2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


therefore try to concentrate games with the support of IPv6 at the game.ipv6.czserver (at present, there is the FICS 8 chess server and the GTetrinet 9 game).In the future, we would like to focus on other areas of application, e.g., videoconferences.5.5 IPv6 Routers on PC PlatformThis partial task stems from the last year‘s project titled Routers on PC Platformand also the long-term experience with the application of software PC routersin Brno academic computer network.Basically, the following two factors are obstructing further expansion of PC routersin modern gigabit networks:1. Performance: as regards standard PCs, we are limited by the throughputof the PCI bus (approx. 1 Gbps) and the slow response of the interrupt system.2. User interface for configuration: Parameters and commands configuringthe network subsystem of the Linux or BSD operating systems and variousdaemons are dispersed in a number of files and scripts. In addition, thesefiles and scripts of various systems differ and there are considerable differences,also, between various distributions of the same operating system.On the other hand, commercial routers have sophisticated command-lineand other configuration interfaces.5.5.1 Hardware Routing AcceleratorA pure software solution of PC routers is based on the PC architecture, suitablenetwork interface cards and an operating system of the Unix type (NetBSD,FreeBSD, Linux). Packet switching (data plane) and the router control (controlplane) takes place in software. On the other hand, we have designed packetswitching in the hardware accelerator, with control functions provided by thehost computer software. The advantages of this architecture are in the combinationof the high performance of the hardware accelerator with the flexibility,user-friendly control and reliability of software routers.The COMBO6 CardThe main requirements concerning the hardware accelerator were as follows:high performance in packet switching, simple and flexible implementation, pos-8http://www.freechess.org/9http://gtetrinet.sourceforge.net/72 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

sible reprogramming of functions, also applicable at the end user‘s site and areasonable price. These requirements were ideally fulfilled by the technologyof field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA).During the initial stage of the project, it was our plan to make use of commerciallyavailable boards with FPGA circuits for the accelerator, complementedby an interface board designed by us. However, we carried out market researchand found out that commercially available boards were not up to our requirementsand that the price for these boards was also relatively high. We thereforedesigned our own hardware accelerator, COMBO6 (COmmunication MultiportBOard for IPv6), and made arrangements for its production.The designed COMBO6 card includes the following electronic circuits:• A gate array of VIRTEX II family, produced by Xilinx,• SRAM, CAM and DDRAM memory,• PCI interface circuits,• Communication port interface circuits,• Power supply and auxiliary circuits.The accelerator is divided into two interconnected parts:1. Basic PCI card,2. Communication interface card, connected with the basic card through aconnector.The advantage of this solution is the separation of the technologically complicatedmotherboard and the relatively simple interface board. If another typeof interface is required (optical, metallic), we need not develop the entire cardagain, it is enough just to design a new interface card instead.The entire project is designed as fully open with public access to all information.The COMBO6 card will, therefore, also be available for other projects. WeFigure 5.3: COMBO6 motherboardHigh-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 200273

sible reprogramming of functions, also applicable at the end user‘s site and areasonable price. These requirements were ideally fulfilled by the technologyof field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA).During the initial stage of the project, it was our plan to make use of commerciallyavailable boards with FPGA circuits for the accelerator, complementedby an interface board designed by us. However, we carried out market researchand found out that commercially available boards were not up to our requirementsand that the price for these boards was also relatively high. We thereforedesigned our own hardware accelerator, COMBO6 (COmmunication MultiportBOard for IPv6), and made arrangements for its production.The designed COMBO6 card includes the following electronic circuits:• A gate array of VIRTEX II family, produced by Xilinx,• SRAM, CAM and DDRAM memory,• PCI interface circuits,• Communication port interface circuits,• Power supply and auxiliary circuits.The accelerator is divided into two interconnected parts:1. Basic PCI card,2. Communication interface card, connected with the basic card through aconnector.The advantage of this solution is the separation of the technologically complicatedmotherboard and the relatively simple interface board. If another typeof interface is required (optical, metallic), we need not develop the entire cardagain, it is enough just to design a new interface card instead.The entire project is designed as fully open with public access to all information.The COMBO6 card will, therefore, also be available for other projects. WeFigure 5.3: COMBO6 motherboardHigh-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>73

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