The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary
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IX.MAIN TRUTHSA. Isaiah held Judah to fidelity to the Davidic covenant (II Samuel 7), but he also went back tothe original purpose of the Abrahamic covenant (Gen. 12:1-3), which was God choosingIsrael to choose the world (i.e., Exod. 19:5-6). What a shock this universal reign of YHWHmust have been. God will not only restore Israel, but will extend God’s redemptive plan tothe entire world!B. Isaiah specifically predicted the movement of world events in his own day and in the future,leading to the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom through God’s Messiah (so too, Micah).This kingdom is holy and universal (so too, Micah). These are both aspects of Isaiah’smonotheistic, holy, redemptive Deity.C. Isaiah clearly shows the futility of God’s people trusting in worldly, fallen, human resources.Deliverance will come from YHWH only!D. Isaiah reveals the three most powerful characteristics of God’s redemptive plan.1. the coming Messiah2. the Messiah as Suffering Servant3. the universal reign of the Messiah9

ISAIAH 1PARAGRAPH DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS*NASB NKJV NRSV TEV NJBRebellion of God’s People Superscription Title1:1-3 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1(2-3) The Wickedness of Judah First Series of Oracles God Reprimands HisPeopleAgainst an UngratefulPeople1:2-4(2-3)1:2-31(2-3)1:2-3 1:2-9(2-9)1:4(4) (4) (4)1:4-61:5(5-6)1:5-9(5-6) (5-6)1:7-9(7-9) (7-9) (7-9)1:7-9God Has Had EnoughAgainst Hypocrisy1:10-15(10-15)1:10-17(10-11)(12-15)(10-17)1:10-14 1:10-20(10)1:15-17(11-17)1:16-17(16-17)(16-17)Let Us Reason1:18-20(18-20)1:18-20(18-20) (18-20)1:18-20(18-20)Zion Corrupted, To BeRedeemedThe Degenerate City The Sinful City Lament of Jerusalem1:21-23(21-23)1:21-23(21-23) (21-23)1:21-23 1:21-28(21)(22-23)1:24-26(24-26)1:24-31(24-26) (24-26)1:24-26(24)(25)(26)*Although not inspired, paragraph divisions are the key to understanding and following the original author’s intent. Each modern translation hasdivided and summarized the paragraph divisions as they understand them. Every paragraph has one central topic, truth or thought. Each version encapsulatesthat topic in its own way. As you read the text, which translation fits your understanding of the subject and verse divisions?In every chapter you must read the Bible first and try to identify its subjects (paragraphs). Then compare your understanding with the modern versions.Only when we understand the original author’s intent by following his logic and presentation at the paragraph level, can one truly understand the Bible.Only the original author was inspired—readers have no right to change or modify the message. Bible readers do have the responsibility to apply the inspiredtruth to their day and lives.Note that all technical terms and abbreviations are explained fully in Appendices One, Two and Three.10

IX.MAIN TRUTHSA. <strong>Isaiah</strong> held Judah to fidelity to the Davidic covenant (II Samuel 7), but he also went back tothe original purpose of the Abrahamic covenant (Gen. 12:1-3), which was God choosingIsrael to choose the world (i.e., Exod. 19:5-6). What a shock this universal reign of YHWHmust have been. God will not only restore Israel, but will extend God’s redemptive plan tothe entire world!B. <strong>Isaiah</strong> specifically predicted the movement of world events in his own day <strong>and</strong> in the future,leading to the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom through God’s Messiah (so too, Micah).This kingdom is holy <strong>and</strong> universal (so too, Micah). <strong>The</strong>se are both aspects of <strong>Isaiah</strong>’smonotheistic, holy, redemptive Deity.C. <strong>Isaiah</strong> clearly shows the futility of God’s people trusting in worldly, fallen, human resources.Deliverance will come from YHWH only!D. <strong>Isaiah</strong> reveals the three most powerful characteristics of God’s redemptive plan.1. the coming Messiah2. the Messiah as Suffering Servant3. the universal reign of the Messiah9

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