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4 Installation Procedure4.7 Flue System Preparation4.7.1 Horizontal Flues (Rear and Side Flues).Note: Cut both inner and outer ducts flush and square, remove any burrs orsharp edges. Cut only the opposite end to the discharge terminal.c) If the flue requires extending where L > 640mm then L – 560 – 80 + 40 willequal the minimum total length of extension duct required.d) To cut the extension piece to the correct length, the distance from the socketend to the cut can the calculated the same as before (c) L – 560 – 80 + 40Note: Cut both inner and outer ducts flush and square, remove any burrs orsharp edges. Cut only the opposite end to the socket.e) As the flue elbow terminates 80 mm from flue centre line, calculate the lengthto be cut from the extension(s) to achieve length L-620 mm.Note that a 40 mm overlap is necessary at each joint.f) Cut the excess length from the plain end of one of the extension ducts.Cut both ducts flush and square. Remove any burrs or sharp edges.Figure 4/F: Measuring the flue length from outside wall face to flue centre lineLength ‘L’ - Flue centre line to outside wall face80mmLength ‘L’ - 80mmT=560mminner wallsealing ringouter wallsealing ringExtension Lengths - Dimensions ‘E’A 1.95mB 1.0mC 0.5mC/LOverall Length ‘H’ Extension Type1643 - 2590mm A 1.95m1142 - 1641mm B 1.0m641 - 1141mm C 0.5m640mmNONEcutExtension Length ‘E’WALLoverlap40mmBoilerNOTE: Side flue shown butprocedure applies equally torear flue installations28

4 Installation Procedure4.7.2 Vertical Flue Systemsa) Accurately measure the required flue length ‘H’ as shown, ensuring that aminimum of 400 mm is maintained above the roof line. If this distance is1207mm or less, no further extensions will be required. Refer to Figure 4/G.b) Where an extension is required the total length of the flue can be calculatedH – 20 + 40. This will equal the minimum length of extension duct required.c) To cut the extension piece to the correct length, the distance from the socketend to the cut can the calculated the same as before (b) H – 20 + 40Note: Cut both inner and outer ducts flush and square, remove any burrs orsharp edges. Cut only the opposite end to the socket.Figure 4/G: Measuring the flue length from the terminal to the top of the outer casing400mm(Min)OverallHeight ‘H’T=1187mmoverlap 40mmBoilerCasingcut to lengthExtensionLength ‘E’Extension Lengths - Dimensions ‘E’A 1.95mB 1.0mC 0.5mOverall Height ‘H’ Extension Type1810 - 3158mm A 1.95m1709 - 1809mm B 1.0m1208 - 1708mm C 0.5m1810 - 3158mm NONE20mm29

4 Installation Procedure4.7.2 Vertical Flue Systemsa) Accurately measure the required flue length ‘H’ as shown, ensuring that aminimum of 400 mm is maintained above the roof line. If this distance is1207mm or less, no further extensions will be required. Refer to Figure 4/G.b) Where an extension is required the total length of the flue can be calculatedH – 20 + 40. This will equal the minimum length of extension duct required.c) To cut the extension piece to the correct length, the distance from the socketend to the cut can the calculated the same as before (b) H – 20 + 40Note: Cut both inner and outer ducts flush and square, remove any burrs orsharp edges. Cut only the opposite end to the socket.Figure 4/G: Measuring the flue length from the terminal to the top of the outer casing400mm(Min)OverallHeight ‘H’T=1187mmoverlap 40mmBoilerCasingcut to lengthExtensionLength ‘E’Extension Lengths - Dimensions ‘E’A 1.95mB 1.0mC 0.5mOverall Height ‘H’ Extension Type1810 - 3158mm A 1.95m1709 - 1809mm B 1.0m1208 - 1708mm C 0.5m1810 - 3158mm NONE20mm29

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