Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


What is Response to Intervention (RtI)?According to the National Research on Learning Disabilities, RtI is anassessment and intervention process within general education settings forsystematically monitoring student progress and making decisions about the needfor instructional modifications or increasingly intensified services usingprogress data (NRCLD, 2008).Both IDEA 2004 and NCLB call for improving outcomes for all students byusing scientifically based instructional practices. RtI specifically requiresthorough documentation of appropriate use of scientifically based interventionswithin general education settings. The most critical component in RtI is the Rwhich is Response. Monitoring of a students response to high qualityscientifically based classroom instruction is the vehicle for attaining school wideacademic excellence.According to the Texas Education Agency, implementation of activitiesassociated with Response to Intervention (RtI) is expected to have a positiveeffect on schools across the state. RtI may be described as a model addressingthe needs of all students through a continuum of services which provide: (1)high-quality instruction and scientific, researched-based, tiered interventionstrategies aligned with individual student needs; (2) frequent monitoring ofstudent progress to make results-based academic or behavioral decisions; (3)data-based school improvement; and (4) the application of student response datato important educational decisions (such as those regarding placement,intervention, curriculum, and instructional goals and methodologies).General and Special Education Collaboration: The activities described abovetypically occur in the general education setting as schools assist strugglingstudents prior to and, often, in lieu of a referral to special education. Localeducation agency (LEA) general and special education staff will need tocoordinate and collaborate in developing a process implementing thisframework. Divisions within the Agency work closely to develop policyguidance regarding RtI that includes both general and special educationconsiderations.6

Roles and Responsibilities of the Campus RtI TeamThe primary responsibility of the Campus RtI Team is to ensure that students are provided themaximum opportunity to be successful in the regular education program. The Campus RtITeam provides instructional support to the classroom teachers in order to assist them in theirefforts to efficiently improve achievement of students who are experiencing learningdifficulties. The Campus RtI Team will review progress monitoring and benchmarks of atriskstudents. The Campus RtI Team monitors direct instruction interventions to ensureinstructional integrity and fidelity.The purpose of the Campus RtI Team is to support the efforts of classroom teachers to deliverappropriate and effective instructional interventions and strategies which will beadvantageous to all students.The process of the Campus RtI Team should be ongoing to assist in resolving issues,problems or concerns linked to students achievement. At the campus level, the Campus RtITeam is composed of:• the chairperson (principal)• a counselor• a general education teacher/team leader/Pathfinders• a special education teacher• the reading intervention teacher• the regular education teacher of the student being reviewed• other professionals (i.e. instructional coordinators, bilingual specialist, behavior specialist,social worker, dyslexia teacher, speech/language pathologist, diagnostician, etc.) may beactive members of the RtI Team when additional support is neededThe Campus Principal will:• chair the RtI Team meetings• provide the vision and action plan for implementing RtI• provide appropriate time and structure to implement the RtI process• integrate RtI and school improvement efforts• lead staff in discussion about data obtained through RtI• assist Counselor in facilitating building RtI meetings• involve key staff members in RtI• provide leadership to RtI Team in the determination of effective instructional interventionsfor each student• monitor the implementation of direct instructional interventions and strategies conductedthrough small groups targeting specific skills with integrity and fidelity• outline the teams agenda7

What is Response to Intervention (RtI)?According to the National Research on Learning Disabilities, RtI is anassessment and intervention process within general education settings forsystematically monitoring student progress and making decisions about the needfor instructional modifications or increasingly intensified services usingprogress data (NRCLD, 2008).Both IDEA 2004 and NCLB call for improving outcomes for all students byusing scientifically based instructional practices. RtI specifically requiresthorough documentation of appropriate use of scientifically based interventionswithin general education settings. The most critical component in RtI is the Rwhich is Response. Monitoring of a students response to high qualityscientifically based classroom instruction is the vehicle for attaining school wideacademic excellence.According to the Texas Education Agency, implementation of activitiesassociated with Response to Intervention (RtI) is expected to have a positiveeffect on schools across the state. RtI may be described as a model addressingthe needs of all students through a continuum of services which provide: (1)high-quality instruction and scientific, researched-based, tiered interventionstrategies aligned with individual student needs; (2) frequent monitoring ofstudent progress to make results-based academic or behavioral decisions; (3)data-based school improvement; and (4) the application of student response datato important educational decisions (such as those regarding placement,intervention, curriculum, and instructional goals and methodologies).General and Special Education Collaboration: The activities described abovetypically occur in the general education setting as schools assist strugglingstudents prior to and, often, in lieu of a referral to special education. Localeducation agency (LEA) general and special education staff will need tocoordinate and collaborate in developing a process implementing thisframework. Divisions within the Agency work closely to develop policyguidance regarding RtI that includes both general and special educationconsiderations.6

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