2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


Security of computer networks has become an issue of higher and higher importance.This is why we have come up with the project of Security of CESNET2Local Networks, offering security tools to the administrators of networks connectedto the academic backbone. Moreover, the tools which now help protectnetworks have witnessed significant development, sometimes based on trulyunconventional methods. We try to provide information about these systemsand their completions, which we have developed. In particular, we focus on theNESSUS, SNORT and LaBrea open source products.The purpose of the NTP Server Linked to State Time Standard is to develop andoffer out a high-quality server for time synchronization. The development workis carried out in collaboration with the Ústav radiotechniky a elektroniky (Instituteof Radio-Engineering and Electronics) of the Czech Academy of Sciences,responsible for the state time and frequency standards. We have drawn up theconcept of the entire system, comparing time information from various sources,designed the necessary proprietary hardware components and launched thepilot operation.Within the project titled Platforms for Streaming and Collaboration concerningVideocontent, we succeeded in upgrading the association’s streaming platform.This was particularly based on the launch of a proxy upload server and its linkingto the CAAS system. We also tested devices for the shared production of videodata.As well, we participated in the broadcasting of prestigious internationalconferences and other activities, co-organized by CESNET or its members.Special Videoconferences focus on the issues of high-quality videoconferences.In addition to the transmission of video signal for sectors requiring high qualityof video data, we have also concentrated on the testing of available devices andthe search for suitable technologies for videoconferences with the necessaryparameters.16 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

3 Operation of CESNET2During 2002, the CESNET2 backbone network witnessed a number of significantchanges. We managed to solve problems concerning the stability of the networkand the backbone routers, caused particularly by errors in the router operatingsystems. The stabilisation of the network was successful thanks to the technicalteam comprising network administrators, members of the supplier’s team andthe representatives of the router manufacturer (Cisco Systems). We managed tosolve long-term problems concerning the multicast distribution and identified afunctional and stable solution within the MPLS environment.Second stage of the implementation and the completion of the current networkcommenced in the second half of the year. We announced an invitation for bidsand selected the technology and the supplier of powerful gigabit access routersof the MPLS network (PE routers).We concluded a contract with the manufacturer of routers, for extra support tothe backbone network operation, prompt solution to operating troubles, supportconcerning the design of the network topology, as well as for the proactivemonitoring of the backbone network operation. There are more NREN networksthat make use of this support and the experience gained during the previousperiod confirm, without any doubt, that – taking into account the research characterof the network – it is necessary to solve problems with higher prioritiesand have better access to the manufacturer’s internal sources.The main objective of CESNET2 is to offer permanent and quick access to allsources within the Internet. It is therefore necessary to design and operate thisnetwork in order to make sure that no experiments threaten its stability and thereliability of the offered services.3.1 GÉANT – European Backbone NetworkDuring the first half of 2002, the basic infrastructure of the pan-European backboneGÉANT was completed (see Figure 3.1). Its core is built on 10 Gbps lines(STM-64/OC-192). Other circuits have a typical capacity from 2.5 Gbps (STM-16/OC-48) to 155 Mbps (STM-1). GÉANT’s Prague node (GigaPoP) is connected toGermany (Frankfurt) with a 10 Gbps line and to Poland (Poznań) and Slovakia(Bratislava) with two 2.5 Gbps lines. The node is located directly on the premisesof CESNET.The GÉANT network is connected with North American research networks withtwo transatlantic 2.5 Gbps lines, terminated in a GigaPoP in New York, and an-High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 200217

3 Operation of CESNET2During <strong>2002</strong>, the CESNET2 backbone network witnessed a number of significantchanges. We managed to solve problems concerning the stability of the networkand the backbone routers, caused particularly by errors in the router operatingsystems. The stabilisation of the network was successful thanks to the technicalteam comprising network administrators, members of the supplier’s team andthe representatives of the router manufacturer (Cisco Systems). We managed tosolve long-term problems concerning the multicast distribution and identified afunctional and stable solution within the MPLS environment.Second stage of the implementation and the completion of the current networkcommenced in the second half of the year. We announced an invitation for bidsand selected the technology and the supplier of powerful gigabit access routersof the MPLS network (PE routers).We concluded a contract with the manufacturer of routers, for extra support tothe backbone network operation, prompt solution to operating troubles, supportconcerning the design of the network topology, as well as for the proactivemonitoring of the backbone network operation. There are more NREN networksthat make use of this support and the experience gained during the previousperiod confirm, without any doubt, that – taking into account the research characterof the network – it is necessary to solve problems with higher prioritiesand have better access to the manufacturer’s internal sources.The main objective of CESNET2 is to offer permanent and quick access to allsources within the Internet. It is therefore necessary to design and operate thisnetwork in order to make sure that no experiments threaten its stability and thereliability of the offered services.3.1 GÉANT – European Backbone NetworkDuring the first half of <strong>2002</strong>, the basic infrastructure of the pan-European backboneGÉANT was completed (see Figure 3.1). Its core is built on 10 Gbps lines(STM-64/OC-192). Other circuits have a typical capacity from 2.5 Gbps (STM-16/OC-48) to 155 Mbps (STM-1). GÉANT’s Prague node (GigaPoP) is connected toGermany (Frankfurt) with a 10 Gbps line and to Poland (Poznań) and Slovakia(Bratislava) with two 2.5 Gbps lines. The node is located directly on the premisesof CESNET.The GÉANT network is connected with North American research networks withtwo transatlantic 2.5 Gbps lines, terminated in a GigaPoP in New York, and an-High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>17

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