Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


What is aWRITTENIntervention Plan? • A clear statement of the problem• Problem analysis that uses DATAto confirm the initial concern• A description of the specificintervention• Duration of the intervention• Schedule and setting of theintervention• Persons responsible forimplementing intervention46

What is included intheIntervention Plan? • Measurable outcomes that can beused to make data-basedadjustments as needed during thecourse of the intervention• Description of measurement anddocumentation/recordingtechniques• Progress monitoring schedule47

What is included intheIntervention Plan? • Measurable outcomes that can beused to make data-basedadjustments as needed during thecourse of the intervention• Description of measurement anddocumentation/recordingtechniques• Progress monitoring schedule47

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