NAAB Architecture Program Report (APR) 2013 - Tulane School of ...

NAAB Architecture Program Report (APR) 2013 - Tulane School of ... NAAB Architecture Program Report (APR) 2013 - Tulane School of ...
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Tulane UniversityArchitecture Program ReportSeptember 2013Demographic Category# of ApplicableFaculty MembersTotal number of full-time faculty members 19New tenured women since 20082(4 tenured women total -1 full prof, 3 associate)Women (3 assistant, 3 associate, 1 full, 2 POP) 9African Americans (1 tenured, 1 tenure-track, 1 3visiting assistant )Asian Americans (1 assistant professor, 1 tenure 2track)International faculty (assistant professors) 3Number of professors of practice hired* or5promotedWomen POP’s 2Men (*1 left in 2011) 4Women in school leadership positions (associate 3deans, assistant dean, program director)African Americans in school leadership positions 1(associate dean for community engagement)Other men in school leadership positions (dean and 4program directors)In addition to strengthening the diversity of the school’s faculty, TSA has enhanced staff diversity bycontinuing to actively engage in affirmative action hiring practices when staff positions becomeavailable. However, student diversity has been a long-standing challenge for the school. Existinginstitutional policies and practices, especially in undergraduate admissions, have limited the school’sability to recruit high-achieving underrepresented/minority students as proactively as other top tierarchitecture programs. Throughout the last six years, the school has enjoyed increased success inincreasing its community’s “cultural competence” via community engagement initiatives; however, theschool’s leadership will continue to provide support to existing faculty whose research and teachingpromote the value of an increased understanding of and responsiveness to cultural differences.With the increased diversity of TSA’s faculty ranks and the leadership’s full commitment to D&IEinitiatives, the school has benefited from other existing factors and assets in the development of its newgoals. The timing of the D&IE Strategic Planning Initiative Task Force’s development andannouncement of university-level goals and strategic planning initiatives coincided with TSA’s plannedupdate of its own strategic plan. As such, D&IE initiatives and priorities are prominently featured in theschool’s new strategic planning framework. As another example, TSA’s existing communityengagement programs, such as the Tulane City Center and URBANBuild efforts had been successfullyincreasing the participating TSA community’s cultural competence in recent years. In view of theheightened focus on D&IE initiatives, those programs’ roles in attaining diversity-related goals are nowformally integrated into the school’s D&IE planning process and specifically re-evaluated in order tomaximize cultural competence-enhancing results. In addition, TSA’s relationships with externalprograms such as Project Pipeline, a program established by the National Organization of MinorityArchitects to encourage young students to pursue a career in architecture, will be strengthened in orderto serve as a specific recruitment strategy for talented minority students.21

Tulane UniversityArchitecture Program ReportSeptember 2013Overall GoalsThe School of Architecture supports all of the strategic imperatives identified by the university-levelD&IE Strategic Planning Task Force, which were listed in the Executive Summary. However, TSA’sprimary school-specific D&IE strategic imperatives can be identified as follows:1. Achieve and sustain a diverse and inclusive TSA community through more effective recruitmentand retention of faculty, students, and staff.2. Embed diversity and inclusive excellence in TSA research, teaching, and service.3. Strengthen the cultural competence of TSA’s community.Policy of Human Resources DevelopmentThe Tulane School of Architecture (TSA) has a number of policies and practices designed to enhanceand support research and allow faculty to remain current in their knowledge. Research undertaken byfaculty at TSA includes the practice of design and critical practice, historical inquiry, cultural exploration,and technological innovation, among other forms.Endowed Professorships:Designated TSA faculty gain support for their research and professional development through arelatively large number of endowed professorships that are assigned by the dean on a yearly basis andare subject to renewal or reassignment based on faculty needs and record of achievement in scholarlyoutput. There are a total of eleven endowed chairs and professorships that generate funds that varyyear by year based on investment returns. The total for these allocations in AY 2013/2014 is $265,035.Dean’s Fund for Excellence:Upon his arrival in fall of 2008 and initially supported by the Provost’s Office, Dean Schwartz initiated aprogram of internal seed funding for faculty research through the Dean’s Fund for Excellence. Eachyear since 2008, this fund has generated multiple grants to support individual tenured and tenure-trackfaculty and professors of practice or collaborative faculty teams in pursuing research, sustainingprofessional development, and leveraging further external funds to sustain research. Over the courseof the last five years, the Dean’s Fund for Excellence has distributed well over $200,000 in directsupport for faculty research and professional development. The Call for Proposals for AY 2013/2014went out in August, 2013. The TSA Executive Committee reviews the proposals and makesrecommendations to the Dean for funding.Support for Faculty Travel:TSA supports conference and symposia participation for all tenured and tenure-track faculty membersand professors of practice. Support is offered for registration fees, airfare, and accommodations fordomestic conferences. International conferences may be proposed, but given the costs associated withinternational travel, the school will only support the airfare (at economy, advance purchase rates) andconference registration fees. Accepted presentation of papers or projects is given priority overproposals for session moderation, poster session presentations, or panel discussions. Applications forthis support are sent to the Dean and include a draft of the paper to be presented, or abstract,documentation of the conference, and budget (travel documentation should include official invitation,website posting of registration fee and conference hotel rates). Every conference proposal has beenfunded over the past five years, and the funding level was increased under the current dean.Faculty remain current in their knowledge of the changing demands of practice and licensure throughvarious means. All registered architects in Louisiana and AIA members are required to maintaincontinuing education on a yearly basis. The School enjoys a high percentage of licensed architectsamong its various faculty ranks. The School collaborates with the New Orleans AIA Chapter andnational in providing CEU’s for all lectures, and these are free and open to the public. Special eventsare also provided such as the biannual Sustainable Design Conference and Preservation MattersSymposia, with the dean providing full funding support to all faculty who wish to attend these events.22

<strong>Tulane</strong> University<strong>Architecture</strong> <strong>Program</strong> <strong>Report</strong>September <strong>2013</strong>Overall GoalsThe <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> supports all <strong>of</strong> the strategic imperatives identified by the university-levelD&IE Strategic Planning Task Force, which were listed in the Executive Summary. However, TSA’sprimary school-specific D&IE strategic imperatives can be identified as follows:1. Achieve and sustain a diverse and inclusive TSA community through more effective recruitmentand retention <strong>of</strong> faculty, students, and staff.2. Embed diversity and inclusive excellence in TSA research, teaching, and service.3. Strengthen the cultural competence <strong>of</strong> TSA’s community.Policy <strong>of</strong> Human Resources DevelopmentThe <strong>Tulane</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> (TSA) has a number <strong>of</strong> policies and practices designed to enhanceand support research and allow faculty to remain current in their knowledge. Research undertaken byfaculty at TSA includes the practice <strong>of</strong> design and critical practice, historical inquiry, cultural exploration,and technological innovation, among other forms.Endowed Pr<strong>of</strong>essorships:Designated TSA faculty gain support for their research and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development through arelatively large number <strong>of</strong> endowed pr<strong>of</strong>essorships that are assigned by the dean on a yearly basis andare subject to renewal or reassignment based on faculty needs and record <strong>of</strong> achievement in scholarlyoutput. There are a total <strong>of</strong> eleven endowed chairs and pr<strong>of</strong>essorships that generate funds that varyyear by year based on investment returns. The total for these allocations in AY <strong>2013</strong>/2014 is $265,035.Dean’s Fund for Excellence:Upon his arrival in fall <strong>of</strong> 2008 and initially supported by the Provost’s Office, Dean Schwartz initiated aprogram <strong>of</strong> internal seed funding for faculty research through the Dean’s Fund for Excellence. Eachyear since 2008, this fund has generated multiple grants to support individual tenured and tenure-trackfaculty and pr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>of</strong> practice or collaborative faculty teams in pursuing research, sustainingpr<strong>of</strong>essional development, and leveraging further external funds to sustain research. Over the course<strong>of</strong> the last five years, the Dean’s Fund for Excellence has distributed well over $200,000 in directsupport for faculty research and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development. The Call for Proposals for AY <strong>2013</strong>/2014went out in August, <strong>2013</strong>. The TSA Executive Committee reviews the proposals and makesrecommendations to the Dean for funding.Support for Faculty Travel:TSA supports conference and symposia participation for all tenured and tenure-track faculty membersand pr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>of</strong> practice. Support is <strong>of</strong>fered for registration fees, airfare, and accommodations fordomestic conferences. International conferences may be proposed, but given the costs associated withinternational travel, the school will only support the airfare (at economy, advance purchase rates) andconference registration fees. Accepted presentation <strong>of</strong> papers or projects is given priority overproposals for session moderation, poster session presentations, or panel discussions. Applications forthis support are sent to the Dean and include a draft <strong>of</strong> the paper to be presented, or abstract,documentation <strong>of</strong> the conference, and budget (travel documentation should include <strong>of</strong>ficial invitation,website posting <strong>of</strong> registration fee and conference hotel rates). Every conference proposal has beenfunded over the past five years, and the funding level was increased under the current dean.Faculty remain current in their knowledge <strong>of</strong> the changing demands <strong>of</strong> practice and licensure throughvarious means. All registered architects in Louisiana and AIA members are required to maintaincontinuing education on a yearly basis. The <strong>School</strong> enjoys a high percentage <strong>of</strong> licensed architectsamong its various faculty ranks. The <strong>School</strong> collaborates with the New Orleans AIA Chapter andnational in providing CEU’s for all lectures, and these are free and open to the public. Special eventsare also provided such as the biannual Sustainable Design Conference and Preservation MattersSymposia, with the dean providing full funding support to all faculty who wish to attend these events.22

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