The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary


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Both “destroyed” (BDB 994, KB 1418 twice, Qal ACTIVE PARTICIPLE, NEGATED Qal PASSIVEPARTICIPLE) <strong>and</strong> “treacherous” (lit. “act faithlessly,” BDB 93, KB 108 twice, Qal ACTIVE PARTICIPLE,NEGATED Qal PERFECT) are also used in 21:2 about the fall of old Babylon. In a theological sense<strong>Isaiah</strong>’s ambiguity is purposeful. He intentionally makes the identity of Israel/Judah’s aggressors fuzzyso that his poems can function as “multiple-fulfillment” prophecies. Enemies come <strong>and</strong> go by YHWH’sh<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> purpose, but YHWH Himself <strong>and</strong> <strong>His</strong> eternal redemptive purpose, using Abraham’s seed, doesnot!33:2 <strong>The</strong> content of Judah’s prayer is listed.1. be gracious to us, BDB 335, KB 334, Qal IMPERATIVE, cf. 30:18,192. we have waited for You, BDB 875 I, KB 1082, Piel PERFECT, cf. 8:17; 25:9; 26:8; 40:31;49:23; 51:5; 60:93. be our strength (lit. “arm”) every morning, BDB 224, KB 243, Qal IMPERATIVE4. be our salvation in time of distress (“be” VERB assumed)YHWH is Judah’s only hope (cf. 59:16; 63:1,5), not Assyria (alliance) <strong>and</strong> not Egypt (alliance), onlyYHWH. Humans tend to panic <strong>and</strong> lose trust in times of crisis <strong>and</strong> uncertainty. <strong>The</strong>y try to savethemselves using their resources or the resources of other humans, to no avail!} “strength” It is literally “arm” (BDB 283). This is a biblical anthropomorphic metaphor to describeGod’s presence <strong>and</strong> power on a daily basis.} “salvation” This term (BDB 447) is used in the OT for physical deliverance (cf. 12:2 [twice], 3;25:9; 26:1,18; 33:6).SPECIAL TOPIC: SALVATION (%3&–*)This term (BDB 447) has several connotations.1. welfare, prosperity, Job. 30:152. divine salvation which encompasses both physical <strong>and</strong> spiritual aspectsa. Gen. 49:18b. Deut. 32:15c. Ps. 3:2,8; 22:1; 35:3; 62:2; 69:29; 70:5; 78:22; 80:3; 89:26; 91:16; 106:4; 140:7d. Isa. 12:2; 33:2; 51:6,8; 52:7,10; 56:1; 59:11; 60:18; 62:13. the idea of physical <strong>and</strong> spiritual deliverance is clearly present in Jonah 2:9-104. often “rejoicing” is related to YHWH’s salvation, I Sam. 2:1; Isa. 25:9; 26:1; Ps. 9:14; 13:5;35:9Salvation involves the implementation of YHWH’s original intended fellowship <strong>and</strong> society with <strong>His</strong>human creatures. It involves individual <strong>and</strong> societal wholeness!33:4 In this verse “spoil”(BDB 1021) is a metaphor which denotes the destruction of YHWH’s enemies.<strong>The</strong> VERB “gathered” (BDB 62, KB 74, Pual PERFECT) is also used in 32:10 to describe thejudgment of Jerusalem. It is also used in 24:22 (same stem) to denote world-wide eschatologicaljudgment. Humans “gather” for self, greed, <strong>and</strong> power, but God gathers for judgment. <strong>The</strong> NTdescribes the end-time gathering of1. the redeemed, Matt. 13:48; 24:312. the wicked, Matt. 13:40-41326

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