2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet

2002 - cesnet


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and experience for applications of similar systems on a wider scale and finallyon publishing and enlightenment activities in the remote education supportsphere.13.2 Distance Learning Support by CES-NETThe objective of this sub-project was to create and publish information onproven methods and products for the efficient creation and use of materialsand services for eLearning, especially in the form of a Web portal.Currently, a fast development in the usage of Internet technologies within education(eLearning) is evolving in the Czech Republic. Leading Czech universitiesintegrate these didactic methods into the practical teaching, as well as spendconsiderable resources (both financial and personal) for the development ofonline courses. Therefore, it is possible to assume that other educational institutionswill join this effort.For the CESNET association, as an organization providing network services,mainly to the academic society, it seems promising to engage in this area andattempt to gain an important position in coordination of eLearning activities inthe Czech Republic and – depending on possibilities – also in provision of accompanyingservices.One of the existing problems of eLearning development in the Czech Republicis the high level of fragmentation of activities not only among different universities,but often even inside the universities. Many workplaces do not have informationon what is being created at other universities and are totally unable tomonitor news from world leading workplaces. Besides, there is no grasp of thepossibilities as to where to obtain support for one’s activities.That is why the need arose to create an information server that will enableinterested persons from a given branch to easily and quickly find importantinformation on eLearning. The portal is created mainly for Czech universities.These institutions are also offered the possibility to participate in its data content.Concerning the depth of information provided, the portal focuses on thewhole spectrum of users – i.e., from beginners who seek general information onmodern education forms, up to top professionals who need to gain up-to-datedata about new trends and world development in their branch.Keeping track of the latest information and knowledge or searching for the informationneeded in dozens of existing sources is very time consuming. Individualuniversities were therefore invited to work together on the portal data content.158 High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications <strong>2002</strong>

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