2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


Karviná–Ostrava, 34 Mbps (november)Opava–Ostrava, 34 Mbps (november)Zlín–Brno, 34 Mbps (november)Děčín–Ústí n. L., 34 Mbps (november)Plzeň–Cheb, 34 Mbps (november)J. Hradec–Č. Budějovice, 34 Mbps (nov)Praha–Tábor, 10 Mbps (november)Poděbrady–Praha, 10 MbpsHradec Králové–Česká Třebová, 10 MbpsBrno–Lednice, 10 MbpsFigure 3.11: Load on backbone lines – megabit lines34 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

CESNET2–GÉANT, 1.2 Gbps (october)CESNET2–Internet, 622 Mbps (november)CESNET2–NIX.CZ, 1 GbpsFigure 3.12: Load on external lines of CESNET2.changes in attitude of individual producers. The system we have been developingattempts to become universal, i.e. independent, to a maximum extent,of the producers of particular network devices. Ideally, this effort would meanthe implementation of mechanisms according to the related RFC documents orpertinent IETF recommendations.Unfortunately, the reality is different and the global tendency towards unificationand standardization in this area is relatively low and so we are forced to accommodatethis and pursue a higher level of general abstraction on one hand,and particular and targeted support for specific devices on the other hand. Thefinal architecture is likely to result in a general universal skeleton and a numberof specific drivers for individual products with a permanently reducing shareof generally applicable mechanisms. This will be the direction of our strategyin 2003.High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 200235

Karviná–Ostrava, 34 Mbps (november)Opava–Ostrava, 34 Mbps (november)Zlín–Brno, 34 Mbps (november)Děčín–Ústí n. L., 34 Mbps (november)Plzeň–Cheb, 34 Mbps (november)J. Hradec–Č. Budějovice, 34 Mbps (nov)Praha–Tábor, 10 Mbps (november)Poděbrady–Praha, 10 MbpsHradec Králové–Česká Třebová, 10 MbpsBrno–Lednice, 10 MbpsFigure 3.11: Load on backbone lines – megabit lines34 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>

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