Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District

Rtl Guide 2013-2014 - United Independent School District


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Without progress monitoring, it is impossible to validate if intervention efforts have been successful. The datacollected for progress monitoring must therefore be RELEVANT, ACCURATE, SUFFICIENT ANDANALYZED CORRECTLY (Region One ESC, The SBS Group, 2007).There are some essential components in progress monitoring that must be established before interventions begin.1) Through the use of a universal screener a BASELINE or a students present level of performance is identified.2) A relevant PERFORMANCE STANDARD is established. This standard will be measured against the baseline.It is critical that a performance standard be set prior to the implementation of any intervention plan.3) Target Area of Concern and expected Goal/Desired Outcome/Level are set. The goal is the expected level ofperfor-mance at the end of a specific period of time. It takes into account the students current performance, theperformance standard and the time needed to reach the goal. Goals should describe:a) when and how a student will perform; (minutes per session; number of days per week)b) what the student is expected to do; and (intervention)c) what will be an acceptable level of performance (Goal/Desired Outcome/Level)4) Progress monitoring will reveal if there is a DISCREPANCY between the students current performance leveland the desired outcome level.5) An integral part of progress monitoring is a well designed INTERVENTION PLAN that will produce sufficientand accurate information that will direct the general education teacher to the most effective intervention strategies.Intervention plans should be adjusted according to the students response or lack of response to intervention.SOURCE: Arlington Heights <strong>District</strong> #25 Progress Monitoring Manual, 1998-99The Texas Education Agency states:Failure to achieve: Failure to achieve adequately for a students age or meet State-approved grade-level standardsmay be determined by measures such as in-class tests scores, grade average over time (e.g. six weeks), statewideassessment scores, standardized achievement test scores, criterion-reference measures, and/or a Response toIntervention (RtI) process. A students failure to pass the statewide assessment (e.g. State of Texas Assessmentsof Academic Readiness STAAR) should not automatically result in a learning disability referral and/ordetermination. The determination of a learning disability should include a variety of information sources andmeasures and should not be based on a single measure.Sufficient progress when provided RtI: Determining whether a student makes sufficient progress when providedRtI will depend on the particular criteria of the scientific, research-based interventions. While schools areencouraged to follow a timeline specific to the RtI process, a school should consider alternative actions when achild fails to respond to an increasing intensity of instruction and interventions. <strong>School</strong>s must proceed with aspecial education referral and evaluation, including informed parental consent, if a parent requests that thestudent be evaluated for services.An RtI process does not replace the need for a comprehensive evaluation using a variety of data sources. A schoolshould inform parents when a student is not making progress in the general education setting. If the child is notmaking progress in the general education setting and demonstrates lack of sufficient response to intervention(s)after an appropriate period of time (see above for discussion of RTI process), the school should request parentalconsent to evaluate a child suspected of having a learning disability.SOURCE: Texas Education Agency, 2008.11

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