2008 Registration Document - Rexel

2008 Registration Document - Rexel

2008 Registration Document - Rexel


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11. Compensation of corporate officersThus, Fritz Fröhlich, François David and Joe Adorjan, as independent members, received the following compensation in respectof the financial year ended December 31, <strong>2008</strong>:MemberFinancial year endedDecember 31, 2007Financial year endedDecember 31, <strong>2008</strong>Compensation Total Compensation TotalFritz Fröhlich e114,000 e114,000As committee Chairman e10,000 e10,000As independent memberFixed portion e30,000 e30,000Variable portion e74,000 e74,000François David e93,000 e93,000As independent memberFixed portion e30,000 e30,000Variable portion e63,000 e63,000Joe Adorjan e93,000 e93,000As independent memberFixed portion e30,000 e30,000Variable portion e63,000 e63,000Total e300,000 e300,000<strong>Rexel</strong> has paid no other compensation to the members ofthe Supervisory Board for the years ended December 31,<strong>2008</strong> and December 31, 2007.11.1.2 Compensation, indemnitiesor benefits due or that may becomedue as a result of the assumption,termination or change in the functionsof corporate officersNo senior executive is entitled to compensation,indemnification or benefits due or that may become dueas a result of the assumption, termination or change in hisduties as a corporate officer of <strong>Rexel</strong> or thereafter.Moreover, the employment agreements of Jean-CharlesPauze, Nicolas Lwoff, Pascal Martin and Jean-DominiquePerret provide, under certain conditions, for payments inthe event of a termination, subject to performance criteriathat have been decided upon by the Supervisory Boardmeeting of May 13, <strong>2008</strong> and approved by the Generalshareholders’ meeting of May 20, <strong>2008</strong>.Upon proposal of the Compensation Committee, theSupervisory Board of March 30, 2009 approved themodification of the compensation of the corporate officersin order to ensure that they are consistent with the AFEP-MEDEF recommendations of October <strong>2008</strong>.Severance payments for Jean-Charles PauzeMr. Jean-Charles Pauze’s employment contract with <strong>Rexel</strong>Développement was suspended on March 1, 2007.In the event that he should no longer hold his corporateoffice at <strong>Rexel</strong>, his employment contract with <strong>Rexel</strong>Développement would once again come into effect withthe same compensation conditions as those that he wasgranted as a corporate officer.In the event that the employment contract is terminatedat the employer’s initiative, unless resulting from seriousmisconduct or gross negligence, Mr. Jean-Charles Pauzeshall be granted a severance payment equal to 24 monthsof the basic monthly salary that he had received as acorporate officer or as an employee, with the higher amountto prevail.The basic monthly salary is understood as the amount ofthe fixed gross monthly salary received for the 12 monthsprior to the notice of the termination of the contract, plusthe gross amount of the most recent bonus, excluding anyexceptional bonus, with this sum being divided by 12.This contractual indemnity is deemed to include the statutoryseverance indemnity (indemnité de licenciement légale) orseverance indemnity pursuant to the collective bargainingagreement (indemnité conventionnelle de licenciement)due, if any, as well as the compensating indemnity forhonoring the non-compete clause. It shall not apply in theevent of a retirement leave or compulsory retirement leave.PAGE 124 | REXEL <strong>2008</strong>

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