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google demonstrates its wearableinterface, google glassGoogle, the Mountain View,California, USA-based informationtechnology company, demonstratedits interactive product, Google Glass,at the recent South by Southwestconference in Texas, USA.Still in the developmental phase,Glass basically is a pair of eyeglassesthat features a head-up display (HUD)a user can use to take photos andaccess and share information via theInternet.Google Glass photo courtesy of Google.“Project Glass is about our relationship to technology. It’s about technologythat’s there when you want it and out of the way when you don’t,” TimothyJordan, a Senior Developer Advocate at Google, told the audience. “Technologygets in the way more than it needs to. Glass is so you can still have access to thetechnology you love, but it won’t take you out of the moment.”The glasses’ HUD is positioned just out of a user’s direct line of sight and isactivated and deactivated by head gestures. It also includes a touch pad on theside. Glass features an audio component that allows a user to voice commandsand emails and hear responses.Glass’ HUD utilises application programming interfaces, or APIs, to communicatebetween its servers and applications and send and retrieve data, which isdisplayed on “timeline cards.” Jordan demonstrated Google’s new Mirror API,which is the main interface between Google Glass, Google’s servers and anyapps developers create for the product. He challenged potential developers todesign new applications for short and quick interactions, to be discrete, timelyand avoid unexpected notifications or actions that would frustrate a user. “Keepaway from anything that’s going to jar them or shock them out of their lives,”Jordan said.In one example, Jordan demonstrated how a user might receive a headlinenotice from the “New York Times,” tap on a story he or she is interested inthen quickly share it through social media. Or, a user could opt to have thestory read aloud in his or her ear while walking between meetings. “Glass isin early days yet. We’re really just getting started,” Jordan said. “The reasonwe want to start having this conversation is that every time we say somethingand you (developers) respond with your dreams and visions for using this newtechnology, it’s a huge inspiration to us.”Earlier this year Google invited individuals to its Glass Foundry, where teamsbrainstormed and built new potential ways to use Glass.Google Glass is one of several similar products using HUDs that are on themarket or being developed. Epson’s Moverio BT-100, for example, is an individualentertainment system embedded in a pair of glasses, letting a user watch videoand explore the Internet. The Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses offer a hands-free visualdisplay of data on a smartphone, while Innovega iOptik contacts are designed todisplay information on contact lenses.berlin packaging expands presence inflorida, USA, with new warehouseBerlin Packaging, of Chicago, Illinois,USA, has opened a 3700-squaremetre(40,000-square-foot) warehousein Miramar, Florida, USA,to accommodate its growth in thatregion. Berlin Packaging suppliesglass, plastic and metal containersand closures through its more than 90locations throughout North America,the company says.The new facility, which is expected tobe fully operational within the nextseveral months, will house customers’packaging components for just-intimedelivery and enable the companyto offer same-day shipping to virtuallyall of Florida. Customers have theoption to have finished containersand closures drop-shipped directlyfrom the factory to their preferreddestinations, or housed at warehouseslike the new Miramar facility forrelease on an as-needed basis underthe company’s inventory managementprogram, the company says.In addition, the company plans toopen a new office in Miami, Florida.“Our sales in Florida have surgedtremendously in the last year, inpart because of an aggressive salesand marketing campaign focusingon services such as package design,global sourcing, capital lending atbelow-market rates and consultingthat we offer free of charge inexchange for new packaging business.That growth prompted us to look formore warehouse space that we canstaff with our own personnel,” DarrinDingman, Berling Packaging’s FloridaDistrict Manager, Berlin Packaging,said in a press release.With nearly USD$800 million inannual revenues, Berlin Packagingsupplies more than 3.5 billioncontainers and closures each year, aswell as labelling and filling services tocompanies in industries such as foodand beverage, health care, automotiveand industrial chemical.cugher glassmoves, installsline at new PGWplant in PolandCugher Glass, of Milan, Italy, hasmoved its production operations to alarger facility in the Novate Milaneseindustrial area in Milan. The companyoccupies a 1000-square-metre(10,800-square-foot) building whereit is equipped to assemble and test itsmachines, the company says.In Komorniki, Poland, Cugher hascompleted the installation of screenprinting lines at a new PittsburghGlass Works (PGW) factory.“The line is equipped with advancedautomation features in order toguarantee an outstanding performancein terms of speed, precision andquality of the final product,” Cughersaid in a press release.China proposes bottle recyclingfee, eyes legislation in hong kongThe Chinese government has proposedlevying recycling fees on all glassbeverage suppliers and distributors,domestic and foreign, in the city ofHong Kong.While the fee hasn’t been determined,the government has announced apossible figure of HKD$1 (USD$0.078)per litre, says a staff report from theU.S. Department of Agriculture’s(USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service.In the past 10 years, glass bottlesaccounted for about 3 percent ofHong Kong’s solid-waste disposal. In2011, glass bottles used for beveragesconstituted two-thirds of overall glassbottlewaste, the report says. Onlyabout 1500 tonnes of glass beveragebottles were recovered that year in avoluntary recycling program.In the proposal, suppliers will berequired to periodically report theamount of glass beverage bottlesthey have provided to the HongKong market for consumption, whichwill determine the recycling fee acompany must pay, the USDA reportsays. Based on 2012 trade figures,USA-based wine and beer beverageswould have generated USD$958,0005industry eventsjune <strong>2013</strong>17–20 JuneMir Stekla <strong>2013</strong>Moscow, Russiawww.mirstekla-expo.ruseptember <strong>2013</strong>3–5 SeptemberGulf Glass <strong>2013</strong>Dubai, United Arab Emirateswww.glassinthegulf.com4–6 SeptemberGlass SolutionsOrlando, Florida USA11–12 SeptemberGlassman AmericaLas Vegas, Nevada, USAwww.glassmanevents.comoctober <strong>2013</strong>14–17 OctoberGlass ProblemsColumbus, Ohio, USAwww.gmic.orgin recycling fees in a year, withan average cost of 1.6 percent perbottle. The proposal also includes anexemption for suppliers who employ asystem to collect their own containers.The government will select one ormore contractors to collect and treatused containers, while retailers will berequired to educate the public.The wine industry has opposed theproposal, citing that the fee will affectinexpensive beverages the most, andsellers will be forced to raise pricesto account for the levy. Assuming thesuggested levy of HKD$1 (USD$0.078)for a one-litre bottle, the recycling feewould be as high as 8 percent for a500-millilitre (16-ounce) soft drink.For an HKD$100 (USD$13) bottle ofwine, however, the rate would only beabout 0.8 percent.Meanwhile, Hong Kong media reportsthat the government is consideringlegislation to make glass recyclingmandatory. New measures areexpected to be introduced by theend of the year, the South ChinaMorning Post says. It has not yet beendetermined who would be responsiblefor recycling, but possibly importers,wholesalers or retailers.

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