Distance Education Rattler - Riverside Christian College

Distance Education Rattler - Riverside Christian College

Distance Education Rattler - Riverside Christian College


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August 2010Edition 22Mail: P O Box 2069Maryborough DCQueensland 4650Telephone: (07) 4123 1031Fax: (07) 4123 2545Email:college@riverside.qld.edu.auWeb: www.riverside.qld.edu.au<strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong><strong>Rattler</strong>Ch an gin gTim esLast week we had a Field Day here inMaryborough. We wanted to offer a programfor families who lived within the Wide Bayarea. The day was another fantastic Field Dayand was organised and run by Brett Holgatewho did a marvelous job. Everyone had sucha great day. Next year we hope to visit a coupleof new areas and I encourage you to comealong and join us if you are in the area. Theyreally are great days to connect with otherstudents, families and teachers.During the Maryborough Field Day I met withthe parents and had a chat about what’s goingon in the <strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong> world. This time Iused a PowerPoint and I made the title slidewith the heading “Changing Times”. Thereason I choose that title was that this titlebest describes the season that <strong>Riverside</strong><strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong> is in. From time to timeover the coming months you will see thisheading pop up and will keep you informed ofany changes that will be taking place.From the desk of David JeffsHead of <strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong>Some of these changes are very excitingdevelopments such as the addition of OPsubjects for our Senior <strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong>students (more on that in another <strong>Rattler</strong>).One of the things that I talked about at theMaryborough Field Day was the developmentof a new <strong>Riverside</strong> <strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong> curriculumwhich we have started to draft. We arecurrently working on writing a <strong>Christian</strong>academic program which will be aligned withthe Australian curriculum. This is such a bigjob we had to get some extra help in. So I raninto Joan Pavey one day (literally) and thelong and the short of it is, Joan is now workingwith us writing our <strong>Riverside</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>academic curriculum. I have more to sharewith you about this new development atanother time and will start to add moreupdates in future <strong>Rattler</strong>s, but for now I haveasked Joan to “reintroduce” herself and I amsure she will experience a warm welcomeback from those of you who know her.God’s best to you allDavidJo anPaveyInsidethis EditionCover ArticlesDE Camp 2010Mbro Field DayVariousNotice Board1234Our Heavenly Father has some very interesting ways of working out Hiswill in our lives, thus here I am back at <strong>Riverside</strong> in <strong>Distance</strong> Ed after afive year break. Some families may remember me from those days of old;I may even have had home visits with some of you. It is quite lovely to beback.This time, however, my role is slightly different. I am here in what is avery exciting phase of <strong>Riverside</strong>’s <strong>Distance</strong> <strong>Education</strong> journey. I will beworking on the further development of curriculums already in place, alongwith developing a whole school DE appropriate program, bringing everythinginto line with the new Australian Curriculum.It will be a challenging, but highly rewarding experience and will mean thatyou can rest assured that <strong>Riverside</strong> is continuing to offer your childrenhigh quality educational programs, grounded in <strong>Christian</strong> principles,delivered by caring, supportive <strong>Christian</strong> staff working together to buildfutures and shape lives.

CAMP ‘010 UpdateWood Shop with NishaCAMP is Closed:3 weeks to go and 34 campers attending.The DE Camp 2010 will be fromWednesday 8th to Saturday 11th September (Week 9)CAMPERS: If you have not received the Final Camp Pack(Directions, what to bring, letter), please call the <strong>College</strong> to have oneposted out.Look forward to seeing you there.If you have any questions please call Brett Holgate on (07) 4123 1031August 132010Maryborough Field DayMany Thanksto those whoattendedA great day was had by all at the recent FieldDay last week in Maryborough. 30 studentsattended some great activities includingScience, Music and Wood Shop. Along with<strong>Riverside</strong> families, the day was attended by anumber of visiting families.KerriShanahan’s from GladstoneDavid Jeffs went through information withparents and the teachers spent time withstudents as they rotated between the aboveactivities.The day ended with <strong>Riverside</strong>’ s Musicspecialist, Ian Slater, presenting to thefamilies what their children had done andhow they can do musical activities at home.The Next Field Day is in Toowoomba.Charlie from MelbourneMusical RhythmFinal PresentationParent Sharing TimePage 2

Making beautiful potterySamuel Wright Helps To Bring Comfort To Grieving KidsSam is a great example of how our students can make a caring difference in our worldtoday. With the generous support of Sony Foundation Australia, The Salvation Army hasestablished a network of youth and music groups at 15 locations in bushfire effectedVictorian communities. The project looks to engage youth through music, assisting them telltheir stories and express their feelings as part of the healing process. Participants are ableto write songs on themes associated with the affects of the bushfires.Sam has worked alongside the ProjectManager (Glenda Hare) for this incredibleventure. Sam assists with the music project inKinglake and also in Flowerdale by not onlydoing some of the admin, but also by tutoringand coaching the youth with their musicprojects. Sam built quite a rapport with theyouth and they felt comfortable in sharing theirstories and their songs with Sam. Sam alsoperformed at the launch concert in Kinglake .He is a great young man and has been atremendous support to the youth both asa musician and as a friend.Samuel Sparks, a past <strong>Riverside</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>College</strong> DEstudent, is a Bible Study Group Leader for the UQ EvangelicalStudents Society, and would be happy to be a contact foranyone from <strong>Riverside</strong> who plans on going to UQ. They havea mid year camp, weekly study groups, conversation clubs.Email address:dajasp@gmail.com

Accounts News &UpdatesFees Due:Term 4: October 21PLEASE NOTE: Secondary levyof $20.00 for students who areaged 13 yrs and over and anAustudy Levy of $20.00 perstudent for those who are receivinga study allowance or youthallowance as per fees policy.A late fee of $20 will be applied to youraccount 21 days after the initial date appliedif full payment of fees has not beenreceived, or contact has not been madewith the <strong>College</strong> to set up a payment planor arrange an alternate due date. QLDfamilies who wish to continue to pay theirfees per term are required to pay 1/4 ofthe annual fee + sec/study levy by duedate to avoid the late fee and keep accountcurrent.ORDERS – please be sure to send allSouthern Cross orders to <strong>Riverside</strong> withfull payment (you do not need to addGST). If paying by cheque or moneyorder please make payable to “<strong>Riverside</strong><strong>Christian</strong> <strong>College</strong>”. Orders can be paidby credit card or direct deposit/net bankingas set out below.Southern Cross credits or discrepanciesare applied to your account at the end ofeach month when our account is receivedfrom Southern Cross.SCEE discrep. – means there has beenan extra amount added or credited to youraccount because the amount you paidwas less or more than the amount SouthernCross charged. The best way to keepup to date with this is to photocopy yourorder prior to sending to the <strong>College</strong> forsubmission to Southern Cross.SCEE CR. – means you have been givena credit from Southern Cross (usually forreturn of goods)PAYMENTS can be made by Cheque,Money Order, Credit Card or direct deposit/netbanking. This is not B PAY.BSB – 034128 (Westpac) Account No. –185 492 Maryborough <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Education</strong>Foundation t/a <strong>Riverside</strong> <strong>Christian</strong><strong>College</strong> Please remember to always putyour name or an ID No (identificationnumber) in the description section, so weknow the payment is from you. If youchoose to use an ID no. please advise meof this.PAYMENT PLANS – can be made withme if you are unable to pay the fullamount of fees in a lump sum. Pleasephone before due date to arrange this.If you have queries with regards to accountsplease do not hesitate to makecontact with me on 4123 1031 – Monday,Wednesday or Thursday 8 – 3.30.Week 8Work Week - August 30-September 3Week 9Book Fair - Sept. 6 - 10 at RCCDE Camp - Sept 8 - 11Week 10<strong>Rattler</strong>Work Week 8August 30 - September 3Please include Activity Logs / Tests/Work Samples.For Sale Score Keys (as new)DE Field Day Term 4November 5, 2010at ToowoombaFurther details will be announcedin next <strong>Rattler</strong>Grammar 1-3; 5-6English 1109-1120Social Studies 1097-1108Science 1109-1120Maths 1055-1057; 1064-75, 1080A ; 1095A,1082-96.Contact: Karyn Trevethan on 07 3818 6387DE Online Weekly TimetableMonday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayAMYear 8 Ms Van Wyk9.00am - 9.40amYear 4Mr Holgate11.00am - 11.40amYear 1Mr Holgate Year 2 Mr Holgate11.00am - 11.40am 11.00am - 11.40amPMYear 6Mr Holgate12.20 - 1.00pmYear 5Mr Holgate Year 3 Mr Holgate12.20 - 1.00pm 12.20 - 1.00pmYears 10/11/12Year 72.10pm - 2.50pmMs Van WykSAS Years 10/11/12 Year 92.10pm - 2.50pmMrs RobbertzeMs Stevens1.45pm - 2.25pmMs Stevens2.30pm - 3.00pmPage 4Community Classroom Time(Moodle)We have added this chart to clarify when our teachers arerunning their on-line classrooms. If you are having anyproblem logging in or accessing these times (and this happens)please let us know.We would really love you to join us on-line with your teacher.

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