representative" shall mean an assistant of the Engineer notified inwriting to the contractor by the Engineer.(j) "Provision sum" or "Provisional lump-sum" shall mean a lump sum included byGovernment in tender documents and shall represent the estimated value of work forwhich details are not available at the time of issue of tender.(k) "Provisional items" shall mean items for which approximate quantities havebeen included in the tender documents.(I) The "Site" shall mean the Sands and / or other places, on, under, in or throughwhich the work is to be executed under the contract including any other lands orplaces which may be allotted by Government or used for the purpose of contract.(m)The "Work" shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with theSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

97Dy.Ex. Engr.Contract or part (s) thereof as the case may be and shall include all extra, additional,altered or substituted works as required for performance of the Contract.The "Contract Sum" shall mean the sum for which the tender is accepted.0) The "Accepting authority" shall mean the officer competent to accept thetender. The "Accepting Authority" shall mean the Superintending Engineer, PublicWorks Circle, Pune.P) The "Day" shall means a day of 24 hours from midnight to midnight irrespectiveof the number of hours worked in any day in that week.Q) "Temporary Works" shall means all temporary works of every kind required inor about the execution completion or maintenance of the work.R) "Urgent Works" shall means any measure which in the opinion of the Engineer-In-charge become necessary during the progress of the works to obviate any risk oraccident or failure or which become necessary for security of the work or the personsworking thereon.S) A "Week" shall means seven consecutive days without regards to the numberof hours worked on any day in that week.T) "Excepted Risks" are risks to riots (other wise than among contractorsemployees) and civil commotions (in so far as both these are uninsurable) war(whether declared or not) invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war,rebellion, revolution, insurrection, lightening and unprecedented floods over which thecontractor has no control and accepted as such by the accepting authority. Where thecontext so requires, words importing the singular number only also include the pluralnumber and vice-versa.Heading and Marginal notes if any to the general condition shall not be deemed toform par thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or constructionthereof the contract.Wherever, there is mention of "Schedule of Rates" of the division or simply D.S.R. ofschedule rates in this tender, it will be taken to mean as "The schedule of rate of theDivision in whose jurisdiction the work lies"4. ERRORS, OMISSION AND DISCREPANCIES:(a) In case of errors, omissions and / or disagreement between written andscaled dimensions on the drawing or between drawings and specifications etc. Thefollowing order of preference shall apply.i) Between actual scaled and written dimensions or descriptions on adrawing the latter shall be adopted.ii) Between the written or shown description of dimensions in the drawingand corresponding one in the specifications, the latter shall apply.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

98Dy.Ex. Engr.iii) Between the quantities shown in schedule of quantities and thosearrived at from the drawings, the latter shall be preferred.iv) Between the written description of the item in the schedule of quantitiesand the detailed description in the specifications of the same items, the latter shall beadopted.(b) In case of difference between the rates written in figures and words, the rateadopted by the contractor for working out the total amount of the item will be taken ascorrect. In other cases correct rate would be that, which is lower.(c ) In all cases of omissions and / or doubts or discrepancies in the dimensionsor description of any item or specification, reference shall be made to the ExecutiveEngineer, Public Works (South) Division, Pune whose elucidation, elaboration ordecision shall be considered as authentic. The contractor shall be held responsible forany errors that may occur in the work through lack of such reference and precaution.(d) The special provisions in detailed specifications and wording of any itemshall gain precedence over corresponding contractor provisions (if any) in thestandard specifications of public works department Hand Book where reference tosuch specifications is given without reproducing the details of contract.5. METHODOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENTS :-5.1 Construction Machinery / Equipments:5.1.1 The methodology and equipments to be used on the project shall be furnishedby the Contractor to the Engineer-In-Charge well in advance of commencement ofwork and approval of the Engineer-In-Charge obtained prior to its adoption and use.5.1.2 The Contractor shall give, a trial run of the equipment for establishing itscapability to achieve the laid down specifications and tolerance to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer-in-Charge before commencement of work, if so desired by the Engineer-In-Charge.5.1.3 All equipments provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall be operated andmaintained at all times in the manner acceptable to the Engineer-In-Charge.5.1.4 No equipment or personnel shall be removed from the site without permissionof the Engineer-In-Charge .5.2 Contractor shall furnish at least 15 days in advance his programme ofcommencement of item of work, the details of actual methods that would be adoptedby the contractor for the execution of various items of work such as well sinking, castin-situ,superstructure for bridge work items etc. for bridge works supported bynecessary detailed drawings and sketches including those of the plant and machinerythat would be used, their locations, arrangements for conveying and handlingSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

99Dy.Ex. Engr.materials etc. and obtain prior approval of the Engineer-In-Charge well in advance ofstarting of such item of work. The Engineer-In-Charge reserves the right to suggestmodifications or make complete changes in the method proposed by the contractor,whether accepted previously or not at any stage of the work, to obtain desiredaccuracy quality and progress of the work which shall be binding on the contractor,and no claim on account of such change In method of execution will be entertained byGovernment so long as specifications of the item remain unaltered. The soleresponsibility for the safety and adequacy of the methods adopted by the contractors,will however, rest on the contractor, irrespective of any approval given by theEngineer.5.3 Abrasion Testing Machine for Tiles of standard make confirming to IS – 1237 &1706 with suitable thickness measuring device to measure wear of the tile. It shall besuitable for operation on 415 v/50 Hz, 3 phase AC supply.6. WORKING METHODS:Contractor shall submit, within times stipulated time by the Engineer, in writing thedetails of actual methods that would be adopted by the contractor for the execution ofany item as required by Engineer, at each of the locations, supported by necessarydetailed drawings and sketches including those of the Plant and Machinery that wouldbe used, their locations, arrangement for conveying and handling materials etc. Andobtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge well in advance of starting of such itemof work The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to suggest modifications or makecomplete changes in the method proposed by the contractor, whether acceptedpreviously or not, at any stage of the work. to obtain the desired accuracy, quantityand progress of the work which shall be binding on the contractor, and no claim onaccount of such change in method of execution will be entertained by Government solong as specifications of the item remain unaltered.6.1 WORK METHODOLOGY FOR SEAL COATLiquid seal coat shall be executed as per clause No.513 of specification for roadsand Bridges work of MORT&H specification 2001 and latest reprint amendments.Preparation of surface to receive seal coat shall be as per 513.3.2 and in one go200 m. only. Preparation of surface for seal coat and construction of seal coat asper clause 513.3.2 & 513.3.3 responsively as mention above shall be done in 200m.in one go. 200 m. cycle shall be repeated throughout the day and at the end of theworking day any fraction left measuring less than 200 m shall be done separately, asmentioned herein6.2 PROGRESSIVE METHODOLOGY.The work methodology as described above shall then be followed for next 200mts.and thus progressively for entire length of road.6.3 MODE OF INSPECTION AND MESUREMENTSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

100Dy.Ex. Engr.The Executive Engineer shall remain present and personally supervise the first 200mtrs. length, accordingly in presence of Deputy Engineer, Junior Engineer andContractor/Contractor’s representative. The Deputy Engineer shall remain present andpersonally supervise at least 25% of the area of seal coat executed, The JuniorEngineer shall remain present and personally supervise cent percent length executed.The Executive Engineer shall show the check measurement of carpet and liquidseal coat accordingly in the measurement book for the executed 200 Mtrs. demolength. This check measurement shall be part of percentage check measurementrequired by Executive Engineer as per the Maharashtra Public Works Manual,Appendix-24.The measurement of liquid seal coat of the work shall be recorded by DeputyEngineer only.7. PROGRESS SCHEDULE:7.1 The contractor shall furnish within the period stipulated in writing by theEngineer-in-charge, of the order to start the work, a progress schedule inquadruplicate indicating the date of actual start, the monthly progress expected to beachieved and the anticipated completion date of each major item of work to be doneby him, also indicating dates of procurement and setting up of materials, plant andmachinery. The schedule is to be such as is practicable of achievement towards thecompletion of the whole work in the time limit, the particular items, if any, on the duedates specified in the contract and shall have the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.No revised schedule shall be operative without such acceptance in writing. TheEngineer is further empowered to ask for more detailed schedule or schedules sayweek by week for any item, in case of urgency of work as will be directed by him andthe contractor shall supply the same as and when asked for.7.2 The Contractor shall furnish sufficient plant, equipment and labour as may benecessary to maintain the progress of schedule. The working and shift hour'srestricted to one shift a day for operations to be done under the Governmentsupervision shall be such as may be approved by the Engineer-in-charge. They shallnot be varied without the prior approval of the Engineer. Night work which requiressupervision shall not be permitted except when specifically allowed by Engineer eachtime, if requested by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide necessary lightingarrangements etc. For night work as directed by Engineers without extra cost.7.3 Further, the contractor shall submit the progress report of work in prescribedforms and charts etc. At periodical intervals, as may be specified by the Engineer-incharge.Schedule shall be in form of progress charts, forms, progress statementand/or reports as may be approved by the Engineer.7.4 The contractor shall maintain proforma, charts, details regarding machinery,equipment, labour, materials, personnel etc. As may be specified by the Engineer andsubmit periodical returns thereof as may be specified by the Engineer-in-charge.7.5 PRIORITIES OF WORKS TO BE EXECUTED:Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

101Dy.Ex. Engr.Priorities for items to be executed shall be determined periodically keeping in view ofthe final time limit allowed for the work and all the time schedule fixed for intermediatestages of work.7.6 Revised Programme of Work in case of slippage:In case of slippage from the approved work programme at any stage, the contractorshall furnish revised programme to make up slippage within the stipulated timeschedule and obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-charge to the revisedprogramme.7.7 Action in case disproportionate progress:In case of extremely poor progress of the work or any item at any stages of workwhich in the opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge cannot be made good by theContractor considering his available resources, the Engineer-In-Charge will get itaccelerated to make up the lost time through any other agency, and recover theadditional cost incurred, If any, in getting the work done from the Contractor afterinforming him about the action envisaged by him.8. TREASURE-TROVE:In the event of discovery by the contractor or his employees, during the progress ofthe work of any treasure, fossils, minerals or any other articles of value or interest, thecontractor shall give immediate intimation thereof to the Engineer and forthwith handover to the Engineer such treasure or things which shall be the property ofGovernment.9. AGENT AND WORK-ORDER BOOK:The contractor shall himself manage the work or engage an authorized all-time agenton the work capable of managing and guiding the work and under standing thespecifications and contract condition. A qualified and experience, Engineer shall beprovided by the Contractor as his agent for technical matters in case the Engineer-in--charge considers this as essential for the work and so directs contractors. He will takeorders as will be given by the Executive Engineer or his representative and shall beresponsible for carrying them out. This agent shall not be changed without priorintimation to the Executive Engineer and his representative on the work site. Thecontractor shall supply to the Engineer the details of all supervisory and other staffemployed by the Contractor and notify changes when made, and satisfy theunquestionable right to ask for change in the quality and numbers of contractor'ssupervisory staff and to order removal from work of any of such staff. The contractorshall comply with such orders and effect replacements to the satisfaction of theEngineer.A work-order book shall be maintained on site and it shall be the property ofGovernment and the Contractor shall promptly sign orders given therein by ExecutiveEngineer or his representative and his superior officers, and comply with them. Thecompliance shall be reported by the contractor to the Engineer in good time so that itcan be checked. The blank work order book with machine numbered pages will beSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

102Dy.Ex. Engr.provided by the Department free of charge for this purpose. The contractor will beallowed to copy out instructions therein from time to time.10. SETTING OUT FOR ROAD / BRIDGE :-Setting out:Setting out the works as spelt out in clause 109 of Ministry’s specifications for Roadand Bridge works (2nd Revision) will be carried out by the Contractor.Immediately on receipt of the work order, the contractor shall at his own expensesclean the site and take up a provisional and final setting out and lining out of the workunder the supervision of his responsible representative and shall provide necessarymaterial, labour, tools, instruments etc. required for the same.One tentative abutment location will be indicated by Engineer-in-charge and thecenter line of the bridge shall be defined by him. The contractor will then have to fix upthe location of the other abutment. The abutment location will then be verified by thedepartment and shall be adjusted if necessary. Once the final location of abutments isso finalized, it will be the contractor's responsibility to line out and locate the remainingfoundation of piers.The contractor shall be responsible for true and proper setting out of the work and forthe correctness of the positions, level dimensions and arrangements of all parts ofworks and for providing all necessary instruments, appliances and labours inconnection therewith at his own cost. Officers may assist the contractor in propersetting out. Government instruments may be allowed to be used for setting out of workfor which no cost shall be recovered from the contractor. If at any time during theprogress of work, any errors arise in regard to levels of dimensions or alignment ofany part of the work, rectification thereof, on being required to do so, will be carriedout by the contractor at his own cost, unless such errors are based on incorrect data,supplied in writing by the Engineer or his authorized representative in which case theexpenses of the rectification shall be refunded by Government.10.1 The contractor for shall provide free of charge all labour and materials requiredfor lining out. surveying, inspection decided by the Engineer as considered necessaryfor the proper and systematic execution of the work, Likewise only one bench markwith definite value of R.L. will be shown to contractor who shall have to provide fornetwork of temporary benchmark's all along the bridge as required for executive thework. The contractor shall be responsible for the provision, accuracy and maintenanceof such temporary bench mark. He shall be responsible for the correctness of theposition, levels, dimensions and alignments of all parts of the works and provisions ofnecessary instruments and labour in connection with it. The contractor shall providescientific instruments and labour in connection with it. The contractor shall provide liketheodolite and leveling instruments and steel tapes for lining out the bridge suitablemasonry pedestals or wooden stacks firmly fixed shall be provided by the contractorfor marking the Center lines of the structures.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

103Dy.Ex. Engr.The checking or inspection of any setting out of any line or level or word by Engineeror his representative shall not any way leave the contractor of his responsibility forcorrectness thereof. The contractor shall carefully protect and preserve bench markpedestals and stone etc. used in setting of the works.WATER :- If the potable water is not available in the river bed the contractor has tomake his own arrangements for potable water required for concrete mixing, its curingand other parts of the construction for which no extra claim will be paid by thedepartment.10.2 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR LEVEL AND ALIGNMENT. :-The Contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal andvertical alignment, the levels and correctness of every part of the work and shall rectifyeffectively any errors or imperfections therein, such rectifications shall be carried outby the Contractor, at its own cost, when instructions are issued to that effect by theEngineer- in-charge.10.3 LEVELLING INSTRUMENTS:If measurements of items of the work are based on volumetric measurementscalculated from levels taken before and after construction of the item, a large numberof leveling staffs, tapes etc. will have to be kept available by the Contractor at the siteof work for this purpose. Lack of such leveling staffs, tapes etc. in required numbersmay cause delay in measurements and the work. The Contractor will have therefore tokeep sufficient number of these readily available at site and in good working condition.10.4 To carry out activities mentioned above 10.1, 10.2 & 10.3Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements to carry out all necessary detailsurveys required as per the Specifications / <strong>Tender</strong> Conditions, during currency ofwork / project, and deliver desired outputs in printed / soft as instructed by engineer incharge at different stages of works as instructed by the engineer in-charge during thecurrency of the project, that is from start to finish of the work/project. To carry out suchsurveys and deliver desired outputs in printed form / soft copy as instructed byengineer in charge as mentioned above.The Contractor shall appoint a survey agency with the approval of the engineer incharge, for that, Contractor shall submit list of three survey agencies to engineer incharge , along with the payment of his security deposit (as required under the clauseone of the B-1 contract) . The engineer in charge on receipt of such list will select onesurvey agency out of three and communicate it, along with the work order tocontractor. Contractor should appoint survey agency as selected by the engineer incharge. The survey agency shall not be changed without permission of the engineer incharge. The survey agency and / or contractor shall have1) Latest survey instruments and/or equipments viz. total station, auto levels, plotteretc.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

104Dy.Ex. Engr.2) Auto CAD, non-auto CAD base software to deliver desired outputs based on surveycarried out using (1) above, in printed/soft copy as instructed by engineer in charge.3) Necessary trained manpower to work on and deliver as (1) and (2) above.For appointing survey agency, to carry out such surveys and deliver desired outputs inprinted/soft as instructed by engineer in charge as mentioned above the Contractorshall not be paid separately. His offer shall be inclusive of all.11) AUTHORITIES OF THE ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE REPRESENTATIVEThe duties of the representative of the Engineer-in-charge are to watch and supervisethe work and to test and examine any material to be used or workmanship employedin connection with the works.The Engineer-in-charge may from time to time, in writing delegate to hisrepresentative any powers and authorities vested in the Engineer-in-charge and shallfurnish to the Contractor a copy of all such delegations of powers and authorities. Anywritten instructions of Approval given by the representative of the Engineer-in-chargeto the Contractor within the terms of such" delegations (but not otherwise) shall bindthe Contractor and the department as through it had been given by the Engineer-incharge, provided always as follows.Failure of the representative of the Engineer-in-charge to disapprove any work ormaterials shall not prejudice the power of the Engineer-in-charge thereafter todisapprove such work or materials and so order the putting down, removal or breakingup thereof.12) INITIAL MEASUREMENTS FOR RECORDWhere for proper measurement of the work, it is necessary to have an initial set oflevels or other measurements taken, the same as recorded in the authorized fieldbook or measurement book of Government by the Engineer or his authorizedrepresentative will be signed by the contractor who will be entitled to have a true copyof the same made at his cost. Any failure on the part of the contractor to get suchlevels etc. Recorded before starting the work, will render him liable to accept thedecision of the Engineer as to the basis of taking measurements.Like-wise the contractor will not cover any work which will render its subsequentmeasurements difficult or impossible without first getting the same jointly measured byhimself; and the authorized representative of the Executive Engineer. The record ofsuch measurements on the Government side will be signed by the Contractor and hewill be entitled to have a true copy of the same made at his cost.13 HANDING OVER OF WORK:-All the work and materials before finally taken over by Government will be the entireSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

105Dy.Ex. Engr.liability of the Contractor for guarding, maintaining and making good any damages ofany magnitude interim payments made for such work will not alter this position. Thehanding over by the Contractor and taking over by the Executive Engineer or hisauthorized representative will be always in writing, copies of which will go to theExecutive Engineer or his authorized representative and the contractor. It is, howeverunderstood that before taking over such work, Government will not put it into regularuse as distance from casual or incidental one, except as specially mentionedelsewhere in this contact, or as mutually agreed to.14. ASSISTANCE IN PROCURING PRIORITIES, PERMITS ETC. :-The Engineer, on a written request by the contractor, will if in his opinion, the requestis reasonable and in the interest of work and its progress, assist the contractor inSecuring, the priorities for deliveries, transport permits for controlled materials etc.,where such are needed. The Government, will not, however be responsible for thenon-availability of such facilities or delay in this behalf and no claims on account ofsuch failures or delays shall be allowed by the Government. The Contractor shall haveto make his own arrangement for machinery required for the work. Such machineryconveniently available with the Department may be spared as the rules in force onrecovery of necessary Security Deposit and rent with Agreement in the prescribedSignature of Contractor form. Such an Agreement shall be independent of thiscontract and the supply of machinery shall not form a ground for any claim orextension of time limit for this work.15. A) The Contractor shall set up and get it checked and certified by the ExecutiveEngineer, a field laboratory with necessary equipments for testing of all materials,finished products used in the construction as per requirements of relevantspecifications. The testing of all materials shall be carried out by the Engineer, or hisrepresentative for which the contractor shall make all the necessary arrangementsand bear the entire cost.B) At least 30% of the tests of those required as per frequency chart given inClause 15.1 shall be carried out in Government Laboratories of Vigilance & QualityControl Circle. All the tests which cannot be carried out in field laboratory shall becarried out 100% at the contractor's cost in Vigilance & Quality Control laboratory.C) The tests which cannot be carried out both in field laboratory and Vigilance &Quality Control Circle's laboratories shall be carried out 100% in the laboratories ofGovernment Engineering College / Government Polytechnic at the entire cost ofContractor.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

10615.1 Frequency Chart for Testing of MaterialsDy.Ex. Engr.ANNEXURE- 'A'Sr.No Material Test Frequency ofTestingRemarks1. Sand i)ii)Fineness ModulusSilt ContentAt the beginning andif there is change insource.2. Metal i)ii)iii)iv)v)vi)vii)Crushing valueImpact valueAbrasion valueWater AbsorptionFlakiness IndexStripping valueGradationOne test per 200Cu.M. or part thereof.PWDHandBookI.S. 2386Part-II3. CementConcretei) Compressive Strength Upto 5 Cu.M.– 1 set6-15 Cu.M. – 2 sets16-30 - 3 sets31-50 - 4 sets51 & above - 4 sets+ One additional setfor each additional 50Cu.M. or part thereof.M.O.S.T.Specification1716.4. Cement i)ii)iii)iv)v)vi)Comp. StrengthInitial setting timeFinal setting timeSpecific GravitySoundnessFinenessOne test for eachconsignment of 50M.T. ( 1000 bags) orpart thereof. Butminimum one test foreach consignment.I.S. 26912269Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

107Dy.Ex. Engr.5. Water BoundMacadami)ii)iii)iv)v)Aggregate ImpactvalueGradationFlakiness index &Elongation IndexAtterberg limits ofbinding materialAtterberg limits ofportion of aggregatespassing 425 Micron.1 test per 200 Cum.1 test per 100 Cum.1 test per 200 Cum.One test per 25 M 3of binding materialOne test per 100Cum.M.O.S.T.Specification Table900-3.6. Steel i)ii)iii)iv)Weight per meter.Ultimate tensile stressYield stressElongationOne test for eachconsignment7. Prime coat /tack coat / Fogsprayi)ii)iii)Quality of BinderBinder TemperatureRate of spread ofbinderNo. of samples perlot and tests as perIS-73, IS-217 and IS-8887 as applicable.At regular closeintervals.One test per 500 M 2and not less than twotests per day.M.O.S.T.Specification Table900-4.8. Seal Coat /SurfaceDressingi) Quality of Binder Same as mentionedunder Sr.No.6M.O.S.T.Specification Table900-4.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

108Dy.Ex. Engr.9. Open gradedpremixsurfacing /Close gradedpremixsurfacingi)ii)iii)iv)v)vi)Quality of BinderImpact value / LosAngles Abrasion valueFlakiness &Elongation IndexStripping value ofaggr. (Immersion traytest)Water AbsorptionWater Sensitivity ofmixSame as mentionedunder Sr.No.6.1 test per 50 Cum.1 test per 50 Cum.Initially 1 set of 3representativesamples for eachsource of supply.Subsequently bychange in the qualityof aggregates.M.O.S.T.Specification Table900-46.vii)Gradation1 test per 25 Cu.M.viii)SoundnessInitially onedetermination byeach method for eachsource of supply ,then as warranted bychange in the qualityof aggregate.ix)x)Temp. of binderBinder ContentAt regular closeintervals.1 test per 500 M 3 andnot less than 2 testsper day.xi)Rate of spread ofmixed materials.Regular controlthrough checks oflayer thickness.xii)Percentage offractural faces.When gravel is usedone test per 50 Cum.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

109Dy.Ex. Engr.10. ThermoplasticPainti)Glass beed contentsand grading analysis.One Test for 3 Km.Work.ii)iii)iv)v)Reflectance andYellowness indexFlowabilitySoftening PointDraying Time.One Test for 3 Km.Work.One Test for 3 Km. Work.One Test for 3 Km. Work.One Test for 3 Km. Work.11. GranularSub-basei)ii)iii)iv)v)GradationAterberg limitsMoisture content prior tocompactionDensity of compactedlayerC.B.R.One test per 200 Cum.One test per 200 M 3One test per 250 M 3As required.M.O.S.T.Specification Table900-3.12. BituminousMacadam&Semi-denseBituminousConcrete.i)ii)iii)iv)v)vi)vii)viii)ix)Quality of binderImpact / Abrasion valueFlakiness / ElongationIndexStripping valueWater sensitivity of MixWater AbsorptionSoundness% of fractural facesGradationSame as per Sr.No. 7Same as per Sr.No. 9Same as per Sr.No. 9Same as per Sr.No. 9Same as per Sr.No. 9Same as per Sr.No. 9Same as per Sr.No. 9Same as per Sr.No. 02 tests per day perplant both on individualconstituents & mixedaggregates from dryerM.O.S.T.Specification Table900-4.x)xi)xii)xiii)Binder content & aggr.GradingControl of Temp ofbinder & aggregates formixing & of the mix atthe time of laying &rolling.Rate of spread of mixedmaterialDensity of compactedlayer.Periodic subject tominimum of 2 tests perday per plant.At regular closeintervals.Regular control throughchecks of layerthickness.One test per 250 Sq.M.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

110Dy.Ex. Engr.13. InterlockingConcrete PavingBlocki)ii)iii)iv)Compressive StrengthWater absorptionFlexural TestResistance to wearA set of 8 blocks forevery 10000 blocks.-----do-----------do-----------do------ADDITIONAL CONDITION FOR MATERIAL TESTING15.1.2 It is mandatory on the part of Contractor to carry out all the requiredtests of various construction materials as mentioned in Schedule-'B' of the<strong>Tender</strong>.If the contractor fails to submit required Test Results of the various constructionmaterials as mentioned in the items of Schedule-'B', he will be liable to depositthe amount at penal rate of five times of the amount of particular test which hehas not carried out. Contractor will be informed by the Engineer-in-charge byletter. On receipt of letter, contractor will have to either deposit the said amountor to carry out the required test within 10 days. If he again failed to carry out therequired tests in stipulated time limit, the said tests will be carried out by thedepartment and total expenditure incurred on the testing charges plus fivetimes amount of testing charges will be recovered from the Contractor's bill.As this recovery is only due to the negligence on the part of contractor to carryout work as per <strong>Tender</strong> Conditions and Executive Engineer's decision will befinal and binding on the Contractor and it cannot be challenged by theContractor by way of Appeal, Arbitration or in the Court of Law.15.2 SAMPLING OF MATERIALSSamples provided to the Engineer or his representative for their retention is tobe in the labeled boxes suitable for storage. Materials or workmanship notcorresponding in character and quality with approved samples will be rejectedby the Engineer or his representative and shall be removed from the site asdirected by the Engineer at the Contractor's cost. Samples required forapproval and testing must be supplied well in advance by at least 48 hours toallow for testing and approval. Delay to work arising from the late submission ofsample will not be acceptable as a reason for delay in the completion of work.For all materials brought from outside, the cost of sampling, testing whether inIndia or outside shall be borne by the contractor.All materials to be used on work shall be got approved in advance from theEngineer-in-charge and shall pass the test and or analysis required by him.which will be as follows :-a) As specified by the Indian Road Congress Standard Specification.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

111b) Code of Practice for Road and Bridges.Dy.Ex. Engr.c) B.I.S. specification (whichever and wherever applicable)d) Such recognised specifications accepted to Engineer-in-charge orequivalent hereto or in absence of such recognised specifications.e) i) The Contractor shall set up Field Laboratory with necessary equipmentfor testing of all materials / finished products, and get it checked and certifiedfrom the Executive Engineer.ii) Such requirement test and or analysis as may be specified by theEngineer-in-charge in order of precedence given above.iii) The contractor shall at his risk and cost make all arrangement and/orshall provide for all such facilities as the Engineer-in-charge may require forcollecting preparing required number of samples for tests or for analysis at suchtime and to such places may be directed by the Engineer and bear all chargesand cost of testing. Such samples shall also be deposited with the Engineer-incharge.iv) The contractor shall if and when required submit at his cost the samplesof materials to be tested or analysis and if, so directed shall not make use of orincorporate in the work any materials represented by the samples until therequired tests or analysis have been made and the materials, finally acceptedby the Engineer- in-charge. Samples provided to the Engineer in charge forretention purpose are to be in labeled boxes suitable for storage.v) The contractor shall not be eligible for any claim or compensation ateither arising out of any delay in the work or due to any corrective measuresrequired to be taken on account of and as a result of testing of the materials.vi) The contractor or his authorized representative will be allowed to remainpresent in the department laboratory while testing samples furnish by him.However the results of all the tests carried out in the department laboratory inthe presence or absence of the contractor or his authorized representative willbe binding on the contractor.vii) Cost of routine day-to-day quality control testing charges for testsrequired as per specifications will be borne by the contractor by sending thesame to the concerned Government laboratories.viii) Test shall be carried out at approved Government Laboratories orGovernment institutions as directed by Engineer-in-charge and all testingcharges shall be borne by the Contractor.ix) 15% of the rate shall be with held and shall be released only after thereceipt of the satisfactory test result wherever specified. Routine test shallmean testing of aggregate for gradation, flakiness index, impact, value andSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

112Dy.Ex. Engr.binder content. All other tests shall be carried out by the contractor at his owncost. However the cost of testing of material as directed by Engineer-in-chargefor approving a particular material as laid down in para 15.2. (i) to (viii) will haveto be borne by the contractor.x) The contractor shall at his own cost arrange to carry out the routine testsof materials which are to be used on the work. The tests will have to be carriedout either in the field laboratory or in an approved laboratory.xi) Testing of the material used for this work should be carried out as perthe provisions made in Government Circular No. Miscellaneous /2004/PC-108/NH-2, dated 22/3/2005. Testing of material should be carried out as perfrequency stipulated by the Vigilance & Quality Control Circle. The contractorshould carry out 25% testing of material out of the total material required as perthe frequency from the Departmental Laboratory of Public Works Department.The payment for testing of material from the Departmental Laboratory shouldbe borne by the Contractor.xii) In case of materials procured by the contractor/testing as required by thecodes and specifications, the same shall be arranged by him at his own cost.Testing shall be done in the presence of an authorized representative of theEngineer-in-charge at the nearest laboratory. If additional testing other than asrequired by specification is ordered the testing charges shall be borne by thedepartment if the test results are satisfactory and by the contractor if the sameare not satisfactory.xiii) In case of materials supplied by the Government, if the contractordemands certain testing, the charges thereof shall be paid by the contractor ifthe test results are satisfactory and by the department if the same are notsatisfactory.15.3 The responsibility of assuring the quality of work shall be on thecontractor who shall take actions as stipulated in standard specification as per “Schedule C”15.4 It shall be responsibility of the contractor to achieve quality of work asstipulated in section 900 of MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work(2001)16. CO-ORDINATION:-When several agencies for different sub-work of the project are to worksimultaneously for the timely completion of the whole project smoothly, thescheduled dates for completion specified in each contract shall there-fore bestrictly adhered to. Each contractor may make his independent arrangement forwater, power, housing etc. If they so desire. On the other hand the contractorsare at liberty to mutual agreement in this behalf and make joint arrangementsSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

113Dy.Ex. Engr.with the approval of the Engineer. No single contractor shall take or cause to betaken any steps or action that may cause disruption, discontent, or disturbanceof the work labour or arrangement etc. of other contractor in the Projectlocalities. Any action by any contractor which the Engineer in his unquestioneddiscretion may consider as infringement of the above code, would beconsidered as a breach of the contract conditions and shall be dealt with assuch. In case of any dispute, disagreement between the contractors, theEngineer's decision regarding the co-ordination, co-operation and facilities to beprovided by any of thecontractors shall be final and binding on the contractors concerned and such adecision or decisions shall not violate any contract nor absolve the contractor'sof his/their obligations under the contract nor consider for the grant for anyclaim or compensation.17. PATENTED DEVICEWhenever the contractor desires to use any designed devices, materials orprocess covered by the letter of patent or copy right, the right for such use shallbe secured by suitable legal arrangement and agreement with patent ownerand the copy of their agreement shall be filed with the Engineer-in-charge if sodesired by the letter.18. PAYMENTThe contractor must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completedwork and include all cost due to labour, scaffolding, plant, machinery,supervision, power, royalties, taxes etc. and should also include all expenses tocover the cost of height work as and when required and no claim for additionalpayment beyond the prices or rates quoted will be entertained. The mode ofmeasurement has been indicated in the specifications. If there is any ambiguityor doubt in this respect, the decision of Superintending Engineer will be final.19. SUPERVISION AND INSPECTION OF WORKS AND QUALITYCONTROL:-19.1 SUPERVISION :-The Contractor shall either himself supervise the execution of the works or shallappoint the competent agent approved by the Engineer-in-charge, to act on hisbehalf. If in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor has himself nosufficient knowledge and experience of receiving instructions or cannot give hisfull attention to the works, the Contractor shall at his own expenses employ ashis accredited agent & qualified Engineer approved by the Engineer-in-charge.Orders given to the Contractor's agent shall be considered to have the force asif these had been given to the Contractor himself. If the Contractor fails toappoint a suitable agent as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the Engineer-inchargeshall have full power to suspend the execution of the work until suchdate a suitable agent is appointed and the Contractor shall be responsible forthe delay so caused to the works and the Contractor shall not be entitled forSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

any compensation on this behalf.114Dy.Ex. Engr.19.2 INSPECTION:-The Contractor shall inform the Engineer-in-charge in writing -when any portionof the work is ready for inspection giving him sufficient notice to enable him toinspect the same without affecting the further progress of the work. The workshall not be considered to have been completed in accordance with the termsof the contract until the Engineer-in-charge shall have certified in writing to thateffect. Approval of materials or workmanship or approval of part of the workduring the progress of execution shall not bind the Engineer-in-charge or in anyway affect him even to reject the work which is alleged to be completed and tosuspend the issue of his certificate of completion until such alteration andmodifications or reconstruction have been effected at the cost of the Contractoras shall enable him to certify that the work has been completed to hissatisfaction.The Contractor shall provide at his cost necessary ladders and sucharrangements as to provide necessary facilities and assistance for properinspection of all parts of the work at his own cost.19.3 TEMPORARY QUARTERS:i) The contractor shall at his own expense maintain sufficient experiencedsupervisory staff etc. Required for the work and shall make his ownarrangement, provide housing for them with all necessary arrangements,including fire preventive measures etc. as directed by the Engineer-in- charge.ii) The contractor shall provide, furnish, maintain and remove oncompletion of the work, a suitable office on the work-site for the use ofExecutive Engineer's representative. The covered area for office exclusive ofvarandha should not be less than 24 Square Metre and height 3.0 meter It haveBrick masonry walls and asbestos or corrugated iron roof, paved floor shouldbe 18" above ground level. He should provide a basket type latrine, urinals andkeep them clean, daily. The contractor shall have provide Laboratory (with ref.books & I.S. codes) at site of size 6.0 m x 6.0m minimum and height 3.0 meterat work site. The office and Laboratory structures shall be semi-permanenttype. This will be supposed to be included in his rates.19.4 SAFETY MEASURES AND AMENITIES:While executing the work, necessary precautions regarding safety of labour,supervisory staff, public and traffic users shall be taken by the agencyaccording to rules and regulations specified by the Government of India /Government of Maharashtra and as directed by District Court, PuneSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

115Dy.Ex. Engr.1) The contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of theworkers and preserving their health while working in such job as require specialprotection and precautions. The following are some of the requirements listed,though no exhaustive. The contractor shall also comply with the directionsissued by the Engineer in this behalf from time to time and at all times.2) Labour License : It shall be obligatory on the part of the contractor toobtained the necessary labour License from the labour Department withinfortnight of issue of work order.3) Providing protective foot-wear to workers, in situations like mixing andplacing of mortar of concrete in quarries and places where the work is doneunder too much of wet condition as also for movements over surfaces infectedwith Dyster growth etc.4) Providing protective headwear to workers, working in quarries etc. toprotect them against accidental fall of materials from above.5) Taking such normal precautions like providing hand rails at the edges ofthe floating platform or barges, not allowing nails or metal parts or uselesstimber to spread around etc.6) Supporting workmen with proper belts, ropes etc. when working on anymasters, cranes grabs, hoist, dredgers etc.7) Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned in theuse of machinery before, they are allowed to handle it independently and takingall necessary precautions in and around the areas where machines, hoists andsimilar units are working.8) Providing adequate number of boats (of at all required for playing water)to prevent overload and over-crowding.9) Providing life belts to all men working in such situation from where theymay accidentally tell into the water, equipping the boats with adequate numberof life belts etc.10) Avoiding bare live wires etc. As would electrocute workers.11) Making all platforms, staging and temporary structures sufficiently strongso as not to cause inconvenience and risk to the workmen and supervisorystaff.12) Providing sufficient first aid trained staff an equipment to be availablequickly at the work site to render immediate first aid treatment in case ofaccidents due to suffocations, dropping and other injuries.13) Take all necessary precautions with regard to use of divers.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

116Dy.Ex. Engr.14) Providing full length gum boots, leather hand gloves with fire proofapron to cover the chest and back reaching upto knees and protective gogglesfor the eyes to the labourers working with hot asphalt handling vibrator incement concrete and also where use of any or all these items is beneficial inthe interest of health and well being of the labours in the opinion of theEngineer.20. EXPLOSIVES :-The Contractor shall at his own expense construct and maintain propermagazines, if such required for the storage of explosives for use in connectionwith the works, and such magazine, being situated constructed and maintainedin accordance with the Government Rules applicable in that behalf. Thecontractor shall at his own expenses obtain such Licenses as may benecessary for storage of explosives are approved by the Engineer, theGovernment shall not be incurring any responsibility whatever in connectionwith storage and use of explosives on the size or any accident or occurrencewhatsoever in connection therewith, all operations in or for which explosives aredeployed being at the risk of the contractor and upon his sole responsibility andthe contractor here by gives to Government an absolute indemnity in respectthereof.21. DAMAGE BY FLOODS OR ACCIDENTS :-The contractor shall take all precautions against damage by floods or like orfrom accident etc. No compensation will be allowed to the Contractor on thisaccount or for correcting and repairing any such damage to the work duringconstruction. The contractor shall be liable to make good at his cost any plantor materials belonging to the Government, lost or damaged by floods or fromany other cause which is in his charge.22. RELATION WITH PUBLIC AUTHORITIES :-The contractor shall comply with all rules, regulation, bye-laws and directiongiven from time also by any local public authority in connection with this workand shall himself pay fees or charges which are leviable on him without anyextra to the Department.23 POLICE PROTECTION: For the Special Protection of camp and thecontractor's works, the department will help the contractor as far as possible toarrange for such protection with the concerned authorities if so required by theContractor in writing. The full cost of such protection shall be borne by thecontractor.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

117Dy.Ex. Engr.24 MEDICAL AND SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS TO BE PROVIDEDFOR LABOUR EMPLDYED ON THE CONSTRUCTION BY THECONTRACTORa) The contractor shall provide an adequate supply of potable water for use oflabourers on work and in Camps.b) The contractor shall construct trench or semi permanent latrines for the useof the Labourers. Separate latrines shall be provided for men and women.c) The contractor shall build sufficient number of huts on a suitable plot of landfor use of the Labourers according to the following specifications :-1. Huts of Bamboos and Grass may be constructed.A good site not liable to submergence shall be selected on high ground remotefrom jungle but well provided with trees, shall be chosen where it is available.The neighborhood of tank, jungle, grass or woods should be particularlyavoided. Camps should not be established close to large cuttings of earth work.The lines of huts shall have open spaces of at least ten meters between rows.When a good natural site cannot be procured, particular attention should begiven to the drainage. There should be no overcrowding. Floor space at therate of 30 Sq.ft. Per head shall be provided. Care should be taken to see thatthe huts are kept clean and in good order.The Contractor must find his own land and if he wants Government land, heshould apply for it and pay assessment for it, if made available by Government.The contractor shall construct a sufficient number of bathing places. Washingplaces should also be provided for the purpose of washing clothes. TheContractor shall make sufficient arrangements for draining away the surfaceand sewage water as well as water from the bathing and washing places andshall dispose off this waste water in such way as not to cause any nuisance.The contractor shall engage a Medical officer with a traveling dispensary for aCamp containing- 500 or more persons if there is no Government or otherprivate dispensary situated within 8 kilometers from the Camp. In case ofemergency the contractor shall arrange at his cost for transport for quickmedical help to his sick worker.The Contractor shall provide the necessary staff for effecting a satisfactorydrainage system and cleanliness of the camp to the satisfaction of theEngineer. At least one sweeper per 200 persons should be engaged.The Assistant Director of Public Health shall be consulted before opening alabour camp and his instruction on matters such as water supply sanitaryconveniences, the camp site accommodation and food supply shall be followedby the Contractor.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

118Dy.Ex. Engr.2 . The contractor shall make arrangement for all anti-malaria measures tobe provided for the labour employed on the work. The anti-maleria measureshall be provided as directed by the Assistant Director of Public Health.25. QUARRIES :-25.1 The quarrying operations shall be carried out by the Contractor withproper equipment such as compressors. Jack-hammers, drill bits, explosivesetc. and sufficient number of workmen shall be employed so as to get therequired out turn.25.2 The Contractor shall carry out the works in the quarries in conformitywith all the rules and regulations already laid down or may be laid down fromtime to time by Government. Any cost incurred by Government due to noncomplianceof any rules or regulations or due to damages by the contractorshall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Engineer- in-charge or hisrepresentative shall be given full facilities by the Contractor for inspection at alltimes of the working of the quarry, records maintained, the stocks of theexplosives and detonators etc. so as to enable him to check that the workingrecords and storage are all in accordance with the relevant rule. The Engineerin-chargeor his representative shall at any time be allowed to inspect theworks, buildings, and equipment at the quarters.25.3 The Contractor shall maintain at its own cost, the book registers etc.required to be maintained under the relevant rules and regulations and asdirected by the Engineer-in-charge. These books shall be open for inspection atall times by the Engineer-in-charge or his representative and the Contractorshall furnish the copies or extracts of books or register as and when required.25.4 All quarrying operations shall be carried out by the Contractor inorganized and expeditious manner systematically and with proper planning.The Contractor shall engage licensed blaster and adopt electric blasting and/orany other approved method which would ensure complete safety to all the menengaged in the quarry and its surroundings. The Contractor shall himselfprovide suitable magazines and arrange to pre and store explosive etc. asrequired under the rules at his own cost. The designs and the location of themagazine shall be got approved in advance from the Chief Inspector ofExplosives and the rules and regulations in this connection as laid down by theChief Inspector of Explosives from' time to time shall be strictly adhered to bythe Contractor. It is generally experienced that it takes time to obtain thenecessary license for blasting & license for storage of material from theconcerned authorities. The contractor must therefore take timely advanceaction for procuring all such licenses so that the work progress may not behampered.25.5 The approaches to the quarrying place from the existing public roadsshall have to be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost, and the approachshall be maintained by the contractor at his own cost till the work is over.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

119Dy.Ex. Engr.25.6 The quarrying operations shall be carried out by the Contractor to theentire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge and the development of the quarryshall be made efficiently so as to avoid wastage of stones. Only such stones asare of the required quality shall be used on the work. Any stone such is in theopinion of the Engineer-in-charge, not in accordance with the specifications orof required quality will be rejected at any time, at the quarry or at the site ofwork. The rejected stones shall not be used on the work and such rejectedmaterials shall be removed to the place shown at the Contractor's cost.25.7 Since all stones quarried from Government quarry (if made available) bythe contractor including the excavated over burden are the property of theGovt. no stones or earth shall be supplied by the Contractor to any otheragencies or works are allowed to be taken away for any other works.All such surplus quarried materials not required for work under this contractshall be the property of the Govt. And shall be handed over by the Contractor toGovernment free of cost at quarry site duly heaped at the spots indicated bythe Engineer-in charge. The contractor will be entitled to the refund of royalty ifany, paid by him for such quantity handed over to Govt. for which necessarycertificate will be issued by Executive Engineer as per usual procedure, ifhowever, the Government does not required such surplus material thecontractor may be allowed to dispose off or such surplus material elsewherewith prior written permission of Engineer-in-charge. Leaving off a quarry face oropening of a new quarry face shall be done only on the approval of theEngineer-in-charge.25.8 Quarrying permission will have to be directly obtained by the Contractor,from the Collector of the District concerned for which purpose the departmentwill render necessary assistance. All quarry fees, royalty charges, octroi duties,ground rent for staking material etc. and charges shall be paid directly toRevenue Department by the contractor as per rules in force. If it is not paid bycontractor the same will be recovered from his bills.25.9 The contractor will be permitted to erect at his own risk and cost at thequarry site if suitable vacant space of Government area is available for thepurpose, his own structures for stores, offices etc. At places approved by theEngineer- in-charge. On completion of the work the contractor shall remove allthe structures erected by him and restore the site to its original condition.25.10 The Contractor shall not use any Sand in the quarry either for cultivationor for any other purpose except that required for breaking or stacking ortransporting stones.26 TRAFFIC REGULATION / ARRANGEMENT FOR TRAFFIC DURINGCONSTRUCTIONAction for arrangement for traffic during construction will be taken by theContractor as envisaged in the contract documents and spelt out in clause 112of MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001)Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

120Dy.Ex. Engr.26.1 Unless separately provided for in the contract, the Contractor shall haveto make all necessary arrangements for regulating traffic, day to night duringthe period of construction to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Thisincludes the construction and maintenance of diversions if necessary. Thecontractor shall have to provide necessary caution board, barricades, flags,light and watchmen etc. So as to comply with the latest Motor Vehicles rulesand Regulation and for Traffic Safety and he shall be responsible for all claimsfrom accidents which may arise due to his negligence whether in regulating thetraffic or in stacking material on the roads, or due to any other reasons.26.2 It is to be clearly understood that whatever work carried out by theContractor for construction of diversion road including earthwork, W.B.M.bituminous surface dressing. R.C.C pipe drains etc. Will be paid for only once.If due to flow of traffic, due to floods or due to any other cause, this diversionroad and/or the R.C.C drain gets damaged it shall be repaired and maintainedby the Contractor in good condition till completion of the whole work at his ownexpenses.27. PROCUREMENT OF MATERIALS:-27.1 Where suitable and approved P.W. Department's quarries exist, theContractor or piece worker will be allowed if otherwise there is no objection toobtain the materials to the extent required for the work from the quarry. He willbe however, liable to pay compensation. If any damage is caused to the quarryeither deliberately or through negligence or for wastage of materials by himselfor his staff or labour.27.2 Where no suitable Government quarries exist or when the quantity ofthe material required cannot be obtained from a P.W. Department quarry theContractor or pieceworker shall make his own arrangements to obtain thematerial from existing or a new quarry in Government waste land, private landor land belonging to other States or Talukas, etc.After opening the quarry but before starting collection the quarry shall be gotapproved by the Engineer-in-charge or his representatives. The Contractor orpiece worker shall pay all royalty charges compensation etc. No claims orresponsibility on account of any of obstructions caused to execution of the workby difficulties arising out of private owners of land will be entertained.27.3 The rates in the tender include all incidental charges such as opening ofa new quarry, opening out a new portion in an existing quarry, removing top soiland the unsuitable material, dewatering a quarry, cost of blasting powder andfuse, lift, lead, repairs to existing cart tracks, making new cart tracks, controlcharges, Central/State Government or Municipal taxes, Local Boards, Cess,etc.27.4 The rates in the tender are for the delivery of the approved material onroad side properly stacked at the places specified by the Engineer-in- chargeSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

121Dy.Ex. Engr.and are inclusive of conveyance charges in respect of the leads and lifts. Noclaims on account of changes in lead will be entertained.27.5 No material shall be removed from the land within the road boundary orfrom the land touching it without the written permission of the Engineer- inchargeof his authorised agent. If any materials is un-authorised obtained fromsuch places the Contractor or piece worker shall have to make good thedamages and pay such compensation, in addition as may be decided by theExecutive Engineer and will have to stop further collection.27.6 Any material that falls on any P.W.D. Road from the cart etc. duringconveyance shall be immediately picked up and removed by the Contractor orpiece worker, failing which it will be got removed Departmentally at his cost. Noheap shall be left prior to checking even temporarily on the road surface or inany way so as to cause any obstruction or danger to the traffic. The Contractoror the piece worker shall be liable to pay for any claims of compensation etc.arising out of any accident, etc.Any such materials causing obstruction or danger etc. will be got removedDepartmentally at his cost and no claims for any loss or damage to thematerial, thus removed, will be entertained. The Contractor shall also beresponsible for the damage or accident etc. arising out of any material that fallson the road or track, not in charge of the Department and shall attend to anycomplaint which may be received otherwise authorised by Engineer in writing.Collection and spreading shall not be carried out at the same time in one andthe same mile or in to adjoin in Km. except with the return permission of theExecutive Engineer.27.7 Unless otherwise directed, the materials shall be collected in thefollowing orders availability of space :-1) Rubble (if included in tender)2) Metal3) Soft murum4) Hard murumShall be stacked on the side opposite for petty repairs and shall be stacked onthe side opposite to metal for new layer. Where metal for two layers has to bestacked as in the case of new roads, the metal for each layer shall be stackedon the opposite sides of the road.27.8 All road material shall be examined and measured before it is spread.The labour for measurements (and check measurements where ever carriedout) shall be supplied by the contractor or place worker. Immediately after themeasurements are recorded the stacks shall be marked by the contractor orpiece worker by who wash or otherwise as may be directed by the ExecutiveEngineer to prevent from any authorised tampering with the stacks. If thecontractor or piece worker fails to attend the measurements after receiving thenotice from Sub-divisional officer or his subordinate stating date and time of theintention to measure work, shall be measured nevertheless and no complaint inSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

122Dy.Ex. Engr.this respect will be entertained later on. If the contractor or piece worker fails tosupply sufficient labour for the materials required at the time of measurementsor check measurements, after due notice has been given to him, the expensesincurred on account of employing department labour or material etc. shall becharged against his account.27.9 No deduction will made for voids.27.10 The materials shall not be Stacked in place where it is liable to bedamaged or lost due to traffic passing Over it, to be washed away by rain orfloods, to be buried under the landslides etc. or slip down an embankment orhill side etc. No claims for any loss due to these and similar causes will beentertained.27.11 Before stacking, the materials shall be free from all earth, rubbishvegetable matter and other extraneous substance and in the case of metal,screened to gauge, if so directed when ready. It shall be stacked entirely clearof the road way, on ground which has been cleaned of vegetation and leveled.On high banks, ghat roads etc. where it may not be practicable to stack itentirely clear of the roadway it may be stacked with the permission of theEngineer-in-charge on terms in such a way as to cause minimum danger andobstruction to the traffic or as may be directed by him.27.12 The size of the stacks for materials other than rubble shall be 3.00m x 1.50m x 0.80m or such other size as may be directed by the Engineer- in-chargeand all but one stack in 200 M. shall be of the same uniform size and shall beuniformly distributed over whole lengths. One stack (at the end) in each 200 Mmay be of length different from the rest in order to adjust total quantity to berequired but its width and height will be the same as those of the rest.27.13 The Sub Divisional Officer shall supply the Contractor with statementshowing furlong wise quantities that will be required and the order in which thecollection is to be done. No materials in excess of requirements in that furlongshall be stacked. Any excess quantity shall be removed at the expenses of theContractor or piece worker to where it is required before the material in thatfurlong is finally measured.27.14 In slacking materials the deposition shall commence at the end of the KMfastest from the quarry and be carried continuously to the other end (unlessotherwise directed by the Executive Engineer). Stacking in one 200 M shall becompleted before it is started in another, unless directed otherwise, in writing bythe Executive Engineer. Measurements of the materials stacked in a furlong willnot be recorded until the full quantity required has been stacked.27.15 All the materials such as asphalt, cement, steel etc. shall be procured bythe contractor from approved Government Institutions or as directed byEngineer in charge only. The materials shall be brought at the site of work wellSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

123Dy.Ex. Engr.in advance by the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for alltransportation and storage of the materials at the site and shall bear all therelated costs. The Engineer shall be entitled at any time to inspect orreasonable assistance.( or such inspection as may be required)27.16 After receiving bitumen, the authorized challan / gate pass should beobtained from the refinery mentioning the quantity of bitumen, rate of bitumen,date of delivery etc. And it should be handed over to the department for eachconsignment. Similarly the invoice of cement etc. shall be given to theauthorised representative of the Engineer in -charge immediately onprocurement of the materials.27.17 The day to day record of the receipt / utility balance of material should bekept by the contractor in the form of register for each material like asphalt,cement, steel at plant site / site of work / store and the same will be checked bythe Engineer-in-charge or authorised Engineer at anytime. This register shall besigned daily by the contractor or his representative and representative ofEngineer-in-charge. The contractor shall submit periodically as well as oncompletion of work an account of all materials used by him on the work to theEngineer-in-charge.27.18 While transportation of bouzer, transport pass should be obtained fromthose corporation / municipality through whose limits the bouzer is passed andshould be handed over to the authorised representative of the department.27.19 The procurement of cement / steel etc. should be from authorisedmanufacturing company / institutions and vouchers regarding purchase thereofshall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge. The material from any othersource other than the approved institutions shall not be allowed unless writtenpermission from the Executive Engineer is taken. In such cases certificate fortest, quality shall be produced by the contractor and samples of materials shallbe tested from any Government laboratory by the contractor at his cost and thetest results be supplied to the department. The materials not conforming to therequired standard shall be removed at once from the Site of work by thecontractor at his own cost. All the materials such as asphalt, cement etc.required for use In the work shall be confirmed from the concerned 1000 ofM.O.R.T.H. specifications. These materials shall be used on work by thecontractor only after the tests thereof are found satisfactory. The responsibilityof carrying out tests to the frequencies specified for each material shall rest withthe Contractor.The R.C.C. pipes required for the work shall be procured from the MaharashtraSmall Scale Industrial Development Corporation only. The payment towards theitem of providing and fixing NP2 / NP3 / NP4 Pipes will be released only afterthe contractor submits the bills of MSSIDC to authenticate that the pipes navebeen purchased from the MSSIDC. No payment toward the item of providingand laying of pipe will be released in absence of the submission of requisitedocuments.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

124Dy.Ex. Engr.27.20 Any consignment or part of consignment of cement which is dilapidatedin any way shall not be used In the works and shall be removed from the site bythe contractor without charge to the employer.27.21 Cement shall be transported and handed and stored on the site such amanner as to avoid deterioration, contamination. Each consignment shall bestored separately so that it may be readily identified and inspected. Cementshall be used in the sequence in which it's delivered at site.27.22 The contractor shall prepare and maintain proper records on the site inrespect of deliver, handling, storage and use of cement and these records shallbe made available for inspection by the Engineer at all times.27.23 The contractor shall construct at his own cost shed / sheds as perdirections of the Engineer-in-charge for storing the material and providingdouble locking arrangements. (one lock of department and other of theContractor) Materials shall be taken out from stores only in presence ofauthorised representative of the Engineer-in-charge. The store shedconstructed on site shall be removed on completion of work. The contractorshall take all necessary steps to guard the materials brought by him.27.24 Cement to be used in the works shall be any of the following types withthe prior approval of the Engineer. Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 8112 (latest edition) Ordinary / Portland cement conforming to !S 12269 (latestedition)27.25 TMT FE-500 grade conforming to I.S. 1786 shall be used forreinforcement.27.26 Bulk bitumen of IS grade VG-30 grade shall be used.27.27 Asphalt VG-30 grade confirming to IS 8887 of 1995 shall be used for tackcoat.27.28 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the self custody ofthe materials brought by him on the site of work.27.29 The charges for conveying of the material from the place of the purchaseby the contractor to the site of work and the actual spot of work shall be entirelyborne by the contractor, No claim on this account shall be entertained.27.30 Register showing dispatch of bituminous load from the plant, vehicle No.,time of dispatch, temperature at the time of dispatch etc. shall be kept inprescribed form at hot mix plant site. Similarly register showing the time,temperature of the mix at the site shall be kept the authorised representative ofthe contractor shall fill both these registers. These shall be signed by theContractor everyday in token of acceptance The maintenance of theseSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

125Dy.Ex. Engr.registers does not absolve the contractor of his contractual obligation towardsquality of the work.27.31 The contractor should ensure that all safety precautions are observed bythe labours while handling the materials and precautions. For their labour at thecost of the contractor and the contractor will bear all the expensescompensation etc. If any incident occur to the labour etc. no claim in this regardwhat-so-ever shall be entertained and the decision of the Department will befinal and conclusive.27.32 In case the materials become surplus owing to the change in the designof the work after the materials are brought by the contractor, no claim in thisregard will be entertained and the contractor will be required to take away suchmaterials from the site.27.33 The contractor should arrange for weighment of the bouzer if desired bythe Engineer in charge. The weighment shall be done in the presence ofrepresentative of the department at the cost of the contractor.27.34 The weight of the steel bars used on the work will be calculated on thebasis of standard weight per unit length vide IS. 1732. No wastage of steel willbe considered at all. Cut pieces of the steel irrespective of the length will be theproperty of the contractor and no claim whatsoever in this regard shall beentertained. The consignment of the steel brought by the contractor havingweight less than the standard weight per unit length of the bar as mentionedabove will not be accepted. For this purpose random sample will be tested bythe Executive Engineer and the decision of the Executive Engineer shall bebinding on the contractor, if the steel received is over weight (more thanstandard weight per running meter length) no extra payment will be made andno claim in this regard whatsoever shall be entertained27.35 No claims on account of cement or steel rods used for ancillary works onSite of- work shall be entertained.27.36 All the materials to be brought on site shall be brought only on workingdays and in presence of an authorized representative of the Engineer-in -charge.27.37 All the materials such as cement, mild steel, H.Y.S.D. Bars, TMT Barsetc. required for execution of work shall be brought by the contractor at his owncost.27.38 The contractor shall maintain the record of these materials (cement, steeletc.) in the prescribed proforma and registers as directed by Engineer-incharge.The sample of prescribed proforma is attached at the end. Theseregisters shall be signed by both the contractors and representative of theEngineer-in- charge. These registers shall be made available for inspection,Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

126Dy.Ex. Engr.verification for the Department as and when required. These registers shall bein the custody of Department and shall be maintained by the Department.27.39 The material required only for this work shall be kept in the go-down atsite. No material shall be shifted outside of the go-down site except for the workfor which this agreement is entered without prior approval of the Engineer-incharge.27.40 The materials i.e. cement, steel etc. brought on the work site shall beaccompanied with necessary company/manufacturing firm's test certificates. Inaddition these materials shall be tested as per frequency prescribed by theDepartment and the cost of such testing shall be borne by the contractor. If thetest results are satisfactory, then and then only the material shall be allowed tobe used on the work. If the test results are not as per standards prescribed,these materials shall be immediately removed from the work site at thecontractor's cost. In case of cement, if so requested by the contractor in writing,material shall be allowed to be used before receipt, of test results but this willbe entirely at the risk and cost of the contractor.27.41 The contractor shall produce sufficient documentary evidence i.e. bill forthe purchase of materials brought on the work site at once if so required by thedepartment.27.42 All these materials i.e. cement, steel etc. shall be protected from anydamages rains etc. by the contractors at his own cost.27.43 The contractor will have to erect temporary shed of approvedspecifications for storing of above materials at work site at contractor's costhaving double locking arrangements (By double lock it/s meant that go-downshall always be locked by two locks, one lock being owned and operated bycontractor and other by Engineer-in charge or his authorised representative)and the door shall be open able only after both locks are opened.27.44 If required, the weighment of cement bags I steel etc. brought by thecontractor shall be carried out at his own cost.27.45 The contractor shall not use cement and other material for the item to beexecuted outside the scope of this contract except for such ancillary smallitems as are connected and absolutely necessary for this work as may bedecided by the Engineer-in-charge.27.46 The Government shall not be responsible for the loss in cement and steel duringtransit to work site. The cement brought by the contractor at the work site store shallmean 50 Kilogram equivalent to 0.0347 cubic meter per bag by weight. The rate quotedshould correspond to this method of reckoning. In case of ordinary I Controlledconcrete, if cements found short, the shortage I shortages wilt be made good by thecontractor at his cost.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

127Dy.Ex. Engr.27.48 (a) The aggregate required for the item of Hot Mix shall be screened in"Mechanical Vibratory Screening Unit" so as to comply with the gradingrequirement as specified in MORT&H Specification and then only shall be fedto the Hot Mix Plant for heating and mixing. The Mechanical Vibratoryscreening unit shall be consist of main input hopper to receive raw metal,Conveyor belt to transport it to the "Mechanical Vibratory Screening Unit." TheMechanical Vibratory screening unit shall have required number of trays, sieves/ decks as directed by Engineer in charge. The output of Mechanical VibratoryScreening unit shall be conveyed to respective bin of the four bin feeder unit.The metal so supplied from the "Mechanical Vibratory Screening Unit" at siteshall not exempt the contractor from carrying out tests as specified in thespecifications.(b) However, if the mechanical Vibratory Screening unit is installed at quarrysite, the contractor shall provide Vehicle Tracking System for all vehicles usedfor the particular work of PWD. The contractor shall provide Web Applicationthat will show all vehicles of the contractor on a GIS Map along with the Hot MixPlant. The contractor shall also provide software that will update the entireMapping on the PWD's e-governance Works Management System. Thesystem of complete management of VTS for monitoring by the PWD staff shallhave to be provided by contractor at his own cost.( c) The above conditions (a) & (b) of installation of Mechanical VibratoryScreening Unit shall be exempted only if the contractor uses the Batch MixPlant (Minimum 120 TPH) with SCADA base e-monitoring system.27.49 For Grade –I /Grade-II / Grade –III / WBM and for BUSG work metal shallbe supplied at site only after screening it on “mechanical vibratory screeningunit”. The special “mechanical vibratory screening unit” arrangement shallconsist of main input hopper to receive raw metal, conveyor belt to transport itto the “mechanical vibratory screening unit”. The “mechanical vibratoryscreening unit” shall have required number of trays, sieves/decks as directedby the Engineering in charge. The output of “mechanical vibratory screeningunit” shall be conveyed to “storage Unit” where metal of different sizes, shall bestored separately. Metal so supplied shall undergo all the tests as per thespecifications. As a input to the main input hopper, contractor may use handbroken metal or output of primary crusher / cone crusher of size or equivalentto not less than 24“x18” The metal so supplied from the “mechanical Vibratoryscreening unit” at site shall not exempt the contractor from carrying out tests asspecified in the specifications.28. MISCELLANEOUS :-28.1 Rate shall be inclusive of Sales Tax, General Tax and other taxes etc.28.2 For providing electric wiring or water lines etc. recesses shall beprovided if necessary, through walls, slabs, beams etc. and later on refilled upwith bricks or stone chipping, cement mortar without any extra cost.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

128Dy.Ex. Engr.28.3 In case it becomes necessary for the due fulfillment of contract for theContractor to occupy land outside the Dept. Limits, the Contractor will have tomake his own arrangements with the land owners and to pay such rents if anyare payable as mutually agreed between them.The Department will afford the Contractor all the reasonable assistance toenable him to obtain Govt. Land for Such purpose on usual terms andconditions as per rules of Government.28.4 The special provision in detailed specifications or wording of any itemshall gain precedence over corresponding contradictory provision (if any) in thestandard specifications or P.W.D. Hand book where reference to suchspecifications is given without reproducing the details in contract.28.5 Suitable separating Barricades and enclosures shall be provided toseparate material brought by contractor and material issued by Government tocontractor under Schedule "A" Same applies for the material obtained fromdifferent sources of supply.28.6 It is presumed that the Contractor has gone carefully through theStandard Specifications of P.W.D. Hand Books and the Schedule of Rate of theDivision and studied the site condition before arriving at rates quoted by him.Decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall .be final as regards interpretation ofspecifications.28.7 The stocking a storage of construction material at site shall be in such amanner as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensurethe preservation of their quality, properties and fitness of the work. Suitableprecautions shall be taken by the Contractor to protect, the material againstatmospheric actions, fire and other hazards. The materials likely to be carriedaway by wind shall be stored in suitable stores or with suitable barricades andwhere there is likely hood of subsidence of soil, such heavy materials shall bestored on approved platform.28.8 For Road and Bridge works, the contractor shall in addition to thespecifications cited here, comply with requirements of relevant I.R.C. Code ofPractice.28.9 The Contractor shall be responsible for making good the damages doneto the existing property during construction by his men.28.10 If it is found necessary from safety point of view to test any part of thestructure, the test shall be carried out by the Contractor with the help of theDepartment at his own cost.28.11 The contractor shall provide, maintain, furnish and remove oncompletion, temporary shed for office on work site for the use of ExecutiveEngineer's representative.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

129Dy.Ex. Engr.28.12 Defective work is liable to be rejected at any stage. The contractor, on noaccount can refuse to rectify the defects merely on reasons that further workhas been carried out No extra payment shall be made for rectification.28.13 General directions or detailed description of work, materials and itemscoverage of rates given in the specification are not necessarily repeated in theBill of Quantities. Reference is however, drawn to the appropriate sectionclause(s) of the General Specifications in accordance with which the work is tobe carried out.28.14 In the absence of specific directions to the contractor, the rates andprices inserted in the items are to be considered as the full inclusive rates andprices for the finished work described there under and are to cover all labourmaterials, wastage, temporary work, plant, overhead charges and profits, aswell as the general liabilities, obligations and risks arising out of the Generalconditions of contract.28.15 All measurements will made in accordance with the methods indicated inthe specification, and specification read in conjunction with the GeneralConditions of Contract.28.16 The details shown on drawings and all other information pertaining to thework shall be treated and provisional only and are liable to variation as foundnecessary while preparing working drawing which will be supplied by theGovernment during execution. The contractor shall not, on account of suchvariation be entitled to any increase over the ones quoted in the tender whichare on quantity basis.28.17 The recoveries if any from contractor will be effected as arrears of landrevenue through the Collector of the District.28.18 Protection of underground telephone cable and aerial telephone wiresand poles, transmission towers, electrical cables, and water supplying lines. Itwill therefore be the responsibility of the contractor to protect then carefully allsuch cases should be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge by thecontractor and also the concerned department, any damage what so ever doneto these cables and pipe lines by the contractor shall be made good by him athis cost.28.19 Public Utilities:Action in respect of public utilities will be taken by the Contractor as envisagedin Clause 110 of Ministry’s Specifications for Road and Bridge work (2ndRevision).Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

13029. PAYMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS :-Dy.Ex. Engr.29.1 PAYMENT:The contractor must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completedwork and include all costs due to labour, scaffolding, plant, machinery,supervision, power, Royalties, octroi, taxes etc. And should also include allexpenses to cover the cost of night work if and when required and no claim foradditional payment beyond the prices or rates quoted will be entertained.The mode of measurements has been indicated in the specification and in theschedule of payments, if there is any ambiguity or doubt in this respect thedecision of Superintending Engineer will be final.29.2 Two payments in a month will be granted by the Engineer-in-charge forconstruction of Bridge, if the progress is satisfactory, and shall be made as per,accepted payment schedule.29.3 Ground levels will be taken by the usual method and by Departmentalstaff in presence of contractor's representative. Required labour etc. for thisshall be supplied by the contractor, in case of slushy portion, the ground levelsshall be taken by erecting the leveling staff on wooden plank ( 0.5 x 0.5metre,2.5 cm. thick) without claiming extra for cost of plank or by any other mutuallyagreed method.29.4 Contractor can have copies of the measurements and of the bills paid tohim at his own cost and his own responsibility.30.0 MAINTENANCE (Roads)30 (i) The Contractor shall maintain the finished surface of the road for aperiod mentioned in Clause No. 20 after the completion of work without anyextra cost to Government irrespective of the designs, standards andspecifications and the actual traffic etc. The Contractor shall get the pot holesfilled up with asphalt mix materials and keep the road surface in good conditionthroughout the year. 5% amount of the total work done shall be recoveredfrom running account bills and shall be withheld for period mentioned in ClauseNo. 20 from the date of actual completion of work as maintenance charges ofmaintaining and keeping the road in good condition. This 5% amount withheldtowards maintenance charges shall be allowed to be replaced with bankguarantee or other recognised forms at intermediate stage, if so desired inwriting. This maintenance charges shall be in addition to security deposit.30 (ii) On completion of the work in all respects, necessary certificate will beissued by the concerned Executive Engineer and the defects liability period willbe counted from the date of issue of such certificates.30 (iii) It will be responsibility of the contracting Agency to maintain total roadlength under work portion of this contract Agreement in good condition from thedate of issue of work orders, till completion of defect liability period as perSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

131Dy.Ex. Engr.Clause 20 and this shall be treated as part of total scope of this contractAgreement. In case the contractor fails to maintain road length properlyincluding rectification of the defects pointed out by the department within aperiod of 7 days from the date of written notice by the Engineer-in-chargerectification / repairs to such defects will be carried out by the department atcontractor’s risk and cost. The expenditure incurred on such rectification workshall be recovered from the amount withheld as per Clause 30(i) / 30 (ii) forBuilding / Roads respectively.30 (iv) All damages during execution shall be made good by theContractor at his cost. He will be responsible for any damages to the roadsurface including B.T. surface in rainy seasons and during construction andguaranteed maintenance period and no separate payment will be made forrestoring such damages."Any defects noticed in finished black topped surface such as pot holes,damages etc. within a period mentioned in Clause 20, after completion of work( including Monsoon) will have to be repaired by the Contractor at his owncost."30 (v) Defective work is liable to be rejected at any stage. TheContractor on no account can refuse to rectify the defects merely on reasonsthat further work has been carried out. No extra payment shall be made forsuch rectification.31. FINAL BILL:31.1 The contractor should submit final bill within one month after completionof the work and the same will be paid within 5 months if it is in order. Disputeditems and claims, if any shall be excluded from the bill and settled separatelylater on.31.2 Bills for extra work or for any claim shall be paid separately apart fromthe interim bills for the main work. The payment of bills for the main work shallnot be withheld for want of decision on the extras or claims not covered in thestipulations of the contact.31.3 Claims for extra work shall be registered within 30 days of occurrence ofthe event. However, bills for these claims including supporting data, detailsmay be submitted subsequently at his own cost.32. PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS: -32.1 The Contractor if necessary construct temporary roads and maintainthese in proper condition till the completion of the work at his own cost. Ifnecessary, he shall also, at his own expenses make necessary arrangementsfor acquisition of land required by him in connection with the execution of thework.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

132Dy.Ex. Engr.32.2 The contractor shall have to makes at his own cost all preliminaryarrangements for labour, water electricity and materials etc. immediately aftergetting the work order. No claim for any extra payment or application forextension of time on the grounds of difficulty in connection with the abovematter, will be entertained,32.3 The contractor shall at his own expenses, engage watchmen forguarding the materials and plant and machinery and the work during-day andnight against any pilferage of damages and also for prohibiting trespassers ordamage to them.32.4 The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for waterrequired for any purpose on the work.33. INSPECTION :-33.1 The contractor shall inform the Engineer-in-charge in writing when anyportion of the work is ready for inspection giving him sufficient notice to enablehim to inspection to inspect the same without affecting the further progress ofthe work. The work shall not be considered to have been completed inaccordance with the terms of the contract until the Engineer-in-charge shallhave certified in writing to that effect. No approval of materials or workmanshipor approval of part of the work during the progress of execution shall bind theEngineer-in-charge or in any way affect him even to reject the work which isalleged to be completed and to suspend the issue of his certificate ofcompletion until such alterations and modifications or reconstruction have beeneffected at the cost of the contractor as shall enable him to certify that the workhas been completed to his satisfaction.33.2 The contractor shall provide at his cost necessary ladders and sucharrangements as to provide necessary facilities and assistance for properinspection of all parts of the work at his own cost.33.3 The contractor after completion of work shall have to clean the site, of alldebris and remove all unused materials other than those supplied by theDepartment and all plant and machinery, equipment, tools etc. belonging to himwithin one month from the date of completion of the work, or otherwise thesame shall be removed by the Department at his cost and the contractor shallnot be entitled for payment of any compensation for the same.34. ACCIDENT :-In the event of an accident involving serious injuries or damages to human lifeor death of any of his employees and or labourers or tress passers, the samewill be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence to the Executive Engineerand the Commissioner of workmen's compensation.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

35. PLANT:-133Dy.Ex. Engr.All constructional plant, provided by the contractor shall when brought on to thesite be deemed to be exclusively intended for the construction of this work andthe contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof (Say for thepurpose of moving it from one part of the site to another or the repairs etc.)without the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge which shall not beunreasonably with-held. The concreting shall be done by the ready mix batchtype concrete mixer diesel or electrically operated with a minimum size of 200litres with automatic water measuring system and integral weigher ( Hydraulicor pneumatic type one). This RMC Plant may be of portable type.36. EXCEPTED RISKS :-36.1 The contractor shall be under no liability whatsoever by way indemnity orotherwise for or in respect of destruction of-or damage to the works (save workcondemned under the provisions of specifications and conditions of this tenderprior to the occurrence of any excepted risk hereinafter mentioned) ortemporary works or to property whether of the Department or third parties or foror in respect of injury or loss of life which is the consequence whatever direct orindirect, were hostilities (whether were to declared or not) invasion, act offoreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military of usurped power.Civil war or riot, commotion or disorder otherwise than among the contractor'sown employees or his piece worker and sub-agencies (hereinaftercomprehensively referred to as "The said excepted risks") and the departmentshall indemnify and save harmless the contractor against and' from the sameand against and from all claims, demands proceedings, damages, costscharges and expenses, whatsoever arising there out or in connection therewithand shall compensate the contractor for any loss of or damage to property ofthe contractor used for intended to be used / or the purpose of the works andlaying at site of work and occasioned either directly or indirectly by the saidexcepted risks.36.2 If the works or temporary works or any materials (whether for the formeror the later brought to site shall sustain destruction or damages by reasons ofany of the said excepted risks, the contractor shall be entitled payment for anypermanent works and for any materials so destroyed or damaged and shall bepaid by the department the cost of making good any such destruction ordamages whatever to the works or temporary works and for replacing ormaking good such materials so far as may be necessary for the completion ofthe works on a prime costs basis as the Engineer-in-charge may certify to bereasonable. The contractor shall lodge his claim, in writing, supported byEngineer-in-charge immediately, but not later than 30 days of such occurrenceof damage to works by excepted risk36.3 Destruction, damage injury or loss caused by the explosion or impactwhenever and wherever occurring of any mine bomb, shell, grenade or otherprojectile missile or ammunition or explosive or war resulting from actiondescribed in above shall be deemed to be a consequence of the. saidSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

excepted Risk.134Dy.Ex. Engr.37. ADDITIONAL WORKS SPECIFICATIONS :-37.1 The whole work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with theapproved detailed drawing (unless otherwise directed) description of the items,detailed specification of the M.O.S.T. for Bridge and Road Works IlI rd Revision1995 and 4th edition 2001, standard Specification book II nod edition (withIndian Standard specification indicatedtherein) of P.W. Department, Government of Maharashtra subject to theadditional specification given for the relevant items and in the best workmenlike manner.37.2 While adopting the relevant number and pages for different items of theM.O.S.T. Specifications for Bridges and Road Works. IIl rd revision 1995Standard Specification Book, due care has been taken to indicate correctnumber and page for the various items. However if for some reasons or other itis noticed that the specification numbers and pages quoted are not pertinent,the contractor is bound to carry out the work in accordance with the correctrelevant specifications for the item or items from the standard specificationBook. After taking into account the description of the items, scope and spirit ofthe work.37.3 It is to be definitely and clearly understood that the specificationsstipulated shall be rigidly enforced and no relaxations shall be allowed. Extracharges or claims in respect of extra works shall not be entertained unless theyare clearly outside the scope of the item and its specifications to which theyrelate or unless such works are ordered in writing by the Executive Engineerand claimed for in specified manner before the same is taken in hand.38. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND MAINTENANCE:-38.1. The contractor to ensure the specified quality of work which will alsoinclude necessary surveys, temporary works etc. The contractor shall prepare aquality assurance plan and get the same approved form the Engineer-in-chargewithin one month from the date of work order. The contractor shall submit anorganization chart of his technical personnel to be deployed on the work alongwith their' qualification, job descriptions defining the functions of reporting,supervising inspecting and approving. The contractor shall also submit a list oftools, equipment and the machinery and instruments which he proposes to usefor the construction and for testing in the field and or in the laboratory andmonitoring. The contractor shall modify/supplement the organisation chart andthe list of machinery, equipment etc. as per the directions by theSuperintending Engineer Engineer-In-Charge and shall deploy the personneland equipment on the field as per the approved chart and list respectively. Thecontractor shall submit written method statements detailing his exact proposalsof execution of the work in accordance with the specification. He will have toSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

135Dy.Ex. Engr.get those approved from the Engineer-in-charge. The quality of the work shallbe properly documented through certificate, records, check-lists and logbooksof results etc. Such records shall be complied from the beginning of the workand be continuously update and supplemented and this will be theresponsibility of the contractor. The forms should be got approved form theExecutive Engineer-in-charge.38.2 Where the work is to be done on lump sum basis on contractor's designthe contractor shall also prepare and submit a maintenance manual givingprocedure for maintenance, with the periodicity of maintenance works includinginspections, tools and equipment to be used, means of accessibility for all partsof the structure. The maintenance manual shall be approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. He shall also include the manual the specifications for maintenancework that would be appropriate. For his design and technique of construction.This manual shall be submitted within the contract period.39. TECHNICAL COMPLETION REPORTThe contractor shall submit Technical Completion Report along with his finalbill, which shall include:1. Detailed measurements2. Working drawing3. Details of material brought on site and consumed in the work, whichshall also indicate standard consumption and deviation if any, with reasons.4. Test Results of all materials used in the work with an abstract of totaltests carried out and required as per frequency of tests as laid down in therelevant M.O.R.T.& H. Specifications.5. Roughometer survey data as laid down in acceptance criteria. DesignCalculations / Job-Mix Formula etc. Maintenance Manual.40 ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR HOTMIX ASPHALTICWORKS:1. Clause No.106 of Ministry's Sepcifications (4th Revision, 2001)This clause stipulates certain conditions relation to choice and use ofequipment which have relevance to production of quality work. These are:a) The Contractor shall be required to give a trial run of the equipment forestablishing capability to achieve the laid down specifications and tolerances tothe satisfaction of the Engineer before commencement of work.b) All equipment provided should be proven efficiently and shall beoperated and maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.c) No equipment and personnel will be removed from the site without thepermission of the Engineer.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

136Dy.Ex. Engr.2. The contractor has to ensure that the temperature of hot mix materialand its ingredients is within the specified range as per MOST specification atthe time of before mixing, during mixing and laying.3 Clause No. 901 of Ministry's Specifications (4th Revision, 2001)a) The responsibility for the quality of the entire construction work is on theContractor. For this purpose he is required to have his own independent andadequate setup.b) The Engineer for satisfying himself about the quality of the material andwork will also have tests conducted by quality control units or by any otheragency, generally to the frequency set out in the specifications. For test to bedone by the Engineer, the Contractor is to render all necessary co-operationand assistance including the provision of labour assistance in packing anddispatching samples etc.c) For the work of embankment, sub-grade and pavement , construction ofsubsequent layer of the same or other material over the finished layer shall bedone only after obtaining approval from the Engineer.d) The Contractor shall be responsible for rectifying / replacing any workfalling short of quality requirements as directed by the Engineer.4. CLAUSES IN THE CONDITION OF CONTRACTa) All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective type describedin the contract and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and shall besubjected from time to time to such tests as the Engineer may direct at theplace of manufacture or fabrication, or on the site. All samples shall be suppliedby the Contractor.b) No work is to be covered up or put out of view without the approval ofthe Engineer for his examination and measurements.c) During the progress of the works, the engineer shall have the power toorder the removal from the site of any unsuitable material, substitution or propersuitable material and the removal and proper re-erection notwithstanding anyprevious test or interim payment therefore, and of any work which is in respectof materials or workmanship is not, in the opinion of the Engineer in accordancewith the contract.41 GUIDELINES ON QUALITY CONTROL OPERATIONS:The onus of achieving quality of work will be on the Contractor who will takeactions as stipulated in Section 900 of Ministry's Specifications for Road andSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

137Bridge Works, 4th Revision, August, 2001 edition.Dy.Ex. Engr.43. CONTRACTOR'S FACILITIESAccording to the contract ( see para1.3 above) , the Contractor is responsiblefor the quality of the entire construction work, and for this purpose he isrequired to have his own independent and adequate set up. To meet thisrequirement:-a) The Contractor shall set up his own laboratory at locations(s) approvedby the Engineer. The laboratory shall be equipped with modern and efficientequipment with sufficient standbys suitable to carry out the tests prescribed fordifferent materials and work according to the specifications. The list ofequipments to be procured and the facilities to be provided shall be gotapproved by the Engineer. The equipment shall be maintained in a workablecondition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.b) Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with relevantstandards of BIS (previously called lSI) or IRC. Frequency of testing shall be aslaid down in the Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge Work, 4thRevision, 2001. In the absence of relevant Indian Standards, sampling andtesting procedures shall be as approved by the Engineer.c) The laboratory should be manned by a qualified Materials Engineerassisted by Materials Inspector / Technicians, and the set up should be gotapproved by the Engineer.d) The Contractor should prepare printed proforma for according readingsand results of each type of test, after getting the formats of the performanceapproved from the Engineer. He should keep a daily record of all the testsconducted by him. Two copies of the test results should be submitted to theEngineer for his examination and approval, of which one copy will be returnedto the Contractor for being kept at site of work.e) The Material Engineer of the Contractor should keep close liaison withthe Quality Control Unit of the Engineer and keep the later informed of thesampling and testing programme so that the Engineer's representative could bepresent during this activity, if considered necessary.44. DAY-TO-DAY QUALITY CONTROL OPERATIONS:The day-to-day controls to be exercised by the Contractor and the Engineer areenumerated in the below paragraphs :-45. BITUMINOUS CONSTRUCTION - GENERAL:a) Manufacturer's test certificate for quality of bitumen will be acceptable tothe Engineer. However, where the quality is in doubt, the Engineer may call fortests to be conducted by the Contractor for verification.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

138Dy.Ex. Engr.b) The base on which bituminous courses are to be laid must be dry andfree of dust and other delirious matters.c) Mineral aggregates to be used should be checked for theirspecifications, requirements and got approved by the Engineer.46 BITUMINOUS SPRAYED WORK:a) Temperature of binder in the boiler and rate of spray at site shall bechecked. Spraying shall be uniform and shall be carried out with the help of theeither self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer with self-heatingarrangements and spraying nozzles arrangements.b) Rate and uniformity of spread of chippings should be checked andcontrolled.c) Adequate embedment of the chippings by rolling shall be ensured.47. HOT MIXED AND HOT LAID BITUMINOUS CONSTRUCTIONS:a) Job mix formula (JMF) satisfying specification requirements should beworked out based on laboratory tests and got approved by the Engineer. TheEngineer will have independent tests made before approving the JMF.b) The plant should be checked for capability to produce mix conforming tothe JMF If necessary, trial stretches should be laid and checked approximately.c) Control should be exercised on temperature of binder in the boiler,aggregate in the dryer and mix at the time of laying and rolling.d) Tests for stability flow, unit weight ,etc. of mix collected from thedischarge point of the plant, extraction test for binder content and aggregategradation should be performed to check on the quality of mix discharged fromthe plant.e) Thickness and density of compacted mix should be checked by takingcore samples.48 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:In addition to the stipulation in the specification of relevant items, the finishedsurface shall be checked with Roughometer for roughness values. The finishedsurface shall have a roughness value of not more than 2000 mm/Km. forbituminous concrete surface and 2500 mm/Km. for bituminous premix carpetsurface, when measured in accordance with M.O.S.T. Circular No.RW/NH/I11/8/10/64, dated 19/5/1984. Subsequent readings should be takenwithin 4-6 months after opening of the road to traffic or the defects liabilitySignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

139Dy.Ex. Engr.period which is earlier. The roughness value during the second measurementsshould be judged against the following standards1) Bituminous concrete 2500 mm/Km. 2) Premix carpet 3500mm /Km.It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to make all the requiredarrangements and get this survey done in the presence of and under theguidance of the Engineer-in charge. The Survey data shall be submitted to theEngineer-in-charge for his perusal who shall decide further action to be takendepending on survey results.49 IN CASE OF CEMENT CONCRETE WORKSi) Besides manufacturer's test certificate for quality of cement, at least oneset of physical and chemical tests should be conducted for each source ofsupply of verification. Where the quality is in doubt, or where the cement hadbeen stored for long period or in improper condition, the Engineer shall call fortesting the cement at more frequent intervals.ii) Job mix formula worked out based on trials carried out in theContractor's laboratory should be got approved by the Engineer.iii) The mineral aggregates should be tested for their properties. Water tobe used for mixing should be tested for chemical impurities.iv)Checking for stability and sturdiness of formwork.v) Ensuring that the crucial equipment like mixers and vibrators are inworking order before start of work.vi) Control on water cement ratio.vii)concrete.viii)ix)Control on workability and time elapsed between mixing and placing ofControl on compaction and finishing.Tests on cube samples at 7 to 28 days.x) Check on provisions for adequate curing.xi) In case of masonry work, control should be exercised on the quality ofthe material (e.g. stone, brick, sand, cement, etc.) as also on mortarproportions.xii) For RCC work, quality of steel in each batch may be approved on thebasis of test certificate. The reinforcement layout should be checked forconformity with approved drawings and bar bending schedules. All laps shouldbe checked for conformity with the specification. The reinforcement should beSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

140Dy.Ex. Engr.free of oil and loose rust scale and should be properly tied with binding wire.The size and spacing of the bars as also the cover should be checked forcorrectness.50. PAVEMENT COURSES - GENERAL CONTROLS:a) The base on which the pavement layer is to be placed should bechecked for levels and regularity, and should be in a condition to receive thepavement layer.b) Each layer should be checked for thickness, levels, cross fall (camber),regularity and strength before next layer is permitted to be laid.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

141Dy.Ex. Engr.b÷ÉƤɮúÒEò®úhÉɺÉÉ`öÒ {ÉÖ®ú´É`öÉ Eò®úhªÉÉiÉ ªÉäiÉ+ºÉ±É䱪ÉÉ b÷ÉƤɮúÉSÉÒ |ÉiÉ (Grade)ÊxÉÎSÉiÉ Eò®úhÉä¤ÉɤÉiÉ.¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ÉɺÉxÉ,ºÉÉ´ÉÇVÉÊxÉEò ¤ÉÉÆvÉEòÉ¨É Ê´É¦ÉÉMÉ,ÉɺÉxÉ {ÉÊ®ú{ÉjÉ Gò¨ÉÉÆEò - ºÉÆÊEòhÉÇ 2005/|É.Gò. 187/ ®úÉ.¨É.2¨ÉÆjÉɱɪÉ, ¨ÉÖƤÉðZÉ®ú¨ÉvÉÒ±É b÷ÉƤɮúÉSÉÒ |ÉiÉ ´É®úÒ±É|ɨÉÉhÉä SÉÉSÉhÉÒ +½þ´ÉɱÉÉxÉÖºÉÉ®úVÉÖ³ýiÉ +ºÉ±ªÉÉSÉÒ JÉÉjÉÒ ZÉɱªÉÉ´É®ú ºÉƤÉÆvÉÒiÉ `äöEäònùÉ®ú +lÉ´ÉÉ iªÉÉSÉÉ +ÊvÉEÞòiÉ |ÉÊiÉÊxÉvÉÒ ªÉÉÆSÉä ={ÉκlÉiÉÒ¨ÉvªÉäb÷ÉƤɮúÉSÉÉ ¤ÉÉ>ðZÉ®ú {±ÉÉx]õ´É®ú Ê®úEòɨÉÉ Eò®úhªÉÉSÉÒ ±ÉäJÉÒ {É®ú´ÉÉxÉMÉÒ IÉäjÉÒªÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ näùiÉÒ±É, iªÉÉxÉÆiÉ®ú¤ÉÉ>ðZÉ®ú Ê®úEòɨÉÉ Eò®úÉ´ÉÉ +xªÉlÉÉ ½äþ b÷ÉƤɮú EòɨÉɺÉÉ`öÒ xÉ ´ÉÉ{É®úhªÉɤÉɤÉiÉ näùJÉÒ±É EÆòjÉÉ]õnùÉ®úÉºÉ ±ÉäJÉÒ ÊxÉnæùÉnäùiÉÒ±É.|ÉiªÉäEò EòɨÉÊxɽþÉªÉ {±ÉÉx]õ´É®ú BEò xÉÉånù´É½þÒ `äö´ÉÉ´ÉÒ. iªÉɨÉvªÉä ¤ÉÉ>ðZÉ®ú Gò¨ÉÉÆEò, SɱÉxÉ Gò¨ÉÉÆEò , Êb÷±ÉÒ´½þ®úÒ¨Éä¨ÉÉä Gò¨ÉÉÆEò, b÷ÉƤɮúÉSÉä ´ÉVÉxÉ, OÉäb÷ iÉ{ÉɺÉhÉÒ ´É SÉÉSÉhÉÒ +ÊvÉEòÉ-ªÉÉÆSÉä xÉÉǼ É ðZÉ®ú¨ÉvÉÒ±É b÷ÉƤÉÉ®úÉSÉÒ |ÉiÉ´ÉÉ®úÒ (Grade of Bitumen) |ÉiªÉIÉiÉ{ÉɺÉhÉÒºÉÉ`öÒ JÉɱÉÒ±É|ɨÉÉhÉä ¨ÉÉxÉEòÉxÉÖºÉÉ®ú EòɪÉÇ´ÉɽþÒ Eò®úhªÉÉSÉÒ VɤÉɤÉnùÉ®úÒ IÉäjÉÒªÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ-ªÉÉSÉÒ ®úɽþÒ±É.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

142+.Gòú. +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ SÉÉSÉhÉÒSÉä |ɨÉÉhÉ(BEÚòhÉ {ÉÊ®ú¨ÉÉhÉÉSªÉÉ)1) EòÊxɹ`ö +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ / ÉÉJÉÉ +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ / ºÉ½þÉ.+ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ (¸ÉähÉÒ-2)2) ºÉ½þÉ. EòɪÉÇEòÉ®úÒ +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ /ºÉ½þÉ. +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ (¸ÉähÉÒ-1)/={ÉʴɦÉÉMÉÒªÉ +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ / ={ÉʴɦÉÉMÉÒªÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ100 ]õCEäò25 ]õCEäò3) EòɪÉÇEòÉ®úÒ +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ 5 ]õCEäòDy.Ex. Engr.¡ò)ñEòɪÉÇEòÉ®úÒ +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ ªÉÉÆxÉÒ b÷ÉƤɮúÒEò®úhÉÉSªÉÉ EòɨÉÉSªÉÉ iÉ{ÉɺÉhÉÒ nùÉè-ªÉÉiÉ {±ÉÉx]õ ºÉÉ

143WORK METHODOLOGY FOR SEAL COATDy.Ex. Engr.Liquid seal coat shall be executed as per Clause No. 513 of Specification for Roadand Bridge Works of M.O.R.T.&H. Specification 2001 and latest reprint amendments.Preparation of surface to receive seal coat shall be as per 513.3.3.2 and in one go200 m. only.Construction of seal coat shall be as per Clause 513.3.3.3 and shall be for 200 m.length prepared as above. The preparation of surface for seal coat and constructionof seal coat as per Clause 513.3.3.2 and 513.3.3.3 responsively as mentioned aboveshall be done in 200 m. in one go and the cycle of during in 200 m. shall be repeatedthroughout the day and at the end of the working day any fraction left measuring lessthan 200 m. shall be done separately.PROGRESSIVE METHODOLOGYThe work methodology as described above shall then be followed for next 200metres and thus progressively for entire length of road.MODE OF INSPECTION AND MEASUREMENTThe Deputy Engineer shall remain present and personally supervise centpercent ( 100%) length executed during his tenure.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

144Dy.Ex. Engr.Extract from specifications for Road and Bridge works by M.O.S.T.902 Control of alignment , level and surface regularity.902.1 GeneralAll works performed shall conform to the lines, grades, cross section anddimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer, subject, to thepermitted tolerances described hereinafter.902.2 Horizontal alignmentHorizontal alignments shall be reckoned with respect to the center line of thecarriageway as shown on the drawings. The edges of the carriageway as constructedshall be correct within a tolerance of + 10 mm. therefrom. The correspondingtolerance for edges of the roadway and lower layers of pavements shall be 3.25 mm.902.3 Sub-grade LevelsThe levels of the Sub-grade and different pavement courses as constructed,shall not vary from those calculated with reference to the longitudinal and cross profileof the road shown on the drawings or as directed by the engineer beyond thetolerance + 6 mm or 0.6 mm. providing . However, that the negative tolerance forwearing course, if the thickness of the former is thereby reduces by more than 6 mm.for fixable pavements and 5 mm. for concrete pavements.For checking compliance with the above requirement for sub-grade, sub-baseand base course, measurements of the surface levels shall be taken on a grid ofpoints places at 6.25 m. longitudinally and 3.5 m. transversely. For any 10consecutive measurements taken longitudinally or transversely , not more than onemeasurement shall be permitted to exceed the tolerance as above, this onemeasurement being not in excess of 5 mm. above the permitted tolerance.For checking compliance with the above requirement for bituminous wearingcourse and concrete pavements , measurements of the surface level shall be taken ona grid of points spaced at 6.25 m. along the length and at 0.5 m. from the edges andat the center of the pavement. In any length of pavement, compliance shall bedeemed to be met for final road surface only if the tolerance given above is satisfiedfor any point on the surface.902.4 Surface Regularity of pavement coursesThe Longitudinal profile shall be checked within a 3 meter long straight edge/moving straight edge as desired by the Engineer at the middle of each traffic lane aline parallel to the center line of the road. The maximum permitted number of surfaceirregularities shall be as per Table 900-2.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

145Dy.Ex. Engr.Table 900-2 Maximum permitted number of surface irregularitiesIrregularitySurface of carriageway andpaved shouldersSurface of Lay bays, servicesAreas and all bituminous baseCourse.4 mm. 7mm. 4mm. 7 mm.Length (m) 300 75 300 75 300 75 300 75NationalHighwayExpresswaysRoads of LowerCategory20 9 2 1 40 18 4 240 18 4 2 60 27 6 3Category of each section road as described in the contract.The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and underside of a 3 m.straight edge when placed parallel with , or at right angles to the center line of theroad at points decided by the Engineer shall be.For Pavement surface ( Bituminous and cement concrete)For Bituminous base coursesFor Granular Sub-base coursesFor Sub-base under concrete Pavements3 mm.6 mm.8 mm.10 mm.902.5 RectificationWhere the surface regularity of sub-grade and the various pavement coursesfall outside the specified tolerances, the contractor shall be liable to rectify these in themanner described below and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.Bituminous Construction :- For bituminous other than wearing course,where the surface is low , the deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh materialover a suitable tack coat if needed and recompacting to specifications. Where thesurface is high , the full depth of the layer shall be removed and replaced with thefresh material and compacted to specifications.Abstract from Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges of Government ofMaharashtra.Rd.33Picking the road surface including sectioning completeRd.33.1 General : The item provides and sectioning of the road surface forreceiving the new metal surface.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

146Dy.Ex. Engr.Rd.33.2 Road Diversion : If the traffic cannot be allowed to pass over theroadside shoulders during picking, spreading and compacting operations, diversionsshould be taken out and maintained as specified under Item No. BR.1.Rd.33.3 Picking : All the caked mud, slush, animal droppings, vegetation andall other rubbish accumulated on the road surface shall be removed. Where thesection of the road surface is good , the road surface shall be picked lightly only, toloosen the surface stones. Where section is uneven , picking shall be done a littledeeper to enable the sectioning to be done to the required shape with the picked upmaterial. The picking shall always be ahead of the spreading of metal andcompaction by about 100 metres. The edges of the picking shall be truly in a line orcurve as the case may be. This can be achieved by trying to nails driven on the roadedge and ranging for a sufficiently long length.The picked up surface shall be sectioned to the required grade and camber,super elevation or transition section. Template shall be sued to obtain correct anduniform camber , super elevation or transition section as the case may be.The road surface may be watered by the contractor for easier picking withoutclaiming extra for the same.The junctions of the picked and non-picked surfaces shall be diagonal.Rd 33.4Item to includePicking, watering if required, sectioning and grinding, Divisions includingbarricading warning signals, lights , etc. unless separately provided in the tender, thework satisfactorily.Rd 33.5Mode and Measurement of PaymentThe contract rate shall be one Sq.Metre of surface picked & sectioned.The area picked shall be worked out in Sq. Metres correct upto a Sq. Mt. Thewidth shall be limited to the width specified or as ordered by the Engineer. The lengthshall be measured along the center line of the road. The dimensions shall berecorded correct upto one decimal of a meter increased width on curves shall bemeasured.Rd 41 General : The item provides for the supply of stone aggregate of thespecified type and size at the roadside including obtaining the stones of the specifiedquality from approved sources, crushing them in mechanical crushers, conveying tothe road side with all leads and lifts stacking in regular heaps as specified hereinafteruniformly along the road side.41.2 Quarries : Stones of approved type for crushing aggregate shall beobtained from quarries as specified in Section No. Rd 19.2Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

41.3 Stone aggregates :147Dy.Ex. Engr.41.3.1 Quality : The aggregates shall be obtained by crushing approved stonesof specified type in a mechanical crusher and shall be clean, strong, tough, dense,durable, close grained and free from soft, decayed and weathered portions and fromcoating of dust, dirt or other objectionable matter. They shall preferably have goodhydrophobic characteristics They shall generally satisfy the following requirements.For light or mediumtrafficFor heavy trafficLos Angles abrasion test, percentfines maximumAggregate crushing test, percent,fines maximumWater absorption by weight after24 hours immersion , percent, notmore than25 1723 171 1Test shall be carried out according to I.S. 383-1970.Test considered necessary shall be carried out in an approved laboratory when theEngineer considers quality to be doubtful or there is dispute about the quality. If theresults are satisfactory, the cost of tests shall be borne by the Department and ifunsatisfactory by the contractor.Rd 41.3.2 Size : Size of the metal and chips shall be as under :Standard sizeWholly passing throughSquare mesh of internaldimensionWholly retained onsquare mesh of internaldimension.40 mm. ( about 1.5") 50 mm. ( about 2" ) 25 mm. ( about 1" )22 mm. ( about 1") 40 mm. ( about 1.5") 20 mm. (about 0.75")20 mm. ( about 0.75") 25 mm. ( about 1") 12 mm. (about 0.50")12 mm. ( about 0.05") 20 mm. ( about 0.75") 10 mm. (about 0.75")10 mm. ( about 0.75") 12 mm. ( about 0.50") 6 mm. (about 0.25")6 mm. ( about 0.25") 10 mm. ( about 0.75") 5 mm. (about 3/16")Note : Not more than 20% of any sample shall exceed in its greatestdimension , standard size plus 25 mm, for 40 mm. standard size and standard sizeSignature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

148Dy.Ex. Engr.plus 12 mm. For 25 mm., 20 mm. and 12 mm. standard size and standard size plus 6mm. for 10 mm. standard sizes.The pieces shall be roughly cubical in shape and more or less of uniform sizewith sharp edges for interlocking, rounded flaky, thin elongated pieces shall not beaccepted. Before collection , samples of metal and chips shall be got approved forquality, size and shape by the Engineer who will keep them in his office for reference.They shall be completely any at the time of use.Rd 41.3.3 Conveyance : According to Specification No. Rd 19.3.3Rd 41.3.4 Stocking : According to Specification No. Rd. 22.3.4 wherever amixture of aggregates of two or more standard sizes is specified for the work, eachsize of aggregates shall be stacked separately and entirely clear of the carriagewayand where possible clear of the shoulders also. They shall be stacked in such amanner as to prevent mixture, deterioration or contamination.Rd 41.4 Special points : According to Specification No. Rd. 19.4Rd 42.5 Item to include : Crushing aggregates to the specified sizes fromapproved rubble and other items included in Specification No. Rd 19.5Rd 42.620.6.Mode of measurement and payment according to Specification No. Rd.As the rate is based on consumption of bitumen at the rate of 250 Kg/ 100Sq.m. , it will be reduced in case of B.B.M. suffer by deducting cost of 50 Kg/bitumenper 100 Sq.m. for the rate specified in Schedule "B".Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

149ROUGHNESS INDEXDy.Ex. Engr.The Contractor shall be responsible to measure the roughness of road surfacefor which he may use the Roughness Index Testing Machine at his own cost. Use of“Towed Fifth Bump Integrator” shall be made to measure the roughness of the roadsurface. The calibration of the machine shall be done from time to time as and whenwarranted from reputed Institutions like C.R.R.I., New Delhi and their Certificate shallbe produced to that effect. The values of roughness so measured shall not exceedthe values given below for various types of road surfaces under standard conditions ofcarrying out the test and as specified below :1) S.D.B.C. : 2200 mm. / Km.2) Premix Carpet : 2500 mm. / Km.3) B.M. : 2500 mm. / Km.The Roughness Index test shall be carried out before start of the work and aftercompletion of Surface Course as directed by Engineer-in-charge for the work ofstrengthening and as directed.The results of Roughness Index test shall be made available to the Engineerin-chargewithin 5 days from the test so taken.As an outcome of roughness test, where the surface irregularity of wearingsurfaces falls outside the tolerances mentioned above, the Contractor shall be liable torectify the deficiencies in a manner as directed and to the satisfaction of the Engineerin-charge.If the contractor fails to carry out roughness index test, the same will be donedepartmentally and double the cost so incurred will be recovered from him.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoName of Work :--Improvements (Widening)to Paud Kolwan Fagane Dam Road,Km 3/500 to 16/400 (12/500 to 16/400) MDR 26 Tal-Mulshi,Dist-PuneQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessSCHEDULE -- BMemorandum showing the items of work to be carried out by the Contractor.Item of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 71 3636.580 Excavation for roadway by Mechanical means in earth,soil of all sorts 61.10 Rupees Sixty One and One Cubic 222195.04CubicMetre,sand ,gravel or soft murum including dressing section to the requiredgrade ,camber,and side slopes and conveying the excavated materialsPaise Ten Only Metrewith all lifts and leads upto a lead of 50 metre and spreading forembankment or stacking as directed etc.complete.2 1850.850 Excavation for catch /side water gutter by mechanical means in earthCubic, soil of all sorts , sand , gravel , or soft murum to the specifiedMetresection including stacking the excavated stuff in regular bund anddisposing of unsuitable or excess stuff as directed .75.55 Rupees Seventy Fiveand Paise Fifty FiveOnlyOne CubicMetre139831.723 370.170 Excavation for catch /side water gutter by mechanical means in hardmurum to the specified section including stacking the excavated stuffCubicMetrein regular bund and disposing of unsuitable or excess stuff as directed.84.45 Rupees Eighty Four One Cubic 31260.86and Paise Forty Five MetreOnlyContractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 150

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 74 123.39 Excavation for catch /side water gutter in soft rock to the specified 266.65 Rupees Two Hundred One Cubic 32901.94section including stacking the excavated stuff in regular bund andSixty Six and Paise MetreCubicdisposing of unsuitable or excess stuff as directed .Sixty Five OnlyMetre5 246.78 Excavation for catch /side water gutter in hard rock byblasting,chiselling,wedging or line drilling to the specified sectionCubic including stacking the excavated stuff in regular bund and disposingMetre of unsuitable or excess stuff as directed .838.80 Rupees Eight HundredThirty Eight andPaise Eighty OnlyOne CubicMetre206999.0664013.95CubicMetreProviding earth work ,watering and comapcting of embankmentformed of materials obtained from the road cutting ,within all leads to95 percentage of standard proctor density after laying them in layersof 20 Centimetre to 30 Centimetre with power roller.98.90 Rupees Ninety Eightand Paise Ninety OnlyOne CubicMetre396979.667 686.96 Providing earth work in embankment by modern machinery withapproved materials obatined from departmental land or other sourcesCubic,upto all leads including all lifts ,laying in layers of 20 centimetre toMetre30 centimetre thickness breaking clods,dressing to the requiredlines,curves,grade,section,watering and compaction to 95 percentageof standard proctor density .443.65 Rupees Four HundredForty Three andPaise Sixty Five OnlyOne CubicMetre304769.80Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 151

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 78 2371.701423.95 Rupees One Thousand One Cubic 3377182.22Four Hundred MetreCubicMetreProviding and constructing granular sub-base course with coarsegraded Grading - I material spreading in uniform layers with motorgrader on prepared surface,mixing by mix in place method withrotavator at optimum moisture content and compacting with vibratoryroller to achieve the desired density complete.Twenty Three andPaise Ninety FiveOnly9987.14CubicMetreProviding and constructing water Bound Macadam surface bymechanical means laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregatesof Grading - II sizes to water bound macadam specification includingspreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeledsteel/vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade andcamber, applying and brooming Type -A ( 13.2 millimeter aggregate)screening , binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarseaggregate,watering and compacting to the required density.1334.00 Rupees One ThousandThree Hundred ThirtyFour and Paise NilOnlyOne CubicMetre1316844.7610423.06CubicMetreProviding and constructing water bound macadam surface bymechnical means, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregatesof Grading - III sizes to water bound macadam specification includingspreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeledsteel/vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade andcamber,applying and brooming type B (11.2 millimeter aggregate)screening, binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarseaggregate,watering and compacting to the required density.1624.90 Rupees OneThousandSix Hundred TwentyFour and PaiseNinety OnlyOne CubicMetre687430.19Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 152

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 711 2294.78 Providing and Laying Hard Murum Side shoulders to proper 518.45 Rupees Five Hundred One Cubic 1189728.69thickness, line,level and camber ,including Supplying hard murum atEighteen and Paise MetreCubic the road site ,spreading uniformly ,artificialy watering and compactionForty Five OnlyMetre with vibratory roller etc. complete.1218912.50SquareMetreProviding, laying built-up-spray grout layer of 75 millimetercompacted thickness over prepared base consisting of a two layercomposite construction of compacted crushed coarse aggregatesusing motor grader for aggregates, key stone chips spreader may beused with application of bituminous binder of Indian standard viscousgrade VG-30 after each layer and with key aggregates placed on topof the second layer to serve as a Base conforming to the line, gradesand cross-section specified ,using vibratory roller, excluding cost ofprime / tack coat.306.35 Rupees Three One SquareHundred Six and MetrePaise Thirty Five Only5793844.38Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 153

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessSquareMetreItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 713 17600.00 Providing,laying and rolling of open graded premix surfacing of 20One Square 3737360.00milimetre thickness composed of 13.2 milimetre to 5.60 milimetreMetreaggregates using Indian standard viscous grade VG-30 bulk bitumento required line,grade and level to serve as wearing course on apreviously prepared base ,including mixing in a suitable plant ,layingwith a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the requiredgrade and rolling with a smooth wheeled vibratory roller 8-10 tonnecapacity finished to required level and grades on Back Toppedsurfaces including laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminoussurface laid to the specified level and cross fall using Type A sealcoat at the rate of 98 kilogramme per 100 square meter with Indianstandard viscous grade using VG-30 bulk bitumen but excluding acoat of prime/ tack coat.212.35 Rupees Two HundredTwelve and PaiseThirty Five Only142800.00SquareMeterProviding and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion of rapidsetting type using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.40kilogram per square meter on the prepared granular surface cleanedwith mechanical broom.17.90Rupees Seventeenand Paise Ninety OnlyOne SquareMeter50120.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 154

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessSquareMeterItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 715 29600.00One Square 412920.00MeterProviding and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion of rapidsetting type using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.30kilogram per square meter on the prepared bituminous surface cleanedwith mechanical broom.13.95 Rupees Thirteen andPaise Ninety FiveOnly16 11.52 Dismantaling of stone masonry in lime or cement mortar includingCubicstacking the materials as directed with all leads,lifts complete.Metre166.65 Rupees One HundredSixty Six and PaiseSixty Five OnlyOne CubicMetre1919.811747.18CubicMetreExcavation for foundation by mechanical means means for crossdrainage works, reinforced cement concrete gutter and retaining wallin earth,soil of all types, sand ,gravel and soft murum ,includingremoving the excavated material up to a distance of 50 metre beyondthe work area and stacking and spreading as directed,dewateringpreparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling,ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc.complete.142.20 Rupees One HundredForty Two and PaiseTwenty OnlyOne CubicMetre6709.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 155

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 718 10.430 Excavation for foundation by mechanical means for cross drainage 153.30 Rupees One Hundred One Cubic 1598.92works, reinforced cement concrete gutter and retaining wall in hardFifty Three and Paise MetreCubic murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance ofThree OnlyMetre 50 metre beyond the excavated area all lifts ,and stacking andspreading as directed, dewatering,shoring and strutting preparing thebed for foundation and necessary back filling ramming, watering etccomplete.19 5.210CubicMetreProviding and laying in situ cement concrete of Mix-10 proportionwith trap metal with crushed sand for foundation and beddingincluding dewatering necessary ,formwork ,compacting and curingcomplete.3989.70 Rupees ThreeThousand NineHundred Eighty Nineand Paise SeventyOnlyOne CubicMetre20786.3420 43.500 Providing and laying Mix- 10 cement concrete of trap metal withcrushed sand for head walls of cross drainage works, retaining wallsetcetra including necessary formwork,compaction, finishing andCubiccuring complete.Metre4511.85 Rupees FourThousand FiveHundred Eleven andPaise Eighty FiveOnlyOne CubicMetre196265.48Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 156

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 721 20.00 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe of Indian standard non 6452.25 Rupees Six Thousand One 129045.00pressure-3 class of 900 milimeter diameter in proper ,line,level,andFour Hundred Fifty RunningRunning slope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2Two and Paise MetreMetre complete.Twenty Five Only22 41.710 Providing selected hard murum filling including laying in layers of 472.20 Rupees Four One Cubic 19695.4615centimeter .to 20 centimeter ., watering and compactingHundred Seventy MetreCubic etc.complete.Two and PaiseMetreTwenty Only2320.00RunningMetreProviding and laying cement concrete pipe of Indian standard nonpressure-2 class of 800 milimeter diameter in proper ,line,level,andslope including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar 1:2complete.3435.90 Rupees ThreeThousand FourHundred Thirty Fiveand Paise Ninety OnlyOneRunningMetre68718.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 157

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 724 1.00 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete 5th kilometre stones 2749.75 Rupees Two One 2749.75on major district road including painting ,numbering etc.as per IndianThousand Seven NumberNumber road congress design for kilometre stone and fixing in standard sizeHundred Forty Ninecement concrete 1:4:8 block complete.and Paise SeventyFive Only252.00NumberProviding and fixing reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4 ordinarykilometre stones including painting ,numbering etc.as per Indian roadcongress design for major district road kilometre stone and fixing instandard size cement concrete 1:4:8 block complete.2227.55 Rupees TwoThousand TwoHundred TwentySeven and Paise FiftyFive OnlyOneNumber4455.102613.00NumberProviding and fixing reinforced cement concrete 200 metre stone asper Indian road congress standard including fixing in block of cementconcrete 1:4:8,painting lettering etc.complete.655.50 Rupees Six HundredFifty Five and PaiseFifty OnlyOneNumber8521.502770.00NumberProviding and fixing Mix-15 Reinforced cement concrete guard stoneof standard size and shape including fixing in block of standard sizeof 1:4:8 cement concrete,white washing etc.complete .522.15 Rupees Five HundredTwenty Two andPaise Fifteen OnlyOneNumber36550.50Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 158

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 728 2.00 Providing and fixing road junction / information sign boards of size 10665.60 Rupees Ten Thousand One 21331.201.80 X 1.20 meter prepared on 16 guage mild steel sheet with angleSix Hundred Sixty NumberNumber iron frame of size 35 X35x 3 milimeter with cross bracing of size 25Five and Paise SixtyX25 X3 millimeter including painting with one coat of zinc cromateOnlystoving primer and two coats each of green/white back ground andback side gray stove enamelled bonded with red retro refelective sheetengineering grade borders/letters/numerals/arrows coated with nonpealable crystal clear protective coat retaining 100 % refelectionincluding two angle iron post of size 65X65X6 millimeter of 3.65meter long inflated at bottom drilled on topwith 2 numbers angle ironcross bracing for vertical angle post of size 50 X50X 5 millimeter of2.35 meter long painted in white and black bonds of 25 centimeterwith 8 numbers high strength galvanised Iron bolts and nuts of size 10millimeter diameter 20 millimeter long sheet and angle iron post in onepiece without joints including all taxes ,conveying ,fixing in groundwith cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 X 60X75 centimeter size asdirected by engineer in charge etc complete29 2.00 Test of Soil/Murum-Compaction Test ( Proctor Density ). 1300.00 Rupees One ThousandTestThree Hundred andPaise Nil OnlyOne Test 2600.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 159

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 730 2.00 Test of Soil/Murum-Field Density replacement method850.00 Rupees Eight One Test 1700.00Hundred Fifty andTestPaise Nil Only31322.00Test5.00TestTest of Soil/Murum-Field moisture Content. 300.00Test of GSB Mix DesignRupees ThreeHundred and PaiseNil Only12000.00 Rupees TwelveThousand and PaiseNil OnlyOne Test 600.00One Test 60000.003374.00TestTest of Aggregate-Sieve Analysis. 400.00 Rupees Four Hundredand Paise Nil OnlyOne Test 29600.003429.00TestTest of Soil/Murum-Liquid limit & plastic Limit. 800.00Rupees Eight Hundredand Paise Nil OnlyOne Test23200.0035 5.00 Test of Soil/Murum-Field moisture content300.00TestRupees ThreeHundred and PaiseNil OnlyOne Test1500.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 160

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 736 1.00 Test of Soil/Murum-CBR Test 3500.00 RupeesOne Test 3500.00TestThreeThousand FiveHundred and PaiseNil Only3723.00TestTest of Aggregate-Water Absorption, Specific Gravity.Impact ValueCrushing Value.1600.00Rupees One ThousandSix Hundred andPaise Nil OnlyOne Test36800.003835.00TestTest of Aggregate-Flakiness Index/ Elongation Index. 300.00 Rupees ThreeHundred and PaiseNil OnlyOne Test 10500.003920.00TestTest of Soil/Murum-Sieve Analysis.400.00Rupees Four Hundredand Paise Nil OnlyOne Test8000.004011.00TestTest of Aggregate-Stripping Value. 600.00 Rupees Six Hundred One Test 6600.00and Paise Nil Only4114.00TestTest of Bitumen-Penetration, Softening Point, Flash & Fire Point,Specific Gravity2150.00 Rupees TwoThousand OneHundred Fifty andPaise Nil OnlyOne Test 30100.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 161

Dy.Ex.Engr.Sr.NoQuantityEstimatedbut may bemore or lessItem of WorkIn figuresEstimated RateIn WordsUnit PerAmount accordingto estimatedquantity1 2 3 4 5 6 742 14.00 Test of Bitumen-Viscosity.1050.00 Rupees One Thousand One Test 14700.00TestFifty and Paise NilOnly4313.00TestTest of Aggregate-impactvalue/los angeles abraison value 850.00 Rupees Eight One Test 11050.00Hundred Fifty andPaise Nil Only44 8.00 Test of Bitumen-Extraction Test.1100.00 Rupees One ThousandOne Hundred and45Test6.00 Test of Concrete-Compressive Strength OF Cement concrete. 450.00Paise Nil OnlyRupees Four HundredTest Cube(Set of 3 cubes).FiftyOnlyand Paise Nil46 2.00TestTest of Concrete-concrete mix design 8000.00 RupeesThousandNil OnlyEightand Paise47 1.00 Test of Cement-standard consistency 2500.00 Rupees TwoThousand FiveTestHundred and Paise NilOnlyRupees One Crore Eighty Six Lakhs Eighty Nine Thousand One Hundred Sixty Four and Paise Nil onlyOne TestOne Test 2500.00Total Rs. 18689164.36Say Rs.8800.00One Test 2700.00One Test 16000.0018689164.00Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer 162

Dy.Ex.Engr.Name of Work :--Improvements (Widening)to Paud Kolwan Fagane Dam Road,Km 3/500 to 16/400 (12/500 to 16/400) MDR 26 Tal-Mulshi,Dist-PuneSr.NoItem of WorkSpecification NoPage No1 2 3 4 51 Excavation for roadway by Mechanical means inearth,soil of all sorts ,sand ,gravel or soft murumincluding dressing section to the required grade,camber,and side slopes and conveying theexcavated materials with all lifts and leads andspreading for embankment or stacking as directedetc.complete.SCHEDULE- 'C'Detailed Itemwise SpecificationReference to Standard Specification BookVolume I 1979 edition and Volume II 1981edition and Specification for Road and Bridgeworks published by Ministry of Road Transport2001 edition (Latest Edition)Additional Specification if anyRd-2 180-183 The useful excavated material shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge .2 Excavation for catch /side water gutter bymechanical means in earth , soil of all sorts , sand ,gravel , or soft murum to the specified sectionincluding stacking the excavated stuff in regularbund and disposing of unsuitable or excess stuff asdirected .Rd-9 187 The useful excavated material shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge .The contractrate shall be for One Cubic Meter instead of ofone running meter as mentioned in specification.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 163

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 53 Excavation for catch /side water gutter bymechanical means in hard murum to the specifiedsection including stacking the excavated stuff inregular bund and disposing of unsuitable or excessstuff as directed .Rd-9 187 The useful excavated material shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge .The contractrate shall be for One Cubic Meter instead of ofone running meter as mentioned in specification.4 Excavation for catch /side water gutter in softrock to the specified section including stacking theexcavated stuff in regular bund and disposing ofunsuitable or excess stuff as directed .5 Excavation for catch /side water gutter in hardrock by blasting,chiselling,wedging or line drillingto the specified section including stacking theexcavated stuff in regular bund and disposing ofunsuitable or excess stuff as directed .Rd-9 187 The useful excavated material shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge .The contractrate shall be for One Cubic Meter instead of ofone running meter as mentioned in specification.Rd-9 187 The useful excavated material shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge .The contractrate shall be for One Cubic Meter instead of onerunning meter as mentioned in specification.6 Providing earth work , watering and compacting ofembankment formed of materials obtained from theroad cutting, within all leads to 95 percentage ofstandard proctor density after laying them in layersof 20 centimetre. to 30centimetre. with powerroller.Rd-10 187-189 As directed by Engineer in charge.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 164

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 57 Providing earth work in embankment by modernmachinery with approved materials obatined fromdepartmental land or other sources ,upto all leadsincluding all lifts ,laying in layers of 20 centimetreto 30 centimetre thickness breaking clods,dressingto the required lines,curves,grade,section,wateringand compaction to 95 percentage of standardproctor density .Rd-12 189-194 As directed by Engineer in charge.8 Providing and constructing granular sub-basecourse with coarse graded Grading - I materialspreading in uniform layers with motor grader onprepared surface,mixing by mix in place methodwith rotavator at optimum moisture content andcompacting with vibratory roller to achieve thedesired density complete.Clause No. 401Section 900101 -105337-361As directed by Engineer in charge.Metal shall besupplied at site only after screening it onMechanical Vibratory screening Unit as detailedin Sr.No. 27.48 of additional general conditionsand specifications.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 165

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 59 Providing and constructing water Bound Macadamsurface by mechanical means laying, spreading andcompacting stone aggregates of Grading - II sizes towater bound macadam specification includingspreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,rolling with 3 wheeled steel/vibratory roller 8-10tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber,applying and brooming Type -A ( 13.2 millimeteraggregate) screening , binding materials to fill upthe interstices of coarse aggregate,watering andcompacting to the required density.Clause No. 404Section -900112 -120337-361As directed by Engineer in charge. Metal shall besupplied at site only after screening it onMechanical Vibratory screening Unit as detailedin Sr.No. 27.48 of additional general conditionsand specifications.10 Providing and constructing water bound macadamsurface by mechnical means, laying, spreading andcompacting stone aggregates of Grading - III sizesto water bound macadam specification includingspreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,rolling with 3 wheeled steel/vibratory roller 8-10tonnes in stages to proper grade andcamber,applying and brooming type B (11.2millimeter aggregate) screening, binding materialsto fill up the interstices of coarseaggregate,watering and compacting to the requireddensity.Clause No. 404Section -900112 -120337-361As directed by Engineer in charge. Metal shall besupplied at site only after screening it onMechanical Vibratory screening Unit as detailedin Sr.No. 27.48 of additional general conditionsand specifications.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 166

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 511 Providing and Laying Hard Murum Side shouldersto proper thickness, line,level and camber,including Supplying hard murum at the road site,spreading uniformly ,artificialy watering andcompaction with vibratory roller etc. complete.Rd-23Rd-31Rd-39Rd-37Rd-40202-203206210-211209-210213As directed by Engineer in charge.12 Providing, laying built-up-spray grout layer of 75millimeter compacted thickness over prepared baseconsisting of a two layer composite construction ofcompacted crushed coarse aggregates using motorgrader for aggregates, key stone chips spreader maybe used with application of bituminous binder ofIndian standard viscous grade VG-30 after eachlayer and with key aggregates placed on top of thesecond layer to serve as a Base conforming to theline, grades and cross-section specified ,usingvibratory roller, excluding cost of prime / tack coat.Clause No. 501 &506Section -900139 to 154 &167 to 170337-361A) Work shall be carried out in days Time and in dryclimate and should be closed before 6.00 P.M.B) The representative of Contractor shall maintain aregister giving details of Chalan of bitumen receivedand should get it signed from the representaitve incharge of department in token of its acceptance.C) For controlling traffic during construction andmaintain diversion no extra payment shall be made.Metal shall be supplied at site only after screening iton Mechanical Vibratory screening Unit as detailed inSr.No. 27.48 of additional general conditions andspecifications.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 167

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 513 Providing,laying and rolling of open graded premixsurfacing of 20 milimetre thickness composed of13.2 milimetre to 5.60 milimetre aggregates usingIndian standard viscous grade VG-30 bulk bitumento required line,grade and level to serve aswearing course on a previously prepared base,including mixing in a suitable plant ,laying with ahydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to therequired grade and rolling with a smooth wheeledvibratory roller 8-10 tonne capacity finished torequired level and grades on Back Topped surfacesincluding laying seal coat sealing the voids in abituminous surface laid to the specified level andcross fall using Type A seal coat at the rate of 98kilogramme per 100 square meter with Indianstandard viscous grade using VG-30 bulk bitumenbut excluding a coat of prime/ tack coat.ClauseNo.501511Section -900andChapter 10 Table10.7 of MORTHManual forConstruction &Supervision ofBituminous Works139 to 154192 to 199337-361Clause No. 513 201-204A) Work shall be carried out in days Time and indry climate and should be closed before 6.00 P.M.B) The representative of Contractor shall maintaina register giving details of Chalan of bitumenreceived and should get it signed from therepresentaitve in charge of department in token ofits acceptance.C) For controlling traffic during construction andmaintain diversion no extra payment shall bemade.D) Seal coat at 98 kilogramme per 100 SquareMetre.E) The binder content of hot mix material shall bedetermined by ignition method only as specifiedin AASHTO T308. The testing by ignition methodshall be done in furnace which shall be equipedwith internal balance. The furnace shall have Webbased SCADA facility.The data so acquired shallbe uploaded to PWD Website in real time withtime lag not more than 30 Seconds.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 168

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 514 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumenemulsion of rapid setting type using emulsionpressure distributor at the rate of 0.40 kilogram persquare meter on the prepared granular surfacecleaned with mechanical broom.Clause No. 503Section 900157-160337-361A) Work shall be carried out in days Time and indry climate and should be closed before 6.00 P.M.B) The representative of Contractor shall maintaina register giving details of Chalan of bitumenreceived and should get it signed from therepresentaitve in charge of department in token ofits acceptance.C) For controlling traffic during construction andmaintain diversion no extra payment shall bemade.15 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumenemulsion of rapid setting type using emulsionpressure distributor at the rate of 0.30 kilogram persquare meter on the prepared bituminous surfacecleaned with mechanical broom.Clause No. 503Section 900157-160337-361A) Work shall be carried out in days Time and indry climate and should be closed before 6.00 P.M.B) The representative of Contractor shall maintaina register giving details of Chalan of bitumenreceived and should get it signed from therepresentaitve in charge of department in token ofits acceptance.C) For controlling traffic during construction andmaintain diversion no extra payment shall bemade.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 169

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 516 Dismantaling of stone masonry in lime or cementmortar including stacking the materials as directedwith all leads,lifts complete.As directed by Engineer in charge.17 Excavation for foundation by mechanical meansfor cross drainage works, reinforced cementconcrete gutter and retaining wall in earth,soil ofall types, sand ,gravel and soft murum ,includingremoving the excavated material up to a distance of50 metre beyond the work area and stacking andspreading as directed,dewatering preparing the bedfor the foundation and necessary back filling,ramming, watering including shoring and struttingetc.complete.BdA-1 259 The useful excavated materials shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge.18 Excavation for foundation by mechanical meansfor cross drainage works, reinforced cementconcrete gutter and retaining wall in hard murumincluding removing the excavated material upto adistance of 50 metre beyond the excavated area alllifts ,and stacking and spreading as directed,dewatering,shoring and strutting preparing the bedfor foundation and necessary back filling ramming,watering etc complete.BdA-2 259 The useful excavated materials shall be utilised asdirected by the Engineer In Charge.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 170

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 519 Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of Mix-10 proportion with trap metal with crushed sand forfoundation and bedding including dewateringnecessary ,formwork ,compacting and curingcomplete.CD-3 160Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 171

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 520 Providing and laying Mix- 10 cement concrete oftrap metal with crushed sand for head walls of crossdrainage works, retaining walls etcetra includingnecessary formwork,compaction, finishing andcuring complete.CD-8 163 1. The mix design shall be got prepared from the approvedgovernment laboratory well in advance and got approvedfrom Enineer in charge before starting the work.2. Cement from the same stock sent for design shall be usedfor concreting work.3. The rate of consumption of cement in mix design areconsidered for the work as per general practice in actualdesign ,if the cement consumption is less than that shown initem,therate will be reduced accordingly .If the rate as permix design for cement consumption is more than that as peritem ,the extra cement will have to be brought by thecontractor at his own cost.4. Before concreting work,cement form each consignmentshall be got tested .If the strength of fresh cement availablein stock and concreting work shall be done accordingly tomodified mix design.. 5. The minimum strength of reinforced cement concrete toensure durability shall as per Indian standard as per IS 456-2000 with latest ammendment .6. For each consignment of cement a sample should be gottested as per norms and frequency of Vigilance and QualityControl circle,Pune.It will be entire responsibility ofcontractor for testing of cement and no extra payment willbe made against these testing chargesContractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 172

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 521 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe ofIndian standard non pressure-3 class of 900milimetre diameter in proper ,line,level,and slopeincluding providing and fixing collars in cementmortar 1:2 complete.CD-7 162-163 As directed by Engineer in charge.22 Providing selected hard murum filling includinglaying in layers of 15centimeter .to 20 centimeter .,watering and compacting etc.complete.CD-14 167 As directed by Engineer in charge.23 Providing and laying cement concrete pipe ofIndian standard non pressure-2 class of 800milimetre diameter in proper ,line,level,and slopeincluding providing and fixing collars in cementmortar 1:2 complete.CD-7 162-163 As directed by Engineer in charge.24 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete5th kilometre stones on major district roadincluding painting ,numbering etc.as per Indianroad congress design for kilometre stone and fixingin standard size cement concrete 1:4:8 blockcomplete.Rd-69 243-244 As directed by Engineer in charge.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 173

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 525 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete1:2:4 ordinary kilometre stones including painting,numbering etc.as per Indian road congress designfor major district road kilometre stone and fixingin standard size cement concrete 1:4:8 blockcomplete.Rd-69 243-244 As directed by Engineer in charge.26 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete200 metre stone as per Indian road congressstandard including fixing in block of cementconcrete 1:4:8,painting lettering etc.complete.Rd-69 243-244 As directed by Engineer in charge.27 Providing and fixing Mix-15 Reinforced cement concreteguard stone of standard size and shape including fixingin block of standard size of 1:4:8 cement concrete,whitewashing etc.complete .Rd-70 244 As directed by Engineer in charge.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 174

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 528 Providing and fixing road junction / information signboards of size 1.80 X 1.20 meter prepared on 16 guagemild steel sheet with angle iron frame of size 35 X35x 3milimeter with cross bracing of size 25 X25 X3millimeter including painting with one coat of zinccromate stoving primer and two coats each ofgreen/white back ground and back side gray stoveenamelled bonded with red retro refelective sheetengineering grade borders/letters/numerals/arrows coatedwith non pealable crystal clear protective coat retaining100 % refelection including two angle iron post of size65X65X6 millimeter of 3.65 meter long inflated atbottom drilled on topwith 2 numbers angle iron crossbracing for vertical angle post of size 50 X50X 5millimeter of 2.35 meter long painted in white and blackbonds of 25 centimeter with 8 numbers high strengthgalvanised Iron bolts and nuts of size 10 millimeterdiameter 20 millimeter long sheet and angle iron post inone piece without joints including all taxes ,conveying,fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60X 60X75 centimeter size as directed by engineer incharge etc completeI.R.C.67-1977As directed by Engineer-in-charge.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 175

Dy.Ex.Engr.1 2 3 4 529 Laboratory Testing Charges for Various Materialrequired for the construction of work by thecontractor on the basis of testing Frequency fixedby vigilance and Quality control circle PuneComplete1 ) The test shall be carried out in accordance with theClause " Samples & Testing of Materials " give under"Additional General Conditionas & Specification" of thistender document.2) The testing of materials shall be carried out as per thefrequency specified by the Vigilance & Quality ControlCircle , pune and shall be the responsibility of contractor.3)The material required for testing shall be sent by thecontractor to the specified Laboratory at his own risk andcost.4)In case the desired results are not obtained during testingor the material is rejected due to unsatisfactory results thetesting charges shall not be paid to the contractor.5)It shall be obligatory on contractor to produce the testresult along with receipt of payment made to the Laboratory,for releasing payment towards Testing Charges.6)In case additional testing of material found necessary dueto change in source,no seperate payment shall be made andit shall be the entire responsiblity of contractor.7)Testing charges are mentioned in view of the ratesfinalised by the Vigilance & Quality Control Circle, Puneand it will be the responsibility of contractor to pay thetesting charges to the concerned Laboratory in accordancewith the rates finaised. No difference shall be payable to thecontractor in case testing charges are revised by theLaboratory.8)Material Testing shall be carried out as directed byEngineer in Charge.Contractor No.of Corrections Executive Engineer 176

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180 Dy.Ex.Engr.D R A W I N G SCONTRACT DRAWINGS :The contract drawings provided for tendering purpose with the tenderdocuments shall be used as a reference only. Contractor should visualise the natureof type of work contemplated and to ensure that the rates and prices quoted by him inthe bill of quantities take due consideration of the complexities of work involvedduring actual execution / construction as experienced Contractor in the field.The tendered rates / prices for the work shall be deemed to include the cost ofpreparation , supply and delivery of all necessary drawings, prints, tracings andnegatives which the Contractor is required to provide in accordance with the Contract.DOCUMENTATION :If so ordered by the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor will prepare drawings ofthe work at constructed and will supply original and three copies to the Engineer whowill verify these drawings. Final as constructed drawings shall then be prepared bythe Contractor and supplied in triplicate along with a micro film of the same to theEngineer for record and reference purposes at the Contractor’s cost.Signature of Contractor No. of corrections Executive Engineer

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