Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


Pyramid ofInterventionsAcademicIntensive, IndividualInterventionsTier III1-5%(1-2/22)(1-2/30)BehavioralSystemIntensive, IndividualInterventions• Individual Students• Assessment-based• High IntensityTargeted GroupInterventions• Some students (atrisk)• High efficiencyTier II5-10%(1-2/22)(2-3/30)• Individual Students• Assessment-basedTargeted GroupInterventions• Some students (atrisk)• High efficiency• Rapid response• Rapid responseUniversal InterventionsUniversal Interventions• All students• Preventive,proactiveTier I80-90%(18-20/22)(24-27/30• All settings, allstudents• Preventive,proactive4

RtI Philosophy StatementUnited ISD believes that ALL children can learn. RtIprovides students with interventions that will allow thestudent to be successful in the classroom. Therefore, UnitedISD implements the Response to Intervention process at allgrade levels and at all campuses to assure that ALL studentsmeet their academic potential.UISD RtI Mission StatementUnited ISD will provide each student with high-qualityscientifically research-based general education instruction.When appropriate, a student will also be provided withstrategic and intensive intervention supports matched to his/her needs.United ISD utilizes the RtI process which combines:1. Scientific research-based interventions in the generaleducational setting,2. Decision-making and multi-tiered service delivery modelto improve educational and behavioral outcomes for allstudents,3. Systematic assessment for the measurement of thestudents response to implemented interventions, and4. An on-going problem-solving approach in progressmonitoring documentation and feedback to the RtI Team.(OSPI, 2007)Vision for a UISD GraduateUnited ISD strives to prepare all students for a productiveself-sufficient post-secondary career and college readylifestyle and inspire students to become responsible worldcitizens by pursuing excellence through life-long learning.INTRODUCTION5

Pyramid ofInterventionsAcademicIntensive, IndividualInterventionsTier III1-5%(1-2/22)(1-2/30)BehavioralSystemIntensive, IndividualInterventions• Individual Students• Assessment-based• High IntensityTargeted GroupInterventions• Some students (atrisk)• High efficiencyTier II5-10%(1-2/22)(2-3/30)• Individual Students• Assessment-basedTargeted GroupInterventions• Some students (atrisk)• High efficiency• Rapid response• Rapid responseUniversal InterventionsUniversal Interventions• All students• Preventive,proactiveTier I80-90%(18-20/22)(24-27/30• All settings, allstudents• Preventive,proactive4

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