Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


Step 4 Turn in completed Tier I,Tier II, and Tier III eRtIreports to School ImprovementDepartment for review.The RtI packet mustinclude Tier IV SpecialEducation form.66

Notes to Remember • RtI is a process, not an event.• Campus RtI teams must beproactive in the identification,monitoring, and implementationof the RtI process.• e-RtI documentation will be acollaborative process by identifiedmembers of the RtI Team (teacher,reading interventionist, pathfinder,counselor, principal)67

Notes to Remember • RtI is a process, not an event.• Campus RtI teams must beproactive in the identification,monitoring, and implementationof the RtI process.• e-RtI documentation will be acollaborative process by identifiedmembers of the RtI Team (teacher,reading interventionist, pathfinder,counselor, principal)67

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