2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet 2002 - cesnet


After the tests, we deployed hardware IP phones to three different localities– Prague, Ostrava, and Plzeň. Call Managers were temporarily registered topublic dialing prefixes. By doing so, the whole solution became available withinthe public telephony network. Unfortunately, after certain changes in our provider,we lost the arranged prefix, and therefore the contact centre becameinaccessible for the external testing.ICMCallManagerIP-IVRIPCCsupervisorManagementCESNET2supervisorManagementIP-IVRICMCallManagerIPCCIP phoneIP phoneIP phoneAgentUsersCESNET PrahaVoiceGatewayPBXVoIP interfacepublicphonenetworkVoiceGatewayPBXVoIP interfaceVŠB OstravaIP phoneIP phoneIP phoneAgentUsersFigure 14.2: Current distributed IPCC connectionIPCC operates currently at private dial numbers, where the system is working,including the definition of waiting queues and operators. At the end of the year,we managed to obtain dialing prefixes from the Ostrava range. We will make theentire system available again, within the newly assigned prefixes, at the beginningof the next year.In the future, we expect utilization of this solution for the needs of CESNET and/or its members. The solution can be used as a branch exchange or help-desk.168 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002

15 Intelligent NetFlow AnalyserThe specification of the Intelligent NetFlow Analyser required developing of amodular distributed system entitled NetFlow Monitor that would allow evaluationof the network traffic by processing NetFlow statistics exported from Ciscorouters.The monitor should make it possible to perform the traffic analysis almost inreal-time mode. Besides that, the intelligent filtration, aggregation, and statisticdata evaluation should be provided and the system should offer the multi-criteriadata selection on the level of individual data flows, as well (e.g., by source/target IP address, protocol, ports, etc.). The system is also comprised of heuristicmethods allowing processing of protocols with dynamically changing ports.In addition, the system should be able to intelligently notify about suspiciousnetwork traffic activities (for example security incidents, routing errors, etc.) bysending warning messages.The whole system is divided into three blocks:• executive core – NetFlow Collector• user interface – NetFlow Monitor• sending of warning messages – NetFlow Event.15.1 NetFlow CollectorThe first component is written completely in the C programming language andperforms the actual processing of data received. In this half-year, we integratedsupport for the NetFlow export version 6 processing. Thus, NetFlow Monitorcurrently supports versions 1, 5, 6, and 7. The support for certain types of statisticsfrom version 8 is under development. We are also working on the NetFlowexport version 9 support, which is available in selected Cisco Systems devicessince June 2002.The NetFlow Collector already supports some basic modules. An example canbe the module for forwarding a data flow to a different target (NetFlow Forwardermodule). This module ensures sending of the NetFlow exports to oneor more IP addresses and selected ports.Another module is, for example, the input data filter, which uses input accesslists (ACL) for its operation – i.e., lists of subjects from which the NetFlow exportscan be received. The last module example is a part of the database storageof received and processed NetFlow exports. Besides storing data from theinternal cache memory into the MySQL database, the functions of the exportmodule also include aggregation of individual pieces of information about dataflows with time.High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications 2002169

After the tests, we deployed hardware IP phones to three different localities– Prague, Ostrava, and Plzeň. Call Managers were temporarily registered topublic dialing prefixes. By doing so, the whole solution became available withinthe public telephony network. Unfortunately, after certain changes in our provider,we lost the arranged prefix, and therefore the contact centre becameinaccessible for the external testing.ICMCallManagerIP-IVRIPCCsupervisorManagementCESNET2supervisorManagementIP-IVRICMCallManagerIPCCIP phoneIP phoneIP phoneAgentUsersCESNET PrahaVoiceGatewayPBXVoIP interfacepublicphonenetworkVoiceGatewayPBXVoIP interfaceVŠB OstravaIP phoneIP phoneIP phoneAgentUsersFigure 14.2: Current distributed IPCC connectionIPCC operates currently at private dial numbers, where the system is working,including the definition of waiting queues and operators. At the end of the year,we managed to obtain dialing prefixes from the Ostrava range. We will make theentire system available again, within the newly assigned prefixes, at the beginningof the next year.In the future, we expect utilization of this solution for the needs of CESNET and/or its members. The solution can be used as a branch exchange or help-desk.168 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>

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