Bericht - Kora

Bericht - Kora Bericht - Kora


32 Appendix IIIKORA Bericht Nr. 13Spots-Counting rulesSingle spotsLarge and small spots:Every identifiable single spot wascounted as one spot.Spots in V-form were counted asone spot.Spots in groupsLarge and small spots:Every identifiable spot arranged instripesother arrangementswas counted as one spot.Strips were counted as one spot ifno interruptions were identifiable.Spots in rosettes or small blotchesRosettes and rudimentary rosettes:Every identifiable spot arranged inrosettes or small blotchesrudimentary of rosetteswas counted as one spot.Without spotsno counting of spots

Juni 2002 Appendix IV33Database of Lynx - PicturesPictures of lynx taken by KORA members are maintained in a MSAccess database, used to recognize lynx from aphoto-trap picture and to examine coat patterns. All the available lynx could provide information on coat patternsfrom Switzerland. The database is composed of all available pictures from captured lynx, recordings lynx founddead, photo-trap pictures, randomly taken pictures, pictures of mounts and pictures of other animals.The pictures are saved as a JPEC-files in two sizes: in a previewed form of max. 30 KB (in Fox_k6, in E:/PicDB/Preview) and in a full-picture version on a CD.Insert of new data-recordsScreenshot of the MSAccess-database Real2: overview and „Path“ and „Switchboard“.“Path”:“Switchboard”:contains the path of the “Previews”.The following option can be chosen:- Entry of Pictures- Entry of new Keywords- Search in PicDB- Exit DatabaseIf “Entry of Pictures” is chosen the enter-mask appears. This consists six pages.

32 Appendix IIIKORA <strong>Bericht</strong> Nr. 13Spots-Counting rulesSingle spotsLarge and small spots:Every identifiable single spot wascounted as one spot.Spots in V-form were counted asone spot.Spots in groupsLarge and small spots:Every identifiable spot arranged instripesother arrangementswas counted as one spot.Strips were counted as one spot ifno interruptions were identifiable.Spots in rosettes or small blotchesRosettes and rudimentary rosettes:Every identifiable spot arranged inrosettes or small blotchesrudimentary of rosetteswas counted as one spot.Without spotsno counting of spots

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