Bericht - Kora

Bericht - Kora Bericht - Kora


18 ResultsKORA Bericht Nr. 13Spots on flanksnoyesType 3Spots in Form ofRosettesnoyesSpots < Ø 1.6 cmNumber of spots > Ø 422Clear rosettes(small blotches)noyesnoyesType 1 Type 2Type 4bType 4aFigure 9. Path-diagram for assigning all available lynx to one of the five coat pattern types. Type 1: large spots, type 2: smallspots, type 3: without spots, type 4a: rosettes and type 4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettes.?? Type 1: large spots?? Type 2: small spots?? Type 3: without spots?? Type 4a: clear rosettes?? Type 4b: small spots withrudimentary rosettesNumber of Individuals5248444036322824201612840286 742Slovakia (n=47)Source-PopulationNumber of Individuals52484440363228242016128404514Alps CH1029 30(n=128)Number of Individuals5248444036322824201612840341 0Jura CH4 5(n=44)Number of Individuals524844403632282420161284044742Slovenia / Croatia (n=67)10Figure 10. Frequency of the various coat pattern types in Swiss and European populations (recent population of the SwissAlps; Jura Mts population; Slovakian population; Slovenian/Croatian population; total individuals: n = 307).

Juni 2002 Results19Figure 11. Distribution of coat pattern types in recent lynx populations in Switzerland (CA: Central Alps; NWA: North westAlps with Berne, Fribourg and Waadt; SA: South Alps, Wallis; n = 185).?? Type 1: large spots ?? Type 2: small spots ?? Type 3: without spots?? Type 4a: clear rosettes ?? Type 4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettesNumbers of Individuals in %100%80%60%40%20%7 82331112 411111431613181144264 7 83861412212510252270%111802-1850(n=10)1851-1900(n=11)1970-1971(n=0)1972-1973(n=3)1974-1975(n=3)1976-1977(n=6)1978-1979(n=3)1980-1981(n=7)1982-1983(n=10)1984-1985(n=4)1986-1987(n=9)1988-1989(n=6)1990-1991(n=12)1992-1993(n=15)1994-1995(n=28)1996-1997(n=30)1998-1999(n=18)Time PeriodeFigure 12. Changes in the frequency of the different coat pattern type from 1802 – 1999 in Switzerland (n = 175).

Juni 2002 Results19Figure 11. Distribution of coat pattern types in recent lynx populations in Switzerland (CA: Central Alps; NWA: North westAlps with Berne, Fribourg and Waadt; SA: South Alps, Wallis; n = 185).?? Type 1: large spots ?? Type 2: small spots ?? Type 3: without spots?? Type 4a: clear rosettes ?? Type 4b: small spots with rudimentary rosettesNumbers of Individuals in %100%80%60%40%20%7 82331112 411111431613181144264 7 83861412212510252270%111802-1850(n=10)1851-1900(n=11)1970-1971(n=0)1972-1973(n=3)1974-1975(n=3)1976-1977(n=6)1978-1979(n=3)1980-1981(n=7)1982-1983(n=10)1984-1985(n=4)1986-1987(n=9)1988-1989(n=6)1990-1991(n=12)1992-1993(n=15)1994-1995(n=28)1996-1997(n=30)1998-1999(n=18)Time PeriodeFigure 12. Changes in the frequency of the different coat pattern type from 1802 – 1999 in Switzerland (n = 175).

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