West Essex News - West Essex Regional School District / Overview

West Essex News - West Essex Regional School District / Overview

West Essex News - West Essex Regional School District / Overview


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W E S T E S S E X B O A R DO F E D U C A T I O N<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>News</strong>UpcomingEvents:May 6-16: APExamsMay 8: Middle<strong>School</strong>Choral ConcertMay 10: Middle<strong>School</strong>Choral, Bandand OrchestraTrip toDorney ParkMay 13: BOEmeetingMay 14:WEFE/PTOMeetingMay 16: High<strong>School</strong> ArtShow, Band& ChoralConcertMay 19:WEFE 5K“Trotting forTechnology”Events:National Honor Society Inducts New MembersThe <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> National Honor Societyheld its annual induction ceremony onApril 18.The seniors honored scienceteacher Dr. Denise D'Meo as Teacher ofthe Year. Ben Gersten and DominiqueRuszala each gave speeches about Dr.D'Meo and spoke about their learningexperiences in her chemistry classes.This year 85 juniors and three seniorswere inducted into the society at a specialceremony in the High <strong>School</strong> Auditorium.In her address, President ZoeElfenbein said the society “prides itselfupon the balanced structure of fourmain pillars: scholarship, leadership,service and character.” (Pictured right,above, the inductees, and right, the society’sofficers (left to right): Zoe Elfenbein(president), Ally Gonzalez (co-vicepresident), Nick Soriano (treasurer) AllyPetronchak (co-vice president), and-Tommy Haversang (treasurer.)Football Players NamedAll-Stars<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Football PlayersNour Aly and ChristianRusso (pictured left andcenter) have been chosento represent <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> inthe East vs. <strong>West</strong> All-StarFootball Game June 10 atRobeson Field in East Orange.Mike Realbuto (right)will pay in the North/Southgame this summer. GoKnights!S E S E P T . 7 , 2 0 1 2M A Y 6 , 2 0 1 3

P A G E 2Middle <strong>School</strong> May Students of the Month<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> participated in“Lace up for Boston” April26 with students and staffsporting running shoes toshow support for the peopleof Boston.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Middle<strong>School</strong> has announcedthe students of themonth for May. Picturedabove with AssistantPrincipal DavidMontgomery, the seventhgrade studentsof the month are:Nicole Apicelli andPaul Fillipow. Picturedright with Mr.Montgomery, theeighth grade studentsof the monthare: Jesse Katz andSara Castro. Eachmonth the middleschool recognizes andhonors two studentsin each grade. Middle<strong>School</strong> staff selectsstudents based on theMore <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>News</strong>“whole student,” notjust the best grades.They are recognizedfor positive charactertraits. Winners receivea $5 gift card to thestudent store, a lockermagnet and a certificate.W E S TE S S E XN E W SWEMS honored its SumdogContest winners: JakeBrodsky, Meera Ramrakrishnan,Sydney McEntee andOlivia RanucciW E S T E S S E X N E W SThe National ScienceCenter Outreach ProgramScience Mobilevisited <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Middle<strong>School</strong> April 22. Studentsvisited the mobileduring their science classesand got to try out somehands-on interactive andfun science demonstrations.(Above, SydneeMcEntee laughs at her hairin the mirror as educatorSteve Navarro holds up amirror.)Juniors should sign upnow for senior portraitsMay 20-23. For information,visit www.westex.org.Attention Class of 2014Parents: Volunteers areneeded to chaperone thisyear's "Project Graduation2013" on Friday, June 21from 8:30 p.m. to 3:00a.m. Two-hour shifts areavailable or parentscan stay for the entireevent. Please contact LauraRubinich atLLRUBE@comcast.net if interested.The Senior Events Calendaris now available on the<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> website as wellas permission forms for upcomingevents.Project Graduation<strong>News</strong>Seniors who would like toattend Project Graduation2013 can have theirparents send a check for$250 payable to ProjectGraduation 2013 to BarbaraDrum, 16 Donna Dr.,Fairfield, NJ 07004. Emailbrd4@comcast.net withquestions.Attention parents of theclass of 2016, The ProjectGraduation form isnow available. Please printout a copy and mail withpayment Jane RasoSalmon, 3 Drift Way, Roseland,NJ 07068.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> alum GlenSchofield, (below), classof 1979, visited <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong>April 23 to talk abouthis artistic journey. He isan award-winning videogame designer.

M A Y 6 , 2 0 1 3<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> BriefsP A G E 3On April 23, the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Chapter of the NationalArt Honor Society inducted 41 newmembers in a ceremony held in HS Cafeteria.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Observed “Take Your Child toWork Day” April 25 with special science, artand physical education activities. Children ofstaff spent a fun-filled day with their parentslearning about their jobs. (Above, Science SupervisorElizabeth Ricafort explains an experimentto children.)The <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of Educationhas decided to use two unused snow/emergency days to lengthen Memorial DayWeekend. Please note that <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> willnot have school May 24 and 28. <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong>will reopen May 29.Members of the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High <strong>School</strong> ArtClub spent an afternoon after-school creatingbeautiful pastel chalk drawings of flowers, butterfliesand other spring-themed drawings outsideon the sidewalks in front of the highschool. (Below, Drew Pappas with his drawing.Bottom, right Jessica Chmielewski and GiannaSacco-Calderone with their “Spring” drawing.)The <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Foundation for Education will hold its3rd annual 5K “Trotting for Technology Sunday May 19at 9 a.m. on the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> campus. Registrants will be enteredin a raffle for four Taylor Swift concert tickets and mustbe present at the 5K to win. The 5K is a USATF Certified Run/Walk. For information, registration and sponsorship information,please visit the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> website at www.westex.org.Timing is by CompuScore. All proceeds will benefit technologyimprovements at <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>School</strong>s.

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