The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary
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NJB “Ophel” (BDB 779), a section of the southeastern ridge of ancient Jerusalem (or ametaphor for the whole city, similar to “Zion”). It is mentioned in II Chr. 27:3;33:14; Neh. 3:26-27; 11:214. #3 is parallel to “watch-tower”; both would denote the fortifications of Jerusalem beingdestroyed5. a delight for wild donkeys6. a pasture for flocks, both #5 and #6 denote a deserted, destroyed city, inhabited only byanimals (cf. 13:21; 34:13)There are two parallel VERBS.1. has been abandoned, BDB 643, KB 695, Pual PERFECT, the Pual occurs only here2. forsaken, BDB 736, KB 806, Qal PASSIVE (or Pual) PERFECT, cf. Jer. 49:25}NASB “caves”NKJV “lairs”NRSV “dens”NJB “the Keep”The term (BDB 792) means “cave,” but in this context, “an animal’s den.” It is possible that Isaiahchose this term because of its sound similarity to1. “sepulcher” (Arabic root), 993 (context of death and destruction)2. “strip oneself,” 993, rare VERB used in v. 113. “bare field,” %93/ from Arabic root (NIDOTTE, vol. 2, p. 1034)} “forever” This is the relative use of the Hebrew term ’olam. This term has a large semantical usageand must be interpreted in context.SPECIAL TOPIC: FOREVER (‘OLAM)The etymology of the Hebrew term ’olam, .-&3 (BDB 761) is uncertain (NIDOTTE, vol. 3, p.345). It is used in several senses (usually determined by context). The following are only selectedexamples.1. ancient thingsa. peoples, Gen. 6:4; I Sam. 27:8; Jer. 5:15; 28:8b. places, Isa. 58:12; 61:4c. God, Ps. 93:2; Pro. 8:23; Isa. 63:16d. things, Gen. 49:26; Job 22:15; Ps. 24:7,9; Isa. 46:9e. time, Deut. 32:7; Isa. 51:9; 63:9,112. future timea. one’s life, Exod. 21:6; Deut. 15:17; I Sam. 1:22; 27:12b. hyperbole for king, I Kgs. 1:31; Ps. 61:7; Neh. 2:3c. continuous existence(1) earth, Ps. 78:69; 104:5; Eccl. 1:4(2) heavens, Ps. 148:6d. existence of God(1) Gen. 21:33(2) Exod. 15:18317

(3) Deut. 32:40(4) Ps. 93:2(5) Isa. 40:28(6) Jer. 10:10(7) Dan. 12:7e. the covenant(1) Gen. 9:12,16; 17:7,13,19(2) Exod. 31:16(3) Lev. 24:8(4) Num. 18:19(5) II Sam. 23:5(6) Ps. 105:10(7) Isa. 24:5; 55:3; 61:8(8) Jer. 32:40; 50:5f. special covenant with David(1) II Sam. 7:13,16,25,29; 22:51; 23:5(2) I Kgs. 2:33,45; 9:5(3) II Chr. 13:5(4) Ps. 18:50; 89:4,28,36,37(5) Isa. 9:7; 16:5; 37:35; 55:3g. God’s Messiah(1) Ps. 45:2; 72:17; 89:35-36; 110:4(2) Isa. 9:6h. God’s laws(1) Exod. 29:28; 30:21(2) Lev. 6:18,22; 7:34; 10:15; 24:9(3) Num. 18:8,11,19(4) Ps. 119:89,160(5) Isa. 59:21i. God’s promises(1) II Sam. 7:13,16,25; 22:51(2) I Kgs. 9:5(3) Ps. 18:50(4) Isa. 40:8j. Abraham’s descendants and the Promised Land(1) Gen. 13:15; 17:19; 48:4(2) Exod. 32:13(3) I Chr. 16:17k. covenantal feasts(1) Exod. 12:14,17,24(2) Lev. 23:14,21,41(3) Num. 10:8318

(3) Deut. 32:40(4) Ps. 93:2(5) Isa. 40:28(6) Jer. 10:10(7) Dan. 12:7e. the covenant(1) Gen. 9:12,16; 17:7,13,19(2) Exod. 31:16(3) Lev. 24:8(4) Num. 18:19(5) II Sam. 23:5(6) Ps. 105:10(7) Isa. 24:5; 55:3; 61:8(8) Jer. 32:40; 50:5f. special covenant with David(1) II Sam. 7:13,16,25,29; 22:51; 23:5(2) I Kgs. 2:33,45; 9:5(3) II Chr. 13:5(4) Ps. 18:50; 89:4,28,36,37(5) Isa. 9:7; 16:5; 37:35; 55:3g. God’s Messiah(1) Ps. 45:2; 72:17; 89:35-36; 110:4(2) Isa. 9:6h. God’s laws(1) Exod. 29:28; 30:21(2) Lev. 6:18,22; 7:34; 10:15; 24:9(3) Num. 18:8,11,19(4) Ps. 119:89,160(5) Isa. 59:21i. God’s promises(1) II Sam. 7:13,16,25; 22:51(2) I Kgs. 9:5(3) Ps. 18:50(4) Isa. 40:8j. Abraham’s descendants <strong>and</strong> the Promised L<strong>and</strong>(1) Gen. 13:15; 17:19; 48:4(2) Exod. 32:13(3) I Chr. 16:17k. covenantal feasts(1) Exod. 12:14,17,24(2) Lev. 23:14,21,41(3) Num. 10:8318

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