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LIFE ORIENTATIONCommon Tasks for Assessment (CTA)Grade 92007SECTION ALEARNER'S BOOK Time: 4 hours Marks: (<strong>12</strong>0÷2) = 60 No. Pages: 11

THEME: HEALTHY AND SAFE LIVING. The focal point of this CTA is“Promoting healthy and safe communities”.Note to learner:Activities are done either individually or in a group.Assessment criteria are given in the boxes before each activity.Marks and criteria are given for each task.Write the answers in a workbook or on paper provided by your school.This CTA should be completed in approximately 4 hours of class time.TASKS ACTIVITIES TIME MARKSTASK ONERisk behaviour amongst theyouth. VIOLENCETASK TWODecisions on personal safety.CRIME IN SCHOOLS ANDTHE COMMUNITYTASK THREEHEALTHY LIVING:UBUNTU1.1 to 1.7 60 minutes 30.2.1 to 2.7 60 minutes 303.1 to 3.7 60 minutes 30TASK FOURPROMOTION OF PEACE 4.1 to 4.5 60 minutes 30TOTAL <strong>12</strong>0÷2=60LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 20071

TASK ONE: RISK BEHAVIOUR AMONGST THE YOUTH: VIOLENCETime: 60minutesIndividual/Group task Marks: 30You will be assessed on your ability to:• Do a survey on violence in your school• Analyse the prevalence of violence in your school• Demonstrate knowledge about the effects of violence• Plan to address the problems faced by the youth regarding violence organgsterism.The Medical Research Council in the 1 st National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey(2002), describes violence “as the intentional use of physical force or power,threatened or actual against oneself, another person or against a group or acommunity, that results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death,physical harm, maldevelopment or deprivation”.A survey amongst grade 8,9,10 and 11 learners in the country shows that onethirdof South African learners had been involved in physical fights. Manylearners are either perpetrators or victims of violence. The perpetrator causes theviolence and the victims are the targets or the ones that suffer from the violence.President Mbeki, in his new year’s address said the following:Unfortunately, there are many of our fellow citizens who will not be with us aswe celebrate the New Year, having passed away during the festive season. I referin particular to those who died as a result of the many accidents on our roads, aswell as others who died as a result of various incidents of assault with intent tocause grievous bodily harm. I would like to appeal to everybody to do everythingpossible radically to reduce the incidence of death from unnatural causes. It alsomeans that we must not allow that the parties we attend should turn intobattlefields during which we kill the very people with whom we have cometogether to celebrate and enjoy ourselves. We must also remind one another thatthe penalty for anybody who kills another person unlawfully is many years in2LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 2007

Group activity.In groups do a survey in your school amongst any grade of learners to determine:(a) how many are involved as perpetrators of violence in the school or the community;(b) and how many are victims (sufferers) of violence.Possible questions that may be posed to learners are:(1) Have you been bullied during the last month?(2) Were you assaulted (verbally or physically) during the last month?(3) Do you carry any weapon (such as a gun, knife or a kierie) to school?(4) Have you assaulted (verbally or physically) anybody during the last month?The teacher will help you to finalise the questions of the survey. Analyse the dataobtained. Discuss in groups what you have learnt from the survey.REMEMBER TO RESPECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE RESPONDENTS.Individual activityAnswer the following questions1.1 How many learners (boys and girls) in your survey have been:(a) the perpetrators of violence during the last month and(b) the victims during the last month? (2)1.2 Give at least two reasons why people commit violence. (4)1.3 What does the South African constitution say about violence? (4)1.4 What is your own opinion about violence and gangsterism? (4)1.5 In what way can physical abuse affect (a) personal health and (b) familyrelations? (4)1.6 Write a short paragraph on the effect of violence and gangsterism on yourcommunity. (6)1.7 Write down your ideas on what PLAN OF ACTION you or your communitycan follow to solve the problem of violence or gangsterism in your school orin the community. (6)/30/LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 20073

TASK TWO: DECISIONS ON PERSONAL SAFETY: CRIME IN SCHOOLSAND THE COMMUNITYTime: 60 minutesGroup/IndividualMarks: 30You will be assessed on your ability to:• Understand the prevalence and causes of crime in your school and community• Draw up an action plan to stop crime in your environment• Identify lifestyle changes and the implication of unhealthy lifestylesIf we can overcome crime,South Africa will be thegreatest tourist attractionin the world.Crime against ChildrenThe large number of crimes committed against children in South Africa reflectsthe urgent need for the pledge to protect children from harm to become a reality.According to data from the South African Police Services provided by RAPCAN,reported crimes against children increased from almost 67 000 in 1996 to over72 000 reported crimes in 2000.These crimes include murder and attempted murder, assault, rape andkidnapping:• The most common crime committed against children is physical assault. Thiscategory includes murder, common assault and assault with the intention to dogrievous bodily harm. The number of reported cases of all these crimes puttogether amounted to 37,669 in 2000.• The second most common crime committed against children is sexual assault.This category includes rape, sodomy, indecent assault and other sexual offences.In 2000, reported sexual crimes against children numbered 25,578.Violence in schools is also a growing problem and in urban areas, gangsterism isrife. Many children are caught in the crossfire between gangs or drive-byshootings. A study found that an average of 1 in 4 children had witnessedincidents such as gang fights or robbery. Studies in Soweto, Durban and CapeTown identify gang-based violence as the major crime and violence problemaffecting many schools.4LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 2007

The possibility is great that children faced with unemployment, boredom, violenceand poverty in their environments can turn to crime and violence as alternatives.Factors that increase the likelihood of children turning to crime are child poverty,limited opportunities for youth, alienation from school and substance abuse.Extract from article of the Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town (2005).GROUPWORKRead the extract above and discuss thoroughly in groups:(a) violence and crime in your school or community;(b) the crime wave that we currently experience in the country.Individual activityAnswer the following questions:2.1 List four crimes that are committed against children (4)2.2 Give 5 reasons why children get involved in crime. (5)2.3 Write down 4 basic human rights of children mentioned in the South AfricanConstitution. (4)2.5 What do you think are the responsibilities of children? (Mention 5responsibilities). (5)2.6 What could be done to improve the situation of vulnerable children? Name 3possible solutions. (6)2.7 Make a poster for your school with the theme “ OUR SCHOOL – A SAFEPLACE FOR ALL” The safety poster must clearly depict how to preventcrime in the school. (6)/30/LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 20075

TASK THREE: HEALTHY LIVING: UBUNTUTime:60minutesGroup/Individual taskMarks: 30You will be assessed on your ability to:• Understand what Ubuntu entails• Apply the principle of Ubuntu as a solution to crime in your school• Apply Ubuntu in your ordinary life.UBUNTUThe attitude of Ubuntu is part of the answer to the crime wave that weexperience in the country.Ubuntu comes from an ancient African saying “ Motho ke motho ka batho”,which means I am because WE are, and since WE are, therefore I am. YvonneChaka Chaka defines it as “ Ubuntu means respecting everybody, young and old.It is helping those who don’t have and sharing with them, what you have”.Archbishop Desmond Tutu said: “ Ubuntu is the essence of being human …Itembraces hospitality, caring about others, being willing to go that extra mile foreach other”.It has to do with love for our neighbours. We should learn to care and share withother people.The following newspaper article is about a sporting event, but on reading it carefullyone can detect examples of the attitude of Ubuntu.6LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 2007


Group workRead through the articles and discuss in groups the meaning of Ubuntu. Discussthoroughly what influence did it have on the life of Michael Mbanjwa?Individual work3.1 In your own words using examples, write down your understanding of thefollowing values:(a) respect(b) sharing(c) hospitality(d) caring (4)3.2 What does “being willing to go that extra mile for each other” mean? Give anexample to explain what it means. (2)3.3 Name two challenges that Mbanjwa experienced before he became successful.How did he overcome them? (4)3.4 Explain in your own words all the factors that played a role in the success ofMbanjwa. (4)3.5 How can the principle of Ubuntu be expressed in a practical way in yourschool or community? Give 4 examples. (4)3.6 Mbanjwa has become a successful sportsman. In which sport do youparticipate or want to participate. Write a paragraph of not more than 10 linesexplaining how the sport can contribute to your physical and social growth. (6)3.7 Think about the goals you have for your future and identify the possiblechallenges that you could face. In not more than 10 lines explain how youwould overcome such challenges. (6)/30/8LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 2007

TASK FOUR: PROMOTION OF PEACETime: 60 minutesGroup &Individual taskMarks: 30You will be assessed on your ability to:• Understand how the different religions promote peace• Show evidence of respect for othersGroup workThe following are extracts from the sacred scriptures of different religions on peaceand harmony amongst people. Read through the article on what the different religionsin South Africa have to say about PEACE.Discuss in groups how the different religions try to promote peace.LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 20079

Extract from National Curriculum Statement, Teacher’s Guide for ReligionEducation; Grade 4-9.10LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 2007

Individual work4.1 Write down the names of four religions in your community. (4)4.2 State, in your own words, how four of the quoted religions promote peace. (4)4.3 Explain two factors that may lead to conflict amongst people? (2)4.4 Explain two ways of resolving conflict. Give your own examples. (4)4.5 The constitution states that the “dignity of all persons must be respected”.What does this mean? (4)4.6 How do you respect the dignity of a person? Give your own examples (at leastthree examples). (6)4.7 Make a poster showing what your religion can do to stop crime and violencein your community. (6)/30/TOTAL <strong>12</strong>0 ÷ 2 = 60LIFE ORIENTATION COMMON TASKS ON ASSESSMENT – SECTION A - LEARNER’S BOOKGRADE 9 - 200711

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