2008 Registration Document - Rexel

2008 Registration Document - Rexel

2008 Registration Document - Rexel


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Headcount by seniorityAt December 31, <strong>2008</strong>, median seniority of the <strong>Rexel</strong>Group’s employees was 6 years.The median seniority within the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group slightlydecreased compared to 2007, where 51.2% of the employeeshave been within the enterprise for more than 6 years (incomparison with 50.5% in <strong>2008</strong>).Headcount by seniority (open-ended contracts)as at December 31, <strong>2008</strong><strong>Rexel</strong> Group 32,231South America 372North America 8,801Asia-Pacific 3,266Central andEastern Europe4,116Western Europe 15,6760% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%< 2 yearsBetween 2 years and 6 yearsBetween 6 years and 15 years> 15 yearsSubstantial variations are noted, with respect to seniority,based on geographic zones: the renewal of employees ismuch more rapid in the Asia-Pacific region (only 31.7% ofthe employees of the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group have more than 6 yearsof seniority in this zone) whereas in Western Europe,employees with more than 15 years of seniority representmore than 1/4 of the total number of employees in thiszone.5.1.2 RecruitmentsDuring <strong>2008</strong>, the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group hired 5,684 employees,irrespective of their type of contract and status, comparedto 5,080 employees in 2007.The number of hires in <strong>2008</strong> compared to 2007 increased ata less important rate than the number of employees of the<strong>Rexel</strong> Group. This evolution results from the deterioration ofthe global economic environment observed in <strong>2008</strong>.The total number of hires represents 17.1% of the <strong>Rexel</strong>Group’s total number of employees (compared to 20.2%in 2007).Number and characteristics of recruitments<strong>2008</strong>Number of recruitments 5,684Including– Open-ended contracts 80.9% i.e., 4,597 persons– Fixed-term contracts 19.1% i.e., 1,087 persons– Managers 8.4% i.e., 479 persons– Non-managers 91.6% i.e., 5,205 personsOf these 5,684 new employees, 4,597 were hired with openendedcontracts (i.e., 80.9% of recruitments). Employeeshaving joined the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group in <strong>2008</strong> hold, for the majorpart, non-managerial positions: 91.6% of recruitments (i.e.,5,205 persons).Of all recruitments, irrespective of type of contract, genderor position:− 11.3% of the hires were young graduate employees justout of school;− 7.6% of the hires were senior employees;− 0.2% of the hires were employees having reporting ahandicap.Finally, the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group set up a new indicator based onthe average time necessary to fill a vacant position: suchaverage time was 35.4 days in <strong>2008</strong>.5.1.3 Turnover of employeesThe turnover rates of employees(open-ended contracts) at December 31, <strong>2008</strong>The turnover rates include:− The entry rate: defined as the total number of hires withopen-ended contracts divided by the total number ofemployees with open-ended contracts;− The departure rate: defined as the total number ofdepartures of employees with open-ended contractsdivided by the total number of employees with openendedcontracts;− The turnover: defined as the average of the entry rate andthe departure rate.In <strong>2008</strong>, the entry rate within the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group was 14.3%.The departure rate of the employees of the <strong>Rexel</strong> Groupwas 21.8%.The positive difference between the departure rate and theentry rate is mainly due to the deterioration of the economicenvironment which resulted in the slowdown of hiring, tothe reorganizations carried out following the integrationof Hagemeyer and to the deterioration of the employmentmarket.Thus, for <strong>2008</strong>, the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group’s turnover was 17.4%.<strong>Rexel</strong> Group turnover at December 31, <strong>2008</strong>2007 <strong>2008</strong><strong>Rexel</strong> Group Turnover 19.6%* 17.4%* The 20.6% figure was published in 2007. 19.6% was the turnoverof the <strong>Rexel</strong> Group for 2007 recalculated according to the abovedefinition.The decrease in the global turnover rate of the <strong>Rexel</strong>Group mainly results from the decrease in the number ofrecruitments during <strong>2008</strong>.REXEL <strong>2008</strong> | PAGE 51

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