2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet


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5.2.7 Connecting End Site NetworksIn order to increase the number of IPv6 subscribers, it is necessary to supportthis network protocol in the local network routers of linked institutions.Subscribers only need to activate IPv6 in their operating system, and all thenecessary configuration details (IPv6 address, mask and default gateway) willbe acquired through stateless autoconfiguration.IPv6 is currently available, to some extent, in the local networks of all connectednodes. Due to the considerable variety of router hardware and software inlocal networks and the understandable caution of local network administrators,IPv6 is usually routed with the use of a separate router that does not route IPv4.It is connected either directly, or through virtual LANs, according to the IEEE802.1Q standard.For all the important details concerning the IPv6 backbone networks and internationallinks, see Figure 5.2.Telia, AS 12992001:6c0:800:<strong>2002</strong>::3/64213.248.74.2026NET, AS66802001:718:0:b000::2/6462.40.98.1422001:6c0:800:<strong>2002</strong>::/642001:718:0:b000::/642001:660:1102:400a::/64GÉANT, AS2<strong>2002</strong>001:660:1102:400a::1/64193.51.207.243Ústí nad Labem2001:718::9195.113.144.322001:718:9:4000::/642001:718:0:11::/646COM, AS 253362001:718:0:4000::2/6462.24.64.272001:718:0:2::/642001:718:0:3::/64R1-PRG2001:718::8195.113.144.1giga0.<strong>cesnet</strong>.cz2001:718::1195.113.156.183Plzeň2001:718::5195.113.157.36Liberec2001:718::3195.113.156.2132001:718:0:4::/642001:718:0:9::/642001:718:0:5::/64Hradec Králové2001:718::6195.113.144.812001:718:0:1::/64České Budějovice2001:718::4195.113.157.522001:718:0:6::/642001:718:0:7::/642001:718:0:8::/64Ostrava2001:718::7195.113.157.5Brno2001:718::2193.84.209.2Figure 5.2: IPv6 backbone of CESNET2 – detailed viewHigh-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>69

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