2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


The simplest tested device in its standard operation mode with the data flowof 5 Mbps provides a quality that is far below the requirements. However, itmight be suitable for certain special cases, such as broadcasting a lecture to alarge hall. For demanding broadcasts, it is necessary to focus on the ML@P422devices.Figure 22.1: Optibase cardBesides the preparation and evaluation of the actual tests, we performed practicalvideo transmissions as well. Within real operation, many other problemswill arise. Therefore, we established an ATM line between VFU Brno and theMendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno (MZLU Brno) in 2002.This line is utilized mainly for performing comparative tests. As a referencetechnology, we use the AVA/ATV 300 device. For the same purpose, we use alsothe infrastructure of VFU Brno.In the second half-year, the activities of the group were partially suppressed.Due to certain unclear aspects, the technical equipment needed was not purchased.Therefore, we did not carry out the intended long-distance broadcast.Despite this fact, we continued in the work we started. If the further continuationof the project is justified, the planned test will be performed in 2003 and the212 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

international-scale broadcast will be tested subsequently. Within our collaborationwith Slovak colleagues, a broadcast between VFU Brno and the VeterinaryUniversity in Košice (Veterinární univerza v Košicích) will be performed.We have ensured optimal conditions for creating professional TV broadcasts atthe CIT VFU Brno. We have built a quality AV centre with professional equipment.Other workplaces are being created at cooperating schools – the NaturalScience Faculty of Charles University in Prague (PřF UK Praha), the Brno Universityof Technology (VUT Brno), MZLU Brno.In accordance with project objectives, the group of researchers elaborated severaldocuments. The basic document is the technical report describing technicalcharacteristics of the TV signal and providing a summary of used standardsand compression levels organized by their usage area (from professional systemsto simple consumer and amateur systems).We processed materials describing the testing methodology. We carried out asurvey of the interest of universities in special videoconferences and elaborateda summary about suitable devices.The individual members of the group were involved significantly in promotionof these technologies. We actively participated in a number of events both inthe Czech Republic, and abroad. In addition to our standard publishing activities,we organized a specialized seminar focused on multimedia broadcasts atCharles University (Univerzita Karlova) in Prague. Because of the high interestin this seminar, we plan to continue and expand this event.High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002213

The simplest tested device in its standard operation mode with the data flowof 5 Mbps provides a quality that is far below the requirements. However, itmight be suitable for certain special cases, such as broadcasting a lecture to alarge hall. For demanding broadcasts, it is necessary to focus on the ML@P422devices.Figure 22.1: Optibase cardBesides the preparation and evaluation of the actual tests, we performed practicalvideo transmissions as well. Within real operation, many other problemswill arise. Therefore, we established an ATM line between VFU Brno and theMendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno (MZLU Brno) in <strong>2002</strong>.This line is utilized mainly for performing comparative tests. As a referencetechnology, we use the AVA/ATV 300 device. For the same purpose, we use alsothe infrastructure of VFU Brno.In the second half-year, the activities of the group were partially suppressed.Due to certain unclear aspects, the technical equipment needed was not purchased.Therefore, we did not carry out the intended long-distance broadcast.Despite this fact, we continued in the work we started. If the further continuationof the project is justified, the planned test will be performed in 2003 and the212 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>

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