haryana transport policy 2010 (english) - Government of Haryana

haryana transport policy 2010 (english) - Government of Haryana

haryana transport policy 2010 (english) - Government of Haryana


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15case there is a genuine documented justification for delay and ifRegional Transport Authority is satisfied, further extension <strong>of</strong> 60days may be allowed on payment <strong>of</strong> Rs. 25,000/-. After theexpiry <strong>of</strong> the extension period, the allotment <strong>of</strong> permit shall bedeemed to be cancelled without any further reference to himand the security deposit shall also stand forfeited.12. Cancellation/suspension <strong>of</strong> permits.- If a bus, issued permit underthe <strong>policy</strong>, is found wilfully plying outside its allotted route, a penalty <strong>of</strong> Rs.20,000/- (Twenty Thousand rupees) shall be imposed. If the <strong>of</strong>fence is repeated, apenalty <strong>of</strong> Rs.50,000/- (Fifty thousand rupees) shall be imposed. If the operator isfound to be operating outside his route a third time, his permit shall be liable to becancelled as per provisions <strong>of</strong> the Act along with forfeiture <strong>of</strong> security. In case <strong>of</strong>non-payment <strong>of</strong> penalty within 7 days, permit shall be cancelled. Further, if theoperator is found to be defaulting in the payment <strong>of</strong> taxes etc. for more than thirtydays beyond the due date, his permit shall be suspended. For such a defaultpermit may be cancelled after following due procedure. The permit shall be liableto be cancelled if there is violation <strong>of</strong> any other condition <strong>of</strong> the permit, thisScheme, any other relevant provisions <strong>of</strong> law, rules or instructions <strong>of</strong> the State<strong>Government</strong>.13. Personal use/Special booking.- The successful private operatorshall be permitted to use the vehicle only once for personal use i.e. for carryingfamily members/relatives for pilgrimage immediately after the vehicle has beenregistered for which a special temporary permit can be obtained on payment <strong>of</strong>such fees as prescribed in rule 62 <strong>of</strong> <strong>Haryana</strong> Motor Vehicles Rules, 1993. Theprivate operator shall have to pay the requisite road tax, passenger tax and othertaxes leviable for this specially allowed return journey. After that under nocircumstances, the proposed bus shall be permitted to be diverted by the owner forpersonal use or any contract operations. The private operator shall have to operatestrictly on the allotted route. Further, the bus shall not be used for special bookingetc and shall be available to the general public on the allotted route at all times asper approved trips/time table.14. Breakdown/accident <strong>of</strong> bus.- If on a particular route, hardship isexperienced by the public due to break down/accident <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the buses <strong>of</strong> theroute, <strong>Haryana</strong> Roadways may be directed by the Secretary, Regional TransportAuthority concerned to provide service for the limited period after the permit holderdeposits the permit to the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority. Permit holdershall have to re arrange the bus on the route within 15 days. However, anextension <strong>of</strong> 15 days time can be granted with the permission <strong>of</strong> RegionalTransport Authority /State Transport Authority in case <strong>of</strong> major accident. If a

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