brave humidity in city's 10-mile run - Annapolis Striders

brave humidity in city's 10-mile run - Annapolis Striders

brave humidity in city's 10-mile run - Annapolis Striders


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LJ ComicsG CrosswordD ClassifiedSports(CapitalcMONDAYAug. 28,19893, <strong>brave</strong> <strong>humidity</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>city's</strong> <strong>10</strong>-<strong>mile</strong> <strong>run</strong>SPORTS COMMENTBy JOE GROSSGive credit toHoffman forjob well doneWhen th<strong>in</strong>gs go right on raceday, no one th<strong>in</strong>ks about all theplann<strong>in</strong>g and work that goes Intoputt<strong>in</strong>g on an event of themagnitude of the <strong>Annapolis</strong> <strong>10</strong>-Mile Run. .But events like'this <strong>run</strong> don'tjust happen.It tikes a leader, a racedirector with an uncanny buckfor organization, the patience ofa sa<strong>in</strong>t and the relentlessness ofa Mar<strong>in</strong>e Corps capta<strong>in</strong>.It takes a brigade of will<strong>in</strong>gworkers faithful to the leaderand dedicated to mak<strong>in</strong>g theevent <strong>run</strong> as smoothly aspossible'.The <strong>Annapolis</strong> <strong>Striders</strong><strong>run</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g club, which actuallycame together because of the <strong>10</strong>-<strong>mile</strong> <strong>run</strong>, have managed to f<strong>in</strong>dthe right people to make thisevent so popular year after year.If you went to the Navy-Mar<strong>in</strong>e Corps Memorial Stadiumfor the start and f<strong>in</strong>ish of the<strong>Annapolis</strong> Run.you saw the"pro3ucT67 months of work.The banners and the starter'splatform, the limitaions of thepark<strong>in</strong>g area, the Johnny-On-The-Spots all had to be set uparound the start<strong>in</strong>g area.Inside the stadium, workersbuzzed around like bees <strong>in</strong> agarden. Work tents were up,f<strong>in</strong>ish chutes were <strong>in</strong> place, theclock and f<strong>in</strong>ish banner mighthave been on the stadium foryears, but they weren'tTables were set up'to give theparticipants cool showers, theirrace souvenirs, a variety of postracerefreshments and space tostretch and recover from theirordeal. Medical personnel wereon hand to care for the <strong>run</strong>ners,people were work<strong>in</strong>g tablessell<strong>in</strong>g coffee and donuts, shirtsand <strong>run</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g gear.(Coattaoed M Page C4. Col. 1)Melv<strong>in</strong> the star asO's ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> leadNEW YORK (AP) - Bob Melv<strong>in</strong>didn't want to play for the BaltimoreOrioles Acquired from the SanFrancisco Giants over the w<strong>in</strong>ter,the catcher's only Impressions of hisnew Hub pert the 21-fame fostngstreak that began last season andthe Orioles' one proven star. CalRipkenBut In spr<strong>in</strong>g tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g. Melv<strong>in</strong>sensed the enthusiasm and optimismof his new teammates and had artnraim mill<strong>in</strong> first place <strong>in</strong> the AmericanLeague East, the 27 year-old Melv<strong>in</strong>is enjoy<strong>in</strong>g his role as an "elderstatesman ""Except for Cal Ripken, we don'thave big name players like WillClark or Don Mattmgly but we f<strong>in</strong>d* way to w<strong>in</strong>." Melv<strong>in</strong> said yesterday after his first homer <strong>in</strong> over ayear, a three-<strong>run</strong> snot, led the Orlolet to an 8-S victory over the NewYork YankeesWhen the Giants won the Nationalduties beh<strong>in</strong>d tbe plate with BobBrealy This year, he's fill<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> forthe Injured Mickey Tettleton"The GtanU had Rick Reuscbel.Mike Krakow and Don Rob<strong>in</strong>son,•ehria said of tbe team's veteranpitch<strong>in</strong>g staff "Tbi» ts different. I'maeta*ny as* erf tbe aUer |reyi "Bob Vflackl. 9-11. struggled eirlyaDowbif a two-ran bomer to BobGeres) hi tbe seeond. wrt nek) By J H.nionMora th<strong>in</strong> 3,000 <strong>run</strong>ners swarmed through Mam street ypsurday lor the <strong>Annapolis</strong> <strong>10</strong>-Mile RunMcDonald strikesgroove with KeysFREDERICK (AP) - BenMcDonald threw M consecutivestrikes last night and struck outeight players <strong>in</strong> hi* second startfor tbe Class A Frederick Keys,but tbe Batten's No. 1 drafteestill has a wra<strong>in</strong>OriolesTbe Keys beat tbe DurhamBoos 4-3, attboufb tbeir playoffbones bad been dashed eirtter <strong>in</strong>tbe day when tbe Pr<strong>in</strong>ce WilliamCannons cl<strong>in</strong>ched tbe NorthernDiTtstoo"I k<strong>in</strong>d of shut out tbe crowd."said McDonald, wbo left thegame wttb tbe score ttsd M."And I'm pretty pleased I'mgo<strong>in</strong>g like I want to la anotherft* ***!*• m be a awaHis fastest ball topped iM mm*tasthe early ma<strong>in</strong>s;*"I Mt really relaxed. MrDonaM said after pUenmc sixIna<strong>in</strong>gs, throw<strong>in</strong>g 4? strikesasMSjf B pKcbe* and allow<strong>in</strong>gsis UU and one earned ran "Iwas ran] tavae before tb*Wedattsday). be* I Ml K* w»(CssalBwJd • Pap d. CM. •)Mvw Yort shortstop Arvaro Enptnotnat wacond b*a« tfvrtng IMrd ww»«CwJ mp**n of'•Catonsville's Berardi the exceptionhe goes for a jog after w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gBy JOE GROSSIM-ldLMI^lTTl-VHHiSports EditorThe weather seemed close to pefeetfor yesterday morn<strong>in</strong>g's <strong>Annapolis</strong><strong>10</strong>-Mile Run, but the coolishtemperatures and overcast skieswere deceiv<strong>in</strong>g.Whit was helped by the lack ofbeat and glar<strong>in</strong>g sunsh<strong>in</strong>e wai takencare of by the <strong>humidity</strong> that envelopedeach of approximately 3,500<strong>run</strong>ners who started the <strong>10</strong>-<strong>mile</strong> trekfrom the east park<strong>in</strong>g lot of theNavy-llar<strong>in</strong>e Corps Memorial Stadium.The new course should have beena little faster. The fierce <strong>humidity</strong>,however, countered what shouldhave been.Catonsville's Dave Berardi, wasthe first to reach the f<strong>in</strong>ish l<strong>in</strong>e<strong>in</strong>side the tUdium. Hi* time of 40:3»was quite satisfactory consider<strong>in</strong>gthe difficult <strong>run</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g conditions.The 29-year-old <strong>run</strong>ner was Donna Elliot ol Fort Wash<strong>in</strong>gton wasdrenched, as expected, yet he m* flrtt woman f<strong>in</strong>isher In yesterday'sseemed almost undaunted by the <strong>Annapolis</strong> <strong>10</strong>-Mile Run, complet<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>humidity</strong> and the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g heat course In <strong>10</strong>0,32. Other top f<strong>in</strong>ishers'that hampered the efforts of soTOP 20 MENmany others.t. Owe Bererti 2. Stave KanaHa 3.Berardi was unavailable to talk Michael Regan 4. Jim Hage S. Jimabout the <strong>run</strong> because, accord<strong>in</strong>g to Clelland 8. Dan Lawson 7. Jack Peachrace director Pat Hoffman, the w<strong>in</strong>neralmost Immediately went out of Tony Grief 11. Jim Pryde 12. Bill6. Roger. Howall 9. Bill Courtney <strong>10</strong>.the stadium for another <strong>run</strong> after Redleke 13. Rusty Moore 14. Jimf<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>10</strong> <strong>mile</strong>s.Chenoweth 15, Mike Bordell 16. Chris"It's really hard to believe," Hoffmansaid. "Berardi even missed the Clemarfa <strong>10</strong>. Robert Eden 20. PatSarntoy 17. Jack Oeland IB, DonMqueawards ceremony.JrfcCoy."When he arrived back at theTOP 20 WOMENstadium afterward he said he'just 1. Donna Elliot 2. Rose Malloy 3.went out for a jog," the amazed Bread* Wtlton 4. Cathy Ventura-Merit*)Hoffman said.S. Denlae Knlckrnan 6. Patty MeQovemBerardi f<strong>in</strong>ished one second shy of 7.'Elizabeth Andrews 8. Monica Rellly<strong>10</strong> m<strong>in</strong>utes <strong>in</strong> front of the first 9. Kathleen Morgan <strong>10</strong>. Mary Ellenwoman f<strong>in</strong>isher, 28-year-old Donna Williams 11. Denlsa Fleenor 12. JudithElliot of Annandale, Vs., who was Bugyl 13. Cheryl Conrad 14. Dlannaclocked at 1:00:32.Miller 15. Eriene Mlchener 16 L<strong>in</strong>daFortunately, the well-<strong>run</strong> event Miller 17. Suean Borawakl 18 Karenhad more tti<strong>in</strong> adequate mt^'cM Tn«.«y <strong>10</strong> BamyUH. rmffljfc p^fry^personnel to help both on the course Doster.and <strong>in</strong> the stadium. The medics wereAGE GROUP WINNERSkept busy car<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>run</strong>ners exhaustedby the heavy air, cramps, 14-19 Men: Jamie Sailer, Mario Ray-Under 14 Women: Elizabeth Flyntzmuscle pulls and blisters — the mond, Kev<strong>in</strong> Hewert.typical physical challenges endured 14-19 Women- Christ<strong>in</strong>e Scnarfer, Kerrywith a distance <strong>run</strong>.Ambrose, Mery Metthews.The difficulty of the <strong>run</strong> quieted 4044 Men: Mark Griff<strong>in</strong>, Robert Johnson,Herbert Tolbertsome of the pre-race compla<strong>in</strong>tsabout the change <strong>in</strong> the course. 4044 Women: Judith Bugyl, BeverlySome of the regular <strong>run</strong>ners felt Soehcn, Hldeko Plrie.circumvent<strong>in</strong>g one of the hills on the 4549 Men Alan Gambler, Rtch Stotlar.section of the course on the north Bob Harrisside of the Severn River took some 4549 Women: Eriene Mlchener. Brigofthe challenge out of the event Itte WHllamt.The change might well have been 5044 Men:Feye Bradley, Mel Williams,a bless<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> disguise for the field ofIhn Black5044 Women Suzanne Petton, Jill<strong>run</strong>ners that ranged from 9-year-oldMoltut.Elizabeth Flyntz to 82-year-old EdBenham, both of whom f<strong>in</strong>ished the5549 Men: Doug Kelley. George Yanrwkaklr,George Waxiergruel<strong>in</strong>g <strong>run</strong>Some of those who did not have to8049 Men Al Trelchel, Jerome Kerkholfbe treated <strong>in</strong>cluded those who followedBerardi <strong>in</strong>to the stadiumSteve Kartalia, Michael Regan, 6049 Women' Monica Friedmanformer w<strong>in</strong>ner Jim Hage and fifthplaceJim ClellandOver 70 Women HedyOver 70 Men. Ed BenhamMarqueDecision on newAACC coach isexpected todayB) BRETT FRIFDL4NDERStaff WriterThe search for an assistant athletic director and men's basketballcoach at Anne A<strong>run</strong>del CommunityCollege is about to reach a conclusion. accord<strong>in</strong>g to a school official<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the hir<strong>in</strong>g process"Dean of 5lud"en( Service's AnthonyV Pappas said yesterday thai hewould submit the name of one candidate to AAfT President Thomas F,Florestano for approval sometimethis afternoonThe f<strong>in</strong>alists for the newly createddual position are former Loyola College coach Mark Amatucci andNav> junior vanity coach NormAmorose both of whom were called<strong>in</strong> for second <strong>in</strong>terviews last Triursday1 ve decided I aih make my'We're <strong>in</strong> a w<strong>in</strong>-w<strong>in</strong>situation. I don't th<strong>in</strong>kwe'd go wrong witheither one."lion when the Dean returned fromvacation last MondayThe search committee was comprised of AAfT Athletic Directorriayton Buddy Beardmore. Director of Student Activities and Perform<strong>in</strong>g Arts Fohn F f.rabowskiPhysical F.duration DepartmentChairman Charles M 'Skip" Brownand football coach Alan PastranaIf I would have thought about itI would have requested the commit',;* record before stepp<strong>in</strong>gTV committee »i« tplrt fhre* to wn with <strong>in</strong> game* rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>noe <strong>in</strong> favor of AmitiKcithe IsMVM nBerau** * majority rrnild v>» ho Prior tn (hit he *i« i tiM-ce*ifnlreached though both name* were high vhrtol i-o»ch it riiYM-l Hallt«rn*

04 — THE CAPITAL. Monday, Aug 28, 1989<strong>Striders</strong>, Hoffmandeserve credit forwell-<strong>run</strong> event(Cont<strong>in</strong>ued from Page CDThe spectators at the stadiumcouldn't see all the workers onthe course. They didn't see thepeople giv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>run</strong>ners water ormedical attention or po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g tatway. Those people didn't justhappen alongNone of the people at thestadium saw the pre-raceactivities. The pack<strong>in</strong>g of racenumbers, giv<strong>in</strong>g them out. Theycouldn't know about themeet<strong>in</strong>gs with city officials,police department heads, NavalAcademy leaders, U.S. CoastGuard representatives andcommunity leaders. All of thosemeet<strong>in</strong>gs were necessary tof<strong>in</strong>alize the course, which hadbeen pa<strong>in</strong>stak<strong>in</strong>gly drawn upand measured by members ofthe <strong>Striders</strong>.And long after the familymembers and friends of the<strong>run</strong>ners head for home withtheir respective <strong>run</strong>participants, there are membersof the <strong>Striders</strong> tak<strong>in</strong>g down thebanners and platforms and ropesand tents. Others are clean<strong>in</strong>gup the stadium and the groundssurround<strong>in</strong>g it. And some aregathered around computerpr<strong>in</strong>ters go<strong>in</strong>g over and mak<strong>in</strong>gofficial the overall order off<strong>in</strong>ish, the men's order of f<strong>in</strong>ish,the women's order of f<strong>in</strong>ish,each age group's order of f<strong>in</strong>ish.Watch<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>run</strong> go offbasically without a hitch has tocome as a great relief to theSPORTS COMMENTrace director? who almost has toexpect, while hop<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>stsame, someth<strong>in</strong>g to go wrongsomewhere.If anyth<strong>in</strong>g did go wrongyesterday, it had to be m<strong>in</strong>orbecause virtually no one knewabout It.Sure, some <strong>run</strong>ners willcompla<strong>in</strong> their times wereInaccurate or that they f<strong>in</strong>ishedahead of someone who was givena higher time. There are sure tobe some compla<strong>in</strong>ts about someaspect of the event, but therewas no glar<strong>in</strong>g mistake.If you th<strong>in</strong>k about all thatcould go wrong — and aboutMurphy's Law - it's absolutelyamaz<strong>in</strong>g that an event like the<strong>Annapolis</strong> Run can go offwithout a hitch.Pat Hoffman was the manresponsible for putt<strong>in</strong>g togetherand carry<strong>in</strong>g off the event forthe second year <strong>in</strong> succession.Yes, the year of experience doeshelp, but it doesn't assure theproximity to perfectionapproached by yesterday's <strong>run</strong>.Th« striders deserve a pat onthe back, partially for knownlnga good man when they get one.And Pat Hoffman deserves hisown round of applause — not tomention a vacation on somequiet Island where he won't bedisturbed for a month.Classified Country3 L<strong>in</strong>es7 Days7 Dollars*Otapital268-7000These ratrs apply to private <strong>in</strong>dividuals onlyNo commercial advertis<strong>in</strong>g acceptedSPORTSAppro«lm«tailydowntown <strong>Annapolis</strong> yesterday dur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>city's</strong> <strong>10</strong>-<strong>mile</strong> <strong>run</strong>.By J. Hansan - Th* rtplHIof heal and humMliy, «M» lhr«MihLittle Leaguers just kids aga<strong>in</strong>TRUMBULL, Conn. (AP) - Evenas thousands cheered his worldchampion Little League team. ManagerTom Galla was try<strong>in</strong>g to preparehis young ballplayers to be kidsagate.In a teary-eyed plea to the morethan 0,000 people who turned out fora victory celebration last night, Gallaasked: "Please be k<strong>in</strong>d to them.Help them get back down to earth -because it won't be easy."Earlier, after the Trumbull LittleLeague All-Stars were driventhrough town <strong>in</strong> a motorcade thatalso attracted thousands, Gallaspoke both of the exhilaration ofw<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and his strong desire tomake sure his boys return to normallives."We have to tell them not to becocky ... to be kids aga<strong>in</strong>," Gallasaid. "This doesn't mean a darnth<strong>in</strong>g come a week from now "Galla also said he feared thetriumphant Little Leaguers wouldencounter resentment from somekids jealous of the attention they hadreceived. "Everybody is not happyfor us," Ite said.For Galla, who led his team to a 5-2 victory Saturday over Taiwan tocapture the 43rd Little League WorldSeries, the championship game alsomarked his last appearance as aLittle League manager. Next year,the Insurance salesman wants to tryhis hand at umpir<strong>in</strong>g.Throngs of people at times engulfedthe two buses that carried theteam <strong>in</strong>to town, forc<strong>in</strong>g a halt to analready slow procession that lastedmore than 90 m<strong>in</strong>utes. The motorcaderoute took the Little Leaguerspast the field where they began theirlong journey to Williamsport, PaAll over this town of 34.000, signsand yellow and green bunt<strong>in</strong>g werehung hail<strong>in</strong>g the new world champions.Trumbull is the first Americanteam to w<strong>in</strong> the title s<strong>in</strong>ce Marietta,Ga., <strong>in</strong> 1983. A Connecticut team lastmade the f<strong>in</strong>als In IMS, when W<strong>in</strong>dsorLocks defeated Stoney Creek,Ontario 3-1.Taiwanese teams had won theprevious three Little League WorldSeries championships by a comb<strong>in</strong>ed42-1 score.Lead<strong>in</strong>g Trumbull were Chris Drury,who pitched a five-hitter anddrove <strong>in</strong> two <strong>run</strong>s with a basesloadeds<strong>in</strong>gle, and Ken Mart<strong>in</strong>, a 5-foot-<strong>10</strong> first baseman, who homeredand drove <strong>in</strong> three <strong>run</strong>s.The crowd cheered wildly as the 15team members and their coachesand manager rode onto the highschool football field <strong>in</strong> 12 convertiblesand made one pass around thetrackAACC's decision expected today(Cont<strong>in</strong>ued from Page CDoutside Baltimore — lead<strong>in</strong>g theCard<strong>in</strong>als to an undefeated recordand No 1 national rank<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> 1982The 47-year-old Amorose, meanwhile,has guided the Navy plebeteam to a 38-8 record over the pastthree seasons while receiv<strong>in</strong>g theback<strong>in</strong>g of current Navy varsitycoach Pete Hermann and formercoach Paul EvansHe is a 15-year resident of AnneA<strong>run</strong>del County with a background<strong>in</strong> both coach<strong>in</strong>g and athletic adm<strong>in</strong>istrationNeither f<strong>in</strong>alist rnuld be reachedfor comment yesterda)"They're very different people butthey're both f<strong>in</strong>e gentlemen," Pappassaid "I've checked with peoplethey've worked for and with and I'vechecked with the parents of kids whohave played for them and they bothcome highly recommended "Pappas gave no <strong>in</strong>dication ofwhich candidate he was lean<strong>in</strong>g toward"Sure, the committee's imput willhold some weight, but I'm alsolook<strong>in</strong>g down the l<strong>in</strong>e." he said,allud<strong>in</strong>g to concerns that Amatucciis seek<strong>in</strong>g the job as a stepp<strong>in</strong>g stonetoward high career goalsFlorestano has nnt gone on recordfavor<strong>in</strong>g either Amatucci or Amorose"We're <strong>in</strong> a w<strong>in</strong>-w<strong>in</strong> situation,"Florestano said "I don't th<strong>in</strong>k we'dgo wrong with either one "In addition to coach<strong>in</strong>g basketball,the successful applicant will be responsiblefor assist<strong>in</strong>g Beardmoreand adm<strong>in</strong>ister<strong>in</strong>g AACC's academicsupport systemThe job came open last monthwhen Associate Athletic DirectorCarol Taylor, who designed the sup.port system, resigned to concentrateon her teach<strong>in</strong>g and coach<strong>in</strong>g dutiesSportsLINtBrazil's Sennaw<strong>in</strong>s Grand PrixBELGIUM (AP) - Worldchampion Ayrton Senna ofBrazil won the 190-<strong>mile</strong> BelgianGrand Prix yesterday to narrowthe gap <strong>in</strong> the world stand<strong>in</strong>g!on McLaren Honda teammateAla<strong>in</strong> Prost of France, whof<strong>in</strong>ished second.Nigel Mansell of Brita<strong>in</strong>,driv<strong>in</strong>g a Ferrari, took thirdplace only yards beh<strong>in</strong>d Prostand hometown favorite ThierryBoutsen f<strong>in</strong>ished fourth <strong>in</strong> a racewhich was affected by ra<strong>in</strong> anda wet track throughoutIn the stand<strong>in</strong>gs for the worldchampionship, Senna now has 51po<strong>in</strong>ts, trail<strong>in</strong>g Prost by 11po<strong>in</strong>ts, while ManseU has 38.Over-30 baseballMark Campbell scatteredeight bits and struck out <strong>10</strong>yesterday as the <strong>Annapolis</strong>Mar<strong>in</strong>ers defeated the SevernaPark Card<strong>in</strong>als «(or theireighth straight Baltimore<strong>Annapolis</strong> Men's Senior BaseballLeague victory.The Glen Burnie Giantsdefeated the Arnold Angels 8-7 <strong>in</strong>the other game, with tie w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g<strong>run</strong> scor<strong>in</strong>g on an balk to theeighth <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g.Campbell, who Improved hisrecord to 8-2, helped himself bygo<strong>in</strong>g 2-for-S with an RBI whileRUM Jones had three hits for<strong>Annapolis</strong> (<strong>10</strong>-4).Malcom Foster cont<strong>in</strong>ued hishot hitt<strong>in</strong>g with a nit and a <strong>run</strong>scored.**-ack to the rosi*'Actived Alphonso Williams wirje receiverend Rod Skiliman defensive end ''om ih*practice roster end Terry Andryslek qu<strong>in</strong>n'back and E>n w<strong>in</strong>deld wide receive* '-Of.the rveerve list Transferred Tony Championwide receiver and Mike Walker defensiveend to the r«9«rve list Releaaed Analysis*Derrick MrAdoo <strong>run</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g bach and WallyZaty<strong>in</strong>y wide 'eceiver Addad AndrysiakMcAdoo ar>d Zaly<strong>in</strong>y to the oractice 'oste'WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS-ReiesseSammy Gaaa. quarterback and Dave vsn^ervertre guard A4Mfar} vaofci'jy'nan and William McKaii wide racanw <strong>10</strong> thepractice 'osTerCOUEOEMONTANA-Named Ann. Pti.lhpt Mi,vant track and "eld and f'OSB counter roernOr\txjCan BuyQBurnharnAMERICA'S BOILER COMPANYDuct tat* r *0* ""d *»i 9TOMORROWTENNIS• m _ U S Op* n aWy 'Ou"CJm«tch«< US*BASEBALLL*g>O"? 15 p m _ Houa.tOCuta WQM• «* -omui2. »*1

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