2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


Service Road Fibre Line In operationLine type distance length type Regeneration since[km] [km]Prague–Č. Budějovice colour 139 N/A 2.5 G supplier 22/2/01Liberec–H. Králové colour 96 N/A 2.5 G supplier 21/1/02Ostrava–H. Králové colour 247 N/A 2.5 G supplier 1/2/02Č. Budějovice–Brno colour 226 N/A 2.5 G supplier 22/5/02Prague–Liberec colour 108 N/A 2.5 G supplier 1/6/02Prague–Brno fibre 202 323.3 2.5 G 3×ONS 15104 10/1/00Brno–Olomouc fibre 81 124.3 2.5 G 1×ONS 15104 24/5/01Ostrava–Olomouc fibre 105 149.0 1 GE 1×Cisco 3512 7/1/02Pardubice–H. Králové fibre 22 30.0 1 GE no 15/1/02Prague–Pardubice fibre 114 188.6 1 GE * 17/5/02Prague–Plzeň fibre 80 176.7 2.5 G 1×ONS 15104 1/6/02Prague–Ústí n. L. fibre 92 169.6 1 GE * 10/9/02Table 4.3: Gigabit circuits of CESNET2Line Fibre length [km] BIP NIL UUPrague–Č. Budějovice colour No No NoLiberec–H. Králové colour No No NoOstrava–H. Králové colour No No NoČ. Budějovice–Brno colour No No NoPrague–Liberec colour No No NoPrague–Brno 323.3 Yes No NoBrno–Olomouc 124.3 Yes No NoOstrava–Olomouc 149 Yes No NoPrague–Plzeň 176.7 Yes No NoPardubice–H. Králové 30 Yes Yes YesPrague–Pardubice 188.6 Yes Yes YesPrague–Ústí n. L. 156.2 Yes Yes YesTable 4.4: Types of gigabit circuits of CESNET2As regards the development and operation of the network, an important aspectwas to what extent the circuit upgrade depends on the supplier. For the classificationof circuits, see Table 4.4. UU means a circuit which may be upgradedindependently by the user. NIL are circuits without elements in the line, and BIPsignals that the price for the circuit is independent of the bandwidth.The resulting topology is depicted on a figure from October 2002. Towards theend of 2002, the additional fibres for the Olomouc–Zlín line (70.2 km long) willbe put in operation for the deployment of a Gigabit Ethernet. It is obvious thatthe price for the lease of fibres along the Olomouc–Zlín line is much lower comparedto that for the Brno–Zlín line. The original 34 Mbps circuit from Prague toÚstí n. L was replaced by the Plzeň–Ústí n. L. one.48 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

GermanyCheb10 G34 MPlzeňGÉANT 622 MFrankfurtInternationalcommoditytrafficMostNIX2.5 GKašperskéhory1GEÚstí n. L.256 k64 k34 MPrahaDěčínBlatná Písek 2.5 G128 k Vodňany 10 M256 k1GEŘež2 M10 M64 kČeské BudějoviceLiberec2.5 G 2.5 G Dvůr KrálovéPoděbrady10 M10 M 1GEKostelec 10 M64 kKutná HoraSázavaTáborVeselí n/Lužn.J. Hradec34 M2 MJablonecn.N.2.5 GAustriaPardubiceGÉANTPoznaň10 MHradec KrálovéČeská TřebováThe backbone nodes of CESNET2 are now interconnected with at least two gigabitcircuits to their neighbours. The only exceptions are Plzeň and Ústí n. L.,interconnected at the speed of 34 Mbps (which is sufficient even in the case ofa failure on the Prague–Plzeň or Prague–Ústí n. L. gigabit circuits). This makesit possible to evaluate new technology on the operational circuits without anyconsiderable limitation of the node operation. All the changes were implementedwithout having to purchase costly OC-48 cards (approx. EUR 80,000 percard).Based on our experience with time-consuming testing and error detection withinoperational circuits (it is necessary to transport devices and instruments repeatedlyto circuit ends), an arrangement was made with fibre providers for theestablishment of the Prague field fiber testbed with test loops of 200, 100, 50 and25 km, terminated in the CESNET Prague site. The prepared Prague–Brno 10GEcircuit, with the G.655 fibres (long-distance section) and G.652 (local loops) willbe also tested during its first stage as a Prague–Prague loop.2.5 G1GE2.5 G2.5 G10 MBrnoPoland2.5 GBřeclavOlomoucProstějov2.5 GVyškov4 M34 M10 MKyjov10 MLednice 256 kKrnovGÉANTBratislavaFigure 4.5: Topology of CESNET2, October 2002256 k33 kOpava1GEZlín34 MfiberlambdaSDHmicrowave Ethmicrowave FEoptical and microwave FEPoPworkplace34 MOstravaKarvináSlovakia0 km 50 km 100 km4.5 First MileThe first mile of optical circuits is considered to be the most complicated problemin the development of optical networks worldwide. Researchers frequentlyfail to reach a satisfactory solution. Commercial companies usually find thisinvestment to bear very high risks (with a possible exception of cable TV operators).A relatively successful approach is based on the assistance of municipalHigh-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 200249

GermanyCheb10 G34 MPlzeňGÉANT 622 MFrankfurtInternationalcommoditytrafficMostNIX2.5 GKašperskéhory1GEÚstí n. L.256 k64 k34 MPrahaDěčínBlatná Písek 2.5 G128 k Vodňany 10 M256 k1GEŘež2 M10 M64 kČeské BudějoviceLiberec2.5 G 2.5 G Dvůr KrálovéPoděbrady10 M10 M 1GEKostelec 10 M64 kKutná HoraSázavaTáborVeselí n/Lužn.J. Hradec34 M2 MJablonecn.N.2.5 GAustriaPardubiceGÉANTPoznaň10 MHradec KrálovéČeská TřebováThe backbone nodes of CESNET2 are now interconnected with at least two gigabitcircuits to their neighbours. The only exceptions are Plzeň and Ústí n. L.,interconnected at the speed of 34 Mbps (which is sufficient even in the case ofa failure on the Prague–Plzeň or Prague–Ústí n. L. gigabit circuits). This makesit possible to evaluate new technology on the operational circuits without anyconsiderable limitation of the node operation. All the changes were implementedwithout having to purchase costly OC-48 cards (approx. EUR 80,000 percard).Based on our experience with time-consuming testing and error detection withinoperational circuits (it is necessary to transport devices and instruments repeatedlyto circuit ends), an arrangement was made with fibre providers for theestablishment of the Prague field fiber testbed with test loops of 200, 100, 50 and25 km, terminated in the CESNET Prague site. The prepared Prague–Brno 10GEcircuit, with the G.655 fibres (long-distance section) and G.652 (local loops) willbe also tested during its first stage as a Prague–Prague loop.2.5 G1GE2.5 G2.5 G10 MBrnoPoland2.5 GBřeclavOlomoucProstějov2.5 GVyškov4 M34 M10 MKyjov10 MLednice 256 kKrnovGÉANTBratislavaFigure 4.5: Topology of CESNET2, October <strong>2002</strong>256 k33 kOpava1GEZlín34 MfiberlambdaSDHmicrowave Ethmicrowave FEoptical and microwave FEPoPworkplace34 MOstravaKarvináSlovakia0 km 50 km 100 km4.5 First MileThe first mile of optical circuits is considered to be the most complicated problemin the development of optical networks worldwide. Researchers frequentlyfail to reach a satisfactory solution. Commercial companies usually find thisinvestment to bear very high risks (with a possible exception of cable TV operators).A relatively successful approach is based on the assistance of municipalHigh-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>49

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