Bericht 13.pub - Kora

Bericht 13.pub - Kora

Bericht 13.pub - Kora


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Juni 2002 Discussion23Table 4. Descriptions of coat patterns of Eurasian Lynx.Ognev (1935)Stollman (1963)Central Russian lynx: a) some with more dark patterns of bands and spots; b) some have an almostuniform color without spottiness on trunk.Carpathian Lynx: a) characteristic spots (the spots form long strips on the dorsum and on the flanksthe spots are almost round); b) less spotted; c) without spots (uniform: the spots appear only indicated,on the legs, shoulder and belly the spots appear clearer).Vasiliu & Decei (1964) Rumanian Carpathian Mts: a) spots (well developed all over, specially on the dorsum and flanks); b)small spots; c) without spots (on the dorsum and only pale spots on the flanks).Matjuschkin (1978) Coat pattern types: a) large and clear spots; b) small but clear spots and small stripes on the back; c)without spots on the back but with spots on the legs; d) and without spots all over.Miric (1978)Ragni et al. (1993)Grégorova (1997)Balkan lynx: a) large spots (intensive colored spots, rarely placed); b) small spots (pale, small anddensely placed spots); c) weak spots (lack of spots on the back and flanks).Eurasian lynx: spotted (permanent black spots), striped (the pattern is arranged in horizontal stripesand bars of permanent-evanescent) and concolour (without markings in the somatic regions or with apattern so scattered and obsolescent that it cannot be defined).Coat pattern types: a) spotted (small or large spots), b) without spots, c) intermediate type (rosettes,hypothetically evolved from hybridization of the previous two types).Table 5. . Frequency of the different coat patterns of Eurasian lynx in different areas of its range. Description of coat patterntypes a–d: see Table 4. x = frequency unknown.Region Author large spots small spotsnot spotteda b c dThe Balkans Miric (1978) 31.83 %Carpathian Mts Stollmann (1963) (CSSR) 90.00 % x xKunc (1971) 67.70 % 22.60 % 9.70 %Matjuschkin (1978) x x - -Kaukasus 33.00 % x 14.00 %Iberian lynx x x - -Western Siberia 17.00 % 3.00 % 60.00 % 20.00 %Sajanen/Baikal 27.00 %Siberia 36.00 % 38.00 %Jakutien/Amur - - x xAltai - - x xTienschan-Saur/Altau 10.00 % x 65.00 %Central Asia - - 27.00 % 73.00 %Northern Mongolia Formosow (1929) - - x xBannikow (1954) - - x xNorth-eastern Siberia Kistschinski (1967) 22.20 % 77.80 %

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