The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary
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ISAIAH 12PARAGRAPH DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONSNASB NKJV NRSV TEV NJBThanksgiving Expressed A Hymn of Praise Two Songs Hymn of Thanksgiving Psalm12:1-6 12:1-2 12:1-2 12:1-3 12:1-2(1-6) (1-2) (1-2) (1-3) (1-2)12:3 12:3-4 12:3-6(3) (3b-4) (3-6)12:4-6 12:4-6(4b-6) (4b-6)12:5-6(5-6)READING CYCLE THREE (see p. xvi in introductory section)FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR’S INTENT AT PARAGRAPH LEVELThis is a study guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own interpretationof the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priorityin interpretation. You must not relinquish this to a commentator.Read the chapter in one sitting. Identify the subjects (reading cycle #3, p. xvi). Compare yoursubject divisions with the five translations above. Paragraphing is not inspired, but it is the key tofollowing the original author’s intent, which is the heart of interpretation. Every paragraph has one andonly one subject.1. First paragraph2. Second paragraph3. Third paragraph4. Etc.CONTEXTUAL INSIGHTSA. This (or these) hymns of praise closes out “Immanuel’s book” (i.e., chapters 7-12).B. Because the opening phrase, “on that day” is repeated in v. 4, some (JB, NASB Study Bible)think there are two hymns.1. vv. 1-3, cf. Exod. 15:1-17; Psalm 1182. vv. 4-6, cf. Ps. 165:1; 148:13147

C. It is similar to Exodus 15 (the song of Moses) and Psalm 118. Often at times of great victoryor deliverance, Israel composed hymns of praise to their God.WORD AND PHRASE STUDYNASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 12:1-61Then you will say on that day,"I will give thanks to You, O LORD;For although You were angry with me,Your anger is turned away,And You comfort me.2Behold, God is my salvation,I will trust and not be afraid;For the LORD GOD is my strength and song,And He has become my salvation."3Therefore you will joyously draw waterFrom the springs of salvation.4And in that day you will say,"Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name.Make known His deeds among the peoples;Make them remember that His name is exalted."5Praise the LORD in song, for He has done excellent things;Let this be known throughout the earth.6Cry aloud and shout for joy, O inhabitant of Zion,For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.12:1 “you will say” The VERB (BDB 55, KB 65, Qal PERFECT) denotes a settled attitude of an individualIsraelite (SINGULAR). It is much like the song of victory found in Exod. 15:1-17. This is also a song ofpraise for YHWH’s deliverance . One person speaks on behalf of the covenant community.This brief poem was placed here because it connects to the return from exile mentioned in 11:11-16.It also has a relation to the theological goal of the nations knowing and coming to YHWH (cf. 2:2-4;11:10; 12:4-6).} “on that day” This is an idiom for YHWH’s action within history, either temporally oreschatologically. There is a time of reckoning coming. For some, a time of joy and victory, for others atime of judgment and rejection! Covenant disobedience affects time and eternity!Because this phrase appears in both v.1 and v. 4 it is possible that this chapter is two hymns ofpraise (cf. JB).} “I will give thanks” This VERB (BDB 392, KB 389 II, Hiphil IMPERFECT used in a COHORTATIVEsense) basically means “to throw” or “to cast.” However, especially in the Psalms, in the Hiphil stem itdenotes “to confess” or “to praise.” It is found in Isaiah in 12:1,4; 25:1; 38:18,19.} “O LORD” See Special Topic: Names for Deity at 1:1.148

C. It is similar to Exodus 15 (the song of Moses) <strong>and</strong> Psalm 118. Often at times of great victoryor deliverance, Israel composed hymns of praise to their God.WORD AND PHRASE STUDYNASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 12:1-61<strong>The</strong>n you will say on that day,"I will give thanks to You, O LORD;For although You were angry with me,Your anger is turned away,And You comfort me.2Behold, God is my salvation,I will trust <strong>and</strong> not be afraid;For the LORD GOD is my strength <strong>and</strong> song,And He has become my salvation."3<strong>The</strong>refore you will joyously draw waterFrom the springs of salvation.4And in that day you will say,"Give thanks to the LORD, call on <strong>His</strong> name.Make known <strong>His</strong> deeds among the peoples;Make them remember that <strong>His</strong> name is exalted."5Praise the LORD in song, for He has done excellent things;Let this be known throughout the earth.6Cry aloud <strong>and</strong> shout for joy, O inhabitant of Zion,For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.12:1 “you will say” <strong>The</strong> VERB (BDB 55, KB 65, Qal PERFECT) denotes a settled attitude of an individualIsraelite (SINGULAR). It is much like the song of victory found in Exod. 15:1-17. This is also a song ofpraise for YHWH’s deliverance . One person speaks on behalf of the covenant community.This brief poem was placed here because it connects to the return from exile mentioned in 11:11-16.It also has a relation to the theological goal of the nations knowing <strong>and</strong> coming to YHWH (cf. 2:2-4;11:10; 12:4-6).} “on that day” This is an idiom for YHWH’s action within history, either temporally oreschatologically. <strong>The</strong>re is a time of reckoning coming. For some, a time of joy <strong>and</strong> victory, for others atime of judgment <strong>and</strong> rejection! Covenant disobedience affects time <strong>and</strong> eternity!Because this phrase appears in both v.1 <strong>and</strong> v. 4 it is possible that this chapter is two hymns ofpraise (cf. JB).} “I will give thanks” This VERB (BDB <strong>39</strong>2, KB 389 II, Hiphil IMPERFECT used in a COHORTATIVEsense) basically means “to throw” or “to cast.” However, especially in the Psalms, in the Hiphil stem itdenotes “to confess” or “to praise.” It is found in <strong>Isaiah</strong> in 12:1,4; 25:1; 38:18,19.} “O LORD” See Special Topic: Names for Deity at 1:1.148

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