2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet


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5.4 IPv6 User Services and ApplicationsIt is obvious that IPv6 will attract new users only providing that there are attractiveapplications available at least within the quality in which they are nowavailable through IPv4. Even though this is not the main objective of the project,we also attempt to migrate, with our own forces, some application servers toIPv6 or implement entirely new services based upon this protocol.5.4.1 WWW and FTP ServicesDuring the year <strong>2002</strong>, an alternative access through IPv6 was implemented in awide range of significant servers within the CESNET2 network, e.g.:• Main web server of www.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz• FTP server ftp.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz• Server of the NoseyParker search service, parker.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz• Official mirror of Debian Linux distribution, debian.ipv6.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz• FTP server of Masaryk University, Brno, ftp.muni.czThe software for data mirroring at ftp.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz was upgraded in order to enablemirroring of data through IPv6, which can be quite an interesting option takinginto account the low load on IPv6 lines.The parker.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz search server witnessed similar changes. In the collectionsection, we also completed the IPv6 support and the presentation section indicateswhich data are available through IPv6.5.4.1 Other ApplicationsServices for online discussions are particularly popular among students. Aftertheir implementation and possible connection of student hostels, we expect awave of new IPv6 users.From the available application protocols, IPv6 is available only for IRC (InternetRelay Chat). The server for this service, also supporting the IPv6 access, hasbeen established at irc.ipv6.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz.In Ostrava, there is the BBS (Bulletin Board System) server available throughTelnet and IPv6.Another interesting area of IPv6 applications is network gaming, which may takeadvantage of end-to-end connectivity that was usually not available in IPv4. WeHigh-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>71

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