2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet


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Standard manipulator (privileged user): Detailed description of the requestprocessing capabilities, request search, working with bookmarks, andlinks between requests.Queue administrator: Brief description of the requests processing supervision,queue manipulators administration, and administration of keywordswith respect to the importance of these individual activities.System administrator: This section contains a very detailed description ofthe most important and most frequent tasks of the administrator ofthe entire system (creation, modification and deletion of user accounts,known restrictions of user accounts, adding of a new queue,removement of an unused queue, performing of modifications andupgrades).The last part of the document outlines the future system development (physicaldatabase separation, PGP integration, GnuPG generally with PKI, migration toRT 3.0, FAQ generation) and also reminds of the existing documentation in theconclusion.Basic information about the RT system will be published in the root Internet dailyin the near future with the possibility to further cooperate on a more detaileddescription of the installation, configuration, and operation of this application.18.3 Future Plans and the WorkProgress ExpectedWe plan to keep on running and further developing this system. Our first stepwill be to complete the trouble tickets migration into the existing RT system andprovide the possibility of creating the reports required.We intend to keep pace with the world in the area of the development and testingof the new RT system version 3 and plan to create a project for migrating tothis version.We want to put the authenticated e-mail correspondence with the RT systemusing the PGP (or GnuPG) standard into the routine operation.To speed up the responses, we plan to transfer the database part of the systemto a separated database server. This server can also perform the function of ahot-swap backup.The changes performed will be reflected both in the appropriate documentationsintended for users, and in the reference technical report.High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>191

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