Breakout Session G Focus on MR dosage forms - PQRI

Breakout Session G Focus on MR dosage forms - PQRI

Breakout Session G Focus on MR dosage forms - PQRI


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1. How can IVIVC help during <strong>MR</strong>formulati<strong>on</strong> development?• Formulati<strong>on</strong> optimizati<strong>on</strong> is not possible withoutbiorelevant dissoluti<strong>on</strong> method• If dissoluti<strong>on</strong> is not discriminating, scale up of aformulati<strong>on</strong> using in pilot PK studies may be afailure• BA/BE studies are important before scale up• Use pilot study and pilot lots to determine IVIVR;formal IVIVC may be d<strong>on</strong>e later in formulati<strong>on</strong>development3

1. How can IVIVC help during <strong>MR</strong>formulati<strong>on</strong> development?• Mapping with Level C can be helpful• Pilot BE studies d<strong>on</strong>’t have to be statisticallypowered• If pilot study doesn’t meet BE criteria, can weuse it to develop IVIVR? The answer is yes. Weshould use all available informati<strong>on</strong>• All lots including pilot lots should be made underGMP4

2. Can a previously establishedIVIVC model help in thedevelopment of similar <strong>MR</strong>formulati<strong>on</strong>s with different drugs?• No• In principle, it could be useful• Previous experience can be starting point• IVIVR should be developed within formulati<strong>on</strong>5

2. Can a previously establishedIVIVC model help in thedevelopment of similar <strong>MR</strong>formulati<strong>on</strong>s with different drugs?• Formulati<strong>on</strong> excipients may have large range inspecs which may alter drug release• A polymer in USP may have a narrow range butchemical suppliers d<strong>on</strong>’t guarantee range• Functi<strong>on</strong>al excipient should have a narrow rangein specs to get good reproducibility6

2. Can a previously establishedIVIVC model help in thedevelopment of similar <strong>MR</strong>formulati<strong>on</strong>s with different drugs?• Do not even try.7

3.What steps are necessary tooptimize IVIVC development for<strong>MR</strong> products?• Pilot study should be appropriate, ideally withthree formulati<strong>on</strong>s and at least <strong>on</strong>e reference• Use Cmax and AUC to get rank order• Tmax can be a helpful parameter to estimateabsorpti<strong>on</strong> rate and compare to dissoluti<strong>on</strong>8

3.1 What steps are necessary tooptimize IVIVC development for<strong>MR</strong> products?• Perfusi<strong>on</strong> studies for site specific absorpti<strong>on</strong>should be used for new drugs.• Dog has similar absorpti<strong>on</strong> process to humans,but can not assume <strong>on</strong>e-to-<strong>on</strong>e relati<strong>on</strong>ship.• Dog studies can be used to characterize thedrug absorpti<strong>on</strong> and find the right dissoluti<strong>on</strong>methods.9

3.2 What steps are necessary tooptimize <strong>MR</strong> products using IVIVC?• Develop an IVIVrelati<strong>on</strong>ship early.• Define the goal to be achieved.• For a generic, use RLD, faster and slowerformulati<strong>on</strong>s to find the release mechanism andappropriate dissoluti<strong>on</strong> method.10

4. What are some of the reas<strong>on</strong>sfor failing to establish IVIVC with<strong>MR</strong> formulati<strong>on</strong>s?• Having an inappropriate dissoluti<strong>on</strong> method• Dissoluti<strong>on</strong> time should not be too short, shouldbe validated• Dissoluti<strong>on</strong> method should be predictive• Inappropriate PK study design: sampling time,role of metabolites11

4. What are some of the reas<strong>on</strong>sfor failing to establish IVIVC with• Food effects<strong>MR</strong> formulati<strong>on</strong>s?• Tmax in foreign study is shorter than in US study(probably due to GI transit time)• RLD variability in different lots12

4. What are some of the reas<strong>on</strong>sfor failing to establish IVIVC with<strong>MR</strong> formulati<strong>on</strong>s?• Site specific drug not predicted. Targeted thewr<strong>on</strong>g site for drug release from <strong>MR</strong>.• A tablet may stay in stomach for 10 hours asseen with some hydrogel products.• An example: metabolism was not obtained. Firstpass create active metabolite• Slow drug release leads to a greater first-passeffect.13

4. What are some of the reas<strong>on</strong>sfor failing to establish IVIVC with<strong>MR</strong> formulati<strong>on</strong>s?• Active transport may play a role. Slow drugrelease may provide a more efficient activetransport.• Slow gastric empting may play a role.• Parallel group study for l<strong>on</strong>g half life drugs willcomplicate developing an IVIVC.14

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