Bericht - Kora

Bericht - Kora Bericht - Kora


22 DiscussionKORA Bericht Nr. 13He recognized a non-spotted type (concolor) as beingpredominant.In the source population all five types were present,also in the re-introduced populations in Slovenia/Croatia and the Swiss Alps but the frequency is different.In the Jura Mts, the bottleneck created by the reintroductionlead to the loss of one coat pattern type:type 3. The population of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)with approximately 40-50 individuals was isolatedsince the early 1960s. Originally thee coat patternswere present but today no animal exhibits the raresmall-spotted pattern (Beltran and Delibes, 1993). Inthe Swiss Alps population, the frequency of the coatpattern types had significantly changed compared withthe source and the historical population. A probablyaggravated exchange is possible between the Centraland NW-Alps but between Jura Mts and Alps no exchangeis possible because of the topography. Thereforethe two populations are still small and isolated.Effects of genetically drift is found in both populationin Switzerland: in the population of the Swiss Alps, apostponement of frequencies of coat pattern types wasfound. In the Jura Mts the genetically drift resulted in aloss of one coat pattern type.Small, isolated sub-populations are vulnerable togenetic drift. Alleles with low frequency are likely disappearedfrom the population gene pool (Griffiths et al.1996).Color patterns in felids are genetically determinedbut the actual mechanisms that create the patterns arestill unknown. Definitive conclusions about the reasonfor the change of the occurrence of the different coatpattern types can be made after genetically analyses, sothe results will be linked to a study on populations geneticsof Swiss populations. Analysis of known pedigreesfrom field studies in Switzerland and in zooscould contribute to the knowledge of the mechanismsbehind the transmission of coat patterns.Figure 15. The current hypothesis of coat pattern evolution in Felidae. AfterWeigel (1961).

Juni 2002 Discussion23Table 4. Descriptions of coat patterns of Eurasian Lynx.Ognev (1935)Stollman (1963)Central Russian lynx: a) some with more dark patterns of bands and spots; b) some have an almostuniform color without spottiness on trunk.Carpathian Lynx: a) characteristic spots (the spots form long strips on the dorsum and on the flanksthe spots are almost round); b) less spotted; c) without spots (uniform: the spots appear only indicated,on the legs, shoulder and belly the spots appear clearer).Vasiliu & Decei (1964) Rumanian Carpathian Mts: a) spots (well developed all over, specially on the dorsum and flanks); b)small spots; c) without spots (on the dorsum and only pale spots on the flanks).Matjuschkin (1978) Coat pattern types: a) large and clear spots; b) small but clear spots and small stripes on the back; c)without spots on the back but with spots on the legs; d) and without spots all over.Miric (1978)Ragni et al. (1993)Grégorova (1997)Balkan lynx: a) large spots (intensive colored spots, rarely placed); b) small spots (pale, small anddensely placed spots); c) weak spots (lack of spots on the back and flanks).Eurasian lynx: spotted (permanent black spots), striped (the pattern is arranged in horizontal stripesand bars of permanent-evanescent) and concolour (without markings in the somatic regions or with apattern so scattered and obsolescent that it cannot be defined).Coat pattern types: a) spotted (small or large spots), b) without spots, c) intermediate type (rosettes,hypothetically evolved from hybridization of the previous two types).Table 5. . Frequency of the different coat patterns of Eurasian lynx in different areas of its range. Description of coat patterntypes a–d: see Table 4. x = frequency unknown.Region Author large spots small spotsnot spotteda b c dThe Balkans Miric (1978) 31.83 %Carpathian Mts Stollmann (1963) (CSSR) 90.00 % x xKunc (1971) 67.70 % 22.60 % 9.70 %Matjuschkin (1978) x x - -Kaukasus 33.00 % x 14.00 %Iberian lynx x x - -Western Siberia 17.00 % 3.00 % 60.00 % 20.00 %Sajanen/Baikal 27.00 %Siberia 36.00 % 38.00 %Jakutien/Amur - - x xAltai - - x xTienschan-Saur/Altau 10.00 % x 65.00 %Central Asia - - 27.00 % 73.00 %Northern Mongolia Formosow (1929) - - x xBannikow (1954) - - x xNorth-eastern Siberia Kistschinski (1967) 22.20 % 77.80 %

22 DiscussionKORA <strong>Bericht</strong> Nr. 13He recognized a non-spotted type (concolor) as beingpredominant.In the source population all five types were present,also in the re-introduced populations in Slovenia/Croatia and the Swiss Alps but the frequency is different.In the Jura Mts, the bottleneck created by the reintroductionlead to the loss of one coat pattern type:type 3. The population of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)with approximately 40-50 individuals was isolatedsince the early 1960s. Originally thee coat patternswere present but today no animal exhibits the raresmall-spotted pattern (Beltran and Delibes, 1993). Inthe Swiss Alps population, the frequency of the coatpattern types had significantly changed compared withthe source and the historical population. A probablyaggravated exchange is possible between the Centraland NW-Alps but between Jura Mts and Alps no exchangeis possible because of the topography. Thereforethe two populations are still small and isolated.Effects of genetically drift is found in both populationin Switzerland: in the population of the Swiss Alps, apostponement of frequencies of coat pattern types wasfound. In the Jura Mts the genetically drift resulted in aloss of one coat pattern type.Small, isolated sub-populations are vulnerable togenetic drift. Alleles with low frequency are likely disappearedfrom the population gene pool (Griffiths et al.1996).Color patterns in felids are genetically determinedbut the actual mechanisms that create the patterns arestill unknown. Definitive conclusions about the reasonfor the change of the occurrence of the different coatpattern types can be made after genetically analyses, sothe results will be linked to a study on populations geneticsof Swiss populations. Analysis of known pedigreesfrom field studies in Switzerland and in zooscould contribute to the knowledge of the mechanismsbehind the transmission of coat patterns.Figure 15. The current hypothesis of coat pattern evolution in Felidae. AfterWeigel (1961).

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