The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary

The Prophet and His Day: Isaiah 1-39 - Free Bible Commentary


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9<strong>The</strong>y will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORDAs the waters cover the sea.11:6-9 This is a picture of the Messianic era, described in terms of Genesis 1 <strong>and</strong> used in Revelation 22.Nature has been affected by mankind’s sin, Genesis 3. It will also be affected by the Messiah’s salvation(cf. Rom. 8:19-25). Notice the emphasis again on the small child of the new age.<strong>The</strong> fellowship between humans <strong>and</strong> animals reflects the Garden of Eden. Humans have so much incommon with the animals that occupy the surface of this planet. <strong>The</strong>y were also created for fellowshipwith God (cf. Job 38:<strong>39</strong>; 40:34) <strong>and</strong> us! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> starts with God, humans, <strong>and</strong> animals in a gardensetting (Genesis 1-2) <strong>and</strong> it concludes with God, humans, <strong>and</strong> with these passages in <strong>Isaiah</strong>, animals (cf.Isa. 65:15; Hosea 2:18; Revelation 21-22). I personally do not think our pets will be in heaven, but I dothink animals will be a part of eternity! <strong>The</strong>y add a wonderful richness to life. <strong>The</strong>y only became food<strong>and</strong> coverings after the Fall!Another point about the inherent ambiguity involved in texts associated with the eschaton is the ageof the persons mentioned. Little children (v. 6) <strong>and</strong> infants (v. 7) implies that physical birth continues.This assumes an earthly setting totally analogous to current life (cf. Matt. 24:38; Luke 17:27). However,Jesus asserts that there will be no sexual activity in the new age (cf. Matt. 22:29-30). Will humans in theeschaton be all different ages? Will they grow old? <strong>The</strong>se are questions that have caused commentatorsto postulate a limited earthly period of restored righteousness (i.e., a millennium) <strong>and</strong> a future idealizedstate. Some have even postulated a split between a group in heaven <strong>and</strong> a group on earth. I prefer asingle, visible Second Coming <strong>and</strong> an immediate idealized fellowship with God. If this is true, much ofthe OT <strong>and</strong> NT has to be viewed as accommodation related to the spiritual Kingdom of God. Please seemy commentaries on Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah online free at www.freebiblecommentary.org.This new day of universal peace is described in idealistic, area-wide, inclusivistic terms. When isthis new age to manifest itself?1. return from exile under Zerubbabel <strong>and</strong> Joshua (i.e., Ezra <strong>and</strong> Nehemiah)2. the Maccabean period (interbiblical)3. the inauguration of the Kingdom of God in Jesus’ lifetime (Gospels)4. a millennial period (Rev. 20:1-10 only)5. an eternal kingdom (cf. Dan. 7:14)Each is viewed as a new opportunity, but with problems (#1-4). This is where different systematic(denominational) theologies take the ambiguous references <strong>and</strong> turn them into a “theological grid”through which to view all Scripture. <strong>The</strong> promises are sure! But the time frame <strong>and</strong> specifics are not.One central question which deals with this issue is “how literal is the restoration of an earthlygarden (i.e., Eden) to be taken (Genesis 1-3 <strong>and</strong> Revelation 21-22)”? Is (1) this planet the focus; (2) thekosmos the focus; or (3) a spiritual realm beyond time-space, possibly another dimension of reality (cf.John 4:21-24; 18:36)?11:6NASB, NKJV,NRSV “<strong>and</strong> the fatling”REV, REB “will feed together”NJB “fat-stock beast”<strong>The</strong> LXX <strong>and</strong> Peshitta add “ox” <strong>and</strong> also add the VERB “feed together.” <strong>The</strong> MT has “fatling,” butno VERB. With an emendation “<strong>and</strong> the fatling” (!*9/&) can be changed to “will be fed” (&9/*). <strong>The</strong>UBS Hebrew Text Project gives the VERB a “C” rating (considerable doubt). With the parallelism of thefirst two <strong>and</strong> fourth lines of poetry having VERBS, one would expect the third line to have one also. <strong>The</strong>Dead Sea Scroll of <strong>Isaiah</strong> <strong>and</strong> the Septuagint have the VERB “fed.”142

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