Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


ELLISELLIS leverages the power of technology to move the English language learners toward basic Englishfluency. It offers management utilities, reporting features and comprehensive Early Childhood, ElementaryEducation and Secondary Curriculum to address a wide range of proficiency levels. It is a comprehensiveEnglish language teaching and learning solution. The lessons are designed to move learners immediatelyfrom observer to participant. It addresses the needs of non-native elementary to adult students to fostersuccessful English language learning. It closely follows the natural pattern of language acquisition via itsresearch-based instructional methodology known as Watch-Learn-Practice-Play/Perform (PearsonEducation, Inc., 2008, p. 1).Anonymous. (2008). ELLIS. Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp:// www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ13y.Fast ForWordFast ForWord R Language is a software that moves elementary students toward grade level readingskills, with a focus on listening accuracy, phonological awareness, and language structures. The FastForWord Language exercises develop critical brain processing efficiency in four key areas: Improvesmemory by having the student hold a statement or question in working memory while retrieving pictureconceptassociations from long-term memory; Improves attention by developing the ability to focus onmultiple tasks and ignore distractions; Strengthens auditory and linguistic processing rates so thatstudents can distinguish sounds quickly enough to discriminate individual phonemes and understandwords and sentences; Develops sequencing skills through exercises that require the use of a logical wordorder to comprehend simple and complex instructions and organize a response that follows the specifiedsequence of actions (Scientific Learning Corporation, 2008, p. 1).Anonymous. (2008). Fast ForWord R Language. Scientific Learning Corporation. Retrieved March 18, 2008from http://www.scilearn.com/products/elementary-products/fast-forword-language/index.php.The Geometers Sketchpad R Dynamic Geometry R Software for Exploring Mathematics,Version 4The Geometers Sketchpad is a dynamic construction, demonstration, and exploration tool that adds apowerful dimension to the study of mathematics. It is designed for students from Grade 3 to College. Theteacher and the students can use this software program to build and investigate mathematical models, objects,figures, diagrams, and graphs. Students are given a tangible, visual way to explore and understand coreconcepts – from numbers and operations, algebraic thinking, and geometry and measurement in elementaryand middle school to algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus in high school and college. Ithas the flexibility to help teachers meet their teaching needs. It provides teachers with a faster, more dynamicand engaging way to demonstrate mathematical concepts. It can help teachers quickly explore variables,relationships, and the mathematics of change with the students. It can be used across the mathematicscurriculum. It is user friendly and it can be used by teachers to quickly and easily generate teaching aids.Within the United States, Key offers a Spanish edition of The Geometers Sketchpad for Windows R (KeyCurriculum Press, 2008, p.1).82

Anonymous. (2008). The Geometers Sketchpad R Dynamic Geometry R Software for ExploringMathematics, Version 4. Key Curriculum Press. Retrieved June 8, 2008 from http://www.keypress.com/x5521.xml.InspirationInspiration is the essential tool students rely on to plan, research and complete projects successfully.With the integrated Diagram and Outline Views, they create graphic organizers and expand topics intowriting. This powerful combination encourages learning in multiple modes. As a result, students gain andretain a better understanding of concepts and demonstrate knowledge, improving their performance acrossthe curriculum. It is designed to improve 6 th to 12 th grade skills. It can now be upgraded to Inspiration8 (Inspiration Software, Inc., 2008, p.1).Anonymous. (2008). Inspiration. Inspiration Software, Inc. Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp:// www.inspiration.com/productinfo/inspiration/index.cfm.KidspirationKidspiration, designed for K-5 grade learners, develops thinking, literacy and numeracy skills usingproven visual learning principles. In reading and writing, it strengthens word recognition, vocabulary,comprehension and written expression. With new visual math tools, students build reasoning and problemsolving skills (Inspiration Software, Inc., 2008, p.1).Anonymous. (2008). Kidspiration. Inspiration Software, Inc. Retrieved June 14, 2008 fromhttp:// www.inpiration.com/productinfo/kidspiration/index.cfm.Learning.comLearning.com is a pioneer in providing premier, Web-enhanced instruction. It focuses on innovative,results-oriented solutions with a singular, over-riding purpose: to improve student learning. The solutionsare structured on the most current and forward-thinking research into how children learn with technologyby: 1) incorporating multisensory experiences to create richer, more complete learning; 2) using educationalgames, fun and play to make learning more effective and engaging for todays tech-savvy; and 3) buildingin opportunities for students to model their new skills, creating stronger connections to theirlearning (Learning.com, 2007, p. 1).Anonymous. (2007). Learning.com. Retrieved June 8, 2008 from http://www.learning.com/about/ index.htm.LexiaLexia is a research-based reading software that supports reading skills development in students at all levelsof ability, Pre-Kinder through Adult, building skills with explicit practice in phonemic awareness andphonics while promoting gains in fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. It supports core readingcurriculum in over 10,000 schools nationwide, helping students master the essential reading skills necessaryto become successful readers for a lifetime. Since 1984, Lexia has been developing software to assess andimprove reading acquisition and cognitive development. It prevents reading failure for at-risk students83

ELLISELLIS leverages the power of technology to move the English language learners toward basic Englishfluency. It offers management utilities, reporting features and comprehensive Early Childhood, ElementaryEducation and Secondary Curriculum to address a wide range of proficiency levels. It is a comprehensiveEnglish language teaching and learning solution. The lessons are designed to move learners immediatelyfrom observer to participant. It addresses the needs of non-native elementary to adult students to fostersuccessful English language learning. It closely follows the natural pattern of language acquisition via itsresearch-based instructional methodology known as Watch-Learn-Practice-Play/Perform (PearsonEducation, Inc., 2008, p. 1).Anonymous. (2008). ELLIS. Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved June 8, 2008 fromhttp:// www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ13y.Fast ForWordFast ForWord R Language is a software that moves elementary students toward grade level readingskills, with a focus on listening accuracy, phonological awareness, and language structures. The FastForWord Language exercises develop critical brain processing efficiency in four key areas: Improvesmemory by having the student hold a statement or question in working memory while retrieving pictureconceptassociations from long-term memory; Improves attention by developing the ability to focus onmultiple tasks and ignore distractions; Strengthens auditory and linguistic processing rates so thatstudents can distinguish sounds quickly enough to discriminate individual phonemes and understandwords and sentences; Develops sequencing skills through exercises that require the use of a logical wordorder to comprehend simple and complex instructions and organize a response that follows the specifiedsequence of actions (Scientific Learning Corporation, 2008, p. 1).Anonymous. (2008). Fast ForWord R Language. Scientific Learning Corporation. Retrieved March 18, 2008from http://www.scilearn.com/products/elementary-products/fast-forword-language/index.php.The Geometers Sketchpad R Dynamic Geometry R Software for Exploring Mathematics,Version 4The Geometers Sketchpad is a dynamic construction, demonstration, and exploration tool that adds apowerful dimension to the study of mathematics. It is designed for students from Grade 3 to College. Theteacher and the students can use this software program to build and investigate mathematical models, objects,figures, diagrams, and graphs. Students are given a tangible, visual way to explore and understand coreconcepts – from numbers and operations, algebraic thinking, and geometry and measurement in elementaryand middle school to algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus in high school and college. Ithas the flexibility to help teachers meet their teaching needs. It provides teachers with a faster, more dynamicand engaging way to demonstrate mathematical concepts. It can help teachers quickly explore variables,relationships, and the mathematics of change with the students. It can be used across the mathematicscurriculum. It is user friendly and it can be used by teachers to quickly and easily generate teaching aids.Within the <strong>United</strong> States, Key offers a Spanish edition of The Geometers Sketchpad for Windows R (KeyCurriculum Press, 2008, p.1).82

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