2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


GÉANT 1.2 Gbps line. The left diagram represents the measurement with fiveminute time-step, the right one measurement with three-second time-step. Yousee that the average load is not significantly different, however, the differencesin peaks are considerable. The permanent peaks of 500 –700 Mbps will completelychange our idea of a load on what seem to be fairly free line.Figure 3.7: Influence of time step on line statistics – time step of 5 minutes(left) and 3 seconds (right)At a certain point the 1.2 Gbps capacity of the line was even exceeded. The reasonis that the physical capacity is 2.5 Gbps in fact and the 1.2 Gbps limitationis provided by the router. Statistical algorithms based on short-term history ofinterface load are used and therefore the short peaks may exceed the configuredlimit.Even more significant differences can be seen in the comparison of a five-minutetime-step with a one-second one. For the Prague–Liberec line, see Figure 3.8.The envelope peak curve is almost four times higher than the average values.3.6.3 Development Tendencies in the Operationof Backbone NetworkThe rate of utilization concerning the backbone network core has reported anevenly increasing character. The increase in the utilization of individual backbonelines is similar and the average values of December 2002 are approximatelytwice or three times higher than the average values of January 2002.The following diagrams of the backbone lines load depict both average valuesand the maximum peaks. These limit values are based on the highest valuesof an average five-minute load during a time interval representing a time uniton a time axis. For example, as regards year-long curves, this is the value of thehighest average five-minute load during 24 hours therefore these values do notcorrespond with the real short-time load as it was described in the previousmeasurement analysis.The first example worth mentioning is the Prague–Brno line, 2.5 Gbps. Wewould like to point out the peak utilization (a continuous flow of 2 Gbps for aperiod of two hours) of this line in the direction of Prague, reported in November2002, caused by the traffic of a MetaCentrum from Brno to Baltimore (Mary-30 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

Figure 3.8: Influence of time step on line statistics – time step of 5 minutes(left) and 1 second (right)land, USA), within the High Performance Bandwidth Challenge. Concerning theprevious analysis of the measurement method, it is obvious that a sufficientlylong, massive and particularly continuous data flow will show up also duringthe operating measurement mode.The diagrams of high-capacity backbone lines report a steady increase in thevolume, with a visible drop during the period of summer holidays. Lines witha lower speed report a solid and stabilized rate of utilization. Except for thosewhich were upgraded during the year, there are no significant increases in theutilization. These lines directly connect smaller PoPs, therefore the traffic aggregationis considerably lower, but the oscillations higher.3.6.4 Utilization of External LinesDuring the year 2002, we managed to reach and maintain the situation in whichthe capacity of the lines in question was not limiting with respect to the naturallyincreasing traffic volume. Another development trend is the increase in theoutgoing traffic compared to the incoming one, current reaching the rate of 2:1.Line Input OutputCESNET2–GÉANT (October) 15.88 TB 19.22 TBCESNET2–Internet (November) 40.77 TB 94.24 TBCESNET2–NIX.CZ (November) 8.12 TB 10.11 TBTable 3.1: Summary of the external linesIn general, we may say that the networks of members of the CESNET associationand the CESNET2 backbone network offer an abundance of attractive sourcesof data which are subject to continuous interest among the community of usersand which have a critical share in the long-term development of line load.This particularly concerns the distribution archives of free operating systems(Linux, BSD) and other free software. The quality of these internal sources considerablycuts down the requirements of our users concerning data transmissionfrom external networks towards CESNET2.High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 200231

GÉANT 1.2 Gbps line. The left diagram represents the measurement with fiveminute time-step, the right one measurement with three-second time-step. Yousee that the average load is not significantly different, however, the differencesin peaks are considerable. The permanent peaks of 500 –700 Mbps will completelychange our idea of a load on what seem to be fairly free line.Figure 3.7: Influence of time step on line statistics – time step of 5 minutes(left) and 3 seconds (right)At a certain point the 1.2 Gbps capacity of the line was even exceeded. The reasonis that the physical capacity is 2.5 Gbps in fact and the 1.2 Gbps limitationis provided by the router. Statistical algorithms based on short-term history ofinterface load are used and therefore the short peaks may exceed the configuredlimit.Even more significant differences can be seen in the comparison of a five-minutetime-step with a one-second one. For the Prague–Liberec line, see Figure 3.8.The envelope peak curve is almost four times higher than the average values.3.6.3 Development Tendencies in the Operationof Backbone NetworkThe rate of utilization concerning the backbone network core has reported anevenly increasing character. The increase in the utilization of individual backbonelines is similar and the average values of December <strong>2002</strong> are approximatelytwice or three times higher than the average values of January <strong>2002</strong>.The following diagrams of the backbone lines load depict both average valuesand the maximum peaks. These limit values are based on the highest valuesof an average five-minute load during a time interval representing a time uniton a time axis. For example, as regards year-long curves, this is the value of thehighest average five-minute load during 24 hours therefore these values do notcorrespond with the real short-time load as it was described in the previousmeasurement analysis.The first example worth mentioning is the Prague–Brno line, 2.5 Gbps. Wewould like to point out the peak utilization (a continuous flow of 2 Gbps for aperiod of two hours) of this line in the direction of Prague, reported in November<strong>2002</strong>, caused by the traffic of a MetaCentrum from Brno to Baltimore (Mary-30 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>

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