Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


SuccessMaker R is an educational software SuccessMaker program from R Pearson Education, Inc., a leading educationalpublisher. It offers standards-based reading/language arts, mathematics, and English language development/ESL curriculum. It also provides content learning, with science and social studies lessons incorporated intothe math and reading curriculum. Delivered online, it uses adaptive software to match the instructionalneeds of each student. The programs difficulty level adjusts automatically in response to the studentsanswers, thereby, providing a learning experience that is neither too easy nor too difficult. This leveladjustment, along with assessment and reporting tools, helps teachers and parents address areas ofweakness and recognize progress (Pearson Education, Inc., 2008, p. 1).Anonymous. (2008). SuccessMaker R Math & Reading – What Alternatives for Home Use? Its Time 4Learning. And Fun! Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp://www.time4learning.com/learning-successmaker.shtml.Texas CARESTexas CARES Version 7 gives students an excellent idea of workplace demands and how to shape theirpersonal values and interests into a promising career by showing the strong relationship between getting agood education and hiring requirements for choice high skill/high wage jobs. It comes complete with over425 occupational, educational and career development videos, such as writing resumes, interviewing skills,filling out job applications and performance on the job (LMCI Publications, 2008, p. 3).Anonymous. (2008). Texas CARES. LMCI Publications. Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp:// www.cdr.state.tx.us/shared/cares.asp.Think Through MathTexas SUCCESS is designed to provide Texas public school students with access to interactive math andreading programs in grades 3-8 under the Student Success Initiative (SSI).Think Through Math, provides an online interactive math program including live bilingual tutors to engageand assist students as they work to strengthen their math skills and deepen their understanding of mathconcepts. For additional information and to sign up for these resources, visit www.texassuccess.org.Tocontact the SSI Support Center emailhelp@texassuccess.org or call 877.315.4918 (toll free).IstationTexas SUCCESS is designed to provide Texas public school students with access to interactive math andreading programs in grades 3-8 under the Student Success Initiative (SSI).Istation, which provides an online interactive reading program consisting of engaging, interactive content ina game-like format. For additional information and to sign up for these resources, visitwww.texassuccess.org.To contact the SSI Support Center emailhelp@texassuccess.org or call 877.315.4918(toll free).86

WebliographyBurns, M. K. & Coolong-Chaffin, M. (2006). Response to intervention: the role of and effect on schoolpsychology. Retrieved May 17, 2008 from http://www.nasponline.org/publications/spf/issue 1/burns.pdfCarta, J. J., Greenwood, C. R., Walker, D., Kaminski, R., Good, R., McConnell, S., & McEboy M. (2002),Individual growth and development indicators (IGDIs): Assessment that Guides intervention for youngchildren. In M. Ostrosky & E. Horn (Eds.). Assessment: Gathering meaningful information). The YoungExceptional Children Monograph Series #4 . Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Retrieved January 8, 2008, fromhttp://www.igdi.ku.edu/documents/index.htm.Florida Center on Reading Research. (2008). Interventions and strategies. Retirieved May 17, 2008, fromhttp://www.fcrr.org/Interventions/index.htmGood, R. H., & Kaminski, R. A. (Eds.). (2002). Dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills (6 th ed.).Eugene, OR: Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement. Retrieved January 8, 2008, fromhttp://dibels,uoregon,edu/.Ideas That Work. (2008). OSEP Technical assistance center. Retrieved June 26, 2008 fromhttp://pbis.org/ main.htp/Intervention Central. (2008). Interventions and strategies for reading and other skill areas. Retrieved May 17,2008 from http://www.interventioncentral.orgIRIS Center. (2008). Star legacy modules. Retrieved June 26, 2008 from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.eduMODEL. (2008). Managing on-site discipline for effective learning. Retrieved June 26, 2008 fromhttp:// modelprogram.comNational Center on Student Progress Monitoring. (2008). Universal screening and progress monitoring.Retrieved May 17, 2008 from http://www.studentprogress.org/National Writing Project. (2008). Improving writing and learning in the public schools. Retrieved May 17,2008 from http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource_topic/english_language_learners?gclid=CN_o5-WVrpMCFSLOIgodan66ngOregon Reading First Center. (2008). Core curricular and supplemental programs. Retrieved May 17, 2008from http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/curriculum_review.phpFlorida Education Agency. (2008). Problem solving and response to intervention. Retrieved June 26, 2008from < http://floridarti.usf.edu/resources/index.html#overview>Shinn, M. R. (2002). Best Practices in using curriculum based measurement in a problem-solving model. InA. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.). Best practices in school psychology IV (pp. 671-697). Bethesda, MD:National Association of School psychologists. Retrieved January 8, 2008, from http://www.nasponline.org/trainers/BPIV/44-Shinn.pdf.Texas Education Agency. (2008). Response to intervention. Retirieved June 26, 2008 fromhttp:// www.tea.state.tex.us87

SuccessMaker R is an educational software SuccessMaker program from R Pearson Education, Inc., a leading educationalpublisher. It offers standards-based reading/language arts, mathematics, and English language development/ESL curriculum. It also provides content learning, with science and social studies lessons incorporated intothe math and reading curriculum. Delivered online, it uses adaptive software to match the instructionalneeds of each student. The programs difficulty level adjusts automatically in response to the studentsanswers, thereby, providing a learning experience that is neither too easy nor too difficult. This leveladjustment, along with assessment and reporting tools, helps teachers and parents address areas ofweakness and recognize progress (Pearson Education, Inc., 2008, p. 1).Anonymous. (2008). SuccessMaker R Math & Reading – What Alternatives for Home Use? Its Time 4Learning. And Fun! Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp://www.time4learning.com/learning-successmaker.shtml.Texas CARESTexas CARES Version 7 gives students an excellent idea of workplace demands and how to shape theirpersonal values and interests into a promising career by showing the strong relationship between getting agood education and hiring requirements for choice high skill/high wage jobs. It comes complete with over425 occupational, educational and career development videos, such as writing resumes, interviewing skills,filling out job applications and performance on the job (LMCI Publications, 2008, p. 3).Anonymous. (2008). Texas CARES. LMCI Publications. Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp:// www.cdr.state.tx.us/shared/cares.asp.Think Through MathTexas SUCCESS is designed to provide Texas public school students with access to interactive math andreading programs in grades 3-8 under the Student Success Initiative (SSI).Think Through Math, provides an online interactive math program including live bilingual tutors to engageand assist students as they work to strengthen their math skills and deepen their understanding of mathconcepts. For additional information and to sign up for these resources, visit www.texassuccess.org.Tocontact the SSI Support Center emailhelp@texassuccess.org or call 877.315.4918 (toll free).IstationTexas SUCCESS is designed to provide Texas public school students with access to interactive math andreading programs in grades 3-8 under the Student Success Initiative (SSI).Istation, which provides an online interactive reading program consisting of engaging, interactive content ina game-like format. For additional information and to sign up for these resources, visitwww.texassuccess.org.To contact the SSI Support Center emailhelp@texassuccess.org or call 877.315.4918(toll free).86

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